President Obama spoke with business leaders at the Business Roundtable February 24, 2010:
“Contrary to the claims of some of my clients…ugggh…some of my critics and some of the editorial pages, I am an ardent believer in the free market.”
We waited for the punchline… It turns out the President wasn’t joking.
Watch the video:
obama IS the punchline…
Don’t listen to what he says, watch was he does. actions speak louder than words. He is using excutive powers because he can’t get congress and senate to follow along. I smell a lame duck till 2012.
Hows that hope and change working so far?
Mr. President , Bravo Sierra !
Bravo Sierra means “bullshit” for all you civilians out there …..
LMAOROTF !! I was going to let them know later on today Z !!!
Yeeeeaaaaah, and I am a member of “Save the Whales”
Free markets my foot. That’s why we have GM/Chrysler bailout, TARP, TALF, 0% interest rates, Bernanke, AIG bailout, and the Investment and Recovery Act to the tune of $787 bailout, just to name a few. The market is not only not free, it’s in shackles with a blindfold on. LOL