One of the most prestigious awards (in addition to a Nobel Prize) that can be bestowed upon a member of the elite is Time Magazine’s Person of the Year.
This year, the award goes to the “Architect of a New America”, none other than Barack Obama.
The President joins such notable figures and social architects as Adolf Hitler (1938), Joseph Stalin (1939, 1942), Nikita Khrushchev (1957), Richard Nixon (1971, 1972), Henry Kissinger (1972), The Endangered Earth (1988), Ted Turner (1991), Bill Clinton (1992, 1998), George Bush (2000, 2004), Vladimir Putin (2007), and Ben Bernanke (2009).
Via SGT Report:
Kill lists, illegal detention, illegal torture, illegal wiretapping of citizens, endless unconstitutional wars, drone attacks on men, women and children… you’ve got to do a LOT to get this honor. Congrats Obama!
Read the cover story [Time.com]
Watch: Fundamentally Transforming America
Watch: The Obama Deception (High Quality, Full Length Version)
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
An older woman in Wyoming has been hospitalized with bird flu. This marks Wyoming's first human...
This article was originally published by Rhoda Wilson at The Exposé. Dr. Joseph Mercola spoke...
This article was originally published by Arsenio Toledo at Natural News. David L. Lewis, a former...
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You notice how everything seems so bizarre under liberals.
Liberals are children in charge. And you notice a lot are women?
The Bible says because of sin God would give U.S. women and children to lead U.S.
Women, can’t live without them, can’t live with them.
As i get older it easier to totally be picky. In my youth that was a true statement. But now it was easy to wait for a good one. It was a hard search.
The women in power are no worse than the men.
Women these days in general are no worse than men either.
It’s only a general reflection of the sorry state of our society.
These women trying to run everying, “Under Obama and always will be”, into the ground, So independant yet so insecure, to bad so sad. Just like Hillary, could not show up for Congressional testimony on Benghazi. Must have left her balls in one of her old purses somewhere.
What is this that I am hearing that the Russian allow advanced missiles to be unload in Syria. If they are the types I think they are any power that allowed those type of missile to be introduced to this theater of crap has definitely decide to escalate thing a whole lot.
Anyone else get any word on this. I heard this from a friend of mine returning on one of the boats that was recalled.
Check your twitter feed, plz. I found something funny/interesting/scary (Confessions of a former TSA screener guy)
That’s not it. The Clintons have always lied about everything. There used to be jokes about how on earth could they keep writing books since they can’t ever remember anything??? (“I don’t recall”) She doesn’t want to get caught in a lie and must not be sure she can weasel out of this situation with enough credibility left to run in 2016. Not that lying to the electorate seems to be a problem anymore.
Under normal circumstances, I would strongly disagree with you on that, Aus. Normal circumstances being back when White men acted like masculine, self-confident MEN – as opposed to the nauseating, feminized version that nearly 100 percent of the current crop of White men who’ve risen to positions of leadership have now become.
Women based 100 percent of their decisions on emotion, which clearly makes them unsuitable for being trusted with being leaders of a nation. To be a solid leader, one needs to base their decisions on logic, facts and common sense, not on emotion. The problem we have today is that most men are so feminized that they are acting exactly like women, so it appears as if there is no real difference.
As opposed to the numerous male leaders who have compromised themselves with affairs and sexual liaisons? Are they acting rationally? Is it rational to act following the advice of special interest groups providing perks and campaign funding? Oh, I guess that is a rational self interest. Does this mean that rational self interested crony politics is better than emotional based politicing? They both stink in my opinion.
Not really agreeing with that.
I was given birth to by a woman who lives and breathes logic, and is as stubborn as Hell about it. We didn’t whine to get results in my parents’ house… we debated on merit.
Also, back in the day, sadly, too many men thought that being “manly” involved “putting that bitch in her place” (that is, beating a woman when he didn’t get his way).
A true and real man isn’t afraid to stand for what he believes in, but is also open to listen to his spouse, and to let her run the household as she sees fit. His job lies outside the home.
I’ve laid this out in detail in the book (click my name and download it if you don’t already have a copy)… post-collapse, women and men will most likely revert to more traditional roles, but if she is a lot more skilled in something than you, by God you let her handle it.
What I mean is, women will most likely take over the home (while you help her out when asked and not busy), and men will most likely take over defense, planning, procurement, etc.
OTOH, it is still a partnership. If she’s a crack shot and you don’t know which end of the cartridge to put into the chamber first? You give her the rifle and make sure that she doesn’t run out of bullets.
Ok…ever heard of Margret Thatcher? Not led by emotion, wish she was around now…second about the Russian missle question…SCUDS…thats it.
Hey congrats to B HO on the award, he’s awesome.
In good company too, here are some other winners of the TIME award.
1938 Adolf Hitler
1939 Joseph Stalin
1942 Joseph Stalin, again, WOW. Must be a great guy.
1972 Henry Kissinger
1979 Ayatollah Khomeini, he did have a sweet side.
2008 B HO
2009 Ben Bernanke
2012 B HO again, WOW, Must be a great guy.
News flash (semi-off-topic:)
Wal-Marts are now selling out of guns
(clicky my name, go to “Twitter”…)
Kmart is also closing out their ammo sales. I saw ammo marked at 40% off in a store a few days ago.
but they are buying Hostess so it’s kind of a win lose thing.
Here is the link to the Bloomberg article: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-12-19/guns-out-of-stock-at-wal-mart-as-magazine-prices-surge-on.html
The article goes beyond WalMart and reports on ebay sales, and a NC gun store selling over a million dollars worth of stuff yesterday alone. Lets get a wager going on how soon ebay stops selling firearm related items. Contact the writers at the end of the Bloomberg article and ask them when they will do an investigative report on Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns and all of the politicians in that group who have been nailed for criminal activity.
Myfavorite vendor is now 6 months behind on orders for AR lowers.
Were on the same page as 1930’s Germany I suspect. And we all know how that ended.
“An evil exists that threatens every man, woman and child of this great nation. We must take steps to ensure our domestic security and protect our homeland.” – Adolf Hitler, 1922.
Sound familiar ? Axis of Evil, Al Quadea Domestic terrorists, preppers they are all justification for action.
Eleven years later the Jews were sent to death camps.
That evil was, and still is, the banksters. Hitler was merely a fall guy for their acts of atrocity.
Hitler was aware and tried to stop them. His place in history has been painted with a black brush to hide any truth. Better that than to have the real criminals exposed.
BO knows of the same evil, and long ago joined it voluntarily.
Time magazine is a liberal rag sheet; USA Today went by the wayside years ago, used to be conservative. On line or talk radio is only way to find out truth.
I never read Time. Its run by a bunch of obama drooling homos.
Each issue of Time that comes out in the US, is totally different to the International issue. Different covers different stories. What’s really disturbing, is the fact that the International issue covers very in-depth stories that if read in the US would cause outrage. Yet, the US issue seems to leave the reader none the wiser on what’s happening around the world. And to a certain degree, the US articles seem more ‘simplified’ to read??
This list reads more like the ‘Asshole of the Year’ Award!!
Sorry–the evil just jumped right out of me.
Obama deception
52% are still deceived..
yup, and that same 52% would vote for Hillary in a heart beat, thats pretty dam scary
HERE IS A MOVIE TO SUPPORT THESE FACTS AND MORE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDivHkQ2GSg&feature=share
As time passes by, finding a good woman (or ladies, a good man) is going to become more and more paramount.
The days of finding a sex toy that puts up with you and maybe pops out a kid for you are gone. What you want now is someone who is at least as skilled as you (perhaps moreso) in survival, and help you prepare for what’s coming…
How the Newtown massacre became a Mind-Control television event
December 19, 2012
By Jon Rappoport
In Viet Nam some black friends tought me about , “story and plot,” gun control is the “{story ” the link below is the “plot”
Harold, that video is scary. Thanks for sharing.
Bingo OQ, almost thirty-two years of marriage. Short story: We had only been married about a year, when a knock came at the front door one night around seven p.m. I looked at the missus and asked her if she was expecting family and she replied, “No”. I went to the door and opened it, and two young fellows stood there and one fellow asked me if I was Mr. Jones. I told him yes. He then said “Well you’re not black”. I replied,” No, not since I looked in the mirror this mourning.” He and his friend got to laughing. I then asked them what they wanted. They told me that they had several skinned raccoon in the truck and that a black family by the name of Jones would buy the meat. I then informed him that they were down the road a couple of more miles. I asked him could I look at the raccoons. Upshot of it was I bought two of them cause I do eat the meat. I took them back in the house and set them on the kitchen counter and the two fellows went on their way. I then called to the wife to come out to the kitchen and give me a hand. When she entered the kitchen and saw the coons she stopped and stared. The hides and innards were gone but the heads, feet and tail bone were still attached. The wife said, “I guess you want me to fix those”. I told her,” No, I gonna take them into work and we’ll cook them up there for the guys. I do need you to help hold them so I can get the heads, tails and feet off.” She did so without any complaint. I knew then my gut instincts had been right all along and that I had me a “keeper”
Larry Pratt romping on Piers Morgan:
With the number of women involved in the shooting sports, and hunting growing, will action by Obama and a Democratically controlled Senate against firearms ownershipconstitute a “War on Women”?
pass the beer nuts……
I cracked up when Norm on Cheers quipped “women, can’t live with them, pass the beer nuts”. Another good one was at a wedding reception when the MC wanted words of wisdom for the groom from the man who had been married the longest. A distinguished elderly man stood and quipped ” I have just celebrated my 58th wedding anniversary and I have just two words, “Yes, dear”. I can attest after 44 years of marriage that indeed, discretion is the better part of valor. Seriously, both sexes need the temperance imparted by the other. Especially the children.
Bimbam, I believe you were refering to Isaiah 3:12 (As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths)KJV.
Yes, that’s the verse. For an old book it’s very modern in thinking.
Hey – I’m a woman and I totally agree with you. I used to be all about women’s’ “rights”, but after some of the STUPID comments I heard and read them make after this last election,(“Romney will put all back in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant!” Romney will set women’s rights back 50 years!” I’m not voting for Romney because he wants to take away basic human rights!”) it made ME want to revoke their voting rights (and no, I am not a big Romney fan, but the current squatter in the WH was unbearable to me – as evidenced by the above article. I saw this shit coming twice as fast with his re-election).
Many Women and ALL liberals are very much alike – they think based on emotion alone and are sadly lacking in the ability to think logically. Every decision, every thought, everything they spew out is based solely on emotion and their “feewings”.
The latest tragedy in CT is proof of this. Since most women do not own guns (and are in fact afraid of them)they are among those screaming the loudest to have MY right to them taken away! However, they have no problem at all retaining their “right” to homicide their unborn babies. It’s no wonder I always related to men better than other women….and yes, you are right, we DO live in bizarro world. God help us.
By the way – I’m not talking about the women here-I mean the one’s with rainbows shooting out their asses out in LaLa land.
Rant-tastic. I would totally give you cuddles. 🙂
Amen, Sista! Women, in general, are emotional idiots. No ability to be rational, too busy with their PMS and shopping…..now in my 50s, I see very clearly that “Women’s Lib” has played a huge role in the downfall of our country……
Excellent piece! You hit the nail on the head with this one. The majority of the women (and men) have become weak. They have no compassion for what they can’t see.
If the images were shown of the fetus little body and the needle being stuck into the back of it’s head to suck the life from it, some of them “might” have a different opinion of abortion (legalized murder).
Most won’t see the truth even then. They are too caught up in the frenzy of the liberal media types, and political correctness. Following every comment from they and their political leaders as facts.
The world has now gotten so “conditioned and materialized” that I can see how they will fall for the fake Christ when he arrives on the stage, offering to pay off all their debts, if they will just “worship” him. He will use the media, as a tool of manipulating the ignorant. They will be manipulated into submission. It’s happening now with the “gun control” issue. Odrama is setting the stage for the next leader. The next leader will most likely be the NWO leader and as the good book tells us; the “whole” world (vast majority) will whore after him.
It’s coming folks, like it or not. This is the last generation, the generation of the fig tree. Christ himself told us to learn the parable so we would know the times, so that it would not overtake us as a “thief in the night”. All this evil will soon be a thing of the past and we will live together in harmony. All the evil elements will be burned up as well as the evil doers. We will finally have true peace on earth. Until then, we just have to keep wading thru the muck and shrugging off the shitty ones as they try to cling to us. There are very few of us and way too many of them.
Don’t Tread…if everyone read Heaven Is For Real…a 4 year old goes to heaven, sits on Jesus’s knee, meets his sister miscarried early…there would be a big decrease in abortions.
A must read for all. Why would a 4 year old lie?
@ Nunjobizness: A very refreshing “female” perspective. Apparently those women who have lived through the “female liberation movement” now have a real world perspective on the results that YOU were sold decades ago.
Experienced/mature women have figured this scam out. The “twenty somethings today”…could use your hard earned perspective. Good luck with that endeavor.
When the single biggest liar, bullsh*t artist, and con-man can claim Time Magazine’s “Man-of-the-year”…”time” to stop reading “Time Magazine”! Their “time” has come and “gone”!
Hate to addmit it but I’ld rather have hilary at this point.
Better to have the devil you know. Instead of this
no thanks X 1 billion!
and just to stay consistant , same goes for any of them
Again, one PRIMARY TRUTH MUST be known to all: There is NO DIFFERENCE between Republicans and Democrats, Libs and Conservatives, Right or Left. It’s a two party dictatorship. EVERY one of them are part of the same club, funded by the same interests, party to the same cause.
To sit here discussing how it’s the fault of one group or the other is to stay stuck in the same paradigm that is dying a slow and painful death, which is where they WANT you to stay. That way you are easiest to control, pawns in their game. That paradigm is coming to an end soon enough, so be sure you don’t go down with the ship. It’s like being asked if you would you rather be looted and killed by the butcher in the blue mask or the red mask…lemme think now….
I ain’t dumb enough to fall for it anymore. I choose freedom over tyranny, plain and simple. I make every effort to answer to one person: me. The lesser of the evils is still evil, and I’ll have no part of it. Please people, have some self respect, and respect for your families and communities….it’s already awake in you, just use it.
Its nice to hear a voice of reason once in a while. You’d think from some of these comments conservatives never have or could do wrong. This is why I don’t get caught up in that paradigm. If you pick a side, any side, your just another sheep.
Precisely, Timothy! Thanks for helping to maintain some thoughtful integrity. Once you apply a label, it’s game over.
Really you folks think hilary could be worse than this come on
What’s the difference between ANY of them? How is Hitlary so unique that she stands out for the better? Name ONE way. They’re all psychopaths with the same agenda. She is textbook psychopath, and I choose not to play the game. Can’t have a bully/ruler/dictator/rapist/murderer/president when the ones they wish to rule refuse to accept their slavery.
“Cast your chains to earth-like dew,
Which in sleep have fallen on you,
We are the many, they are the few.”
When she ran for the Democratic nomination for Presidency I applied for work visas in several countries.(2 english speaking and the third a non-Spanish speaking country)
I am convinced that life under another Clinton, particularly one as evil as Hillary would bring about the absolute demise of the US. May G-d help us and the people of the US in the coming years.
Yo, yo, yo My Peeps: I have to interject with an amazing bit of off topic info I found about Nancy Larza.
Apparently she is connected to DARPA and the CIA as the RUSSIAN FSB had a file on her according to the following link:
This shooting is getting stranger and stranger as time goes by …… just saying. Engage
I meant Lanza. The shooter’s mother.
and here:
1) who said he was the shooter–two other guys shot him and fled…where have you been DK??
Explains all the inconsistencies –he was called to the school; then assassinated.
I have heard that jayjay, but that is speculation that has not been confirmed. Can you cite a link that confirms two other shooters? This article puts a CIA/Darpa connection to everything.
If the article is true about Nancy Lanza, and her connection confirmed, it blows the lid off of everything the PTB are doing.
I suspect there is a black ops drug program for young male adults, not unlike the LSD experiments of the ’60’s going on, with the intent to generate these mass shootings to disarm Americans.
We’ll see.
Gasoline under $3.00 per gallon in Phoenix.
…..so I’m wondering… if I were in “charge”, and had some goals to accomplish… such as, say; disarm as many of the population as possible; provide diversions to get bengahazi, fiscal cliff, lousy economy, voter fraud, etc. off the front pages… what would do the trick?
I don’t know what’s real or not, but I do know this story keeps changing.
At first, 3 guns including semi-auto rifle. Then, rifle in the trunk of car, not inside. Then rifle back inside. 3 guns or 4??.
What about dudes led out of the woods?
Mom is a teacher… no substitute teacher… no former principal from another district.. no, divorced homeschool mom with a gun fetish… no, CIA operitive… are you f*ing kidding???
Watched the video with the “victim’s dad” interviewed. Either an actor, or severely in shock and needs psyco help now!! he was giggling like a little girl??!! WTF?
And now it’s like a news blackout on “official” details. weird, very weird.
And don’t forget the congressman coming out and saying that Israel black ops was behind the CT shooting because Netanyahu was pissed at our perceived lack of support for Israel, was on presstv, google it.
News blackout is probably a good thing at this point while they use both hands to try to find their asses.
The misinformation has been really irritating. Chaos at the beginning may explain some of it, incompetence probably explains a lot of it, but who knows. Victim’s dad is really disturbing.
“The Bible says because of sin God would give U.S. women and children to lead U.S.”
Show me that scripture!
This world is evil and Jesus Christ is King.
“The Bible says because of sin God would give U.S. women and children to lead U.S.” – Bimbam
Where in the Bible did you find that?
What do you expect – OBAMSKI is a woman !!
Obama said he would bring change
he didn’t say it would be for the better !
wow. that was a throw away line inn the movie but now its chilling. good find Salvo!
It’s ironic to hear it from her, being a staunch Obamski supporter
PERFECT CLIP! This is exactly how art is imitating life, and history is repeating itself right before our eyes….RIGHT NOW.
Hits the nail on the head! Thanks for what you’ve done Mac. Please continue to pray for this country folks. May God have mercy on his people.
Funny bit is, Lucas admitted this scene was a veiled hit on Dubya. While Dubya wasn’t much of a prize, that line (and the cheering crowd in the background) is so much more fitting for “our lord and savior” Obama.
The Obamanatzis will love him until he comes for THEM.
they don’t care things are worse.
they don’t care unemployment is back up
they don’t care are weekly food costs have doubled since he has been in charge.
They just want him to say he cares. even if he doesn’t
Don’t forget…free birth control
And what is wrong with birth control unless it conflicts with your religious views?
If most women had easier access to it maybe we wouldn’t have such a high population.
Maybe ee wouldn’t have so many freeloaders on snap cards etc. Etc. Etc. ?????
It’s the “free” part of it that most folks should have a problem with, especially since TANSTAAFL, yanno?
Gimme a break! You think illegals that come over here want “free birth control” when they are coming here for the express reason for plopping out one anchor after another for the lifetime bennies?? THEY are the reason for our population explosion – at least here in the states.
YES,Nunjo I spent the last two years in Central Fla.and was surprized at the high number of Puertorican’s there! I wonder if their Island is now Empty of people?? (Also the local 7-11 sold the ‘New York Times’ for all the Transplants there!! I for ONE will NEVER go BACK!! Keep Preppen!
i dont consider myself religious ,but abortion does run agianst my value’s ,having said that ,i dont give a damn if you choose to have an abortion ,i dont care if you use birth control ,hell i dont care if you want to wear a fur lined piss pot on your head ,i just dont want to be forced to pay for it ,or anything you want for that matter ,if you want it you pay for it ,if these people cant take care of there offspring ,then pay to have them spayed
Birth control is for sissys. I say offer $10-15-20,000 to get sterilized. Chicks and dudes. Now that’s an investment in our future.
They’ll cycle the cash right back to the economy anyhow, and we won’t be supporting their “brood” for the rest of their lives.
Here’s another one from the files; in prisons, at every feeding, offer a little pill for those who “just can’t take it anymore”.
“practical solutions for real problems” , that’s my motto.
an easier solution would be for the 49% of the country that work to just stay home for a few months ,i’ll bet money they would go the way of the dinasour in short order
had to give you a thumbs up ,looked like the libtards were getting you a little lop sided
Ummmm just how much easier could birth control be made, to most women ???? Sorry dingo that has to take the koolaid award for the week. WOW
You’re handle fits your ideology. You may want to add “bat” to that dingo; it’s more fitting.
You must be kidding! Population control? With the billions our government wastes everyday on foreign terrorists regimes and the UN; and you are worried over a few Americans getting help with food. A lot of innocent children depend on those “snap cards” for survival.
You must be the type that would take candy from a baby and then laugh about it. Get a grip.
As a Canadian we fund abortions but I would much rather fund birth control if given the choice. Prevention is much better than killing.
And obamaphones….
When you’ve made this illustrious list, you deserve only one honor: MONSTER.
Our “Commander” is the most secretive, ruthless, communistic, fraudulent, conventional, vapid leader in modern history.
How is Obama a Communist?
from those according to their ability, to those according to their need
Jesus Christ have you ever listened to the man talk? He’s said how many times that he believes in redistribution of wealth – which, BTW, also indicates he doesn’t believe in private property rights.
Not So Much: The truth is that the Uber Rich and PTB have been redistributing wealth in America for the past 30 years under Free Trade ….. to themselves.
Which is why 147 corporations control 60% of world GDP and 25 companies control 40% of world GDP. It seems reasonable to me that O’Bummer should be working to level the playing field in america again.
The Uber Rich in America like to tell the story that 20% of the people (them)pay 86% of the income taxes collected in America.
What the Uber Rich don’t tell you is that individually, they are paying about 18% of their income in taxes, while the average American (51%) is making $27,500 a year and paying 30% of their already low income (which is suppressed by Illegal Immigration) in taxes.
I got MINE. But how is it working for you and the Middle Class?
Engage these MF’s or be enslaved by them!
Of course the difference is that Govt has power and control over you and corporations have zilch.
BTW, corporations pay 0 taxes. They pass that onto the dip shits that believe in raising their taxes.
Of course, you’re also a dip shit for believing it’s reasonable to level the playing field. History shows that level is always poverty. You’re a stupid son of a bitch
NSM: I agree, corporations pay no taxes while WE do and at a much greater rate than the Uber Rich. A level playing field is where everyone plays by the same rules.
Even in Putin Russia, the average citizen only pays 13% of their income for federal taxes, while 51% of American making $27,500 or less, pay more like 30%.
I believe that every American is entitled to an equal opportunity based upon their education, experience, personal skills, and willingness to apply themselves.
That equal opportunity has been corrupted by phony crony capitalism and the self serving Congress which creates one set of rules for themselves, corporations, and a select few GB’s and another for US.
You are a DUMB FUCK for not understanding that! 🙂
“A level playing field is where everyone plays by the same rules.”
Of course, that’s not what Barak Obama is doing now is it. Are you retarded?
NSM: I never said that O’Bummer WAS doing that, but if he is trying to do that, while stymied by the Retards in Congress who you must support, then I am all for his trying to move to level the playing field.
And in that respect I would heartily support his effort and would suggest that you are the dumb shit that is retarded.
Have a great day DUMB FUCK!!! 🙂
Ya know, That last response wasn’t really fair just as is.
How about these.
Revolutionary communist Van Jones was Obama’s Green jobs Czar.
Anita Dunn, unrepentent Mao Tse Tung lover was his Press Secretary.
How about Obama’s ties to Frank Marshall Davis who had a communist party id card and an FBI file longer than John Holmes’ johnson.
How about Obama’s own proclamation of seeking out all the marxists to be his friends while he was in college.
How about Obama’s ties to The New Party
An endorsement from a marxist party
Jeez, How about you pull your head outta your ass and read something
The democrat party is not the party your grandpappy voted for. They are communists and they are anti-American.
George……ARE U STUPID?????
Are you friggin kidding me? Wake up Libtard!
It’s george gefferson, not Thomas Jefferson. What did expect?
For what it’s worth, Time Magazine’s ‘Man of The Year’ for 1938 was Adolf Hitler, and he was praised pretty heavily in there.
That alone should say something…
Hey everything else has been geaorge bushs fault.
so is obama going to blame receiving this award on him to
prescott, hw and gw were contributors to his hell that we are/aren’t living…i hope that they rot in hell along with the rest.
right and left are the same.
not my comander
Stay Brave Brothers and Sisters
You just are amazed at what he keeps getting away with.
like the old rocky and bulwinkle cartoons.
“watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat”
Tigers, lions, and rhinoccorses never what he expected but always big and shocking.
Is this just one of nina over the top stories. This has to be a joke. How could anyone think he is this. Please explain it to me. Seriously
hey after Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize
ANYTHING is possible
we’re livin’ in freakin’ bizarro world
unfortunately, i think we are the bizzare ones.
the majority of the world are dictators with no respect for life, mob rule, bribes and lies.
i thought the US was still different in obama’s first term. when he won again with no respect for life, mob rule, bribes and lies; i decided maybe the US is the same now.
the bad news is there’s no where else to go. why i dont drink daily now, i dont know.
It’s more like the Twilight Zone! I think a lot of people are going to go John Galt after the first of the year.
That’s easy. It’s the same reason people think that the economic recovery is right around the corner. TPTB suck, but got to admit that they know how to get shit done.
S I D , there happens to be this old book,Some people believe what’s written in it, other’s do not.In this book are lot’s of word’s written about this very subject. This particular piece from the old book, was directed towards a group of people called the thessalonians and in a section of paul’s letter he wrote to them (And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:) 2nd thess 2:11. KJV. I believe one problem is,these people are both decieved,and delusional.That why!!! this man is adored WORLDWIDE!!!Seriously!!!
Amen, brother. The path to destruction is “wide”, and many(most), shall travel by it.
Rumor has it that it was down to the wire between him and Honey Boo Boo. Good news is no appreciable difference in leadership ability between the two.
I donno about that—I think honey boo boo might forego the kill lists and fake wars, and make everyone play board games instead…
After his “gun control” speech today, you have 2 weeks to a month to get what you need before the Biden Bill goes into effect. Stock up on PVC and cosmoline….it will be in short supply.
I’ve heard on here a couple of times that if it’s time to bury your guns then it’s time to dig them up… so I don’t even bother. Just keep them cleaned, practiced with oiled and loaded.
Where was the presidents Moral outrage over bengazi.
no waiting months for fact find here.
It’s those “Damn Gun NutZ ” Take their weapons.
“What the massacre was with stolen guns by a mental defective, Don’t bother me with the facts.”
Alright JRS, pardon the question of an idiot, but PVC and cosmoline?
@Lee from La
1# You take a large bore PVC sewer pipe, cement an end on one side, making it water tight.
2# Cover gun/mags that you are going to bury with cosmo.
3# Also put in ammo but don’t cosmo it.
4# Also add a large silica gel pack to keep it dry inside.
5# Seal the open end and bury the mother 5-6 ft down.
i think for pistols and ammo that 5 mil mylar bag with a few O2 obsorbers sealed and put in a 5 gal bucket w/ a rubber seal lid and buried may not be a bad idea either
Cosmoline to protect the guns you bury in the PVC pipe 😉
Hail the King. At least he thinks he is. $500 bottles of wine, $50 a pound Kobe beef imported from Japan, 54 Christmas trees, $5 million vacation, lobster for his dinner flown to Colorado in a government plane, ALL at taxpayer expense.
When will even the liberals wake up to this system of ruler and ruled. Yes, special interest, including a lot of big corporations have lobbied for and got laws that rig the market place in their favor. Yes, most Congressmen and Senators leave office far more wealthy than when they came in, and most bureaucrats receive salaries higher than private sector employees. This is a system of plunder and control, and instead of the liberals asking to end the plunder, they beg for more of it and beg to share in it.
I don’t want to be a slave to support aristocrats or the welfare/dependency crowd. I want to be free and to take care of myself, but not carry these creeps on my back.
Obama is evil along with his supporters and the rest of the Washington crowd. Only the evil dupes at Time Magazine would consider honoring him. What insanity.
Usually when there is a revolution the politicians, judges, and lawyers are objects of the wrath of the people; maybe next time those in the media will be included too.
We were warned that in the last days our leaders/politicians would have the minds of children.
” professing them selves to be wise they became fools “
Off Topic: Sorry
Russia just unloaded 24 hypersonic Iskander 9K720 (SS-26 Stone) cruise missiles in Syria.
Speed- 1.3 mi/sec.
Range- 280 mi.
Payload- 1500 lb.-HE, CHEM, or Nuke capable.
Pinpoint accuracy.
These missiles fly to fast for Patriot or Iron Dome anti- missiles to bring down.
Things are ratcheting up in the Mid-East.
Just Like when they dave him a nobel prize a few years ago Awards for acomplishing nothing. But saying all the “right things”
All according to plan…
If there any justice in this world, 0bammy would be in Leavenworth for treason.
Dont wish to hard, you might just get it in time. In 10 or 15 years there may be political crimes trials, for everything that has happened from 2004 to 2016. Why do you think Obama is still in campain mode, he wants a third term. And he might get it, but of course we would not allow it. Thats why DHS ordered up 2 billion rnds. ammo, guns, gear, and what ever. And they will get Heavy weapons the closer it gets to 2016. And their trying to take our weapons now? More things will happen, more gullible and stupid people will belive their bullshit. Nobody is doing anything about it now. How many times does it take to get slapped in the face, to realize your getting slapped………..WAKE THE FUCK UP EVERYBODY……Before you got a federal agent man in black pajamas with an MP5 stuck up your ass!
i think you are wrong but close,,he really doesnt want a third term,,,hes heading for dictatorship,,that would make him king,,as he thinks he is,,,you are right about one thing,,,WAKE UP,,,,,
Why, you gonna bury your guns and go into hiding?
Tornado drill from school
Get down, cover your head, avoid flying debrie.
this will just be on a larger scale.
The only award he should receive is gun salesman of the century.
More like the best gun salesman of all time! The Messiah!
yup, just came from a local range up near where my Dad lives, they said they sold 67 AR-15 platform guns in one day , yesterday
Oh the irony of this
Charlton Heston said it all in 1968, PLANET OF THE APES
!!!!! ITS A MAD HOUSE !!!!!
Stay Brave
Better throw in some WD-40 too.
Oops–that is a great reminder for a case of WD-40.
Dont ever get that shit anywhere near a gun or ammo..you’ll be sorry
WD-40 is for water displacement, not lubrecation 1st, and secondly WD-40 kills ammo by creeping into the primer and killing it, creating a dud
you were warned
Obama DEMANDS action on gun control
I wonder if he’s gonna DEMAND any action on the
Benghazi debacle/coverup/lies
Obama may very well go down in history as the worst President we have ever had
I think it is safe to say George Bush is off the hook !
Didn’t anyone get the memo–EVERYONE, EVERY agency, govt, military or otherwise performed beautifully and no blunders in Benghazi —in email today.
If you work in any of those entities, I’d seriously consider retiring or a career change..NOW.
Joe Biden in his own words:
Harry Reid in his own words:
WAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOO Barack Obama is the man of the year. Yippy Yippy Yeah, Hip Hip Hooray, Long Live The King
just hedging my bets
buying my get out of FEMA camp free card
avoiding a GETMO tan
never mind
Incremental Persuasion
Get to know this term. It’s how “they” are methodically dismantling the Constitution and turning this country into a Socialist, Fascist Police State. This “Incrementalism” is why we preppers constantly feel frustrated by the apparent lack of responses by the masses (too busy being busy doing absolutely nothing other than doing as they are told) because TPTB have got it down to a science, i.e. know how to get the masses to do what they want without waking them from their slumber.
Today, “Assault Rifles”. In a few months, after another patsy takes out more innocents, certain “Ammo”. Then after another staged event, “Rifles”, then Handguns, then all ammo, then bows and arrows…
Incremental Persuasion
“When persuading, do so one small step at a time.”
“Get them to agree to a small point. Then get agreement on a further smaller point. Then another and another until you have got them to your final destination.
Make each small point very easy to accept and as logical as possible so they cannot really object to it.”
“Incremental persuasion works because perception is based on contrast, which in this method is between small increments. We largely judge the impact of something on us in this relative way rather than against an absolute standard, making incremental approaches less easy to notice.”
“There is a classic story of boiling a frog in a saucepan. As the water warms up, the frog does not notice the incremental change in temperature and does not jump out, and so quietly boils. The same is true of many changes in life, where we accept many small differences, not taking action until it is too late.”
“Incrementalism works in many different places. For example if you’re seeking information, ask for a little at a time. It can be effective if you ask different people, as this allows you to gather a lot of knowledge without appearing to be particularly acquisitive. You can also get a lot done by asking for small favors. Paradoxically, this can lead people to feel they should do more for you, as in the Ben Franklin Effect.”
WHAT A CROCK OF COW MANURE! Goes right along with his
Nobel Prize!
The Nobel Prize doesnt mean a hell of a lot , its like British knighthood ………the limeys hand that joke out to actors , glass blowers , etc .
In a local gun shop today trying to order a lefty bolt gun in .308…guy next to me is in an urgent discussion with the manager of the store. did’nt hear the particulars but this is what the manager told me afterward:
The gentleman was a local class 3 dealer that primarily sells to the regional law enforcement community but also sells to those who jump through the hoops to get a class 3 weapon. Manager says the guy has very close ties to beauracrats in D.C. Coming new gun legislation will totally outlaw ALL auto-loading firearms with NO grandfathering.
I don’t know the veracity of this info but just maybe if you want a semi weapon you better get it soon then “forget” that you have it.
Without question, that’s where we are heading, wnc mb. Listen to a great rant by Christopher Green regarding Obama’s plan to wage war against 2nd Amendment.
My god! life imitates art!
” oh baby, your so talented….. and they’re so dumb”
yup, that’s our boy.
Blazing Saddles reference, very nice!!!
Bimbam, I believe the liberal women you referred to are, to borrow a Rush Limbaugh term, “feminazis”. The only white males you ever see among liberals are the ones who are stupid enough to believe all the libturd crap that is spewed out every day. Obamanation is just carrying on with the NWO agenda like all of his scum puppet predecessors. Braveheart
Time is about as credible as the Nobel Peace prize.
BO can the “honor” of being the person of the year, next year, after the ecomony has collapsed, regional or world war has started, for the starter of nationwide martial law, widespread civil war, the collapse of the union, whatever else distinguishing “achievements”.
Zero the Usurper getting kudos from the propaganda ministry of kool-aid? You don’t say.
The current squatter in the White Hut, a purple lipped crack smoking/coke snorting mentally ill narcissitic puppet who spends his days engaged in sodomy and sitting around smoking can’t even speak from the heart with his supposed condolences wiping fake tears from the opposite side of his tear ducts having to look down to read a piece of paper as usual use a teleprompter issuing statements via this puppet’s handlers like Jarrett and associated liberal fascist scum for the Newtown tragedy.
The constant adorning by the hack press is utterly laughable, the next hard interview being Conan O’brien probably.
Zero has no leadership skills, because Zero hasn’t run a fruit stand. He’s a muslim allegianced marxist who grew up from the ages 9-18 under the mentoring of a sex pervert sodomite pedophile commie who aided foreign born children, who was under the watchful eye of the FBI, Frank Marshall Davis. But alas radical associations, the equivalent of the KKK don’t matter to traitorous media or associated lemmings buying this kool-aid.
In addition, Zero is a foreign born undocumented fraud — there is no other avenue of reason folks. No birth documents presented, all avenues for simple reasonable answers are blocked, scrubbed, thwarted; his obvious forged supposed long form he dug out for the press conference under criminal investigation for forgery, etc by AZ law enforcement. Meanwhile the HI Dept of Health, corrupted to the core, playing games for 4 years changing their own rules and statutes to protect Barry, then admit with documentation no legal binding documents for Zero exist. The bigger issue is the rule of law, our Constitution, and a ruling class elitist scum who are in cooperation with such tyranny..after all, John McCain was foreign born and ineligible to serve the Presidency as well. Resolution 511 kids. Look it up.
Now the liberal fascist nuts are overreaching going after guns, at a period in history of the largest gun sales, nearly 155,000 NICS checks on black friday alone, new record, since Zero got re-elected and this regime’s established record of ignoring the rule of law and the Constitution, not to mention near economic collapse, now ammo pallets and all manner of firearms are disappearing.
Oh bravo libby lightweights, this should really turn out well for you. Well, not really, as the Doctrine of One Hundred Heads (look it up) gets dusted off and immaculated for eruption.
And all magazine restrictions, capacity bans, gun bans, private party purchase bans, gun show bans, etc WILL BE IGNORED> WE WILL NOT COMPLY
“Shoot to Thrill” A/C Back in Black Albumn. Man of the Year! I have to vomit and Crap on this one.. please excuse me while I whip this out.. My pistol if wondering?
I have to go my dog just threw-up when I told her the news. Times Mag….too funny. Just Joking right? Seriously?
You can gift wrap a turd but it is still just a turd.
A response to extreme pressures was used back in 1944.
Many here will use it again and mean it when we choose to say… “NUTS!”
Y’all Beware! Courtesy of General Anthony McAuliffe – 1944, Bastogne.
Do you smell that?
Au/Ag is getting ready to do something…
Smells like,,,,,, money.
OOPS, Meant Back in Black A/C D/C Back in Black album
Ya’ll beware of your posts and what you say, have ya’ll noticed that eveyone has a post ID # it is directly attached to your IP Address.. Just say’n
Reel, the post id’s have always been there and visibile in comment urls (when you click the time stamp of the comment). After numerous requests from users for ease of cmment thread tracking we added the ‘echo’ of the comment id in text form. Nothing sinister on our end. however, as we noted in previous posts, assume everything you type here is being logged, aggregated and cross referenced by your local DHS Fusion Center.
The lines are being drawn in the sand. No turning back now. Wouldn’t have it any other way.
A Police State and Armed Citizens can not coexist.
Sweet!Hey Barry, once a cur, always a cur.
Use TOR.
Use Tor at torproject.org
Or use encrypted internet access can be purchased
What say you Mac?
Chinese government is ordering Congress to disarm Americans: http://liberty.com/content/chinese-state-media-demands-us-citizens-be-disarmed
They are demanding that interracial Chinese-White couples declare allegiance to the Chinese government.
I vote Piers Morgan
ASSHAT of the Year
what a TOTAL jerk
I’m glad he’s on CNN
no one watches that failing station anymore anyway
@ Satori. That Atlantic Ocean WETBACK “thinks” he can come over here to a foreign country and try to force his agenda down everyone’s throat. This buttcrack face “thinks” that all he has to do is outshout anyone else and then in a totally bias way not allow someone to speak. cnn is awful not to tell this asswipe to allow someone to speak their mind and then try to debate in a civil way. Can see why no country wants this backwash from a toilet.
The one thing that this ape cannot do is silent the people like on this site and the thousands of other freedom orientated sites around the world from expressing themselves to all those that read it. The more people that can come to the support of basic freedom of self defense the better. P. M. which stands not for piers morgan but too many other names that fit some foreigner trying to peddle his own country’s failings, along with most of europe’s pacifist stances that have allowed people to become terrified of defending themselves against any attacker in those extremely unfortunate countries.
I truly feel sorry for the English people now, their country has been turned into toothless rabbits that even hezbollah could conquer if they tried. That is pathetic, and the English people can blame the idiots like piers in the country’s leadership that has turned them all into wussies and pansies. No more stiff upper lip for the brits, more like quivering upper lip and wringing of the hands.
Well the Brits were always told they were subjects to the King and Queen. Now we have it here.
Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) need I say more?
South Africa ditto
USA can you connect the dots?
I noticed that too.
Thats why we created Liberia.
man of the year “my eye” pftzzz…
Mambi Pambi Obambi
Everyone should download the above picture of the puppet commie prez then print out flyer’s of the image to be posted around their towns with the words …
(place picture here)
~N.O. ;0p
Everyone should download the above picture of the puppet commie prez then print out flyer’s of the image to be posted around their towns with the words …
(place picture here)
~N.O. ;0p
There is not a word in the english language to describe how much i despise that filth. He is destroying my country. Previous presidents haven’t help much but that commie scum took us over the edge. I cannot watch him on TV because my BP goes up into stroke territory. If you told me 50 years ago that the likes of him would be president I would have spit in your face for treasonous talk. How can we as a country be so damn dumb? Don’t people want liberty? Don’t they want freedom? I can hardly look a black person in the eye knowing that statistically he supports obama 100% This country is done, kaput finnissimo. It’s gone and it ain’t coming back. If suicide wasn’t a sin I would blow my brains out right here, right now rather than live under communism.
God forgive us. Jesus forgive me for the darkness in my heart but a line has been crossed many times but yet we are still talking about it. Are there any Patriots left?
0bammy is the architect of the New America the same way Vladimir Lenin was the architect of the New Russia.
here’s the “award” Obama should have won
I really think a strong case could be made for impeachment
How can Time misspell SOB?
Red Alert!! Obama GUN CONFISCATION Starts Jan 1, 2013
Gun confiscation. LOL
Good luck with that.
Hillary Clinton FAKES Concussion, Won’t Testify on Benghazi
Wow Seems like someone forgot their Meds todays.
the voices are quieter if you take your meds.
Hey Nina, Benghazi-gate will have to proceed without Hellary implicating herself in the process. “Not today dear, I have a headache”! Does anyone really believe the “bitch of Arkansas black-ops” has a shot in 2016? What a joke!
“It’s not the people who vote that count. It’s the people who count the votes.” (Josef Stalin)
Make it a 2 day blizzard so I don’t have to go in to work til Monday!
Prepper out.
Looks like you are getting hit down there. Good luck. I hope you have enough food to get you through a few days! 🙂
I’m good.
Sure he is,
On another note, better Get ‘Em while you can if this hasn’t already been posted;
The Hedge reports that as of 4:30 today Wal-Mart has SOLD-OUT of firearms in 5 states,
Have a VERY Merry Christmas Y’All!!! 🙂
THE VATICAN OF ROME ITALY releases ” The Pope’s Christmas New Year Message to the Masses of the Faithful around the World ” statement that …
“C H I L D P O R N P E D O P H I L I A is ‘Normal’ !”
– W T F ;0P CATHOLICS and JESUITS (L U C I F E R I A N B L A C K P O P E) ;0p !?
“sigh” … You just can’t make this sheeit up .
~N.O. ;0p
* This Public message is too the zog fed commie gov agency NSA FBI DHS that is now “actively blocking me” from accessing @shtfplan website …
“GO PHUCK YOURSELF!” ;0P pssszzt
buncha fed zog commie dummies !
~N.O. ;0p
Don’t get so cocky. They could care less about your dribble. It was mac holding your crap in moderation. You are not that important.
@fbp … waaaaaaaaaa ;0P
Don’t be a cry baby cause no body likes your dumb ignorant moronic posts or wants you around .
~N.O. ;0p
The Constitution of the United States was made not merely for the generation that then existed, but for posterity all future generations, unlimited, undefined, endless, perpetual posterity.
Mystery in AmeriKan Illegal Lie Driven False-Fag War torn Iraq
US Munitions DEPLETED URANIUM toxic military dump’s All over Iraq ARE to Blame for Basra Birth Defects … AMERIkA POISONS THE WORLD FOR PROFIT !
*** Three children from the Hassan family in Basra. The oldest is 17 and the younger two are eight and seven. Though the three don’t all have the same parents, each was born with only one eye. Despite the widespread belief in the city that American munitions are to blame, some scientists are wary. They say that there are many factors that could be affecting the cluster of cancer and birth defects.
~N.O. ;0p
First, it was awarded to Barack Obama, then to the EU. I have lost all respect for the Nobel Prize.
Gerald Celente – National Intel Report – December 18, 2012
Published on Dec 19, 2012
Gerald talks on Trend Forecasting and how the government is using the Newtown shootings as a way to implement gun control, the way the media has portrayed the shootings and information that is not being discussed on the shootings.
The Trends Journal® is the World’s #1 source for the most important trends that are shaping the future. The Trends Journal® shows you how these trends will affect your life, how to profit from them, and what to do to avoid pitfalls. Regardless of business or profession, the Trends Journal® provides insights, strategies and opportunities to help you navigate these treacherous, unprecedented times.
Keiser Report: Monetized Genocide
In the latest Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert look at central banking monkeys performing cannonballs into the global dark pools, the backlash against quantitative easing and the Queen ticking off the Bank of England. In the second half, Max talks to economist Sandeep Jaitly of FeketeResearch.com about silver backwardation and a monetary path that will throw us *all* into such poverty that none of us will be able satisfy our ends.
Who cares. There you all go again…..getting distracted by politics. The r and the d are the same. You need to get focused and quit mentally master bating.
Was looking at north korea’s official news website the other day, which is more like a bulletin board system from 1990. Almost every day they had an article where their most benevolent leader receives some award, recognition, or credentials from some outstanding group like libya or the childrens orchestra of chap or the committee for the ministry of organizations of syria. Notice the similarities?
There’s something very Dark about that Mulatto.
Y’All gotta see this,
Looks like our beloved Comrade Frankenstein has hosed us again,
I think it’s the GENETICS here that’s the problem….
Bank of America looks to be in a wee little bit O trouble,
Suprise, suprise
Found this on a prepper site:
December 19, 2012
Facebook Twitter YouTube
Cheaper Than Dirt! will Resume Online Firearm Sales Pending Policy Changes
Cheaper Than Dirt! recently announced that it was temporarily suspending online sales of firearms pending a review of its order processing and procedures. Well-known for its ability to process and ship orders within 24 hours, online sales have skyrocketed to a point where it may take up to 72 hours for firearms and other items to ship.
“In light of recent events, we believe it is prudent to review our policies and procedures to ensure we can continue to provide the products and firearms our customers demand,” said Chief Operations Officer Roberta Wilson. “We will resume online sales once we update our process and continue as we have always done by shipping firearms only to FFL dealers.”
Ms. Wilson closed with, “As a long-time supporter of the Second Amendment, we will continue to serve the needs of the firearms community while ensuring our unsurpassed level of quality and customer service.”
Cheaper Than Dirt! prides itself on being America’s Ultimate Shooting Sports Discounter since 1993. Cheaper Than Dirt! boasts over 100,000 items available for purchase through their Web site and catalog. Articles, photos and videos appear daily on the Shooter’s Log at http://www.CheaperThanDirt.com/blog.
Meet ZOG Commie AmeriKa’s PENTAGON CIA MOSSAD AL-CIA-DUH FSA Shock Troops invading in a illegal war commiting genocide of christians and jews babies women and unarmed men in libya – bringing NWO ZOG BANKER TAX DEBT SLAVERY TO LIBYA LEBANON IRAN AND JORDON by the BARREL of a FASCIST AMERIKAN GUN !
* funny how they look just like … TERRORISTS !
~N.O. ;0p
see link below …
* funny how they look just like … TERRORISTS !
~N.O. ;0p
Gun Control explained
Uploaded on Apr 18, 2011
A liberal tries to explain why she wants to make gun ownership illegal.
Obama Targeting ‘Preppers’ for Concentration Camps … they are going to take your guns America … disarm you to further Victimize you and your children all in the name of CONTROL .
The “AmeriKan Traitor Illuminati” are intentionally deliberately sacrificing their own children on psychotropic drugs in zog fed commie gov FALSE-FAG attacks Against the Children of Once Free America .
* see link below …
Obama Targeting ‘Preppers’ for Concentration Camps
The Constitution should never be construed . . . to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.
—SAMUEL ADAMS ( this guy makes the best beer ever ;0P )
I’ll drink to that.
Why on earth would this excellent quote get all thumbs down?
Who is infiltrating the comments section lately and giving all the negative feedback on the most innocuous statements?
Maybe your negative feedback would mean something if you’d man up and give reasons as to why you object to things like this.
I’m not holding my breath though – most liberty-hating cowards prefer to lurk in the dark and do things behind the scenes.
As the “day of atonement” draws near, the trolls are ALL working overtime. Wait until the next check comes in “short”!
i suppose china, chavez, castro and every other communist place and person voted for him and he’ll revell in the fact…
Jews Invade Misheegan AmeriKa to Create New Homeland ;0P
Jews Demand Jewish State Within AmeriKa
Jews Want To Create Jewish State On AmeriKan Land.
Jews are seeking to establish a Jewish state in Detroit , Michigan , with the city of Detroit as its capital of their New Judaic State of Michigan ” . According to the project website, medinatweimar . org.
According to Jewish source “We want to make Detroit and Michigan a state of art and feminism, what more can you expect from a Judaic state.”
“Such a state will relieve the ‘Jews trauma’ after Adolf Hitler and World War II.”
The National Jew Socialists see Detroit and EastBumPhuck ;0P as two of Michigan’s most important cities, and has magnificent plans for both of them . NSDAP’s first major manifestation was held in Detroit January 2013 .
* see link below …
I think you need to put down that crack pipe coco puff. No one in their right mind would move to Detoilet. Especially Jews…being right next to the largest muslim population outside of the middle east? Have you ever heard of Dearborn Michigan?
;0) i know that from the riots over this last summer at the muslim community celebration fairs there IN MICHIGAN … i was just being sarcastic baiting you with some personal dark humor based on the VERY REAL REPORT OF WHAT IS HAPPENING IN WEIMAR GERMANY BEING INVADED BY FORCED TO GIVE UP TO THE J’s .
~N.O. ;0p
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is…
I wont ask for much this Christmas
I dont even wish for snow
Just want a Jew who runs show business
Speilberg, Stiller Ari Gold
I will make a list and send it
Of my choices for St. Nick
Seinfeld, Zach Braff and Jon Stewart
Are the boys with a big schtick.
Cause I just want them here tonight
Holding on to me so tight
Ill take Zac Efron too
all I want for Christmas is Jews.
Menorah lights are shining
So brightly everywhere
And the big box office
Makes Jews millionaires
They may have killed our savior
Thats not the best behavior
Thats ok he rose again three days later
and now Im an active J-dater
Oh I dont want a lot for Christmas
Gentile boys are such a bore
Goldman, Weissman, Cohen, Levy
These are names that I adore
Oh I just want a chosen one
Hebrew boys are so much fun
Make my wish come true
Baby all I want for Christmas is
;0P pssszzt
hey, coco puff!!! some of the stuff you post is funny, other time’s i wonder when they let you out?
We’re already awake. Don’t take this wrong, You’re my neighbor and brother. But are you on or off your meds?
Jews Demand Jewish State Within Germany
Published on Jul 13, 2012
Jews Want To Create Jewish State On German Land.
Jews are seeking to establish a Jewish state in Thuringia, Germany, with the city of Weimar as its capital” . According to the project website, medinatweimar.org.
According to Jewish source “We want to make Thüringen a state of art and feminism, what more can you expect from a state.”
“Such a state will relieve the ‘Jews trauma’ after Adolf Hitler and World War II.”
The National Socialists saw Weimar and Dresden as two of Germany’s most important cities, and had magnificent plans for both of them . NSDAP’s first major manifestation was held in Weimar.
Proverbs 3:31
“Do not envy the oppresser and choose none of his ways. For the perverse person is an abomination to the Lord”.
“This world is evil”
– Jesus Christ
Iowa ,please state chapter and verse, of your quote!(the world is evil) I do not recall the statement
In times like these, I am reminded of the immortal words of Socrates, who said:
“I drank what?”
-Chris Knight (Val Kilmer), Real Genius
Yes but this a**hole’s plan is Socialism!
SWAT Teams on the Streets in Arkansas. They Demand IDs for Doing Nothing
Tea Party Economist
Direct link…
Amazing how many posters are cheering this on.
The Dick Act of 1902, also known as the Efficiency of Militia Bill H.R. 11654, of June 28, 1902, invalidates all so-called gun-control laws.
The Dick Act of 1902 also known as the Efficiency of Militia Bill H.R. 11654, of June 28, 1902 invalidates all so-called gun-control laws. It also divides the militia into three distinct and separate entities.
The three classes H.R. 11654 provides for are the organized militia, henceforth known as the National Guard of the State, Territory and District of Columbia, the unorganized militia and the regular army. The militia encompasses every able-bodied male between the ages of 18 and 45. All members of the unorganized militia have the absolute personal right and 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms of any type, and as many as they can afford to buy.
The Dick Act of 1902 cannot be repealed; to do so would violate bills of attainder and ex post facto laws which would be yet another gross violation of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The President of the United States has zero authority without violating the Constitution to call the National Guard to serve outside of their State borders.
The National Guard Militia can only be required by the National Government for limited purposes specified in the Constitution (to uphold the laws of the Union; to suppress insurrection and repel invasion). These are the only purposes for which the General Government can call upon the National Guard.
DICK ACT of 1902 . . . CAN’T BE REPEALED (GUN CONTROL FORBIDDEN) The Trump Card Enacted by the Congress Further Asserting the Second Amendment as Untouchable
To all@ Shtf Please read!!
If you haven’t already, We need to get of our butts and do what we can now with who is awake,instead of trying to change the other who may never ‘see’ all the lies that has become truths! I couldn’t post links so i will give the articles and where located. Sorry Mac i hope this doesn’t offend you are the good people of this site.
The intelhub.com
The Mayan 2012 Prophecy end of the world “Made in America”
Zen Snap out of it and the related article at the bottom” Does any government dare do this”
I honestly believe that those in DC are twisting the Constitution to suit their needs. Take the Habeas Corpus and indefinite detention thing. Habeas Corpus is not a right but a privilege that can be suspended in cases of rebellion or invasion when the public safety may require it. This is clearly stated in the Constitution Article 1 Section 9 Clause 2. All it takes is the corporate government (or executive order) to define what they consider a “rebellion” to mean. This is why it will not be removed from the NDAA. They are letting us know their fear of the people they feel in their black hearts.
This photo is not the usual charming, smiling Obama. This is the look of someone with sinister motives – the true Obama.
Put down the pipe, cOCOpUFF cRACKhEAD. You’re making those alphanumerics mELt…
Listen live.
Shoot–that was scary.
courage is not the absence of fear… it is the realization that some things are more important than fear.
First the MSM makes a big issue over Chinas insisting that the US tighten up on it’s internal gun laws and now Anderson Cooper takes MSM time to put forward the proposal below from a 10 year old.
“My daughter Natalie was interested in asking him if he could pass some kind of legislation so that the only people that had guns were military personnel and law enforcement, and if people needed guns for sport that they could go to a range and the guns would have to stay there.”
So the left thinks China and 10 year a old should direct the nation and they call us crazy?
That’s because they don’t want to interview adults-they know the feedback already.
It’s being expressed at every gun sale shop.
I doubt that there is a Natalie. I went to a gun store yesterday (East TN). The place was packed. At least 3 filling out forms for background checks – no ArS LEFT, ABOUT 3 AKs left, certain ammo gone or nearly so. The clerk that checked out my ammo gave me the last bag. He said things have been crazy.
Got to proof read.
So the left thinks China and a 10 year old should direct the nation and they call us crazy?
A 10 year old who was COACHED on what to say.
During the Benghazi attack two CIA agents wanted to help but were told to “Stand Down”. As we know they went and helped anyway and after a 7 hour fight died for their bravery. They should be Time’s “Men of the Year”, not the sack of crap in the White House.
Can I get an amen, because I bet that they are both smiling down at us.
Mass killings stopped by armed citizens,, oh yeah they dont want you to know this happenes
* 1929 the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929to 1953, approximately 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.*In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915-1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.*Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, 13 million Jews, gypsi…es, homosexuals, the mentally ill, and others, who were unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.*China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952,20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.*Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.*Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979,300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.*Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million “educated” people, unable to defend themselves, were roundedup and exterminated.*That places total victims who lost their lives because of gun control at approximately 56 million in the last century. Since we should learn from the mistakes of history, the next time someone talks in favor of gun control, find out which group of citizens they wish to have exterminated.
* Paul Harvey *
Despite all odds, our President prevailed in gaining re-election. He still has an uphill battle fighting a Red House which has blocked his every move in an attempt to squash his goals of bringing the Middle Class equal pay, women’s rights, gay rights and affordable healthcare. The Bush Administration drove our economy into a swift nose dive and Obama is still the patsy. Watch conservative hands paint him in Blackface with a visual commentary of how Barack has been bamboozled at http://dregstudiosart.blogspot.com/2012/10/bamboozling-obama.html
Brandt Hardin
Obama feeds from the same corporate bowl as Bush and Romney. Wall Street is not re-regulated and prosecution of their white collar criminals is on the decline from the Bush years and he was nothing to brag about. Jon Corzine a huge Obama supporter lost 1.2 billion of his investors money and, “Has no idea where it went”. He took the accounts of clients w/o approval in violation of the law and he walks free.
Save us the “Democrats are friends of the working class” and spend some time looking at their virtually identical voting record with Free Trade as the Republicans.
Brandt…I’m the year 1982–APSU…from Tennessee of 57 years and now in Russellville for 5.
The Hyper Report video
Daily financial political prepper news
awesome resource for daily need to know news without the b.s.
The U.S. Dollar Continues To Die. By Gregory Mannarino
American Riots Will Be The Worst In The World – US Dollar Collapse
World Economic Collapse – Are YOU Prepared? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4b8WcAVE9gw
Ann Barnhardt – The Economy Is Going To Implode (Full Length) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WraPInMTGwU
Coco…Word is she hasn’t been on her site for 9 days.
@JayJay ;0) Respect … I do hope she’s Okay … As she is a definite threat to the PTB and the Federal Reserve Banker Oligarchy … as She Spreads her Good Word on her Speaking Tour Around once free AmeriKa .
I hope they don’t arrange a convenient accident for her .
She is a Force to be Reckoned with by any one Especially Men ;0P … Very Powerful Woman Very Intelligent and Has Big Brass Cojones – which is why I Like Her ! ;0)
Even though I’m Agnostic … I follow her and Her Words of Moral Faith in Her chosen God ! And I Respect her for her Firm Convictions based on the Good Book ! ;0)
She’s a “Good Person of High Morals and Intelligence” – kinda Rare in today’s celebrated Narcissistic Greed Driven World !
~N.O. ;0P
This is the most informative link you’ve ever shared! Thanks!
@Ms. Daisy ;0) no problemo’ … RESPECT … an “Thank You” Ma’am and da’ Munchin RugRat for Xmass ;0) the thought tis’ sincerely appreciated .
~N.O. ;0P
You’re very very welcome. 🙂
Merry Christmas.
~ D
PS: Check your email
Thanks for the link Coco. That sniveling sack of crap trespassing in our white house isn’t fit to carry Ann Barnhardt’s boots.
@SmokinOkie ;0) Yur’ Welcome Sir … BIG RESPECT to you Okie … Happy-n-Safe Holidays to you Sir !
~N.O. ;0P
Researching all day on small arms protocols during SHTF. It appears that a definite gun grab is in the cards. I no longer question this as it has been written in federal documents. Now the question is how far from the urban areas will they venture? Will lack of funding and chaos in the cities render them impotent by the time they get out to us sprawled out on the countrysides (or desert in my case)? They are welcome to have everything I’ve got because I sold everything at the gun show accept my little LCP. What can I say times are tight and business is slow. Got to put food on the table and pay the rent.
Makes as much sense as his Nobel Peace prize!
What a joke this Muslim is !
Didnt Hitler also make man of the year in the 1930’s ? Just sayin