This article was originally published by Lance D. Johnson at Natural News.
In a shocking twist to the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot narrative, Virginia Beach resident Jacob Hiles, a charter boat captain, claims to have proof that the Capitol Police incited the riots and subsequently threatened him with imprisonment if he shared his findings. Hiles, who was pardoned by former President Donald Trump, now speaks out with video evidence that contradicts the official narrative of the events.
Hiles, who was arrested and charged with crimes related to the protests, has over an hour of video footage from January 6, 2021. He claims that at least nine minutes of this footage show Capitol Police officers using a “super soaker”-style water gun filled with bear spray and pepper spray, which he says incited the riots.
“I have videos that show Capitol Police inciting riots by shooting. They were walking through the crowds with a super soaker-style water gun that was full of bear spray,” Hiles told WAVY-TV 10.
In one of the video clips, Hiles shows a man who had been sprayed by a Capitol Police officer. “I’m standing right beside him and he walks up to the Capitol Police officer and says, ‘Hey, why did you spray me with pepper spray?’” Hiles recounts, adding that the man identified as a Vietnam veteran and a lifelong public servant, which he believes adds to the absurdity of the situation.
According to Hiles, he was threatened with long-term imprisonment if he shared his video evidence with the media. “In a Zoom meeting with Brandon Merriman, who is the special agent in charge of Jan. 6, he told me that if I go to the media and start talking about Jan. 6, if my videos find the media or the Internet, that I would, quote, ‘spend the rest of my life in prison.’ I asked for what [and] he said. ‘I’ll find something,'” Hiles reveals.
An attorney for Hiles believes that this exchange with the special agent was recorded, which means it could now be accessed by the Trump Administration, potentially providing further evidence of the threats and intimidation faced by J6 protesters.
Hiles’ testimony supports previous claims by J6 protesters that the Capitol Police and federal agents incited the violence by attacking the peaceful protesters with tear gas and rubber bullets. “The official J6 narrative reiterated to the public for years was, in fact, a lie,” says Hiles. Videos from the event, taken from body cam footage and protester footage, show police engaging in harassing the crowd with munitions well before the protesters attacked the building or the officers.
These revelations not only challenge the narrative of an unruly, insurrectionist crowd but also highlight the possible extent of the government’s overreach and the lengths to which it went to suppress alternative narratives. “The tale of an unhinged crowd of ‘far-right insurrectionists’ hellbent on violently disrupting the 2020 elections and spurred on by Donald Trump as a would-be dictator? That never happened,” Hiles argues.
The implications of these claims are profound, suggesting a far more complex and troubling narrative behind the events of January 6, 2021. As more evidence comes to light, the true nature of the events and the motivations behind the official narrative may be forced to shift, leading to a reevaluation of this fateful day.
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