This article was contributed by Lior Gantz of The Wealth Research Group.
The Federal Reserve is Repeating its WORLD WAR II Strategy
Last week, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell UNLEASHED A TORPEDO on the global economy by suggesting that the FED is now OPENLY DISCUSSING what’s known as yield curve control.
I want to make sure that you FULLY UNDERSTAND how outrageous this is: the last time it was implemented was during wartime, and not just any old war, but the big one – WW2.
When the U.S. economy was GRAPPLED WITH the threat of a Japanese invasion and the country’s efforts focused on what was going on in Europe, the central bank CONTROLLED the yield curve in an effort to make sure Treasury yields weren’t SPIKING and you can see what happened below:
As you can see, when the Federal Reserve implemented this type of tactic, interest rates WENT DEEPLY NEGATIVE.
In 2020 alone, Washington’s expenses WILL DWARF its income by $4,000,000,000,000. That’s not A TYPO. The deficit is now an OPEN SECRET.
Just to give this context, the deficit COMES OUT to around 14% of GDP this year, which will further SPEED UP the period of time when the public and the political class BEGIN DEBATING the national debt and whether or not it is costing more than it is ALLOWING – pros versus cons.
In other words, there’s a number, and no one knows what that number is since economists HAVE BEEN SCREAMING to stop the spending party for decades, which is just TOO BIG, even for the American economy.
When the Federal Reserve LAST FEARED rising rates would bring the economy down to its knees in 1942, it implemented this strategy of yield curve control.
Under the Bretton Woods Agreement, every ounce of gold was priced at $35 (since 1944) while the world assumed that the reserves held by Washington would be sufficient to keep this convertibility in check.
As you can see above, IT COULDN’T and inflation soared both in the 1942 through to 1943 (before the dollar was pegged) and after in 1947 and 1948. Gold SURGED!
While the media is busy CONVINCING THE PUBLIC that there’s an imminent 2nd wave underway because it serves in furthering some BULLSHIT AGENDA, the real threat lies in not CAREFULLY UNDERPINNING the risks of allowing Jerome Powell to make judgment calls based on the knowledge the bank has.
What this chart SCREAMS is that there is no GETTING BACK to it yet.
Yields are signaling that whatever we have entered on a global scale, but PARTICULARLY IN THE U.S., is something new.
If we are somehow able to avoid having either AN INFLATION SHOCK or a FULL-ON SOCIAL REVOLT, the only other possibility is a CURRENCY RESET.
It is NOT FARFETCHED to contemplate the idea of gold going above $2,000/ounce between now and the elections or the first few months after it, which may result in REAL PROBLEMS coming to surface.
As you can see, because testing IS RAMPING UP, the media will FRIGHTEN the viewers, but the truth is that the FACTS are overwhelming the nonsense.
Let’s solve the economics of this while we practice the necessary hygienic requirements, but DON’T FALL PREY to intimidation.
The data is clear: this is not A HEALTH CRISIS that demands any DRACONIAN MEASURES or loss of liberty!
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
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The “price” of gold is not going to explode!! The perceived purchasing power of the fiat paper currency is going to evaporate to NOTHING!! The equations of trade and exchange MUST always be balanced, therefore, when the PPP of a fiat paper monetary system is going down, more and more of it is required to maintain the balance!! What is so freaking hard to understand about this?!?! An ounce of gold will trade for an ounce of gold. A nice suit will trade evenly for an ounce of gold! Depending upon the circumstances, an ounce of gold will buy you a certain amount of something, be it a cow, some pigs or wheat, but there will always be an equation involved in the exchange!
storm is coming
get ready
or not
your choice
your life
you can open up your concerns, home, and cellar to others
some will accept
some will not. some people will ridicule, critisize, laugh openly at you. That is ok. (My hide has ALWAYS been thick. I grew up with mean brothers. They taught me to escape/run and to fight when cornered with no other choice. God bless them.)
Years back.
My close neighbor had fancy new cars, big screen tv home theater with sound system, and a damn nice big pool with outside pool house cabana -BBQ area and shower.
(I ate a grilled burger there. But never had time to socialize much. Too many chores to do. Hand digging a cellar kept me busy. Next time I’ll find a backhoe.)
The pool was the only thing left after the monster tornado hit.
The neighbor didn’t survive. My wife had offered many times before, the use of our cellar. Told them to help themselves if we were not home. That family refused to come to our cellar on day of storm because, “cellar was “hot” uncomfortable, storm always had passed”.
I had spent my time and money on a “hot uncomfortable’ “silly hole in the ground.” I had a old cathode ray tube tv in a modest house, no pool, no new vehicles. But did have a “silly hole in the ground.”
The other neighbors that did come to the cellar and my family were glad of the prior ridiculed “silly hole in the ground.”
A poster on this web site said I was “not helpful”. That I was cause of “hysteria”. That i should “just stop”.
My close neighbor that unfortunately did not make it through storm had said almost the same thing to me when I was constructing the cellar. He said I should quit worrying about what will “never happen” and to “enjoy life.” I worried too much.
I have enjoyed life every day since storm. My wife and children are still alive.
We all have priorities and choices in this life.
But I will “just stop.” as suggested.
You have info that I’ve researched, lived through, and have tried to help others see the coming storm. For years now.
Beast System is here. AI. Robots. Control grid. 5g kill weapons. Vaccines with biochips.
I’m tired, feeling old, and have too many chores to do. Hard to keep up. I’m always far behind.
Breakfast: This morning we had eggs from the small chicken flock.
Lunch: We had fresh garden carrots in the soup.
Tonight: we had tomatoes-onions-jalapeno from the garden,. good fresh hand made tortillas and tacos.
Need to take out frozen caught fish from freezer full of meat processed last year. Fish for the Friday meal.
This evening I’ll be cleaning the tools and reloading ammo to hand out freely to the current neighbors. They said local store shelves were empty.
Guess all that is just “hysteria”?
I wish you all well. I will look at your post comments. But I don’t have much to add that I haven’t already said.
Be of Good Cheer
Have Courage.
God Bless America.
Long Live the Republic
May the Lord of Jesus Christ Bless you and keep you.
YouTube has some good training film videos. I also like reading the comments in the past. Now they are censored.
You might want to watch YouTube videos before the communist tech censors delete them.
Some of these young men and ladies YouTube channels have done a very nice job at content, production quality, etc.
These enthusiastic YouTubers give me hope.
look up some these young men’s channels
– PrepMedic
– SkinnyMedic
– Active Self Protection
Good Luck to you.
Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
Get out of the shitties now. Logical next step is the PTB n to eliminate the 100 million useless American eaters we can no longer afford. They failed to trigger the civil war II by pitting the Karen’s against white working taxpayers, so next play will be flu shots. Low social score will get the red (aka dead) shot, high score gets the blue shot, green shot (a vitamin b12 injection) for the rich. Most will get the red shot and by four weeks there will be a massive kulling, the drug manure-factures will not be held liable too. The cover story is to blame the mutation of the virus. National spending will again double next year as it inches closer to 40 billion. Stock market will double, along with the cost of everything, except the non-consumables, their price values will plummet.
Vault 7 technology has been being used to terrorize and torture me, and destroy my life. All elected politicians including James Brunnquell Village of Grafton president, Jim Ott state rep., Alberta Darling state senator, Scott Walker former gov,, Tony Evers current gov., Wisonsin attorney generals Brad Schimel and Josh Kaul, Congressman Glenn Grothman, Seamtors Tammy Baldwin and Ron Johnson, Donald Trump, the FBI, The Pentagon, the Grafton Police, Laurie Rathke, with Ozauked County Human Services, Columbia St. Mary’s Ozaukee Hospital owned by Ascension Healthcare, The Medical College of Wisconsin, Luann Moraski MD. with MyMD in Mequon WI, Tammy Scmidt MSW, at Columbia St. Mary’s Ozaukee, Dawn Ritter counselor at Columbia St. Mary’s Ozaukee, Dennis Andersen MSW, with Mequon Clinical Associates, We Energies, AT&T, Sprint, Apple, Samsung, Google, Verizon, have all been notified that extreme hacking is being used against me, destroying multiple devices, appliances, my car, people remotely controlling appliances, lights, thermostat in my house, and neighbors breaking in, vandalizing, stealing, spying, stalking, and gas-lighting, and many new people moving in in the last 5 years, most of the men do not work in a middle class neighborhood, and did not work for years prior to the Shut Down. The majority of their wives do not work either. Since I am being terrorized since they have moved in, and my rights and property are being violated since they moved in, I take issue with that. All of the individuals that I have informed feel no sense of obligation to try to bring the sick and sadistic criminals that have commited this crime spree on my life to face charges, even though
all of them are in position to do that, they prefer not to be bothered or inconvenienced, kind of like walking over a homeless person on the way to work, and bitching about them being in your way.
Kerry Younge who I met in AA is a friend of the court, and therefore a government employee and counselor who told me that the government owns me in a text. I said what are you talking about? Slavery is illegal. He started to tell me that when the Federal Reserve was created that the government started to issue birth certificates. I said oh, the Redemption Strawman fraud. For some reason, after i texted him that the FBI has prosecuted cult leaders for that and sent him the FBI information on the prosecutions, I never heard from him again.
strawman redemption cult fraud
These are some instances below, the first from someone trying to perpetrate the fraud, the next from the FBI proving that it is illegal, followed by the Treasury, proving that it is illegal.
1.) Does anyone actually have control of their strawman?
Since the government created the straw man, it is only right that the straw man live under the rules of it’s creator. But once the straw man has been redeemed, the government is no longer in control of the straw man. He is now controlled by the man using his right to private contracts.
Meet Your Strawman – The Redemption Service > me…
2.) Redemption / Strawman / Bond Fraud. … Individuals promoting this scam frequently cite various discredited legal theories and may refer to the scheme as “Redemption,” “Strawman,” or “Acceptance for Value.” Trainers and websites will often charge large fees for “kits” that teach individuals how to perpetrate this scheme.
Redemption / Strawman / Bond Fraud — FBI › scams-and-safety
3.) Institutional – Birth Certificate Bonds – TreasuryDirect › fraud
Nov 8, 2017 · Birth Certificate Bonds … referred to as a “Strawman”) whose value is controlled by the government.
Everyone in government has chosen to ignore it. The Grafton police refused to check the surveillance camera at the end of the street when I called them about the break ins. My smart meter from We Energies was also hacked and destroyed in Februrary 2016.
It appears that local governments, the local police, the military, the FBI, or Lockheed Martin may have control of the CIA’s hacking tools which are being used against me to destroy me. I suspect that these hacking tools have been widely distributed to corrupt dark forces in the American governments and private contractor security companies like Lockheed Martin and Black Cube, written about in Mother Jones, ” Is Lockheed Martin Shadowing You?”
I am one of the murder targets, for no reason other than the fact that the greedy homicidal maniacs and thieves thought that I was an easy target. It has nothing to do with politics, and everything to do with greed, barbarism, and psychopathy by the guilty parties. It started while I was unconscious in the hospital on March 27th, 2014 which involved the unconsented, uninformed, totally illegal surgery placing RFIDs, micro-chips, or sensors in my nose and ears, and also the illegal ovum theft. I awoke with excruating loud tinitus in my left ear resulting in extreme sleep deprivation. After my first phone was hacked in June of 2017, someone started using Directed Energy Weapons on me, that I believe may be specific to the frequencies in the illegally implanted devices. I suspect that cell towers are recieving transmission beams from satellites that are picked up by the illegally implanted devices, similar to, or perhaps specifically, Verichip pet implants, heavily invested in by Wisconsin’s former governor and Homeland Security Chief Tommy Thompson, who wanted to use them on people. They have been outlawed to use in people by the Wisconsin State legislature, over the fact that it would still be illegal at the Federal level over a number of class one felony violations. Anesthesiologist John R.Hall, from Austin, Texas believes that this sadistic surgery has been done on at least 300,000 Americans, which he has demonstrated on his website:
I believe that this is to induce suicide, or to send them to Apple Stores, and then steal property, and the identity and sell it to a Jewish foreign national. Bayshore Mall is an abduction center. The Jewish Community Center in Shorewood has actively brought in Russian and former and former USSR Jewish imigrants since the fall of the USSR. In New Jersey, 45 government employees including 3 mayors in New Jersey were in collusion with 5 Rabbis to steal identities and sell organs of their victims on the black market in 2009.
The second largest export from Wisconsin to Canada is “Medical Samples.”
James Brunquell has been in the Grafton Wisconsin government and does not work any office hours at all and does not have voice mail at the village. He is a full time supervisor at Froedert Hospital affiliated with the Medical College of Wisconsin. He keeps running for office, even though he does not work in the Village government. He has been in the government since I moved here in 2000.
Kerry Younge, the one that told me that the government owns me is also a counselor in Grafton, and Friend of the Ozaukee County Court.
A Russian musician named Einnfalt, that I have never heard of wrote a song about me:
Exhibit C God’s Will For Andrea Iravani on the CD entitled Terminal Dream. It was at first on Amazon for years, then on spotify. I emailed the musician and asked him who put him up to it. He did not respond. I believe that it may have been Charles Bauman, editor of Russia Insider, who is an America ex patriot, because at the end of the song, it keeps saying Charlie.
Let me know how placing all of your trust and your life in the hands of corrupt,control freak, predators with a history of pathological lying works out for all of you. Considering that Trump is the President and could not stop Pelosi, Schiff, and Bolton, my bet is that it won’t work out so well for any of you in either party, while the DNC is still standing, they look like absolute shit since they are totally full of shit and have decided to destroy every Americans life based on medical fraud in order to rob the treasury department of trillions of dollars, and the RNC looks just as shitty for allowing it to happen! So, there you have it, you look like shit and now have to either allow the corrupt psychopaths that are pathological liars control you and destroy you, or, if you turn on them, then they destroy you too. EITHER WAY, YOU LOOSE! Now your families will be stuck living in the LEGACY OF SHIT that you have created! So, you have even DESTROYED YOUR OWN FAMILIES!
Retreat and continue to expose corruption seems to be the only sane option.
It’s Just Another Day In McCarthy Dahmerville!
I place the current state of terrorism by the psychopathic government, technology, and healthcare employees in America at level 9.
Andrea Iravani