This article was originally published by Mike Adams at Natural News.
Despite its attempts to whitewash the crimes of the deep state, the damning Horowitz report has awakened us all to the realization that the FBI is a criminal organization run by lawless, seditious tyrants who answer to no one.
For the past three years, we’ve been reporting the undeniable truth of how the FBI is America’s No. 1 most prolific terrorist organization, planning and running terror plots against the American people as a way to justify its own existence in the so-called “war on terror.” Now it turns out the deep state is the origin of all that terrorism, and the FBI has been carrying out assassinations (JFK), cover-ups (Sen. RFK), death threats (Dr. MLK) and political coup attempts against America.
In their attempt to destroy Trump, the FBI finally got caught.
As Peter Van Buren, writing for TheAmericanConservative.com, asks, “Can we impeach the FBI now?”
As Van Buren writes:
[The FBI] unleashed a full-spectrum spying campaign against a presidential candidate in order to influence an election, and when that failed, they tried to delegitimize a president.
We learn from the Horowitz Report that it was an Australian diplomat, Alexander Downer, a man with ties to his own nation’s intel services and the Clinton Foundation, who set up a meeting with Trump staffer George Papadopoulos, creating the necessary first bit of info to set the plan in motion. We find the FBI exaggerating, falsifying, and committing wicked sins of omission to buffalo the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) courts into approving electronic surveillance on Team Trump to overtly or inadvertently monitor the communications of Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, Jared Kushner, Michael Flynn, Jeff Sessions, Steve Bannon, Rick Gates, Trump transition staffers, and likely Trump himself.
We learn that the FBI greedily consumed the Steele Dossier, opposition “research” bought by the Clinton campaign to smear Trump with allegations of sex parties and pee tapes. Most notoriously, the dossier claims he was a Russian plant, a Manchurian Candidate, owned by Kremlin intelligence through a combination of treats (land deals in Moscow) and threats (kompromat over Trump’s evil sexual appetites). The Horowitz Report makes clear the FBI knew the Dossier was bunk, hid that conclusion from the FISA court, and purposefully lied to the FISA court in claiming that the Dossier was backed up by investigative news reports, which themselves were secretly based on the Dossier. The FBI knew Steele had created a classic intel officer’s information loop, secretly becoming his own corroborating source, and gleefully looked the other way because it supported his goals.
The FBI, in other words, constructed a massive conspiracy of lies to illegally spy on Trump officials and try to criminalize their actions, even when no criminal behavior occurred. In fact, the Democrats in the House are continuing this insanity right now with their attempted impeachment of Trump, even though they are wholly unable to cite a single crime committed by Trump that rises to “high crimes” justifying impeachment.
The left-wing media, of course, has been fanning the flames of all this the entire time, knowingly engaging in coordinated lies and disinformation “news” that would support the deep state’s attempted coup against a duly-elected President.
Yes, the media is complicit in treason. It’s a triangle of criminality and treason: The deep state, the Democrats and the establishment media. Each of these three parties is guilty of committing the most serious crimes that can ever be committed against a free nation.
Glenn Greenwald of The Intercept — no fan of Trump, by the way — writes that the malfeasance of the FBI “reveals a scandal of historic magnitude.”
He continues, “the FBI’s gross abuse of its power – its serial deceit – is so grave and manifest that it requires little effort to demonstrate it.”
From the article:
In sum, the IG Report documents multiple instances in which the FBI – in order to convince a FISA court to allow it spy on former Trump campaign operative Carter Page during the 2016 election – manipulated documents, concealed crucial exonerating evidence, and touted what it knew were unreliable if not outright false claims.
If you don’t consider FBI lying, concealment of evidence, and manipulation of documents in order to spy on a U.S. citizen in the middle of a presidential campaign to be a major scandal, what is? But none of this is aberrational: the FBI still has its headquarters in a building named after J. Edgar Hoover – who constantly blackmailed elected officials with dossiers and tried to blackmail Martin Luther King into killing himself – because that’s what these security state agencies are. They are out-of-control, virtually unlimited police state factions that lie, abuse their spying and law enforcement powers, and subvert democracy and civic and political freedoms as a matter of course.
Greenwald hits on something very important to recognize here: The lawlessness, fraud, and treason of the FBI is nothing new. The agency has long relied on outrageous, illegal tactics to destroy its political enemies. Greenwald doesn’t even go far enough, by the way. The FBI is above the law and can engage in any nefarious, unconstitutional, illegal, unethical or immoral behavior it likes because the deep state always protects the deep state. (Read FBI corruption.news for more coverage of the FBI’s criminal history.)
There is no accountability at the FBI, as evidenced by the fact that James Comey is still walking around as a free man instead of being indicted and charged with treason.
The upshot of all this is that no person in America is safe while the FBI remains in existence since the corrupt agency can clearly fabricate a long list of false accusations against anyone, then use those accusations as a basis for arresting, overthrowing or destroying that person. The FBI will also leak those false accusations to the complicit left-wing media, then cite the media’s reports as further “proof” that the person is dangerous and must be stopped or arrested.
As Greenwald explains:
To spy on a U.S. citizen in the middle of an election, one who had just been working with one of the two major presidential campaigns, the FBI touted a gossipy, unverified, unreliable rag that it had no reason to believe and every reason to distrust, but it hid all of that from the FISA court, which it knew needed to believe that the Steele Dossier was something it was not if it were to give the FBI the spying authorization it wanted.
Steele’s own key source told the FBI that Steele was lying about what the source said: an obviously critical fact that the FBI simply concealed from the FISA court because it knew how devastating that would be to being able to continue to spy on Page.
If it does not bother you to learn that the FBI repeatedly and deliberately deceived the FISA court into granting it permission to spy on a U.S. citizen in the middle of a presidential campaign, then it is virtually certain that you are either someone with no principles, someone who cares only about partisan advantage and nothing about basic civil liberties and the rule of law, or both.
“But the revelations of the IG Report are not merely a massive FBI scandal,” writes Greenwald. “They are also a massive media scandal because they reveal that so much of what the U.S. media has authoritatively claimed about all of these matters for more than two years is completely false.”
Indeed, the complicit left-wing media has been part of this outrageous criminal coup against the United States of America, and many of their so-called “journalists” have openly carried out acts of treason in order to try to smear Trump and push the Democrats’ false narrative.
CNN, one of the most disgusting propaganda hubs that has ever existed in the history of the world, actively pays deep state spies to serve as “talking heads” to drive its fake news narrative. As Greenwald writes:
It’s virtually impossible to turn on MSNBC or CNN without being bombarded with former Generals, CIA operatives, FBI agents and NSA officials who now work for those networks as commentators and, increasingly, as reporters.
The past three years of “Russiagate” reporting – for which U.S. journalists have lavished themselves with Pulitzers and other prizes despite a multitude of embarrassing and dangerous errors about the Grave Russian Threat – has relied almost exclusively on anonymous, uncorroborated claims from Deep State operatives (and yes, that’s a term that fully applies to the U.S.). The few exceptions are when these networks feature former high-level security state operatives on camera to spread their false propaganda, as in this enduringly humiliating instance:
John Brennan has a lot to answer for—going before the American public for months, cloaked with CIA authority and openly suggesting he’s got secret info, and repeatedly turning in performances like this. pic.twitter.com/EziCxy9FVQ
— Terry Moran ?? (@TerryMoran) March 25, 2019
All of this has meant that U.S. discourse on these national security questions is shaped almost entirely by the very agencies that are trained to lie: the CIA, the NSA, the Pentagon, the FBI. And their lying has been highly effective.
Notably, Natural News and other independent media outlets like InfoWars.com and Breitbart.com were the most accurate news outlets all along, reporting the facts that have now come out, even in the face of being repeatedly smeared, censored, blacklisted, de-indexed (by Google), banned from platforms like Facebook and absurdly smeared by the CIA-run Wikipedia disinformation encyclopedia.
We got the story right, in other words, yet we are punished for being right while the fake news media — which deliberately lied and took part in an actual real-world conspiracy of treason — is awarded with Pulitzers and other media accolades. The Pulitzer Prize has morphed into an award for which media outlet broadcasts the most effective propaganda, making a mockery of real journalism. From Greenwald:
The narrative manufactured by the security state agencies and laundered by their reliable media servants about these critical matters was a sham, a fraud, a lie. Yet again, U.S. discourse was subsumed by propaganda because the U.S. media and key parts of the security state have decided that subverting the Trump presidency is of such a high priority – that their political judgment outweighs the results of the election – that everything, including outright lying even to courts let alone the public, is justified because the ends are so noble.
This just underscores the haunting truth about the so-called “free press” in America today: The entire media establishment is a CIA front that knowingly spews disinformation, and the tech giants reinforce the lies by banning the independent media, hoping no one will ever learn the real truths that are being reported every day on news aggregation sites like Censored.news.
We were right; CNN was wrong. The deep state has become the media, and the deep state will lie, cheat and commit outrageous criminal acts of treason to get its way.
It all forces us to take a new look at the CIA-run media’s coverage of Sandy Hook, for example, or the 9/11 twin tower attacks. The deep state has been running the media for decades, and it’s the deep state that helped spin the lies and disinformation surrounding the Oklahoma City bombing that Bill Clinton hoped to use to silence conservative talk radio and enact new gun control laws.
What Americans now need to realize is that much of U.S. history has been staged by the deep state in order to achieve their political aims: The destruction of conservatives, the elimination of the Second Amendment, the silencing of independent voices and the mass psychological terrorism of the American people with staged, FBI-run false flag operations that routinely kill and murder innocent Americans.
Yes, the FBI is, in fact, a terrorist organization, and it exploits its power to carry out acts of physical terrorism against Americans while psychologically terrorizing everybody else with false media narratives.
For your entire life, you have been living under the siege of a dark, nefarious criminal cartel that has only come to full view thanks to President Trump, whose election victory forced the deep state swamp to “de-cloak” and reveal its true nature. Had Hillary Clinton won the election, Trump would right now be rotting in prison, having already been convicted of the “Russian conspiracy” that was being fabricated against him. That was the real purpose of the set up, by the way: To give the FBI and Clinton’s DOJ enough “evidence” to convict Trump of election meddling once he lost. What, you think Hillary Clinton was just going to take office and let Trump go back to work building hotels? Not on your life. She had planned to destroy Trump just like the Clintons have ordered the executions and political extermination of hundreds of political opponents, dating all the way back to Arkansas.
Hillary Clinton, by the way, is running for president again in 2020. She just hasn’t officially announced it yet, but it’s actually Hillary who is behind the scenes destroying the viability of all the other Democrat candidates, making sure that she’s the only one left standing and is therefore “forced” to run, since no one else remains to oppose Trump.
Shockingly, there are brainwashed, left-wind lunatics in America who actually support Hillary Clinton and think she’s an angel rather than the demonic, destructive witch she has actually become. If the pure evil of Hillary Clinton were to ever rise to power and seize control of the Oval Office, America would be doomed for she would ensure the dominance of authoritarian left-wing fascism, complete with the criminalization of all dissenting speech and the systematic destruction of all liberties in America.
Hillary’s 2020 candidacy must be vehemently opposed by all. And no, Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself.
Trump isn’t perfect, but he isn’t an evil demon in a human skin bag, either. Vote for Trump in 2020 or America is lost. And once Trump wins in 2020, implore him to dismantle the deep state fake news media that tried to run a criminal coup to remove him from power. CNN’s “journalists” are treasonous criminals, and they should be indicted, charged and prosecuted for their crimes against America.
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i have been asking this same question for 20 years.
why does anyone from the doj, dhs,nsa, cia or any other alphabet agency that allowed the 911 hijackers into this country and moreover to take flight lessons …still have a job?
I remember when the FBI was the greatest agency in AMERICA that everyone looked up to.
maybe when j edgar was in charge but that was before it was known that he suffered from illusions grandeur and played the skin flute
Every American should forget everything they were taught or felt about integrity, honesty, guilt or innocence within the FBI and other divisions of the U.S. Department of Justice.
Despite what we’ve been told, the FBI has been out of control almost since its birth. A 1924 American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) report warned that the FBI had become “a secret police system of a political character.” In the 1930s, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court feared that the FBI had bugged the conference room where justices privately wrangled over landmark cases. In 1945, President Harry Truman noted that “We want no Gestapo or Secret Police. FBI is tending in that direction.” Despite this, FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover compiled a list of 20,000 “potentially or actually dangerous” Americans who could be unlawfully rounded up and locked away in one of the six detention camps the federal government secretly built in the 1950s.
Thanks to the politicization of the FBI specifically by corrupt politicians – most notably Barack Obama in recent years – such agencies function more as arms of the Democratic Party as opposed to independent enforcers of the law. Some examples of this would include, staging unlawful witch hunts against the Left’s political enemies, imposing and enforcing unnecessary secrecy to cover up their own criminal behavior, actively misleading Congress and the American people, and otherwise undermining our Nation as a Constitutional Republic.
This level of tyranny has continued to increase since the Democratic Party in collaboration with the FBI and Department of Justice had unlawfully attempted to depose Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential election. It was at this time the ACLU issued this report: Unleashed And Unaccountable – The FBI’s Unchecked Abuse of Authority.
Please see: http://fbi-federalbureauofinvestigation.com/
The FISA COURT is a means of going around the BILL OF RIGHTS. Constitutional limits on the Fed. Govt. have been skirted by the use of the FISA COURT. Get rid of it, just like the rest of the corrupt denizens of the SWAMP.
This should surprise no one. It was the FBI that shot and killed Randy Weaver’s wife in Idaho as she stood on a porch holding her baby. I guess the FBI sniper thought it was an assault baby. How long are we going to let criminal organizations and gangsters run this country?
Until I see heads on a stick sitting on the DOJ lawn its all just words and BS
There has to be real consequences to clean up the FBI CIA DOJ
so it will not be repeated – DUH
Obama, Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Learner, Comey, struzk, Page, Brennen, Clapper,Orh, MUST all be tried convicted and EXECUTED for treason, sedition, and espionage!!!
If not we the people will continue into serfdom and slavery under the NWO. First communists/muslims in charge then Oligarchs.
either they go or we are dead!!!!