It’s still spewing as BP has failed to plug the leak with a “top kill.” For the sake of the gulf environment, our economy and our food supply, let’s hope someone has a plan B, C, D, E… Kevin Costner can only clean up so much, as this isn’t a typical oil tanker spill and another 30 days of uninterrupted flow can have extremely serious consequences, though our current status is certainly no picnic.
The White House declared this a national security issue shortly after the rig explosion. It seems clear, then, that they knew how bad this was immediately after it happened. While we can lay blame on BP and the regulators who failed to meet safety requirements, the disaster response failure lies squarely with the Obama administration – they have the ball.
The following video gives you an idea of what it looks like under the water:
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I thought they plugged the leak this evening according to news sources. If they didn’t, coastal evacuations will probably happen soon because of the chemical releases making people sick.
There’s an eerie quiet regarding the results of that plug attempt,if they fixed it,you can be sure that they would be shouting about it from the rooftops,but there’s just ambiguity and conflicting info.
Apparrantly the cement casing fractured some distance from the surface under the BOP(the pressure tests proved this just before the explosion),so that means that the oil is leaking up from the sea floor and there have been posts on youtube showing  just that.
This may be very grave indeed.
This goes beyond blaming dems/repubs/Bush/Obama,we’re all in for some bad events if this isn’t stopped somehow.
If this continues to worsen,we could see mandatory evacuations from the Gulf areas from the benzene emanating from this goo.
Obama certainly has not handled the PR on this well, and I’m not a fan anyway, but does anyone have a suggestion what else the government could be doing now? Prevention was the answer, now I don’t think they have the capability to do much but “help” BP et al try to fix it. I do not know why we allow offshore drilling at all and certainly not why we are allowing a non-US company to do it.
Plan “F” is a tactical nuke that will collapse and fuse the well head. The Russians are suggesting it, but not in their backyard!
They are running out of ideas.
Yeah, I thought so too. On the news flashes this AM it was saying that it worked. I pray a hurricane doesn’t brew up.
This disaster reminds me of the catastrophic dust bowl during the last great depression in the 1930’s. Then it was the mismanagement of the soil. This time it is the mismanagement of off shore oil drilling during what many are experiencing as another depression,
I’m guessing that the millions of gallons of oil spewing from the ocean, wrecking havoc on the shores and wildlife, is only the first stage of the catastrophe. The oil slick could heat up the gulf water due to less natural evaporation. As I understand, the warmer the gulf water, the bigger the threat of stronger hurricanes. If the hurricanes pick up countless tons of oil there is no telling what can happen to inland crops and people. It will all play out this summer.
I found a video that explains a lot about what’s going wrong. CAUTION!! It is narrated by a very upset oil industry person who uses some very vulgar language. Not safe for work or around children! Here it is..
This disaster reminds me of the catastrophic dust bowl during the last great depression in the 1930’s. Then it was the mismanagement of the soil. This time it is the mismanagement of off shore oil drilling during what many are experiencing as another depression,
I’m guessing that the millions of gallons of oil spewing from the ocean, wrecking havoc on the shores and wildlife, is only the first stage of the catastrophe. The oil slick could heat up the gulf water due to less natural evaporation. As I understand, the warmer the gulf water, the bigger the threat of stronger hurricanes. If the hurricanes pick up countless tons of oil there is no telling what can happen to inland crops and people. It will all play out this summer.
Don’t let Obama off the hook. He took a $72,000. campaign contribution from BP.  One of the largest he recieved.  That’s why he took so long to respond to the crisis. He’s in their pocket.   Obama also advocated drilling off Florida and the Eastern seaboard while his staff at the U.S. Minerals Management office in D.C. were busy viewing pornography on government computers.  These D.C. A-holes are the ones that are suppose to police the oil companies and the drilling contractors to ensure sound operational practices are adhered to.Â
Now Obama has the audacity in a speech today to say that his daughter Malia asked him after his morning shave  “if daddy plugged the hole yet” .   This is pathetic and desperate pandering to public opinion by Obama.
The Coast Guard and Guardsmen are to be commended for all their efforts. To the the citizens of Louisiana go our sympathy for their losses.Â
As for BP and Obama they are to be condemned for their continued arrogance, deciet, and disregard for citizens safety during this entire crisis.  Fascism is alive and well in the White House.  Â
We all need oil to make our world go round.
Let anyone out there that lives in a cave, wears animal skins and hunts with a hand made spear…Â cast the first stone.
OK, now that we got that out of the way…let’s think this thru.
Yes, it appears BP was cutting costs by rushing things. Investigations should get to the bottom of this.
As for Obama and his administrations response …look, I detest that spineless wall street puppet as much as the next person….but really, what exactly could he or the US gov do that oil experts couldn’t.
Yeah, I know…just like so many of you who are realizing now…Obama is a feckless placeholder, a polished teflon coated proxy for the ultra wealthy elite ruling the US ( i.e. .. the owners of the private Fed)
Still, let’s be fair. It’s unjust to single him out because, after all …. he’s not in charge. It’s his patrons calling the shots.
I should have NEVER giggled at the Hopi Elder who came to our school in Arizona 35 years ago and told us, “at the end, the oceans will turn black and kill many living creatures”. Comments…..
It is amazing how many apocalyptic events are occuring in our lifetime.Even the ancestors of the Hopi Indians gave warning of this event:
( Search,,,hopi prophecies-prophecy rock crystalinks,,,)
” This is the seventh sign: You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things dying because of it.”
If you were to view the Holy Bible from just an historical/theological perspective, it has revealed many things that are occuring today:
The pursuit of a one world government with one world leader.( Rise of the Anti-Christ )
The creation of RFID devices that can be implanted under your skin for identification.( Mark of the Beast )
An astounding increase in earthquakes and volcanic activity.( End of Days )
A world war to end all wars.There are currently enough nuclear weapons to destroy the face of this entire planet dozens of times.( Fire falling from the skies.)
Possible Corona Mass Event or CME, solar flares.( Another fire falling from the skies type prediction.) There are some sources that predict a massive death rate could occur within one year if such an event knocked out electric power for a prolonged period of time. An electro-magnetic pulse or EMP would have similar results.
The Sumerians were a people that lived thousands of years ago, and possessed knowledge of medicine and astronomy that our civilization has just begun to discover, and understand. And yet, as advanced as this society was, the Sumerians literally disappeared off the face of the planet.Not until archaeologist discovered the remnants of their civilization in the mid 1900’s did modern man know of their existence.Did an apocalyptic/exinction level event occur, that they were never to recover from ? Have apocalyptic/extinction level events occured during to course of human history before, which left just enough people to start over and create civilization again.
I believe ancient history and archaelogical discoveries will continue to show that our civilization may too have a finite existence that we will be unable to do anything about.Unfortunately, man-made disasters like this horrible offshore oil spill may hasten our own demise. If we truly are living in an apocalyptic/exinction level event period, our reckless behavior isn’t helping.
when I woke up this morning first story I read said ‘Top Kill Succeeds” and all day reports that it was working as planned even though the live video sure didn’t look like it.
Then after the markets close they go ahead and say they had stopped pumping mud 16 hours ago to deal with possible problems. Supposedly trying again now but not sure I’ll believe anything until I see it.
Too bad that benzene cloud does not drift over Washington D.C. Â
In the largest concentration possible. Â
I don’t like to move in the “twilight zone”, but what if this accident was pre-determined?
What if they try to create conditions of oil shortage, in order to increase its price?
I think it’s way too much, but who knows? History has shown to us that weird things are happening with the knowledge of governments.
Jimw, I agree with you…follow the money trail.  Who do politicians obey, the voters, or the money barons that send them to D.C. This country is controlled by big $$$. Money alone is not evil, but the love of it is & that love insulates from the real world & suffering. Try running for office without it. The one true God knew this, in proverbs, it says, the rich shall always rule over the poor & the borrower will be servant to the lender. TEOTWAWKI
jimw and 2bhuntn  are spot on.
no one is quoting any estimates as to how much oil is in this pool that got tapped. it’s possible. because of the enormous pressures involved, that it may be impossible to stop the gusher…it may have to run dry like all those pools in eastern texas, pennsylvania, oklahoma, etc…
>> He took a $72,000. campaign contribution from BP.  One of the largest he recieved.Â
I am constantly amazed how cheaply a politician can be bought. I wouldn’t sell out the US for less than a million.
@ Red Dog Leader
If they try to use a tak/nuke to close the leak we are in big trouble. The blast will most likely cause more damage to the well leading the leak to become larger. It will not be able to be contained then.
just heard a press conf. on CNN;  total failure so far, they lied yesterday and said it was fixed; it’s worse than ever with another  large plum in the gulf stream.  All hope is gone and BP and the gov. knows it.
Had this well not exploded and begun leaking, and BP had been able to report this much production, everyone would have been more than happy as they continued to drive around in their gas-powered cars and trucks. However, the unthinkable has happened and catastrophe is too mild a word to describe what is happening.
I am appalled at the possibilities we face as mentioned in earlier posts – particularly about abnormal warming of the gulf, and the problems of summer hurricaines.
I wonder if prepping will help any of us in the southern states, in light of these long-term consequences.
Don’t fret granny,
Obama will give one of his determined and uplifting speeches and everything will be ok.   It’s a good thing we have a accomplished bullshit artist for president. Â
Here is a video of the Russian nuke solution used in a gas well blow out.
Thanks Red Dog,that was a cool video
This could get really, really ugly if not plugged sooner rather than later. I have to believe there is more than 50 million barrels of oil in this field as I have seen reported, or the risk/reward ratio would have been far too great at this depth and too costly to drill. 500 million B/O would be more like it.
Reports have indicated 6,000 BOD in the “leak” ( its a blowout people), but Michael Ruppert says, 25,000 BOD, and I believe him. If it was only producing 6,000 BOD it wouldn’t “pencil”. “Gushers” can easily produce between 1,000 to 3,000 barrels of oil per hour, ala Spindletop. Â At that depth under ocean and rock the pressures would generate a gusher. 1,000 BOH would equate to 24,000 BOD.
The good news, if the hole is plugged soon, is that we can learn from this, enforce existing procedures/techniques and processes going forward, and maybe develop better technology for controlling wells at this depth.
The bad news, is that we are indeed in the “Latter Days”, and this scenario could be, and will likely be, repeated many times with the Earth Changes coming with the Pole Shift as predicted by Cayce.
My bet is on the Hopi Elders.