Russia Accuses Kiev of GENOCIDE

by | Jan 20, 2025 | Headline News, War | 0 comments

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    A Russian diplomat has accused Ukraine of committing genocide. Senior Russian diplomat Rodion Miroshnik claimed on Sunday that captured Ukrainian soldiers “have reported they were given orders to kill Russian speakers.”

    According to Miroshinik, this amounts to genocide. He claimed that the Ukrainian military is conducting “language-based genocide” by giving orders to kill anyone who speaks Russian.

    Miroshnik was commenting on the discovery of civilian bodies in a recently liberated village in Russia’s Kursk Region. He asserted that the alleged Ukrainian policy amounts to the “elimination of all civilians” in the area, which Kiev recognizes as Russian, according to a report by RT. 

    On Sunday, the Foreign Ministry described the discovery as evidence of a “massacre” and the latest confirmation of the “terrorist and neo-Nazi essence of the Kiev regime,” as spokeswoman Maria Zakharova put it. She accused Western supporters of the Ukrainian government of turning a blind eye to Kyiv’s crimes and charged that foreign officials secretly condone such behavior. –RT

    The Russian Investigative Committee is probing the Ukrainian military for alleged terrorism, based on the reports from Russkoye Porechnoye. A person convicted of such a crime can be sentenced to life imprisonment in Russia.

    A Telegram channel associated with the forces responsible for repelling the Ukrainian incursion in Kursk Region released footage on Saturday of Russian troops inspecting the village and finding seven heavily-decomposed bodies in two separate cellars. In both cases, people were reportedly bound and beaten, before being killed.

    At one of the locations, a body was too damaged to tell whether it belonged to a man or a woman, with evidence suggesting the use of explosives. Most of the victims were described as elderly people, who presumably had failed to flee from advancing Ukrainian troops.-RT

    Russian officials have vowed to hold the perpetrators accountable, with Zakharova stating that, in the absence of action by relevant international bodies, Russia will pursue justice on its own.

    The war efforts continue as there appears to be no end in sight for this conflict. The United States’ continued involvement is likely to only exacerbate the issue at hand.


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