Some Hospitals Reinstate Mask Mandates

by | Jan 3, 2024 | Headline News

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    Rising cases of influenza and COVID-19 are being blamed for hospitals reinstating mask mandates in several states. The United States is apparently experiencing a “surge” in respiratory illnesses right now.

    According to a report by ABC News, hospitals in at least six states, California, Illinois, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Washington, and Wisconsin, have put masking guidelines in place. Over the weekend, Mass General Brigham, which is the largest health system in Massachusetts, told ABC News it issued guidelines requiring employee caregivers and those working in patient care areas to wear masks.

    Another Massachusetts hospital, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, told ABC News it reinstated its masking requirement on Dec. 18 due to higher rates of respiratory illnesses.

    Additionally, Cook County Health, which has hospitals and community health centers in and around Chicago, wrote on its website that it began requiring masks for all staff, patients, and visitors aged 2 and older in waiting rooms and patient exam rooms on Dec. 26

    What’s more, a Los Angeles County Public Health order, requiring all healthcare personnel to wear masks while in contact with patients or working in patient care areas, went into effect after the county’s COVID-19 hospital admission level hit the “medium” threshold, meaning between 10 and 19.9 new COVID-19 hospital admissions per 100,000.-ABC News

    “Ultimately, health systems, hospitals, places that deliver care are going to see some of the most vulnerable and at-risk individuals — many, with underlying conditions,” said Dr. John Brownstein, an epidemiologist and chief innovation officer at Boston Children’s Hospital. “Those are especially the places where we want to protect individuals and so when we have this rapid rise in respiratory illness, those are going to be the first places to try to use measures to reduce chances of transmission, both to protect patients, those receiving care, as well as workforce.”

    The healthcare “authorities” and rulers seem to want to admit that there’s nothing wrong, meaning that the real reason they are reinstating mask mandates is simply to fearmonger and panic the public, increasing cortisol and making people even more sick.

    “While there’s nothing unusual about what we’re seeing, the data still reflects an increase in illness and, as we know, masking will be helpful, regardless of the respiratory pathogen: RSV, COVID, flu, and the other respiratory pathogens that are circulating,” he said.” So, it’s sort of a one-size-fits-all strategy.”



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