This article was originally published by Selco at The Organic Prepper
Editor’s note: The riots in France have been all over the news and we’ve watched many beautiful, historic places being destroyed. While the whole thing supposedly started in reaction to an increase in fuel prices, it has turned into something far worse than simple protests. We in the US have long suspected that many of the riots here have been funded and that the rage has been manipulated. In this article, Selco shares his perspective and explained how riots helped start the Balkan War. ~ Daisy
by Selco
Thanks to the situation that is deteriorating everywhere, I think we gonna be witnessing more and more events like the latest rioting in France. I think it is just the beginning.
For this article, it is not really important what was the reason of riots there. The point is that riots like that gonna probably happen “in your town” too eventually.
Why is that?
Without getting too deep into political and economical or any other reason why it might happen to you, two reasons can be pointed out.
The internet and social networks create waves.
The internet as a resource for independent news and opinions is a great thing, but also it may work in a different opposite way. It happens like this all the time so one fake news that is carefully packaged and spun can cause an illogical situation where you have full grown people getting together and involving themselves into something that is actually riot.
So as an end result you are out, together with people who are kicking a police officer or storming the local mall for big screen TVs because you were fueled and raged by something that you read or saw on the internet, something that might be completely false.
So always think, who actually has a use for that big group of people who are rioting outside, stealing and trashing things?
Do you personally have a use for that?
Hopefully, you did not go outside because of TVs or similar.
Usually there is always somebody hidden behind that rioting, and usually, he (or they) are not with you outside, they are safe, spinning things and getting people to act this way.
General feelings of desperation
People riot because of general insecurity, no jobs, bad economic situation, fear, rage, violence…
All that is very easily used for different kind of agendas.
We are all more or less there, feeling anger or concern, otherwise, we would not probably be in this whole prepper movement. But the point here is that being a prepper should be quite opposite of joining a whole bunch of people outside in a loose alliance of demanding something. Because the majority of those people are outside either for fun (destruction) or acquiring items like (again) big screen TVs, hurting other people for fun, and similar.
It is not prepping/survivalism.
I know, there are always exceptions to the rule, and historically a lot of things could not be achieved before a big mass of people go out on the street and demand something. But most of the riots today are actually orchestrated because of other agendas, so I simply do not trust in it.
What you should know about riots
I have been into several riots in my life. Sometimes I was protesting, other times I was there “on the other side”.
All riots have a few things in common:
They can be predicted only to a certain point.
They say that riots have mentality on their own, and from my experience, it is by bigger part the truth. So one moment you are with your buddies, screaming and demanding something or carrying signs with messages (or stealing something from the mall). But then the next moment some unknown man may yell “get that mo******er” and point at you, and a few others may pick up on that, and then you are dead.
Things happened in moments there. It is hard to control and predict things.
Violence becomes easy.
It is a place and situation where the mob leads people. You can see a man who never yelled in his life and now he suddenly leads a group of ten people in kicking someone. Actually, you can be that man.
There is a turning point in every riot when stakes get higher, once when blood is spilled. Let’s say someone gets killed, then all stakes get higher because being involved in events like that with a big group of people gives you a feeling of “these things are right to do” even if they clearly are not OK to do.
Again you can find yourself on both ends of that.
It’s surprisingly easy to find yourself trashing things just for fun. Why? Because everybody around you is doing the same. It is like you are on drugs, it is a feeling that is hard to describe.
Riots from a survival point of view…
Taking into consideration again the state and the problems that we have everywhere today, you need to understand that every riot can possibly be an event that leads to another chain of events.
Every riot can be the start of SHTF.
Again – why the riot started is not the important thing.
The important thing how far it will go and is it going to “flip” at that moment when it leads to something more serious.
It can be football hooligans rioting, or protests and rioting over high fuel prices or similar.
But those riots can be used by some groups to start real mayhem, and you can’t conclude that until days later, not at that moment.
The thing here is do you want to be in the middle of that when it starts or safe at home with your family or maybe bugging out already?
Having your opinion and fighting for it is one thing. Being in the middle of chaos voluntarily is another thing. Usually, it will not work how you would like it to work.
The last riot that I was part of was actually like a spontaneous gathering of people who were demanding more jobs and less corruption. It ended in a violent clash with riot police and torched government buildings.
After the riots, I found out that the majority of protesters were brought to the city by free buses, organized from a political faction (same more or less like ruling one) who wanted to take power. They had clear instructions what to do, they were paid for that. And for days before it happened, we were bombarded on social media with news that fueled rage.
And all of that news turned out to be false.
And nothing really changed.
Now again, I am not saying there are no high causes and reasons to go out and violently demand things. I am just saying that in most cases, it is not worthwhile.
Usually, you are not gonna change things in that way, and you have a high chance to be hurt or killed, and to not to be with your family while SHTF maybe starting.
A long time ago, I witnessed riots between football hooligans, and it ended up almost like a small war in the city.
Years later we found out they (football hooligans leaders) were paid by some government faction to fuel rage between different groups of people as an introduction into a civil war.
And it worked perfectly. Because soon after my own SHTF began.
About the Author
Selco survived the Balkan war of the 90s in a city under siege, without electricity, running water, or food distribution. In his online works, he gives an inside view of the reality of survival under the harshest conditions. He reviews what works and what doesn’t, tells you the hard lessons he learned, and shares how he prepares today. He never stopped learning about survival and preparedness since the war. Regardless what happens, chances are you will never experience extreme situations like Selco did. But you have the chance to learn from him and how he faced death for months. Real survival is not romantic or idealistic. It is brutal, hard and unfair. Let Selco take you into that world. Read more of Selco’s articles here: https://shtfschool.com/blog/ And take advantage of a deep and profound insight into his knowledge and advice by signing up for the outstanding and unrivaled online course. More details here: https://shtfschool.com/survival-boot-camp/
Please feel free to share any information from this article in part or in full, giving credit to the author and including a link to The Organic Prepper and the following bio.
Daisy is a coffee-swigging, gun-toting, homeschooling blogger who writes about current events, preparedness, frugality, and the pursuit of liberty on her websites, The Organic Prepper and DaisyLuther.com She is the author of 4 books and the co-founder of Preppers University, where she teaches intensive preparedness courses in a live online classroom setting. You can follow her on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter,.
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Rioting is what moronic suicidal SJW urbanites do, and many times LEOs in disguise are there as instigators to turn a peaceful protest into a brawl with arson, property damage, and violence so they then can kettling tactics and seperate participants to be arrested.
Suckers. Is that how you think resistance operates in history?
For all you braindead knuckledragging brainwashed fucks… Try beeching about what you did to these people that you had no right whatsoever invading their country!
But now you pee your pants about them coming here? Fuck you, you god damn mercinaries for the globalist masters! You deserve it all!
You fuckin’ stole and smashed the most precious artifacts from the annunaki and just handed it to the beast! History wiped out! Good job ASSHOLES! Fucking braindead cocksuckers!
You have been warned about this for DECADES!
I had this album when I was 9 YEARS OLD! Vietnam was still going on! WTF is wrong with you people?
And Chris Kyle was a psycopathic piece of shit! His buddy knew it and took his ass out!
Your talking to yourself gets worse each day. You really should see about getting your lithium dosage adjusted.
… Chris Kyle was a friend of mine and you are not worthy enough to wipe his ass.
… To collect people for Solyent Green… Good use of protester, now it just needs to actually happen. If movies must be prophecy, it cant happen fast enough.
Will solve many problems. It will end welfare, gets rid of the expensive prison and corrupt court system, provides renewable green food for staving people, recycles, cleans up the streets, ends poverty, reduces CO2 footprint and global warming, reduces the demand on higher education daycare needs and baby sitting, reduces unemployment, reduces voter fraud and illegal immigration, produces cheap food aid for third world countries, reduce mortality from diseases that are prevalent due to excessive and lazy lifestyles in the west, reduece rents and mortgages by lower demand for housing… Should i go on? Solyent Green the prophetic solution was right under our noses all the time.
God damn, i am Humanist and human saviour, progressive and humanity pragmatist. I treat everyone equally and impartially. VOTE FOR ME IN 2024! Solyent Green is the answer!
Deep down inside, no matter how revulsed you might be over my comments, you will know im right. Sometimes the best solution to problems i pretty shitty, but undeniable correct and logical.
Still in moderation…. Sorry Mac, your lame excuses for your software and staff not withstanding, you moderate out content you personally have a fluff with. What bullshit that i get moderated for days at a time.
For context purposes, I posted the above on Dec 8th, and it just now, after 645 am on Dec 10th was taken out of moderation mode. I have two IPs I post from. The moderation is arbitrary and without logic..but then again I surrender that it is Macs website so we are all posting at the pleasure of the owner.
Rioting just makes you a target for snipers. Idiots with Garbage Can lids taking on armed forces.. gee who do you think wins that one?
In the downfall of Ukraine snipers were shooting people on both sides to create more hate and violence.
Although, while all the law enforcement is busy dealing with rioting distraction, you can pick the country side clean or the rioters and LEO’s houses and preps. haha.
In every crisis, there will be idiots creating distractions that keep Law Enforcement busy dealing with chaos, and you can roam free looking for your own opportunities.
… To collect people for Solyent Green… Good use of protester, now it just needs to actually happen. If movies must be prophecy, it can’t happen fast enough. Will solve many problems. It will end welfare, gets rid of the expensive prison and corrupt court system, provides renewable green food for starving people, recycles, cleans up the streets, ends poverty, reduces CO2 footprint and global warming, reduces the demand on higher education daycare needs and baby sitting, reduces unemployment, reduces voter fraud and illegal immigration, produces cheap food aid for third world countries, reduce mortality from diseases that are prevalent due to excessive and lazy lifestyles in the west, reduce rents and mortgages by lower demand for housing… Should I go on? Solyent Green the prophetic solution was right under our noses all the time. God damn, I am Humanist and human savior, progressive and humanity pragmatist. I treat everyone equally and impartially. VOTE FOR ME IN 2024! Solyent Green is the answer! Deep down inside, no matter how bad your revulsion you might have over my comments, you will know I’m right. Sometimes the best solution to problems i pretty shitty, but undeniable correct and logical.
The main difference between a riot and a revolution is leadership.
well said
Do you have to wear a yellow vest to riot over there? Is it a uniform or something?
Yes, it’s so the muslims in the delivery van can pick you out easier at high speed.
a yellow ribbon should suffice
The only way anyone around here would riot is if walmart closed down. Stay away from crowds!
Genius, in my area there’s several reasons for the dickheads here to riot. One is let those welfare checks and/or EBT cards get cut off.
Ya I used to live in a big city and had sec. 8 scum across the street. Fookin police copters and robberies and all manner of shit all the time. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough! 90% naggers too.
Ha I called the office of the apartment complex I was in and said “If I wanted to live with this many naggers, I’d move to harlem!”
Genius, LOL! One day I’ll get out of here permanently myself. That day might not be too far off the way things are looking.
TBR; With all due respect,you’re taking a huge,and unnecessary risk,by being reluctant to put that city in your rear view mirror..Nobody knows when SWHTF,and there’s the possibility that you’ll be caught off guard while at work,asleep in bed,out shopping,doctor visit,etc., and be caught up in the chaos and anarchy.. The odds of escaping a city with the population of close to 1 Million people are stacked against you..Not only that,but you’ll have to travel close to 4 hours just to arrive at your BOL..What’s the odds of escaping a city with a population that large and driving across the state without encountering life threatening situations? Why take such an unnecessary risk? Leave while you still can..Forget about $$$,if you’ve already established everything you need to survive in a conventional,non-technological world,put that city in your rear view mirror and never look back..You can do it..Get out of the insect colony while you still can..Best of luck to you..
Well, the Frogs do love a good riot. They are forever protesting something or another.
Hell, they’ve nothing better to do the half of the week they don’t work.
So grab a cool one and fire up the big screen for the free entertainment. Beats the hell out of watching the spoiled NFL savages.
Selco says, “After the riots, I found out that the majority of protesters were brought to the city by free buses, organized from a political faction (same more or less like ruling one) who wanted to take power. They had clear instructions what to do, they were paid for that. And for days before it happened, we were bombarded on social media with news that fueled rage.”
Some of my social media comments were ghosted. I spoke up, when they quit showing white people in the yellow vests.
“…majority of protesters were brought to the city by free buses,…”
I find that TPTB are behind antics like this and I can’t figure out how riots/protests against policy’s that they support can be of benefit to them. Assuming this is the case can someone connect the dots for me because I’m blind.
It’s like paying a competing athlete to lose.
Kevin2, that same thing happened with all the Black Lives Matter protests during Obama’s 2nd term. Deja vu.
I’m still in the dark regarding the logic assuming these are not grassroots indigenous.
K2, I don’t believe these tax riots are the type you’re thinking of. The Frogs seem to protest as a pastime. However, it seems that when the hoi paloi gets scared, they just want the government to “do something”. What that something is frequently doesn’t matter. It’s counter intuitive but then again so is a lot of the public’s mindset.
I agree. Everytime I’ve flown into Paris it’s the baggage handlers, or cab drivers, or you name it…..the French do always seem to have some problem that precipitates a strike or walkout.
Greece is rioting and burning. Mexico has deployed 50,000 troops.
I know, it’s just coincidental.
Microbrain has decided to make French citizens enemies of the State. Why am I nit surprised?
One of the quickest ways to full blown SHTF would be the permanent elimination of Food Stamps and nothing implemented to take its place.
Agenda 21 is happening and Paradise is Lost.
Here’s what appears to be the final non stop push to institute AGENDA 2030 formely known as AGENDA 21. By fire, by shootings, by war. They will keep pushing until people beg for a solution, and the solution is AGENDA 2030.
The question is… are YOU going to let them burn you out of your house and land?
At root, the French are rioting against their ZOG Regime.
Something fat-ass Americans should be doing as well – but they’re just too fcking dumb.
What’s going on in France has little to do with what Selco describes going through. The protesters [rioters?] are from Paris and environs, have legitimate grievances against Macron’s Pro-Globalist EU serving “government”. In fact the US should note the French grievances derive from the same treatment the US working/middle class have had to stomach. If you don’t want riots that could preclude the SHTF, stop robbing the poor to serve the rich…WOW-What a concept!
See judicialwatch.org .They have uncovered documentation showing the US government funds Soros Open Society worldwide agenda. Color revolutions and NGOs to destabilize whole regions of the world. Many former State Department heads and ambassadors and security personnel work for Soros Open Society.
Soros has the medias focus. He is just the sacrificial “front man” for a huge organization of globalists that reach into every nook and cranny that they need to manipulate events to facilitate their goals. One thing is common in their agenda; chaos. Where there is stability they inject chaos.
Soros is anything but the stooge. He is one of the power backers. You wouldn’t hear his name except that he is too old to care.
Soros is not a stooge but these SOBs stay out of the public eye. His “position” is not up with the Rothschilds, Warburg’s or Rockefeller. He is where everyone focuses. Thats not happenstance nor accidental. Many believe that he is TPTB, his name is synonymous with NWO / Globalist for a reason. He is the appointed front man. The main bastards hide like rats in the shadows, unseen, immensely powerful.
K2, exactly!
Soros is a puppet.
http://judaism DOT is/soros.html
Soros is a Rothschild puppet… (as was J.P. Morgan).
judaism DOT is/soros.html
Riots are for losers
Revolutions are usually for patriots and we in the USA are getting closer every day
Trump just postponed the inevitable
The closest i want to be to a crowd is scanning it through a 50mm optic at 600+yds
If trapped in one that “spontaneously” erupts into misbehavior chant as they do and vacate the area ASAP. I find it prudent not to disagree with those who can and will inflict upon you grave bodily harm at that time. I kept an Obama bumper sticker in the glove compartment just in case that I had to become a chameleon. Who needs $1000 damage (or worse) to your vehicle when you have $500 deductible?
I bet a MAC-10 would work better lol.
People are followers.
Anyone who assumes authority is soon granted it.
One CIA or whatever with confidence can turn hundreds of people into a mob.
“No tolerance for Nazis”
That’s a battle cry and it has no real meaning.
It is just one of many hypnotic suggestions
being employed by “our” government
to stir up violence against innocent
The end game is CONTROL.
CONTROL of all.
One of the reasons for my disdain of humanity. Like the flock of sheep across the street, when my dog goes out and barks at them when 1 starts to run off… they ALL follow. Most people are not any brighter than common livestock. No wonder the masters mock them and kill them for sport. Ever look into why soldiers have “dog tags”? Because they think of them as their attack dogs and that’s what they are. This is exactly how they view humanity…. LIVESTOCK! Act like a barn animal… get treated like a barn animal.
“Soldiers are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foriegn policy”
“Hienz Kissinger”
To be used against “useless eaters”.
Soldiers = sold + die
In other words, sold to die
Soldier is a slave whose value is that of a dog.
Therefore he is given a dog tag to wear around his neck.
A soldier is a war dog for the criminals who have us calling them elite.
Watch dog, or war dog.
Ironically, after ww2 German prisoners called American servicemen “army of watch thieves” because they coveted the fine German watches.
B from CA, I hear you. Where are the VETS demanding a stop to perpetual wars in the Middle East?
The global warmongers were clever. End the draft and protect their sons. Create the best paying jobs high school graduates will ever find. End embedded journalists. Create open-ended wars against non-nations with no defined goals to end them.
So you are not part of humanity?
I am watching this live on Ruptly / You Tube channel. Crazy.
Im rural, ill stay here. If it comes to me then its game on.
There are times when the people can be too passive and docile. The left wing tyrants will push things as far as they can to establish their dictatorship over everyone for ever and a day. Naturally with them in charge living in opulence for life. At some point when votes are too slow it is time to do something else to stop the lock step march to destruction of our republic. If you are passive in the face of tyranny then you will become slaves to the aggressor species. This is your country your dirt where your grandfathers are buried, where you were born and raised, where you found your wife and your kids were born Can you so easily see it taken from you with out a whimper of protest. Its your dirt and your country stand up for it
Dependency upon government for both necessities and protection go a long way to quell rebellion as long as sufficient “food and circus” is forthcoming. In the above the body politic is under a spell quite similar to a “Stockholm Syndrome”. The more you need them the more power they have over you. Add into the mix an Orwellian technological spy system and the control matrix is complete. The masses of the world are being converted into an insect colony.
The current attitude of young people embracing socialism provides the foundation of this problem. In the USA, half of the citizens pay little or NO income taxes; yet they are able to vote to increase the income taxes on those citizens that pay the burden. People with no skin in the game (Paying income taxes) should not vote. The socialist saturation point (too much tax burden in the form of fuel taxes) have pushed the French citizens over the edge. This same result can be expected in the USA at some point. Unfortunately we have many citizens that make no connection between CAUSE & EFFECT.
Todays’ fake news. 90,000 security personnel in Paris but only 10,000 demonstrators? Yer, right.
No one will give Genius an honest answer. Smedley Butler would.
Smedley Butler was major general, the highest rank authorized at that time, and at the time of his death the most decorated Marine in U.S. history. He is author of ‘War is a Racket’.
You can continue believing government lies and worshipping those being used as pawns, or you can spend a lousy $5 and get the truth. Oh but that wouldn’t support your agenda. Silly me.
Violence is never the solution. I say that not out of cowardice (I have seen much violence) but because it has always been pathetic and sad in its consequences.
The government is more than happy for you to get violent; they can just buy more weapons and use them on you.
We see this in France. Human pain and suffering is all violence causes. Look at Syria? Or Yemen.
The Yellow Jackets will fail because there is no cause there. When I see Muslims and blacks stealing, or fascists setting things on fire, I know that cause is lost.
Frank, go over to Forbes.com and read about America possibly being next on this global warning tax. Dems are already planning on starting a committee to impose this b.s. crap on us. You will read how they admit that democracy is an impediment. So Frank,it’s like this: any do gooder forcing me to pay for their false agenda at the point of force or a gun,is looking for a fight from me. I may not win,but by God,I will NOT go quietly into the night!