RFK Jr. Says The CIA Could Assassinate Him, So He Must “Be Careful”

by | Jun 17, 2023 | Headline News

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    During a discussion with the infamous commentator Joe Rogan, Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Junior admitted that he is putting his life in danger by speaking out about the assassinations of his uncle and his father. He added that he “takes precautions” to ensure the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) doesn’t assassinate him.

    RFK Jr. is actively attempting to be the next ruler of the United States. During their discussion, Rogan asked RFK Jr. what he thought would happen if he managed to get into office, to which Kennedy replied “I gotta be careful.”  “I’m aware of that, you know, I’m aware of that danger. I don’t live in fear of it — at all. But I’m not stupid about it, and I take precautions,” he added.

    “[JFK] learned very early on that the purpose of the CIA and the intelligence apparatus was to create a constant pipeline of new wars for them, for the military-industrial complex,” Kennedy noted, adding that JFK was adamant that “it’s not the United States’ jobs to dictate what kind of governments other countries have.”

    RFK Jr. said the CIA must be destroyed because its sole purpose is to perpetuate war and keep the military-industrial complex in power and consistently give it more control.

    “[JFK] learned very early on that the purpose of the CIA and the intelligence apparatus was to create a constant pipeline of new wars for them, for the military-industrial complex,” Kennedy noted, adding that JFK was adamant that “it’s not the United States’ jobs to dictate what kind of governments other countries have.”

    RFK Jr. continued, “In October of 1963 he heard that some of his Green Berets had been killed… and he said I want a total casualty list from Vietnam. His aide came to him and said 75 Americans have died, he said that’s too many and he signed that day a national security directive ordering all troops out of Vietnam… the first thousand over the next month and then the rest by the beginning of 1965, and um and then a month later he was killed.”

    According to Summit News, Kennedy has previously laid out how he firmly believes that the CIA killed his father and his uncle.


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