New York City mayor and known communist, Bill de Blasio has already shut down the city’s infamous Thanksgiving Day Parade all because of the scamdemic. With more than two months until Thanksgiving day, de Blasio somehow already knows the COVID-19 hoax will somehow play a role.
Luckily, de Blasio is being mercilessly mocked on social media for his heavy-handed tyrannical decision. De Blasio’s attempt to “reinvent” the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, an American tradition, was met will all kinds of disdain. The parade will be “reinvented” and held virtually this year due to safety concerns around the ongoing coronavirus pandemic hoax. “It will not be the same parade we are used to,” De Blasio said at a press conference on Monday, according to a report by RT. “It will be a different kind of event. [Macy’s is] reinventing the event for this moment in history.”
The mayor attempted to downplay the scale of these changes by reminding citizens that the fourth of July fireworks show was also greatly scaled back. Don’t be surprised is these tyrants pull off another lockdown banning people from being with family during the holidays. Because of his willingness to exert control over everything and every person, the public is hitting back.
Commie De Blasio’s Snitch Hotline FLOODED With Obscenities
Another point of American tradition torn asunder…so long Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. https://t.co/Ur1ZoeF3YV
— Raymond Arroyo (@RaymondArroyo) September 14, 2020
Many view de Blasio’s decision as an “ongoing culture war” between the left and the right, and accused him of wanting to cancel Christmas, and I’d be lying if I said that that is beneath even this comrade.
Grinch DeBlasio won't be happy only canceling Thanksgiving Day Parade.
He's itching to cancel Christmas. #Timestamped #NYC pic.twitter.com/SahtUBvLxB— Beverly A. Pekala (@PekalaLaw) September 14, 2020
This is just one more example of the total control these people want over everyone’s life. They are cancelling whatever they can and most Americans are still not speaking out against this. If we continue to let this drag on, we will all be slaves injected and subservient to the New World Order and the ruling classes of the planet.
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Thanksgiving cancelled. They do not want anyone to have anything to be thankful for. Too bad, still thankful that I am not one of them and didn’t sell out and join them. They really are 100 times worse than the German Nazis, maybe people might have noticed how everyone is suddenly defending Nazi Germany as a righteous and justified group of people. How fucked up does this world have to be to look back on Nazi Germany as “the good old days”?!
Even Global Research from Canada promoted Keiser Wilhelm, who was before Hitler as a really great guy, who believed that Royalty was appointed by God and sought to take over land through brute force, on one of their radio shows.
What’s wrong with this picture?! There has been a rush to defend Germany in World War I and World War II. Gee, do you think that this might be originating in Germany?!
Andrea Iravani
Donald Trump is the largest enemy to journalists and the 1st amendment that the world has ever known, with Trump’s war on Truth and dedication to prosecute “leakers” and individuals that publish, or discuss “classified” information which is actually government corruption which has no business of being classified at all and the corrupt psychopaths that are guilty are the ones that ought to be receiving the sentences and charges that Assange is receiving in addition to numerous other charges which they are guilty of! Even Obama and Eric Holder both concluded that they would not seek to prosecute Assange and used The Pentagon Papers leaked by the New York Times as a reason for not doing so. The nut jobs in the alt right media all pretend to support Assange, but the nut jobs also all support Trump and falsely proclaim the MSM ignores Assange, which is a lie, because The Washington Post, New York Times, ABC, NBC, and many others have all pointed out that Assange is being prosecuted over the same charges that The New York Times published The Pentagon Papers over, in addition to scores of other leaks that have been published by both journalists and former government employee whistle blowers.
How ironic is it that these nut jobs include both journalists and former government employee whistle-blowers that are demanding that everyone vote for Donald Trump? Definitely paid propagandists, lunatics, or mentlly incompetent half-wits.
Andrea Iravani
Thanksgiving cancelled. They do not want anyone to have anything to be thankful for. Too bad, still thankful that I am not one of them and didn’t sell out and join them, which would be a fate worse than death because they have proven that they have absolutely no regard for human life, constitutional rights, or personal property, and the truth about their sadistic predatory crime spree being exposed is definitely their biggest fear. They have been torturing and terrorizing me and violating my rights and property. The wprld would be better off if they were dead. I have never even met many of these psychopaths, and barely even know many of them. They are sick as hell! They really are 100 times worse than the German Nazis, maybe people might have noticed how everyone is suddenly defending Nazi Germany as a righteous and justified group of people. How fucked up does this world have to be to look back on Nazi Germany as “the good old days”?!
Even Global Research from Canada promoted Keiser Wilhelm, who was before Hitler as a really great guy, who believed that Royalty was appointed by God and sought to take over land through brute force, on one of their radio shows.
What’s wrong with this picture?! There has been a rush to defend Germany in World War I and World War II. Gee, do you think that this might be originating in Germany?!
Andrea Iravani
These do not sound like the “beautiful piece of chocolate cake” option to me.
Of course everyone knows that Assad did not gas and kill babies and children and Xi was coordinating with Putin at that time, but trade deals come first with Xi.
Andrea Iravani
NYC needs to have DeBlasio recalled. He needs to be put out of office. He is destroying NYC. Worst mayor ever.
Yes, DE Blasio (D) is a fool. This idiot ran for the Presidency on the Demonrat side – he was too crazy even for that side of the aisle. DEMONRATS like Lightfoot (D) from Chicago, Wheeler (D) from Portland Oregon, Seattle (D), Los Angeles (D), Atlanta (D), and on & on are stupid people that want to run your lives. Their partners in the Main Stream Media (NYT, CNN, MSLSD, etc.) are trying to make this happen. Will you be complicit and vote for your own enslavement?
Does the leadership meet the standard set by Romans 13 —
“Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are *ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the *ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil.”
In a clean, productive, whiter country, which still values culture and craftsmanship, the parade floats are made after the styles of paintings and sculptures from museums. Like looking into the window of a high-end, vintage toy store.
Something I have noticed about different religions and points in world history —
Idols, reliquaries, icons, feasts, and pageantry can be seen as a form of sacrificial giving. When they are fine art and made of valuable materials. Not, when they are hollow, plastic, and ephemeral.
Post brownwashing, they will not buy the toys and books, which look and sound like them. (I’ve stocked it, personally. Yes, really.)
This parade is another brand, that got woke, before they went broke.
Are you still a capitalist? What is the literal definition of capital?
Are you still a conservative? What are you conserving, and for whom?
Are you still a Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter worshiper (et al)? Where do these things come from, in their best possible iteration? Are you the curator of it, and is the govt (crisis actor) a terror unto your good work.
I have seen eyesores, in the past 25yrs. In the past 10yrs, these activist, civic functions have become inept and unwatchable. I will have no interest in these venues, until the Marxian administration fails, utterly, under it’s own rot, or God drops a flaming mountain upon it. Whichever comes first.
If you, reading, in the meantime, are a professor and gentleman, I find it unfortunate, that you would have to hide your work under a bushel.
The Grinch had a heart! i do not think these people do!
Girls just want to have fun.
Thanksgiving day parade cancelled by a jive turkey.?
“NYC Mayor Comrade De Blasio Shuts Down Thanksgiving Day Parade” stating he because the turkey looked to much like him!