Russian Satellite Will Launch In Two Weeks, Will Be The Brightest Star In Sky

by | Jun 29, 2017 | Headline News | 52 comments

Do you LOVE America?



    (ABOVE: An artist’s rendition of the Russian Mayak satellite.)

    Mayak, a Russian satellite that will become one of the brightest stars in the night sky, is just two weeks away from launching into space.  Their goal is to make the unique satellite bright with the use of a giant reflective sheet of material, but some scientists are warning that there may be negative consequences.

    The satellite is small, roughly the size of a loaf of bread and in the form of a CubeSat.  It will be launched on a Soyuz 2.1v vehicle on Friday, July 14, from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, as a secondary payload. The project, led by Moscow State Mechanical Engineering University (MAMI), raised more than $30,000 on Russian crowdfunding website Boomstarter.

    Once in orbit, about 600 kilometers (370 miles) high, the satellite is designed to unfurl a giant pyramid-shaped solar reflector. The goal is for this satellite to shine brighter than any other star in the night sky. To do this, its reflector made of Mylar will span 16 square meters (170 square feet) and is apparently 20 times thinner than human hair. The mission is also acting as a technology demonstration, to test how to brake satellites in orbit and de-orbit them.

    “Mayak,” which translates to “Beacon” in English is controversial though.  “We want to show that space exploration is something exciting and interesting, but most importantly that today it is accessible to everybody who is interested,” project leader Alexander Shaenko said, reported Sputnik News.  Mayak’s only mission is to be bright and remove defunct satellites from earth’s orbit.

    But it runs the risk of a backlash from scientific and environmental groups, depending on how bright it is. Some, like Russia Today, have suggested it may shine as bright as the Moon, although that is questionable.  Nonetheless, if it is excessively bright, it could cause havoc for astronomers who rely on darkness to observe the universe. “We fight so hard for dark skies in and around our planet,” Nick Howes, an astronomer and former deputy director of the Kielder Observatory in Northumberland, told IFLScience. “To see this being potentially ruined by some ridiculous crowdfunded nonsense makes my heart simply despair.”

    Skeptics won’t keep the satellite from launching though. Russia will put Mayak in space in about two weeks, on July 14.  We’ll have to wait to see just how bright it is and if it’s bright enough to warrant complaints from scientists.


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        cracksumskulls BUSTED. YOU ARE 100% TROLL. This agency NSA TROLL JUST called my info on the link posted by David Hodges a fake story. He then called me a fake and accused me of posting fake info. I just confirmed with one my customers who just got back from India. The story is real. China did attack India with its military in that area of the country and that’s why Modi came to the US to talk to Donald Trump.

        Get the fuck of this site you fucking troll. YOUR A TOTAL COMPLETE FUCKING FRAUD NICE TRY.

        All you trolls come on here with your fake handle, cheering me on, trying to gain trust only to attack me a month later trying to cover up you crimes and lies to prove me stupid. Those is the know, know for certain that I am no fake on this site. And for all the people who think that Planet X, that this thing that’s out there no longer exist, I have news for you, its going to do major damage soon.

        Don’t you trolls know that its already too late, the population is already awakened. Once the economy crashes, we will know that you crashed it under Trump intentionally to blame him. We also know that you will fire misslces to start ww3, the make it look like Trump did it. Its too late, we know what’s going on


          • Twinkle twinkle little star,
            How I wonder what you are.
            Up above your target so high,
            shooting lasers through through the sky.
            Twinkle twinkle little star,
            How I wonder what you are.

        • Its more important to the USA to put as many transsexuals as possible into the military leadership and to redistribute the white man’s wealth to 80 IQ blacks and have all the professorships occupied by asians and jews, who of course have the utmost respect for amerikkkas founding institutions and will certainly instill in young people a sense of duty and pride.

          The blacks will build us a Mars colony any day now.

          I bet if all the refugees were attractive young women the fucking cunts in this country would stop voting for them…

          • Eisen, nice sarcasm.

          • Name one country/city/district that became successful when ran by blacks.

            (Yes, I’m agreeing with your sarcasm.)

          • Youtube > Nordic War drums > headphones on > volume up > relax, and let the blood of your ancestors boil through your veins…

        • HCKS. He didnt attack you, I called you on your news source that has been consistantly wrong….every time. Jade Helm, etc. You need a better source and those fear porn sites are not the ones to follow. China, Pakistan and India have had border disputes for decades all the time. That doesnt mean WW3. You would be better off following Zero Hedge, instead of the kook sites, like Hodges, Jones and “before its news”. Sorry for the “meds” comment. Im no troll as Ive been here for a very long time and have had conversations with long past posters such as JOG, Be Informed, pissed off granny, etc. Years before you. I do miss the days with Braveheart and acid etch going at it.

          • I have caught – and called out – Hodges in lies…and he doesn’t take well to being caught. He’s SUCH a bullshitter that I have given up even trying to call him out anymore.
            Because he is the “editor” of all comments posted to his site, he will just not post any REAL refutation of his yarns. Sure he posts the occasional negative comment, but if you hit him with FACTUAL, PROVABLE counter-argument…he will memory-hole it, and readers of his site are DENIED that counter argument.
            That H/C/K/S is SO over the top about Hodges BS, says more about him, than it does about CRACKSOMESKULLS.

          • Dave Hodges as a source of accurate information is a freaking joke!! This is a guy that predicted WWIII was going to start in June of 2014 for crying out loud. And as others have pointed out he does not take well to those that point out missed predictions like that or other inaccurate information that he constantly posts (like Simon Property Malls being future “FEMA Camps” . . . you can’t make stuff like that up). I visit his site for entertainment purposes ONLY.

          • It is strange that CRACKSOMESKULLS suddenly shows up posting like he’s been on this site forever, and has alot to say about everything, and is promoting violence. There was something that made me leery of him from the onset. There was just something about the way he posted that was different. Waiting

            • he has been here for a long time under a different name.

        • There are a number of agencies that use cold computers to troll and just to watch for info. It even happens that they use two different ones to accuse each other just to get one some credibility. Everybody be aware pys-ops and the reverse is and will be used.

        • “The goal is for this satellite to shine brighter than any other star in the night sky.”

          “Blue Kachina” anyone ??? Just saying. 🙂

        • In fairness, Dave Hodges does himself and his website no favours with his frequent sensationalism and his appalling editing – it’s like typo-mageddon on that site.

      2. Nice try with the Media faking that bright star in the night sky. Its no satellite. It will be something else. Guys let me talk to my source to see WTF that thing is that in orbit around the planet. It might be Planet X, because I was told that it will show up in the sky any month now, that it wont be funny when it shows up. I am not certain and I wont be guessing at it. I deal with hard facts, not fiction.


        • Heck we can’t shoot it down because the NRA helped take all hi tech weapons away from the tax slaves?

        • Buy a nice telescope and see for yourself vs. internet hacks.

        • Unless the $30k buys the reflector a trip into geosynchronous orbit, then it will be moving, and not visible once it enters the Earth’s shadow approx 2 hrs. after sunset.

      3. Get ’em HCKS!!! Sick ’em boy! HA! Crazier than ever, I love it.

        If they’re going to crash it and shoot mizzilezzz all over the place hurry up and get on with it, I’m not gettin’ any younger!

        Yeeee Haawwww!!!!!

        • An unused weapon is a useless weapon. And according to NRA an effective weapon is a banned weapon.

      4. Fuck you.


      5. HCKS< I've had some trouble myself with CSS in the past. But he has made a lot of posts with some good, sensible survival advice that can't be disputed. He's not one of my favorite people but then again I've had enemies all my life, so big deal.

      6. Brave, the guy is a troll. I see what they are going. They have to come on here offer good advice, then attack us. They are trolls. Its not working too well for them. We don’t need advice from them. We can learn from each other on this site. I learn from you guys all the time. In fact, this site save my life. Things were that bad at the time. These trolls, they have failed miserably.


      7. This satellite to intercept satellites sounds like President Ronald Reagan’s Star Wars.

        Unfortunately light interferes with melatonin and prevents sound sleep. I hope this is the first and last time anyone makes an “artificial star”. Ships without GPS need real stars and paper Charts for navigation.

        When GPS goes down, it could be a Royal screwing. Who ever controls the satellites, controls the seas.


        • Sextant…compass. I never use gps, and Im all over the wilderness. Im sure the navy can adapt.

        • Next up, ahem, is “Give Yourself A Star” Company.

          You don’t need to pay for some star named after you that you’ll never be able to see!
          Have your own with coordinates, and colors, or customize your very own star…
          and that’s how we lost the night sky, kids.

      8. HCKS is correct. There are allot of trolls and Dave Hodges site does reveal allot of truth and has good intel. I also thought about CRACKSOMESKULLS was a troll from reading comments in the past. And look at the name the troll uses. I hardly make comments out here but I agree he is a TROLL!

      9. For those of you interested:

        In case you are interested – Facebook CEO says Facebook to replace church… Y’know… Facebook will provide a meaning for life, a basis for ethics, principles to guide your life, etc.

        Then there is this classic: BBC Thinks Pedophilia Is Just Another “Sexual Orientation” found at (don’t worry… bestiality is next on the list!)

        And concluding with retiring congressman Jason Chaffetz calling for $2,500 per month (additional!!) stipend for lawmakers.

        OH… and don’t forget Obama’s uber-luxe, $2,000/night continuous vacations since he left office!

        Where did this come from? Alexandr Solzhenitsyn wrote: “Over a half century ago, while I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of old people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia: “Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.” Since then I have spent well-nigh 50 years working on the history of our revolution; in the process I have read hundreds of books, collected hundreds of personal testimonies, and have already contributed eight volumes of my own toward the effort of clearing away the rubble left by that upheaval. But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous revolution that swallowed up some 60 million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: “Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.”

        • TEST, I can’t help but laugh at the thought of social media replacing the church. Facebook provide a meaning for life, a basis for ethics, principles to guide your life? NO WAY< JOSE! TEST, I'm not ridiculing you at all. I love what you do here. Zuckerberg must be on some awesome drugs to come up with this.

          • Deplorable:

            According to a YouTube video person; Bill Gates is a female to male tranny. I haven’t seen one on Zuckerberg yet. But I’m still looking for one.

            I’m glad my mother died before the truth came out about Clark Gable. Is nothing sacred? Gable’s birth certificate listed as female.

            Obama, they claim, is female to male. And, get this, Trump was born female. At least, the person acting the role of Trump. Trump is not a real person but a character. There are interchangeable people acting the parts. Doubles, stand ins, replacements. All of it is theater.

            One thing that surprised me is the JonBenet Ramsey case. It is psychological programming. The case was weird. Death on Christmas Day is intended to create subliminal dislike for Christmas. Rather than association with traditional family values, it is association with a terrible tragedy. But according to these video truthers, this was not even a little girl. This was a little boy, and the whole thing one big hoax.

            Now I’m worried that people are complaining that YouTube allows child porn. I see censorship coming soon, disguised as protecting children. That’s how they tricked the people of Europe and Canada. Now you can be arrested for saying holo hoax in some Countries.


            • My brother-in-law, whom I lived, died on Christmas day. Years later, my Mother, whom I dearly loved, died on Christmas day. I love the Christmas Season. It is unmatchable. I miss my loved ones, but could never blame “the Day” of their departure. Memories win out over sadness. Love does trump hate – and bitterness. Sad the lefties have usurped reality.

        • AMEN BROTHER…..

          But as for my house, we will serve the Lord.

          That’s as far as my authority goes.

      10. “A Sky Full Of Stars”

        ‘Cause you’re a sky, ’cause you’re a sky full of stars
        I’m gonna give you my heart
        ‘Cause you’re a sky, ’cause you’re a sky full of stars
        ‘Cause you light up the path

        I don’t care, go on and tear me apart
        I don’t care if you do, ooh
        ‘Cause in a sky, ’cause in a sky full of stars
        I think I saw you

        ‘Cause you’re a sky, ’cause you’re a sky full of stars
        I wanna die in your arms
        ‘Cause you get lighter the more it gets dark
        I’m gonna give you my heart

        I don’t care, go on and tear me apart
        I don’t care if you do, ooh
        ‘Cause in a sky, ’cause in a sky full of stars
        I think I see you
        I think I see you

        ‘Cause you’re a sky, you’re a sky full of stars
        Such a heavenly view
        You’re such a heavenly view

        -Cold Play


        Here’s to a bright future! Cheers!

      11. OneRepublic

        “Counting Stars”

        “Lately I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
        Dreaming about the things that we could be
        But, baby I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard
        Said no more counting dollars, we’ll be counting stars
        Yeah, we’ll be counting stars

        I see this life like a swinging vine,
        Swing my heart across the line
        In my face is flashing signs,
        Seek it out and ye shall find.

        Old but I’m not that old
        Young but I’m not that bold
        And I don’t think the world is sold
        I’m just doing what we’re told

        I I I I feel something so right by doing the wrong thing
        And I I I I feel something so wrong by doing the right thing

        I could lie, couldn’t I, couldn’t I?
        Every thing that kills me makes me feel alive.

        Lately I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
        Dreaming about the things that we could be
        Baby I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard
        Said no more counting dollars, we’ll be counting stars
        Lately I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
        Dreaming about the things that we could be
        But, baby I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard
        Said no more counting dollars, we’ll be-we’ll be counting stars


        I feel her love
        And I feel it burn down this river every time
        Hope is our four-letter word, make that money watch it burn

        Old but, I’m not that old
        Young, but I’m not that bold
        And I don’t think the world is sold
        I’m just doing what we’re told

        And I I I I feel something so wrong by doing the right thing
        I could lie, couldn’t I, couldn’t I?
        Everything that drowns me makes me wanna fly

        Lately I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
        Dreaming about the things that we could be
        Baby I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard
        Said no more counting dollars, we’ll be counting stars
        Lately I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
        Dreaming about the things that we could be
        But, baby I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard
        Said no more counting dollars, we’ll be-we’ll be counting stars

        Oh, take that money watch it burn,
        Sing in the river the lessons I learned
        Take that money watch it burn,
        Sing in the river the lessons I learned
        Take that money watch it burn,
        Sing in the river the lessons I learned
        Take that money watch it burn,
        Sing in the river the lessons I learned

        Everything that kills me makes me feel alive

        Lately I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
        Dreaming about the things that we could be
        Baby I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard
        Said no more counting dollars, we’ll be counting stars
        Lately I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
        Dreaming about the things that we could be
        But, baby I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard
        Said no more counting dollars, we’ll be-we’ll be counting stars

        Take that money watch it burn,
        Sing in the river the lessons I learned
        Take that money watch it burn,
        Sing in the river the lessons I learned
        Take that money watch it burn,
        Sing in the river the lessons I learned
        Take that money watch it burn,
        Sing in the river the lessons I learned”

      12. The ISS can be as high as 270 miles and can be seen in daylight, so it is bright. This little Russian goodie will be at 370 miles and moving just about as fast as the ISS. ISS has not destroyed night time astronomy. Astronomers observe during a full moon, with no problems.
        This article is bogus.

        • I can see a car windshield reflection of the sun, yet make a brighter reflection woth a handheld mirror, the ISS isnt designed to yeild maximum sunlight reflection….

      13. That Mylar won’t last long. I doubt it will even be able to be deployed without being torn to shreds! Give me a break! With all the space junk, even if the Mylar is deployed how long will it last before the junk rips it to shreds? Less than 24-hours and this thing becomes one more piece of space junk.

        • PD,
          I think that’s the point. This thing is a target intended to be struck by space junk. A small camera on the inside can track the number and size of holes in the Mylar.

          There was an article a short time ago about space becoming too dangerous for satellites because of all the space junk. They are thinking that when satellites hit a certain density collisions will occur regularly creating hundreds of smaller parts that strike more satellites causing an exponential cascade failure.

          • Actually, that is a very worthwhile experiment since even paint flakes can do damage at 17,000 mph. The experiment is doomed to self-destruct after a short period of time due to the intense UV radiation. The Mylar is not UV resistant and will start breaking down almost immediately depending upon whether or not the Mylar was vacuum deposited on the externally facing surface. Even if it was the metalization won’t completely block the UV absorption which slices the long chain molecules like a hot knife through butter. Before it degrades I’m sure they will gather some very worthwhile information.

      14. I’ve been watching a lot of the Niburu youtube videos the past week. It could be true is my conclusion, not sure though. The latest videos seem less convincing than some I watched over a year ago. I also read the existence of aliens is about to be revealed, that story goes back years. Who knows what to believe anymore? A certainty is a diminished standard of living is moving along at a fast clip.

      15. I always wonder what they will think when Muslims look up into the night sky and one day see a quarter moon with a super bright star that crosses the dark part of the moon.

        The symbol of Islam being a crescent moon with a bright star over the dark part. Will this be a call to war?

        • Very observant hypothesis!

        • OR
          does that mean we dont need the moon no more?
          the russion star is taking over?!
          we will be given a new god & new religion.
          maybe j.p.farrell n frens are finally vindicated…

        • Plan twice,
          If it will be the brightest in the skies, then indeed, you could be right… and then add a few zeros to the low cost of $30k .
          With about $30 million budget, it can be navigable.

      16. Sounds like a coverup in the making for what the bright object REALLY is


        Satan mimicking God with the new star that revealed the birth of Messiah, with the reveal of the false messiah?

        • You mean like the rockets and jets that are supposed to be leaving colourful gaseous trails in the night sky lately. One would think that something this weird would have been talked about for months before hand like the lcross mission or jade rabbit. Plenty of people with simple 4 inch refractors such as myself would love a heads up about something strange and manmade in the night sky. That’s PR 101. I would not be surprised if this is for only a few more days of calm. Quick world look over here, while those who are in power run off into shelters built with our tax dollars. Wouldn’t it be great if instead of going nuts we all got together and met them at the doors when they emerged. Nothing like world abandonment to make a concensus for a popular justice.

      17. This is not a satellite. It is an asteroid. They are playing everyone.

      18. Other songs with curious lyrics if you care to look them up and read with a different set of eyes, and listen with different ears, (tip: While some songs seem obvious, others can be misleading. The ancients used to personify and refer to heavenly bodies as living beings or deities. Therefore saying “you” might not mean that they are referring to their human “partner”):

        “Diamonds” – Rihanna.
        “Shine on you crazy diamond.” – Pink Floyd
        “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.” – Elton John
        “Cruel Sun” – Rusted Root
        “Blackhole Sun” – Soundgarden
        “The Red Summer Sun” – Third Eye Blind (Curious name for band, isn’t it?)

        I also find it useful not to sing along to most music, as there is power in the spoken word. However, consider this an entertaining journey or “Dude. They’re just songs.”

        “One likes to believe
        In the freedom of music
        But glittering prizes
        And endless compromises
        Shatter the illusion
        Of integrity, yeah”

        -Rush, Spirit of the Radio

      19. Sounds like a nice cover story for an incoming object?

      20. Reminds me of back in 1959 when my parents took us outside after supper too watch the evening sky. We watched Sputnik pass overhead. That was an important day.

      21. brightest star? hm, should make it an easier target.

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