There are “real-time” spies in the skies. Satellites have already begun watching your every move as mass surveillance becomes a horror story reality, especially for liberty-loving humans.
While commercial satellite imagery is powerful enough, for instance, to see a car, it’s not detailed enough to identify the make and model, according to a report from the MIT Technology Review. But privacy and freedom advocates say that doesn’t matter in the least. The problem, is we’re already being watched by them.
According to CNET, the dramatic advances in satellite imaging technology in the last 10 years have privacy advocates worried about the 24-hour surveillance. Satellite companies claim that they keep a person’s data separate from any identifying characteristics, but Peter Martinez of the Secure World Foundation is one of those still concerned about the constant monitoring of people.
“The risks arise not only from the satellite images themselves but the fusion of Earth observation data with other sources of data,” Martinez said in an email. The problem is the sheer volume of satellites overhead. Imaging company Planet Labs confirmed that it has 140 imaging satellites currently in orbit. The report says this is enough to pass over every place on Earth once a day. And those who own the satellites say not to worry.
“Even with Planet’s highest resolution imagery (1m resolution), it remains impossible to distinguish individual people, car number plates, or otherwise identifying information. Our imagery is ideal for monitoring large-scale change on a daily basis. This includes seeing daily change across buildings and roads, forests, in agriculture, bodies of water and more,” a spokesperson for Planet Labs said in an email.
Technology is growing at a rapid pace, and with it grows governments’ surveillance capabilities. Although many are aware that they are being monitored and tracked by those who claim to own us, some don’t know just how bad it has become. Everyone wants some form of privacy, however, the world we live in doesn’t offer much.
Many countries have surveillance systems, but the countries in the Five Eyes, Nine Eyes and 14 Eyes alliances work together to share data on a massive scale, according to a report by Cloud Wards. Innocent people are spied on every day. The Five Eyes, Nine Eyes, and 14 Eyes groups are big players in the global surveillance game. Each country involved can carry out surveillance in particular regions and share it with others in the alliance.
The Five Eyes are the U.S., UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
The Five Eyes alliance, also known as FVEY, was founded on Aug. 14, 1941, and can be traced back to the WWII period. During the second world war, the exchange of intelligence information between the UK and the U.S. was important, and the partnership continued afterward.
The Nine Eyes alliance consists of the Five Eyes countries, plus Denmark, France, the Netherlands and Norway. Though there’s evidence that the Nine Eyes and 14 Eyes exist, little is known about what they can and can’t do.
The 14 Eyes alliance is made up of the Nine Eyes countries, plus Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain and Sweden. It’s an extension of the Five Eyes and Nine Eyes alliances, but its actual name is SIGINT Seniors Europe. –Cloud Wards
As technology continues to advance, we will lose all privacy and all freedom. We are already well on our way to complete totalitarianism.
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We need more guys like Edward Snowden to give us the truth about these satellites and their use. I wouldn’t believe a thing the government or a commercial satellite company told me about the use of these things. And where is congress? They obviously don’t care about protecting our civil liberties and right of privacy. If they can’t line their pockets with some ridiculous and unnecessary piece of legislation, they aren’t interested in it.
Yep the one eyed cabal is surveilling everyone to see if they are using their fake federal reserve phony money debt notes. Wonder if they can see my middle finger from space?
““Even with Planet’s highest resolution imagery (1m resolution), it remains impossible to distinguish individual people, car number plates, or otherwise identifying information. Our imagery is ideal for monitoring large-scale change on a daily basis. This includes seeing daily change across buildings and roads, forests, in agriculture, bodies of water and more,”
We have no idea of the capabilities of the Military / Intelligence community. When one thinks of the existence of such a network and yet the law breaking (where is that poppy field, how are the funds dispersed?) that occurs it doesn’t take a high IQ to realize that this isn’t necessarily being used for your benefit.
in the 80’s that generation of spy satellites could distinguish different brands of cigarette packs.. IN THE 80S! I’m thinking they are a little better now……..
Have you ever seen an unannounced rocket launch, then, wondered what was going on, over your head? There are noctilucent chemtrails, in a rainbow of colors. Different stages of the machine smoke, and spin, and crash, and low flying aircraft will try to pick them all up, causing the treetops to bustle at high speed. It’s not subtle, if you just step outside for fresh air. You don’t need any inside knowledge, to see it take up 1/3 of the sky.
Yet, you can try to show someone, right underneath it, right alongside you, and they may choose to look up.
A vague explanation was published, then, removed from the internet.
In (named, credible, govt) agency’s own words —
The satellite, or weather balloon, or signal repeater (depending on how flat is your Earth) is not necessarily intended to see in high resolution.
It sees signal beacons, on the ground, akin to anti-theft tags, in the dept store.
The detail is catalogued, by serial number, in what they would like to be an rfid-enabled ‘internet of things’.
So, using your claimed resolution of 3ft, your Gillete razor, tagged underwear, pharms, or anything with a tag, would be traceable to a 3ft radius.
Someone was discussing set theory and AI, here. For tracking and crowd control purposes, any outlier is deemed suspicious, particularly, if going against the flow.
Most any merch traveling between the beacons represents a data breach, fwiw.
He’s talking about ‘the internet of things’, and accompanying rfid tag tracking technology. Have you wondered what those new fangled flat white squares at traffic intersections and up high on your way into grocery stores are yet? They’re ‘sniffers’. Read up Jr, read up.
Can’t help but think of the correlations to wild conspiracy theories about how when people set up ‘cloud busters’, military choppers suddenly show up. Orgone energy, it’s actually a thing.
“While commercial satellite imagery is powerful enough, for instance, to see a car, it’s not detailed enough to identify the make and model…”
Pull up Google Earth and see what you can see on your own property. Did one time and was able to identify the make of the vehicle in the driveway. Of course, I already knew what it was, but it was certainly clear enough for a car expert to identify it. I know, they use different satellites for close-ups, and the closest ones are taken from an aircraft, but don’t be fooled, they can identify everything they want to.
Electric Eye
Judas Priest
Up here in space
I’m looking down on you
My lasers trace
Everything you do
You think you’ve private lives
Think nothing of the kind
There is no true escape
I’m watching all the time
I’m made of metal
My circuits gleam
I am perpetual
I keep the country clean
I’m elected electric spy
I’m protected electric eye
Always in focus
You can’t feel my stare
I zoom into you
You don’t know I’m there
I take a pride in probing all your secret moves
My tearless retina takes pictures that can prove
I’m made of metal
My circuits gleam
I am perpetual
I keep the country clean
Electric eye, in the sky
Feel my stare, always there
There’s nothing you can do about it
Develop and expose
I feed upon your every thought
And so my power grows
I’m made of metal
My circuits gleam
I am perpetual
I keep the country clean
Protected. Detective. Electric eye
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Glenn Raymond Tipton / Kenneth Downing / Robert Halford
Electric Eye lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
As JRS said call up Google earth. I can see my property and many details just fine.
But what are they going to do with the information they gather from “spying” on us? Most the governments in America don’t have the resources to do anything with the information they gather.
There may be some movie “enemy of the state”, tracking abilities but like in the movie a significant amount of resources were required to pursue the target.
That’s not cheap. They don’t have the resources to track us all.
As Clown world says
“Someone was discussing set theory and AI, here” I think that was me. But our data systems aren’t that good. They still need people resources to take somebody down or stop them from doing something bad.
We can’t stop a few thousand illegal aliens from violating our boarders, or tons of illicit drugs from being imported, the responsible agencies are overwhelmed. We can watch the stuff come in but cannot stop it.
They don’t focus on the crowd, per se. They focus on the person who runs in a different direction. If it was a flock of birds or school of fish, herd of buffalo or crowded freeway, which one would stand out?
“But what are they going to do with the information they gather from “spying” on us?”
They’ll have the ability to selectively pinpoint threats. “Threats” is a subjective word. Patrick Henry was a threat to King George. Done at the incipient stages and the body politic never hears of him, Jefferson, nor Madison and grassroots political movements that can obtain public support wither and die. Think, “Occupy Wall Street” wasn’t targeted and run off a cliff. Regardless if you dislike the target and hence support its evisceration, the ability of those in power (forget the politicians as they’re just highly paid servants of that which is really in control) to decide your fate is certainly not conducive to “Self Government”. Maybe its a US Supreme Court Justice and a case with major economic / political / security (for those in power) is being heard. The Justice has a quirk or two that would be utterly embarrassing. This might be found out indirectly, therefore you record everything on everyone.
Pretty much, thats what they can do, and no doubt a lot more that is not necessarily good.
One of the most misguided and in my opinion utterly ignorant statements came from someone genetically linked to me, my sports loving brother who said, “I don’t care if they wisen to everyone, I don’t do anything wrong”.
“But what are they going to do with the information they gather from “spying” on us?”
In fact, the beleaguered, embattled victims in all this, will never get well or find a stable, political arrangement.
Alice in Wonderland – The sailors hornpipe & The caucus race
From the dodo’s vantage point, on that rock, he can see everything. How does he use his advantanged information?
One can hire a technical consultant and spy through your flat screen TV. And the FBI won’t do anything about it.
If they have allowed you to know this declassified information, then they have advanced beyond your greatest fears. You must find a way, while keeping the mindset that they are fully operational, to maintain your privacy. It’s not easy, but it can be done. You will get no help from Congress or anything government connected. You must learn to find a way to insure your own freedom and privacy. Be prepared to constantly upgrade your skills. The America of our founders, who authored our Constitution, no longer exists. Your life, liberty, and security are in your hands.