Instead of focusing on the tyranny of the lockdowns due to the scamdemic, people are focused on dividing themselves once again because the ruling class and mainstream media told them to. The modus operandi of governments and their mainstream media is lies, fear, and chaos.
Just like that, people forgot that the government scammed them out of their freedom and livelihoods using fear and a plandemic. No one is talking about this anymore. No one is talking about how the people who spent their lives in servitude to the state and voting for the master of their choice were destroyed by the very people they are loyal to.
Now that same government has been tellin you who to hate, who to fear, when to ignite chaos, and what everything means. Even those who KNOW the mainstream media (the liars for the ruling class) is using propaganda to bring to fruition all of the world’s elitists’ agendas at once, people are still falling for it. They need you to believe that you need them. They need you to believe that without their enslavement, you wouldn’t be able to live. That’s the furthest thing fro the truth. Because we don’t need them. They need us.
The government and it’s “enforcers” the police are staging this entire event. Go to 9:45 in the video below to see who is responsible for the pallets of bricks just randomly laid out in all major cities. They WANT people to get violent so they can swoop in with martial law and put the chains around your neck permanently.
We can all live our lives outside of slavery and that’s what the ruling class (governments, elitists, mainstream media) hope you never realize. We will not have a world to leave to our children if we cannot move past allowing others to control and manipulate our minds.
Isn’t it fascinating how almost no one is talking about the scamdemic anymore? They are playing us. It’s time to end their game by refusing to play. Get things sorted out in your own head and stop falling for their brainwashing. Use critical thinking and do some research.
This is what the ruling class elitists and their hired goons do. They need chaos in order to get people on board with their own enslavement. Again, stop falling for this!
We are running out of time. This is humanity’s last chance to stop the enslavement of mankind.
“This is mostly caused because of the idea of statism,” says Jeff Berwick. “This idea that you have this giant tyrannical authoritarian government with tons of guns, and they enforce whatever laws they want…but the police don’t protect you. They extort you and kidnap you and kill you.” It’s time to take care of yourself and stop relying on the ruling class. Become more self-sufficient, and take your power back. Break free and never let anyone control you or your loved ones again.
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
In a laughable section of his farewell address from the Oval Office on Wednesday, current sitting...
As the media continues to push forward with the bird flu narrative. The Centers for Disease...
This article was originally published by Cassie B. at Natual News. Israel intensified Gaza...
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Well, Obama and Susan Rice are audaciously hoping that people will believe that Putin organized the BLM Floyd murder peaceful protests and riots which I refuse to lump into the same category because I believe that they are different people and reports have verified that they are, which is not to say that they are necessarily from other states, but The Ford Foundation has funded the BLM movement, so that is not exactly Russia, but all white people must look and sound alike, so, it is easy to see how the two could be confused.
I have posted on this site today about COVID shut down, so, maybe I just don’t count.
-Andrea Iravani
Martin Luther King Jr.’s Works EXPOSED!
(The Evils of Martin Luther King Jr.)
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Martin Luther King was affiliated with at least 60 known Communist Fronts. He openly incited violence under the banner of “nonviolence.”
America is Mystery Babylon, in the preaching of Henry Gruyver, Dimitru Duduman, R. A. Coombes, David Wilkerson…
There is a consensus, among the charismatics, that no one will be talking about the civil unrest, once the East Bloc sees it’s opportunity.
Yahoo News is bashing China claiming that it took over two weeks from the time that the Wuhan virology lab identified the COVID virus till the time that it reported the findings of human transmissibility to WHO.
I am not sure which planet Trump and Yahoo News live on, but our government moves much slower than that time frame. The CIA, architects, engineers, and first responders have reported that the 9/11 attacks were faked and were controlled demolition with the assisdtance of an RPG shooter from the top of the Woolworth Building. So, considering that that happened almost
19 years ago, and the actual guilty parties have not been charged, in addition to the fact that this obviously involved the full collusion of every major corporation, news agency, and over
100,000 people who all had plans not to go into work that day, I suggest that you get to the bottom of that, and then you will be likely to discover who the guilty parties for the COVID virus and shut down are.
Hint- They announced all of this at the Davos World Economic Forum, and have written and given speeches and other forums as well, and one happens to be dead, David Rockefeller, and one hapoens to be trying to de-populate the world through vaccines, Bill Gates.
Yahoo News is bashing China claiming that it took over two weeks from the time that the Wuhan virology lab identified the COVID virus till the time that it reported the findings of human transmissibility to WHO.
I am not sure which planet Trump and Yahoo News live on, but our government moves much slower than that time frame. The CIA, architects, engineers, and first responders have reported that the 9/11 attacks were faked and were controlled demolition with the assisstance of an RPG shooter from the top of the Woolworth Building. So, considering that that happened almost
19 years ago, and the actual guilty parties have not been charged, in addition to the fact that this obviously involved the full collusion of every major corporation, news agency, and over
100,000 people who all had plans not to go into work that day, I suggest that you get to the bottom of that, and then you will be likely to discover who the guilty parties for the COVID virus and shut down are.
Hint – They announced all of this at the Davos World Economic Forum, and have written and given speeches and other forums as well, and one happens to be dead, David Rockefeller, and one happens to be trying to de-populate the world through vaccines, Bill Gates, who also patented the coronavirus.
I am just unwilling to turn a blind eye to all of that or remain silent on any of it either. Only an insane person or a terrorist would.
Great article I noticed the media buzz had died even in the alt media and even commented on it in article over at the night before the riots started. I even went so far as to predict riots on the horizon though I didn’t know they were coming so soon. Also I thought they would be about deprivation caused by the economy in the near future. As an armchair analyst I thinking the fake virus is cover for the fake economy which was destined to collapse. They can blame everything on the fake virus instead of their failed fiat policies. Already the fake virus is being uncovered as largely fake the new sham will likely be that the rioters destroyed their kick ass economy. This new sham even sort of gets the politicians of the hook. They can all say the people did it. Just think, a week ago the nyc mayor was imploring the police to be more aggressive with the public because they dared to have barbecues. Other libtard mayors across the country behave in similar fashion. But now he and other libtard politicians of course donot understand why people have seemingly reached their limit with regard to dealing with the police.