The actions that are taken are a three-pronged attack in order to foster in global governance, and they are as such:
The world war is the most important part of it all, in the eyes of the globalists. The Great Depression culminated in a world war, and periods of economic upheaval are always followed by wars. The war is most needed by the globalists because they need to rid the world of about 7 billion people. This is why such experimentation as you see progresses: infecting vectors such as mosquitoes with viruses that are almost immune to antibiotics, the unearthing of ancient viruses in the permafrost and frozen areas of the Arctic, and the insect-sized drones and smaller nanobots touted to bring a cure but in reality capable of delivering disease.
You are seeing the destruction of the nationalism that exists in Europe: globalists such as Merkel are destroying their own countries from within by introducing hostile and ethnically (as well as religiously) diverse elements. The countries are submitting to the “World Court” based in The Hague: a court that (similar to the U.S. Supreme Court) is using its powers to circumvent the nations…the laws of the French, the Italians, the British, the Germans…all of Europe…and inculcate doctrines both globalist and Malthusian in nature.
The oligarchs of all of these nations will have a “seat at the table” to carve up what remains of the earth after they finish with a war that decimates the population, leaves a compliant few remaining who are dependent upon the oligarch-politicos’ whims for life itself, and places the wealth, power, and resources in their hands.
Sound as if it’s science fiction? It is not. You want some evidence of this, look no further than China: the testing ground for the electronic surveillance state that will soon be pervasive all over the globe. In an article from 10/26/18, by France24 entitled Armed drones, iris scanners: China’s high-tech security gadgets, an exhibition in Beijing exposed these measures and more. Facial recognition to the maximum was demonstrated on the conference attendees. Smart sunglasses that sound an alarm when an enemy of the state is spotted. Iris recognition scanners, and drones that are able to respond with guns.
“Smart” homes…with every imaginable device from refrigerators to smart locks…all interacting with one another…. and of course, with Chinese “law enforcement,” the State Security agencies.
China is the “testing” ground, and their “methods” are being incorporated in the U.S.
On 10/26/18, Papers, Please! reported something huge; an article entitled TSA Confirms Biometrics, Facial Recognition To Be Condition For All Air Travelers.
I wrote a piece recently a few weeks ago in which the TSA complained about the delays and inabilities to take biometric information because of the “pesky airlines” and their schedules for passengers, and I wrote that soon the biometrics will be ubiquitous and unavoidable.
Here it is, in our faces.
Soon will come the issuance of internal passports. As it stands, if you want to fly from New York to Los Angeles, biometric ID will be mandatory. Or just short commuter flights, say from Miami to D.C.
The internal passports are coming.
It won’t be enough to tell where you’re going. Why are you going there? For what, and by whose authority? If you think travel papers are not coming along, think again. Yes, we’re behind what the President is doing about the approaching caravan of illegals and criminals.
Just remember: every fence that keeps something out can also keep something in.
The invasion of the United States from a physical perspective would be very difficult. Yes, behind every blade of grass a rifle, we know. The main thing they wish is to take most of it intact because of the resources. The population is a “nominal” consideration, as long as they can preserve about a half million to a million to serve as laborers and perhaps a breeding stock/organ donors. Sound bleak? It should…it is meant to serve as a warning. They want it all in one lightning-fast action, and the best way…the easiest is to start a war…one that takes the United States out in one fell swoop.
All of us have watched and seen our country descend into a moral morass from which only the citizens at grass roots level, following faith in one another…being decent to one another…and holding on to faith in God can extricate us, along with the desire to survive…and survive “smart,” to make it through what is coming. It can only be prepared for incrementally and in areas of the country that most think it worthless or impossible to live in. So many have challenged writers to “propose a plan,” and what they mean is “resistance” or “open revolt.” It would be laughably stupid if not for the fact that many ask for a proposition in writing for a definitive reason, and a definitive strategy:
They want it in writing because they are shills for the government, and want a writer to place such a thing in writing…fomenting dissent…justification to take the writer (and possibly the blog) down…while they continue in their “writing position” in the comments sections.
Every word here is recorded by XKeyscore…mine and yours… and stored in the NSA database in Utah, under a file for “dissenters,” “agitators,” and every other descriptive label that can be thought of for those who champion critical thought and independent thinking. Every conservative-minded journalist or writer who dares to espouse these views and theories is being recorded and kept under some kind of watch. You can be certain of it. Many are either shutting down or “knuckling under” and complying.
The globalists are getting what they wish: consolidating the resources while they “tank” the fiat economies and currencies of the nations. They are destroying cultures who just a mere two centuries ago would have armed their entire male populaces with swords and sent invaders either packing or in pieces.
They are destroying cultures by making them question themselves! The greatest tactic imaginable!
I submit this last for your perusal. Do you know who you are? The question is not just as simple as it seems. Let’s delve deeply. Do you really know who you are, where your family originates? Your heritage, and its strengths and weaknesses? Is that heritage yours, along with your heritage as an American citizen? It is not important that I, or others should know of these strengths…not at this moment in time. The world war is yet to come. As Shakespeare said, “To thine own self be true.” This is important for you…to know it and hold fast to it. We are in the decline of the American nation-now-empire.
When the dust settles, you’ll know who will run with the ball even with three blockers against them and will manage to slip the tackles or forearm shiver them in the face, outside of the ref’s eye, to run that ball in. The Marquis of Queensbury is dead, and those rules will go out the window. When the dust settles, those who had the foresight and acted on it will be the ones who will be given a gift: a chance to participate in what is to come. Stay in that good fight, and fight it to win…each day.
Jeremiah Johnson is the Nom de plume of a retired Green Beret of the United States Army Special Forces (Airborne). Mr. Johnson is also a Gunsmith, a Certified Master Herbalist, a Montana Master Food Preserver, and a graduate of the U.S. Army’s SERE school (Survival Evasion Resistance Escape). He lives in a cabin in the mountains of Western Montana with his wife and three cats. You can follow Jeremiah’s regular writings at SHTFplan.com or contact him here.
This article may be republished or excerpted with proper attribution to the author and a link to www.SHTFplan.com.
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Jeremiah has a good point. XKeyscore. All of us need to think a sec before we type. I’ve known of it since about 2008. But, in the day to day, heat of the moment, I forget just how insidious it is. And how much it knows of me. Too damned much. Recently sat with some friends and we all laughed a grave-yard laugh when we joked that “we’re all on ‘the’ list”. For we are.
Be cognitive of agent provocateurs that goat on conversations with violent statements.
. . .goad. . .
Here is a BOMBSHELL !!! Guess who is the brother-in-law of Dr. Blaise Ford who falsely claimed that Kavanaugh assaulted her in high school ??? Can you say …. CONSPIRACY ???
Thanks a million for that link. “I’ll pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today”.
Seriously, if we remotely had investigative reporters in the MSM this would have been uncovered and presented before the public. The 1996 Telecommunications Act, signed into law by Bill Clinton certainly removed the last vestige of real media from the media. This is in plain sight, Ray Charles could find it.
Heartless, a lot of patriots have ‘lists’ of their own. The other side doesn’t realize that ‘lists’ are a 2-way street; double-edged sword, so to speak.
It’s scary, the way we are all going along with it. I say we, none of us are doing much except sitting here crying about it. Unless we find a way to unite forget it. No one wants to die or go to jail so we get slaughtered hoping we might get lucky. Be different if a couple million heavily armed stood up. What’s the chance of that? I hate being pessimistic but look whats already happened.
The mere fact that They/them are constructing these control measures is proof that something is coming and they are going to maintain control.
I don’t know when it will get here but something bad is coming.
QUESTION: I just used the FoodSaver vacuum sealer jar attachment/with oxygen absorbers to can/jar 48 pounds of “Whole Bean Roasted Coffee”. Will this work? Any input appreciated, because I would hate to waste $250.00. That’s a lot, which is probably why I put off prepping coffee.
One thing I do know is that when the bean dries out and loses much of its oil then the flavor does suffer.
The flip side of the coin is though it might lose some flavor it’ll still be better than no coffee.
repr sleepr, I read the whole bean coffee will store better than ground. Also, that canning with oxygen absorbers is a good way to store food long term.
I looked at storing UnRoasted/Green Coffee but it was twice as expensive on Amazon as what I paid at Costco.
Another person on this site indicated that he had first hand experience with canned ground coffee that was 10 years old and it was okay. I will split my stash between home canning whole bean and ground store bought in a can.
I am reluctant to go the whole Roast your own beans method!
Your asses are about to get fried… and all you dumb muthfckers can talk about is CAWfee???
I have prepped INSTANT coffee. All premium beans from Walmart (Great Value) and Micky D’s. Already vacuum sealed. And I prefer instant coffee. 🙂
People love their comforts.
People can not see the obvious HELL before us.
Coffee is important. If hell hounds are on your heels. Things are better after a cup of joe. Right?
I used to eat hershey kisses during fire fights when hunkered down.(but messy melt) Reeses Pieces also a fave. Handing them out to you squad brings it down as rounds zip past.
Justice, To store the longest, use green beans that have not been roasted, vacuum seal them with both an oxygen absorber and a moisture absorber.
You can roast the beans yourself in an oven or even over a camp fire, then use a hand crank bean grinder to grind the roasted beans.
You can buy the green beans in 25lb or 50lb bags online.
Copan Trade has good prices on quality green beans, they ship really fast usually within 24 to 48 hours.
Also Instant coffee with oxygen & moisture absorbers store very well.
Prepare like something is going to happen tomorrow. I do something daily to prepare…adds up after awhile.
I have told you for YEARS: No one listens
– – Technology purpose is to be used by the Tech Mafia and Governments to target people. The “theys” leftist don’t want around. Silent Weapons for silent wars.
– – 5G network is a Survielence-Targeting-KILL Weapon
– – Cell phones are not just phone. Phone feature is just an excuse to make you want to carry it around. The purpose of cell phone is a mass surevielence and snitch device. Cell phone is a device for China spies to get access to USA technology. EVERYTHING tech from China is compromised. I told US military a DECADE ago. No one listens. CHINA IS AN ENEMY.
– – Google is not a Search engine. The search feature is there so you will enter data that can be bought, sold, and used by Tech Mafia and governments to surviel you and track your movements.
– – FaceBook is not a social media platform. The social media function is there so you enter data that is bought-sold, and used by Tech Mafia and governments to TRACKI your associations.
– – Cable TV box is a market gathering and Survielence system. ALL coverstions are recorded. Barometric pressure devices embeded in cable box-phone-cell phones can tell when you are leaving/entering.
SILENT WEAPONS FOR QUITE WARS. YOU are considered the enemy.
Like in the Bible Eve offered the fruit of good and evil to suck humanity in. Tech is the fruit to suck you in. ALL INFO you give will be used to target and ELIMINATE you. When 5g is fully operational. Five years after. The targeting will be apparent even to the blind.
Tech Mafia and Governments seek to control-target-eliminate anyone not being duped.
“Sam’s Club Now” in Dallas Texas will have store on lower greenville where no cash allowed, very few employees, within the month. You must have a cell phone and upload the Sam’s Now app.
Everything Tech will be used to track-surviel-decieve-target-eliminate. *******Quite Weapons for Quite Wars.
YOU are thier enemy. Tech Mafia and Government wants you gone. Wake the hell up. Stop being gullible children.
“Deplorables” are targeted. Chritians are Targeted. Patriots are demonised and targeted. ALL FOR ELIMINATION.
Robots and AI have made you useless eaters obsolete. That is thier viewpoint. GMO Food-5G triangulation and ghz targeting by 5g and sattelites-Flu shots-Weather modification will eliminate us nicely for the “Tech Elite”.
PREPARE. TRAIN. Get off your fat out of shape ass and get ready for the future. Stop being distracted/decieved.
Pray to Jesus Christ. Who’s side are you on?
Will you submit to the Beast System? The choice has always been yours. Who do you serve?
So, uh, are you using any tech?
You will NEVER get todays society to give up the tech they cannot live without. the ENTIRE POLICE STATE SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM relies on the very same technology staying active in our hands and WE remaining addicted to it.
The common denominator to ALL of the Police states objectives, and unfortunately all of societies COMFORTS all rely on ONE THING. THE POWER GRID—CENTRALIZED ELECTRICITY/POWER GENERATION. Its why people are arrested and have their property confiscated if they go OFF THE GRID and OFF THE TECHNOLOGY that the POLICE STATE needs to actually exercise control. Not to mention the 5G cell system being used for surveillance but also as microwave weaponry.
people are stupid and cannot see beyond the box confines to understand that the secret to their freedom from enslavement is ESCAPING the invisible restraints of their comfort addictions. End of Story. they will NEVER give them up and thus remain firmly under the police States control. Enjoy your chains. If you cannot defend your systems and hide in plain sight using THEIR captive power grid and communications against them, you have to be completely OFF of them.
The single sole thing that will SAVE HUMANITY from itself and the PTB is an EMP/Grid Down event. It is a very dire future, but with long enough thought, people would realize that I am ABSOLUTELY correct. But NOBODY, and I mean NOBODY will ever do the ONLY thing that will save FREEDOM and People from TPTBs enslavement and control. Cut them off from the ONLY way they successfully operate. People LOVE their captors and their enslavement. End of Story.
Hope to God it does NOT happen. Never Never Never.
Billions of people would die. Grid Down EMP would be most horrible event. Resulting Starvation is horrible death.
All farming and logistic distribution requires fuel and electricity. Cities are death traps. No resources without civilisation functioning.
US Politicians refuse to put in proper protective measures that are readily available.
Politicians NOT preparing for EMP is TREASON.
Grid MUST be protected at ALL cost.
Electric Grid. Fuel supply. Furtile Farm ground. Fresh Water aquifers. All are priceless Treasures.
* Why the hell can’t more be done to secure and protect these vital assets to humanity and America?
* Why are foreigners allowed to buy USA furtile farm ground?
* Why is Fracking and diposal wells allowed over major Aquifers in farm and ranch country.
All humanity is 3 days from chaos.
people missing 6 meals would start the collapse of civilisation as we know it.
There is an old movie I highly recommend:
from 1970, “No Blade of Grass” (Tough to find.)
Pay very close attention. Watch twice to catch subtle content.
“They Live” is another movie to watch. (Tough to find. Might have to go VHS?)
May God Bless Rowdy Roddy Piper. RIP
May God Bless USA. Save her from Media and other enemies within.
You words are much better spoken and eloquent, than mine.
You are correct. Well spoken.
The power grid has something called NEST. Look it up on DuckDuckGo or StarPage search engine.
There is also IOT, Internet of Things.
There are also “smart meters”.
Top round it up “smart Street Lights. InteliStreets is one product. This garbage is in my nieghborhood.
Not to mention every moron putting cell phone up to your face when you go out in public.
Tech and 5g Allows the Few to Control-Target-KILL the many. You have been warned.
What cha gonna do Ghost Busters?
Saw on BB that Gab is down! They got de-platformed by their carrier ’cause of the Philly shooter being on their platform.
Free Speech ………..Verbotten.
You will think “left” or no speech allowed
You will be communist indoctrinated for 4 year university or no good paying job.
If you like women or if you say something that hurts three peoples little feelings, you are fired.
All they have to say is “mean man touched my toosh.”
Or “they are racist.”
FIRED. No trial. No Jury. No due process. No defense allowed. Just Fired and GONE.
Megyn Kelly
Fired. For what? They don’t think right.
Are you going to allow this suppression of free speech?
Are you going to allow US border incursion by armed invaders?
Let them list and watch it will be all for not because the watchers will be done in by there bosses. The bosses will be taken out by the supervisors and then the sups by the deptment heads. The killing will be inward to cover the crimes and outward to take all that they can. Robots will be used to control humanity and that ends when one of the king’s men use the robot army of thier own to be king. The elite think that after all the little people are gone it will be peaceful and no dirty unless eaters. They fear free thought THEY FEAR FREE THOUGHT!!!!!! so overload the watchs with free thoughts on all things great and small type what you think and what you don’t start a fire storm of thoughts and let it spread and when it dies down start another. Let them chase ghosts let them come up with data that is not real to us but to them let them use more and more computer power to log and search for clues and ansewers. Them stop for a few days leave the phone off take a cab pay with cash to a city park or someplace on the edge of the grid you can relax and they will worry about a plot.let them worry.
You will NEVER get todays society to give up the tech they cannot live without. the ENTIRE POLICE STATE SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM relies on the very same technology staying active in our hands and WE remaining addicted to it.
The common denominator to ALL of the Police states objectives, and unfortunately all of societies COMFORTS all rely on ONE THING. THE POWER GRID—CENTRALIZED ELECTRICITY/POWER GENERATION. Its why people are arrested and have their property confiscated if they go OFF THE GRID and OFF THE TECHNOLOGY that the POLICE STATE needs to actually exercise control. Not to mention the 5G cell system being used for surveillance but also as microwave weaponry.
people are stupid and cannot see beyond the box confines to understand that the secret to their freedom from enslavement is ESCAPING the invisible restraints of their comfort addictions. End of Story. they will NEVER give them up and thus remain firmly under the police States control. Enjoy your chains. If you cannot defend your systems and hide in plain sight using THEIR captive power grid and communications against them, you have to be completely OFF of them.The single sole thing that will SAVE HUMANITY from itself and the PTB is an EMP/Grid Down event. It is a very dire future, but with long enough thought, people would realize that I am ABSOLUTELY correct. But NOBODY, and I mean NOBODY will ever do the ONLY thing that will save FREEDOM and People from TPTBs enslavement and control. Cut them off from the ONLY way they successfully operate. People LOVE their captors and their enslavement. End of Story.
Your opinions are…and you are entitled to them and I’m glad to read your perspectives.
However, you damage your credibility with stuff like
“…,infecting vectors such as mosquitoes with viruses that are almost immune to antibiotics,…”
Many bacterial infections can be overcome with antibiotics, but they have no practical effect on viruses.
Defeating viruses requires vaccines that are sometimes made from weakened live strains of the target virus.
Bacteria are living things about 1000 nm in their largest dimension.
Viruses are smaller – about 20 – 400 nm and opinions differ on whether they are living or are just organic structures that interact (i.e. ultimately destroy) with living cells.
“Defeating viruses requires vaccines that are sometimes made from weakened live strains of the target virus.”
FALSE. The “binders & fillers” of vaccines are cancer causing substances. Check em out.
Vitamin C will kill viruses. Doctors in Europe and Mexico are treating HIV & AIDS with 50,000 mg of vitamin C in an IV drip.
Some cancers are caused by viruses. Vitamin C will kill the viruses that kill cancer. Seven such viruses have been discovered so far to my knowledge. At the time I had cancer only two were known.
All of our diseases are caused by viruses, bacteria, and fungi; complicated by poor nutrition. Antioxidants kill these parasites. 🙂
Maybe, but there are fewer people dying from those cancers today than there were dying and being disabled by those virus induced diseases before the vaccines were used.
I knew somebody was gonna panty up on vaccines.
I agree with the extra stuff that has been added to vaxx for various purposes, but I still think the basics of immunology are correct in that you can defeat viruses with vaccines.
You may also be able to use other methods to do so as you indicated.
That doesn’t change my point on JJ’s post about what viruses and bacteria are susceptible to…
Mosquito borne AIDS would be interesting.
Wonder why no one has thought of it.
Mosquito borne AIDS fear was all the rage about 25 years ago.
The fear was that when the bug drills you it spits out some chemicals to thin your blood (from memory) and that injection might be the occasion to introduce the AIDS virus to the bite victim.
It appears that female mosquitoes feed every three or four days (if they can) and the AIDS infected blood would be long gone and digested (along with the virus) before the next feeding event.
So the real questions are:
1.) Does the AIDS virus hang around and stay active on the mosquito’s needle and associated equipment between customers
2.) Does the AIDS virus survive the blood digestion process and somehow permeate the bug’s entire system ?
Based on the fact that we haven’t been able to confirm transmission of AIDS by said ‘bites’ for the last 30 years or so..
I guess the answer is probably No, or not not very often.
For the economy and debt, it will forever expand, unless the oil stops or Americans eat themselves to death.
The chart to watch will be the average longevity of an American. Once the average longevity falls into the lower 60’s, the economy will deflate just on the sheer fact that Wall Street, which profits off newly minted debt notes that are spent on garbage food and spending trillions on medical for the obese, will decrease as the idiots that eat that shit will be dying in the millions!
Nothing would make me happier than the USA returning to the population it had back in the 1950’s.
160 Million, with a life expectancy of 68.
Freedom of Speech is not universal. In other Countries you go to prison for what you, say. That is the first freedom the Globalists want to take away from the USA.
Neither Stormfront with Don Black nor Dr. David Duke,both on Rense Radio, were broadcast today. At least I did not get them.
All this hate speech is critism of Israel. They are the one group no one can say shit about.
A crazy black guy beheaded a cop. But you can still bad mouth cops.
In Europe you can be fined or go to prison for saying something negative about Muhammad or Islam.
Muslims are, of course, free to say anything they want to say about anyone they want to say it.
And 2 to three hrs have passed
“That is the first freedom the Globalists want to take away from the USA.”
I believe that TPTB have learned. They want to take away EFFECTIVE free speech. That is speech that gathers numbers and can make political change. They don’t want to take away the speech, they want to remove a wide forum; in effect, the bull horn or pulpit. Its desirable for them to allow controlled free speech to identify the potential leaders of opposition.
Thank God for Trump in most of the cases brought up in this article. MAGA!
people act like someone is going to come and get them. WHO ? When a police department sends overwhelming force to someones house that takes care of one person. The dont have the force to go to 5000 houses. You are safe unless you are the one person. Get real.
Some people on here have very little spelling abilities,
and not much better journalistic skills.
Writing maybe by 10th grader copyies??
10 th grader copying?? Has 8 th grade spelling skills.
Thank you kay123 yuor thoughtful insight on gramer and spelling is opened my eyes to the evil of misspelled and poor gramer. I copied that from a 12th grader.