Police State, The MSM, & Race Baiting: Why We Should Unite Agaisnt ALL Tyranny

by | May 29, 2020 | Headline News | 21 comments

Do you LOVE America?


    The murder of George Floyd in broad daylight by police was disturbing to watch.  I don’t know how anyone can watch that and not feel the weight of the boot of police state we are in. Nonetheless, the mainstream media quickly went to race-baiting while other tyrant cops backed up the murderer by protecting his house from protestors.

    We live under the boot of tyranny. The cops have chosen their side. They are siding with the ruling class elitists, the cabal, the politicians. They do not protect and serve us, they never will. They are getting paid with money stolen from us against our will to make sure the demands of the rulers are obeyed. That means they will commit any level of violence to keep us in line, as evidenced by the killing of George Floyd.

    Fifty or more police officers stood guard at the murders house as protestors, who were demanding justice, descended on the sub-human abomination that snuffed out Floyd’s life. They have chosen their side, and it isn’t’ the side of liberty, or freedom, or peace, or justice. Imagine what kind of a world we would live in if the police actually stood up like for freedom, not murder. Imagine what kind of world this would be if the police stood up to the tyrants in Washington D.C. and didn’t side with the sociopaths anymore.

    David Icke To LEOs & Military: “Look Your Children In The Eye” & Tell Them YOU Enforced Tyranny

    The mainstream media made sure they did their due diligence when “reporting” on the murder too. They made sure to make it a point that a white cop killed a black man. While true, they intentionally are seeking to divide us by race.  When will we realize that we are all the same race? The human race. That doesn’t give any cop, who is just a human, the right to kill with impunity. I don’t care what color the cop was or what color Floyd was. A man was murdered by an agent of the state who was “just following orders.” Now, are people starting to understand why it’s beyond time to disobey the government?

    And to those who think Floyd committed a crime, he ALLEGEDLY used a fake $20 bill. Anyone who thinks death is justified over that had better do some research into the Federal Reserve and where their stimulus payment came from. The central banks of the world print money out of thin air all the damn time and no one is upset about that.

    Then, of course, were the looting and riots, which were also disturbing. The places being looted and destroyed had no part in Floyd’s murder. They played no role. They are innocent. Destruction of innocence, which is exactly what happened to Floyd cannot be fixed by more destruction of innocence. Are the police to blame? 100 percent. But the stores that were ruined were innocent. You cannot snuff out evil by destroying the property of the innocent.

    We need to unite as one race, the human race, against these monsters in costumes that go out and do the bidding of tyrants. The mainstream media needs us to see race in this incident because it’s yet one more thing they can divide us on. Instead, we should see the truth: an agent of the state murdered an innocent man. That should be enough. Color shouldn’t matter.

    Don’t let the media divide us. Right and wrong have no color.

    I hope those who are rioting can stop destroying and stealing the property of those not responsible for Floyd’s death. I hope those who still think we aren’t living in a police state will open their eyes. I hope the cops around the world will see this, and understand the huge role they are playing in the New World Order totalitarian takeover. I hope this is a turning point when we can all come together and say “enough is enough,” and finally be able to see that the problem is now, and has been, “authority” or the ruling class.

    We don’t need them. They need us. Withdraw your consent to be ruled and governed. Stand against murder and tyranny. We are the power, and what truly scares the establishment is not some politician, it’s us, all of us, united together against them.

    “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”― Martin Luther King Jr., Letter from the Birmingham Jail

    The best thing any of us can do is break the indoctrination and the mental chains we’ve been put in. It’s tough enough because we’ve all be taught to be good order following slaves. But something that can make it just a little easier, is reading Larken Rose’s Most Dangerous Superstition.  This book changed my life and it was a wake-up call.

    The primary threat to freedom and justice is not greed, or hatred, or any of the other emotions or human flaws usually blamed for such things. Instead, it is one ubiquitous superstition that infects the minds of people of all races, religions, and nationalities, which deceives decent, well-intentioned people into supporting and advocating violence and oppression. Even without making human beings one bit more wise or virtuous, removing that one superstition would remove the vast majority of injustice and suffering from the world.


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      1. Very true Mac.

        American exceptionalism strictly pertains to the belief that some are entitled to exceptions that others are not entitled to, like committing murder, whether through police violence, delibertate murder or genocide by the medical mafia, through war, through lock downs, through targeted harrassment, through falsely imprisoning innocent people, and through many other slow kill methods, and the exception to commit financial fraud which the entire Federal Reserve and too big to fails, and many publicly traded companies use as a business model, or by the importation of narcotics by JPM, the military, and the CIA, and the laundering of drug money by Wachovia, and the Pentagon, just to name a few instances where the biggest criminals in the world believe that they are the exception to the rule of law, and that it does not pertain to them, but is used as a tool to control everyone else. Small time recreational drug users and people that have drank and drove over the legal limit can and in some cases have spent their lives in prison. Ted Kennedy was never charged for the Chappaquitic murder. The people of Massachusettes did not care. They were all willing to forget about it. That is the outrage! So what, she was just a woman, he was an important elected official that we elected. We stand by our man. That is disgusting!

        This is not a government. It is a cult of sadistic, satanic, fascist, anarchist thieves and murderers. The evidence proves it.

      2. Why did Trump send a drone to fly over Minnesota to shoot looters? I oppose looting, and I am a victim of white looters in my hood, but wtf?!

        The drone flew in a hexagon pattern before leaving. Why? The military has been known for using symbolism in everything. To deny it would be ridiculous. They even use symbolism in the naming of weapons, planes, and ships, and in military operations.

        Is this supposed to be part of the heretics Book of Trump that Miriam Adleson is calling for?

      3. Trump is the wrong President for smoothing things out. Trump is about Trump. Trump is NOT JFK. Trump will start a war.
        Trump is stirring the pot with China-Russia and at home with the Media, entitled class, and the whiner snow flake Hollywood commies.

        Trump should learn, “Sometimes it is better to say Nothing. No response. No Twitter. No Fuel to someone else’s anger.”

        Don’t give the enemy words to hang you with.

        I have avoided many confrontations in life by keeping quiet, mouth shut. Even if someone is in your face. You can often times say Nothing. Back off. Leave. There is not enough time in any persons day to put All the Idiots in their place. Don’t try. It is pointless. Keep quiet. Move on with your business.

        I did/will vote for Trump because there are No other viable options. What would happen if Judge Andrew Peter Napolitano would run for President?

        • And just think of how many Americans took the easy way out, exactly like you did, unwilling to inconvenience themselves for the good of the country and humanity.

          I must say that it is the callous indifference in the face of evil, abuse, and suffering that most Americans have that got us to the point that we are at.

      4. Plenty of ass covering apologies going around in the Floyd case. Who reviewed all of Chavin’s numerous complaints?

      5. I did not see even one sign held by the protestors which pointed out that the cop was white. Only signs indicating that cops are killing blacks, which is true.

      6. h ttps://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/the_time_machine_large_01.jpg

        h ttps://80smovieguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Bill-and-Ted-Excellent-Adventure-movie-poster.jpg

        Choose your favorite, urban dystopia. You know. The one with flavor.

        Turn back the dial, 10yrs at a time, to achieve perfect clarity.

        And, don’t forget to be excellent to eachother.

        It’s always just over cigarettes.

      7. boot lickers. what ever happened to ron ahren he used to have some good rants.

      8. Trump tweeted that looting will lead to shooting. Not looting will lead to arrests, but shootings.

        Trump spoke out against the murder of George Floyd, and said that it was unacceptable and that he would send in the FBI, but, Trump sent drones in and warned that looting would lead to shooting, and of course their could be casualties of innocent people, since the shooters would not be in the stores where the lootings have been taking place, but, that is the Mental Retard Nation way. Why change now? After all, it is an election year, and after all, everyone has been illegally and falsely imprisoned in their own homes, and after all, the economy is in shambles, and after all, 40 million filed for unemployment since March, and after all, billionaires net worth grew by $282 billion at the same time, bailed out by the poor and middle class for the 4th time since 1987, and after all, the U.S. has lost all of its allies, so, just stick with stubborn and wrong, because it is the Mental Retard Nation way!

      9. Imagine what it would be like if the same Trump policy of – if there will be looting, there will be shooting of the BLM protestors was also applied to the looters that robbed We The People, of trillions of dollars, by running organized crime rings that they have the audacity to call banks, corporations, and state and local governments, and the U.S. Treasury Department, and Pentagon! Those are some pretty experienced looters by anyone’s definition!

      10. Re: “The murder of George Floyd in broad daylight by police” I would remind you that in this country, we have due process, the presumption of innocence, and the rule of law. No one is guilty of a crime until convicted. What the mob wants is vigilante justice. They have appointed themselves judge, jury, and executioner. This is third-world justice unbecoming of a civilized nation. Police must use force (or the threat of force) to do their jobs. The criminals (including George Floyd, who had a lengthy criminal record) have no problem using force to commit crimes. The issue here is: did the officer use excessive force, and did the use of excessive force cause the suspect’s death? That is a matter for a jury. Oh, and by the way, if the jury finds him innocent, will the mob be satisfied that justice was done? Of course not! They want a lynching, not “justice”.

        • The biggest fallacy of Black Lives Matter is that ‘black lives matter’. The biggest killer of blacks is blacks. The stats show it as does lived experience.

          The reality is Black Lives Matter is a racist supremacist movement that places black people above other races and demands special treatment and money to be kept for free on welfare benefits and privileged access to jobs. Call it what it is.

      11. Gentle giant, Michael Brown, pushed around Hindi-looking mini mart owner for cigarillos, in his final hours.

        Gentle giant, Eric Garner, of ‘I can’t breathe’ notoriety, was choked-out for selling loose cigarettes.

        Gentle giant, George Floyd, attempted to buy cigarettes, with counterfeit cash, apparently without leaving the premises, for this vital, life-and-death consumer product.

        Kang said, “We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality…”

        A regular escape artist, I am. Planted some independent tobacco, in protest.

        It overwinters in a mild freeze, and, now, I have bags and bags of these seedpods.

        Wherever they are appreciated, I could afford to send out free seeds.

        Worth about the same amount that you will pay in postage, anyway.

        The city planner, who can’t balance remunerative wages with consumer debt, has you living on an Indian reservation, afaic.

        You might know this, if you hadn’t burnt down the library. Ok, so it was probably used launder tax ripoffs.

        But, the communist attitude is that noone can afford anything, anywhere, ever, without being a part of the caste system, so no differentiation is being drawn between private and state enterprises.

        So, where should your tobacco product come from? I am technically the wrong color, to be speaking at one of these events, so nevermind.

      12. Gentle giant, Michael Brown, pushed around Hindi-looking mini mart owner for cigarillos, in his final hours.

        Gentle giant, Eric Garner, of ‘I can’t breathe’ notoriety, was choked-out for selling loose cigarettes.

        Gentle giant, George Floyd, attempted to buy cigarettes, with counterfeit cash, apparently without leaving the premises, for this vital, life-and-death consumer product.

        Kang said, “We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality…”

        A regular escape artist, I am. Planted some independent tobacco, in protest.

        It overwinters in a mild freeze, and, now, I have bags and bags of these seedpods.

        Wherever they are appreciated, I could afford to send out free seeds.

        Worth about the same amount that you will pay in postage, anyway.

        The city planner, who can’t balance remunerative wages with consumer debt, has you living on an Indian reservation, afaic.

        You might know this, if you hadn’t burnt down the library. Ok, so it was probably used launder tax ripoffs.

        But, the communist attitude is that noone can afford anything, anywhere, ever, without being a part of the caste system, so no differentiation is being drawn between private and state enterprises.

        So, where should your tobacco product come from? I am technically the wrong color, to be speaking at one of these events, so nevermind.

      13. The fact is this: the American republic is dead. The attempt since Lincoln to jam together the black and whites races and force them to get along, has failed spectacularly in front of the world. What we will see from now is the inexorable journey to separating into 2 new states: An Asian-White-Latino state and an all-black state.

      14. Watching videos of the police reactions to the increasing unrest across the US I get the distinct impression they’re frightened. If this continues I think in many places we will see the police flee, and if that happens it could encourage the uprising.

        • The biggest paper tigers and cowards have now been shown to be the ‘patriots’, the police and the soldiers who have left the cities to degenerate under a Marxist uprising and even the White House to come under siege. Where are the keyboard warriors and patriots now the battle has arrived?

      15. With all due respect, those officers guarding Chauvin’s home were there to prevent the mob from lynching him, which was clearly the intent of at least a few of them. I will also tell you that my daughter and son-in-law are retired career police officers, and my other son-in-law is an active police officer. They are not, and never were, agents of a tyrannical government. The majority of law enforcement officers are not, so we disagree on that. What we have witnessed is not different from what used to occur in small southern towns 100 years ago – a white woman is raped, a black man is accused, and the mob takes over and lynches the black man without any due process of law. Chauvin will get his day in court. And if the true facts are apparent facts we see, he will go to prison, just as that officer in South Carolina did.

      16. Police recently blew someone’s eyeballs out of her head, with pepperballs, in my city (baggy sweatshirt with gold chains look) but report having a special relationship with our “citizens”. So, don’t worry about the demonstration, up the street from me, we are told. The sportspark, now turned Mexican soccer and gay bathroom park, booms with fireworks noises, as it turns to dusk.

        I swear, if that skunk sprays a dindu in my yard, I’m making good friends with it.

        Red alert if helicopters come over this end of town.

      17. Chronology of the death/murder in the NY Times short article here: https://www.yahoo.com/news/george-floyd-worked-officer-charged-142840632.html. But HOW did we get this loose cannon of a police officer, Derek Chauvin, Notice, no one in the press is asking about this, & the media is spinning this into anti-Trump. Here is HOW we got to this point of George Floyd being killed by a renegade cop.

        1. A retired cop friend of mine wrote: ” This cop should have been fired years ago. The picture of him kneeling on the deceased’s neck
        says it all. SCOTUS said almost 40 years ago that choke holds were illegal. Chocking someone is for life and death military combat, not
        making a civilian arrest.” Note his words: “Should have been fired years ago…” Remember that.
        2. Democrat Amy Klobuchar, on Biden’s shortlist, previously declined to prosecute officer involved in George Floyd’s death
        Guess THAT won’t be in the leftist press any time soon. Any calls for HER to get out of politics???
        3. T he police chief who allowed all the dysfunction to take root in the MPLS police dept, is Janeé Harteau, who was forced out due to
        ineptitude in 2017. Her qualifications? She was the first female, openly gay, and Native American chief in city history, who had to leave
        after the murder Australian Justine Damond by another MPLS cop when she called, trying to be a good citizen, to report a
        possible assault of a woman in an alley behind her house https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Justine_Damond).
        Damond was white, the policeman, Mohamed Noor, was a Somali native. After Harteau was forced out, she received THE most
        generous severance package in Minneapolis government history (http://www.citypages.com/news/minneapolis-will-pay-ex-chief-janee-
        harteau-200k-to-shut-up-and-walk-away/442510193). Chauvin started in 2001, and had a history of police brutality complaints, and
        WaPo says “Earlier in his career, Chauvin was involved in multiple incidents in which he or other officers used fatal force.”


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