In a previous report we suggested that Maybe We Should Make This Man a U.S. Citizen and Elect Him to Congress. UK’s representative to the EU, Nigel Farage, is back, and once again he shows no restraint in sharing his feelings, this time about the issue of European President Herman Van Rompuy’s double dealings on Libya. Via Zero Hedge:
That our politicians are unbearable hypocrites without borders is no secret. After all, Gaddafi himself was among Europe’s best arms clients for a long time having to recycle billions of petrodollars into something tangible. It is these very same politicians (wink wink Bunga Bunga) that are now blasting him, and offering their airbases to launch offensive campaigns from. One person who however never misses an opportunity to expose each and every form of hypocrisy is Nigel Farage who takes Gollum-lookalike and European Council president Herman van Rompuy to the toolshed and anihilates him for his sycophantic attempts to appear larger than life by pandering to none other than now uber-despised dictator Colonel Gaddafi. And naturally he does it in his own very inimitable and always highly entertaining and humiliating style.
We can only wish that such political discourse becomes commonplace in our own congressional proceedings.
Nigel Farage is one of those rare politicians who, rather than stabbing you in the back, will do it right to your face if he disagrees with your position, before the whole world to see.
Latest Farage: Nigel on Libya, Gaddafi, military intervention and political games:
Farage Classic: Nigel to Van Rumpuy: “Who are you?”
More Classic Farage: EU Policies cause “chaos, discord and misery for millions”
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Excellent. This guy is alright. The look on van rumps face was perfect. Like he got caught playing with himself in the bathroom…..
I’m not even going to spend a minute wishing our “leaders” were like Faarage. A grand waste of time. America and it’s morals have long went down the toilet. Couldn’t find one like him in all of America.
He may say it for the whole world to hear, but there are scarce few who will show it to them. Thanks for being one of them.
Can’t believe Fox is leaking or telling the names of the ships/sub that are on station in the Med. Now that is stupid as having blonde hair upstairs and …………….dark eyebrows? Viva La France? Shaved ice cream anyone.
French $40 million jet fires on $25K police vehicle! CNN at it’s best. Get a tan while your over there Thunder Thighs.
can you display justin beaver clips instead? Much more fun, I like my head in the sand.
Snac pac Cheese-toes or Doritos kernal Kaduckie? This is going to end badly! This is much more complicated that the “normal” person is being told. This has nothing to do about the common Libyan.
Russia is starting up the Mig 23 “Fulcrum” assembly line!Â
Why don’t we give him a Hawaiin ‘birth certificate’ and make him President. There is precedence…….
Full moon tonight kernal Kaduckie. Leave town with your gold. France will take you. It’s not about you. The French Rivera is topless.
The price of fuel just went up. #1 couldn’t hold his wad until night fall down in Rio. Too bad he never served…..
Quick #1, get to a teleprompter. Change out of beach shorts, lie to your girls, make you proud. Thunder Thighs, order a croissant.
why do you need a birth certificate? They tossed out the Constitution decades if not over a century ago (google “you are all slaves”)
Proposal to the U K: We’ll trade you Obama, thunder thighs and any 3 congressmen of your choice (either party) for Farrage and two 1st round picks in next yrs political draft. Heck, we’ll even throw in Biden. He’d make a dandy little towel boy for you. Whaddaya say?
I heard the news a few hrs ago that UN forces have finally begun hostilities in Libya. Well, now that the next round of “All wars all the time” brought to you by Military-Industrial Complex of the World, Inc. (MICW, Inc.) has gotten under way I’m just wondering- how are we gonna pay for this? Is it really possible to postpone the economic train wreck already in progress while we find a few more billions to throw at this latest episode of the same busted show? Sure, Gaddafi is as evil as they say and the Libyan people ought to get rid of him. I’ve always believed that a dead tyrant is a good tyrant  but this ain’t OUR problem. The US or the EU don’t have the money or the legitimate authority to throw out every tyrant on the planet… Oh, wait, this one happens to have lots of oil so we CAN get rid of him. And any others with oil who don’t play ball according to MICW, Inc rules. For a minute there I forgot. The standard is: tyrants in pissant countries with no resources are of no concern to us. Tyrants with oil are also of no concern as long as they sell us the oil. Also the untimate underlying rule is: MICW, Inc make the rules. So whatever serves their purpose- (manipulate the markets, crash the markets, bailouts, tyrants in, tyrants out, wars etc) whatever is just how it has to be.Â
Gaddafi did have one interesting question for Obama. He said “If they(meaning your own citizens) were using violence and moving against your cities how would you respond?” Now, I am in no way defending Gaddafi, but think about the question. What if it was American citizens rising up and taking US cities? How would Obama respond? The answer is chilling to even think about. Maybe I’d better stick to the Cartoon Network…
Stocking up with “Snac pac Cheese-toes or Doritos kernal Kaduckie?” as Anonymous as he said is very bad idea.
These snack pacs are very high in Mono sodium. Don’t eat these foods unless you have plenty of water with you. Otherwise, you can dehydrate or choke to death.
The following items require plenty of water after you consume them, such as:
– Snack packsÂ
– Â Top Roman noodle
– CrackersÂ
–  Breads, etc….. Test for yourself, if you have access to water. Â
Don’t eat anything dry if you don’t have access to water. Because you can last up to 30 days without food, but you can’t last without water for more than 3 days or even less if you’re in extremely hot weather.
Fruits are very good, because they add water to your body and help you retain water longer than just plain water.
 Note: That is a personal tip from me for whoever tends to dehydrate fast or is in a no water available situation.
We don’t know whom to trust regarding the radiation levels in America or around the world. For your awareness please take into consideration all the facts regarding the Potassium Iodide (KI) pills:
1. The media will sensationalize just to obtain high ratings to get advertisings, and there ratings have been down since the internet become so popular, such as this website and others.
2. The media will promote their corporation stocks.Â
3. The media will promote their phony prophets to justify their actions.Â
4. The media will promote their people who become a self-proclaimed celebrity experts; in fact these so called experts are one of them (the billionaires’ people).
5. Speculators and company can make huge profits on P. Iodide or any other items (… oil, commodity, housing, dot com bubble…)
These people can be ruthless and become millionaires/billionaires overnight as we have seen in the past.
Beware of the unit when you buy the tablets.Â
There is a huge different between mg and mcg.
Kelp or Sea Weed are high in nutrition as compared to KI.  It’s a natural source for anti-radiation absorption and you don’t have to worry about over dosing yourself.Â
Yes, why worry about the fact that “green jobs” are a lie, the US economy is NEVER going to produce enough jobs to get the unemployment rate below 6% EVER again, and the jobs that were lost are NEVER coming back. Let’s just worry about a nuclear power incident on the other side of the planet.
imagine a converation between obama and this man,,,,,
Clarification:Â Â
The media will promote their phony prophets to justify disasters (man-made vs natural disaster).
Also Anything can be fixed although the system appeares to be totally broken; it can be fixed if we eliminate corruption and frivilous regulations.
I liked this article:
Iodine for Radioactive Fallout
by Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD
Also, the following parable found on Mike in Tokyo Rogers’ blog wasn’t half bad, I wonder if Nigel Farage follows this, and the advice from Mike’s blog?
“A man found an eagle’s egg and put it in a nest of a barnyard hen. The eaglet hatched with a brood of chicks and grew up with them.
All his life the eagle did just what the barnyard chicks did, thinking he was a barnyard chicken. He scratched the earth for worms and insects. He clucked and cackled. And he would thrash his wings and fly a few feet into the air.
Years passed and the eagle grew very old. one day he saw a magnificent bird above him in the cloudless sky. It glided in graceful majesty among the powerful wind currents, with scarcely a beat of its strong wings.
The old eagle looked up in awe. “Who’s that?†he asked.
“That’s the eagle, the king of birds,†said his neighbor. “He belongs to the sky. We belong to the earth – we’re chickens.†So the eagle lived and died a chicken, for that’s what he thought he was.— –
Mac – you know darn well that this is the start of World War 3. It may take time to simmer, to brew, but it’s coming.Â
Excuse me, Randy, the U.S. has the most noble patriot on the entire planet. The one man WHO COULD REALLY, REALLY, REALLY SAVE THIS COUNTRY (if we put our support behind him) ……Ron Paul!
Save America, Save the Planet. Ron Paul for President 2012.   Anyone else is just a stooge for the New World Order, who wants to enslave the entire planet. (Just look at all the chaos happening in the world today – “they” are causing it.)
So authentic and effective is Nigel Farage, that I await either a fatal car accident due to ‘intoxication’ or the ‘discovery’ of a murdered underage homosexual prostitute beneath his bed.
Comments….A true servant of the people who elected him. This man is BRILLIANT! This man is honest and a genius… The U.S. needs politicians like him with cojones AND an articulate,honest,clear, eloquent manner of speaking.
Comments…..Notice how Nigel reveals (2nd video) how politicians loose their legitimacy when democracy, in effect, is sidestepped? Kind of like appointing different types of government “czars” in the U.S.
I would pay money to see that mush.
I never thought I ‘d EVER agree with this man but we are certainly down the rabbit hole now.
What county Stealth?
County??? Walton.
Was curious if you lived in the zoo. You could do a lot worse.
Comments….. This guy doesnt even come CLOSE to our fine leaders. We have ethicical,moral, and foreward thinking leaders over here. Hey, we have Frank (he can babysit my daughters ANY time, they will be safe!)Dodd (I would trust this fine gentleman with every cent I own) Hillary(she was almost the FIRST woman president, she almost made history)Mchain( it is obvious that ALL those rumors of vote fraud durring the primary, are BULL$HIT) Look I can go forever Boxer(she was so popular in her state of california, she was called the winner when she was loosing),feinstein,polosi, and many,many more fine dems and republicans. DONT LISTEN TO THIS BUM FROM EUROPE, HE IS OBVIOUSLY ON SOME MEDS OR SOMETHING!  WAKE UP PEOPLE!Â
This guy sounds like “Mushroomâ€.  He admires “losers†but calls them “fine leadersâ€.  Â
Mac’s website should be respected instead filled with overwhelming nonsense.  People like to read other people’s comments, not just one who buries other good postings.
Comments….. hi jane, ever hear of sarcasm?
No, never heard of it. It sounds like propangand ast it worst.
I love Nigel Farage!
Comments….. just a little truth jane, I wouldnt let frank babysit boys in 1,000,000,000,000 years!
Jane, Sadam Oohsaine liked Doritos after graduating from cheese toes until his neck got stretched. He didn’t care about mono salt. Google it or talk to a mil person.
KEVIN:Â ” just a little truth jane, I wouldnt let frank babysit boys in 1,000,000,000,000 years!”
Just a little truth Kevin, I would.Â
I would let Frank baby-sit our senile Ron Paul and you, just to keep you and Paul busy and if Im ur mommy I would be glad to pay for it.Â
Yeah, I noticed that Conservative leaders were not doing anything even close to what Frank has done, they would have been out of business in a week, except for Liberals – It’s a “double standard†.
btw, of course I heard about it, “sarcasmâ€. Just to slow you down a bit, but please don’t let me interrupt your task. It’s very important that we have liberals running the country and liberals to explain their leaders’ actions on the websites…… Now, back to your schedule ….wee-wee-wee-wee-weeeeeee…….
Comments…..” I would let frank babysit………” Jane, YOU wouldnt let frank babysit YOUR sons  ( 13 or younger)  Throwing insults around wont change the fact that that we have leaders who are suspect. what the hell does ron paul have to do with ANTHING I have written. You work for acorn?
Comments….. YOU ARE RIGHT JANE! I would bet everthing I own that Ron Paul HASNT DONE anything close to what that BF has done! How much does acorn pay a week?
Since you were the one who brought up the Acorn issue and you are here 24//7 spreading liberal agenda, then you should answer the question how much does ACORN pay you?  Â
Also you people said, Im not a liberal, can you read my postings? — It’s about honesty, facts with common sense and survival tips.
btw, I don’t have children, so I don’t have to worry about you or Barney Frank.
I TALK TO “JESUS” da jew, and “GAWD” every day when I’m taking a dump! And Jesus da jew told me to tell all you bible thumping morons that your gonna die soon from cancer , from being deliberately poisoned by the NWO FALSE FLAG COREXIT plans of the GULF of Mexico and The Jap FUCKUOBAMA Nuke Plants!!!
Take a look around “Deciples of Gawd!
If there is a gawd and a real jesus da jew, they sure as hell fcked up earth, worse than a bunch of tequila swilling mexicans moving into the neighborhood!
JUST REMEMBER this folks of the bible… WTSHTF for real… every asshole with a 12 gauge is gonna be walking the streets looking for food booze and drugs and other things… hint hint… just research katrina and the super dome! LA riots!
Your local cops are gonna be home protecting their own families!
So my question is this for you all…
Who’s gonna protect you???
A dead jew named jesus and some childs imaginary friend named casper da GAWD!???
or a Remington 12 Gauge SG and a Remington 700 Rifle??
“click-clack!” scarious sound in the world at 2am in the morning!
So just keep thumping your bibles… your life expectancy will be 2 weeks when the real SHTF and it is coming… your government is preparing for it!
Maybe you should too!
and to all you gov assholes reading this… FU !!!
I TALK TO “JESUS†da jew, and “GAWD†every day when I’m taking a dump! And Jesus da jew told me to tell all you bible thumping morons that your gonna die soon from cancer , from being deliberately poisoned by the NWO FALSE FLAG COREXIT plans of the GULF of Mexico and The Jap FUCKUOBAMA Nuke Plants!!!
Take a look around “Deciples of Gawd!
If there is a gawd and a real jesus da jew, they sure as hell fcked up earth, worse than a bunch of tequila swilling mexicans moving into the neighborhood!
JUST REMEMBER this folks of the bible… WTSHTF for real… every asshole with a 12 gauge is gonna be walking the streets looking for food booze and drugs and other things… hint hint… just research katrina and the super dome! LA riots!
Your local cops are gonna be home protecting their own families!
So my question is this for you all…
Who’s gonna protect you???
A dead jew named jesus and some childs imaginary friend named casper da GAWD!???
or a Remington 12 Gauge SG and a Remington 700 Rifle??
“click-clack!†scarious sound in the world at 2am in the morning!
So just keep thumping your bibles… your life expectancy will be 2 weeks when the real SHTF and it is coming… your government is preparing for it!
Maybe you should too!
and to all you gov assholes reading this… FU !!!
largest crime syndicate in the world is – organized religion!
@tekroanin…I believe in God and Jesus, I have a Bible and a 12 gauge…when you’re in the neighborhood looking for your handout, drugs or booze, drop on by — It will be my pleasure to introduce you personally to each one.
GMAFB – the idiots on this site are beginning to make it worthless…
Comments….. NO JANE, You are the liberal that is here spreading liberal propaganda, Any one who uses the phrase “Yeah, I”ve noticed when conservative leaders…………….” is a liberal. I am neither liberal (socialistic) or a conservative(conserve the system thats been here since 1913)           Only a liberal would offer up some ones elses children to b frank and PAY for it! Â
Kevin said:    “Any one who uses the phrase “Yeah, Iâ€ve noticed when conservative leaders…………….â€Â is a liberal.”
You are a typical liberal. You’re just like the mainstream media, you chose a few words from the whole sentence or paragraph.; then you twist it around to fit your liberal agenda. Which Liberal propaganda is it that I’m spreading? Here is exactly what I said, quote:
[ Yeah, I noticed that Conservative leaders were not doing anything even close to what Frank has done, they would have been out of business in a week, except for Liberals – It’s a “double standard†. ]
When I said I noticed, that means I was paying attention to what’s happening. I guess you’re so wrapped up in your own lies with the intent to destroy me, so you can’t say the truth because it would expose you.Â
Kevin, Here is exactly what I said:
“ I would let Frank baby-sit our senile Ron Paul and you, just to keep you and Paul busy and if Im ur mommy I would be glad to pay for it.”
In reply to your sick accusation you said: “Only a liberal would offer up some ones elses children to b frank and PAY for it!”
1. You are not a child, you are a SENILE although you act like a child.
2. You are not my child.
3. It was meant to be sarcrastic humor, stupid. You said you use sarcrasm as a tool in your posting, I guess conservatives are not allowed to???? - That’s A DOUBLE STANDARD, YOU ARE A HYPOCRITE. Â
4. Just to slow you down from filling up this website with liberal lies., but you try to act as a conservative, such as “Wake up people Hillary for President 2012.”
Comments….. 1 my mother says I’m a child! 2 thank god 3 that is not sarcsm and what is a conservative,you claim to be one, what do you want to conserve, no double standard 4 wake up people hillrys for president NOW THAT IS SARCASM           from stupid  have a nice day acorn lady!Â
Is it just me or are 2 people here jane and kevin arguing over who is less of a liberal? Man the posters on this site seem to be getting dumber and dumber.
I think Jane might actually be retarded. It seemed obvious to me that kevin was b eing sarcastic about our leaders being great.
I dont really mean to offend you Jane but come on it was obvious.
And after you jumped on him about it he TOLD you it was meant to be sarcastic, then out of nowhere you insult Ron Paul as senile.
now the only people I know who dislike Ron Paul are the democrats AND the republicans, BOTH of whom are essentially the same pro-war pro-socialsit pro-fascist pro-police state thugs and criminals.
You seem like a person who should do more reading and less commenting until you finally reach the understanding that “liberals” or “conservatives” laugh at the stupidity of the people who think they hate each other. They do NOT!
They agree on ALL the important stuff for example save social security, save medicare, more wars are good, more power in washington is good, more laws are good, less individual freedom is good, more bailouts are good, more money printing is good, the FED is good, and on and on and on.
The things they “dissagree” on would not fill a teacup and they are mostly just insignificant unimportant bullshit fluff.
There is one and as far as I know ONLY one person in Washington who is truly dedicated to the principals of liberty and limited government and NEVER has waivered from this position.
One man who the “liberal elite” AND the “conservative elite” TRULY hate and fear. Next to Ron Paul, the Obama,Bush,Biden, and Jonh Mccain could be quintuplets.
I will agree the Ron Paul has a total Lack of charm and powerful speaking style that Obama has but who the f##k cares! What matters to be is not what he says or how he says it it is he proven actions and steadfast principals no matter what.
Unfortunately, 85% of americans could not give a crap less about substance, proof in Jersey Shore, American Idol, etc etc ad naseum.
We deserve exactly what we have coming I believe. Sadly, people like jane will be cursing the “liberals” or the mexicans or the chineese” or the “muslims” or any other GROUP that has been approved to blame while the whole ship called America catches fire and sinks to the bottom of the sea.Â
a). Wes, you should take your own advice “ Read More, Post Less.â€Â You can’t find a single quote/statement to prove your false allegations, so you come up with personal insults. You behave like a TROLL.
b). You are defending Kevin, a environmental hoax supporter and a Hillary’s supporter, but he goes under a disguise of being a conservative. His propaganda speaks for itself.Â
That’s why you and he have spent so much effort and are aggressively to prove you two are not liberals.
1. YOU ARE THE ONE WHO’S RETARDED, NOT ME. Because you think conservatives and liberals’ agenda are the same. Only conservative SHILLS and liberals’ agenda are the same. Wes, you need to INCREASE your medications.Â
2. Most people and conservative do not know the elites and trolls like you are trying very hard to convince people to vote for Ron Paul, to take away Republicans or other party’s votes.
a). Ron Paul has not accomplished a thing, and that’s why we are in this mess. Ron Paul ran twice and lost twice. RON PAUL RAN UNDER LIBERTARIAN and REPUBLICAN TICKETS and LOST BOTH – Go figure!
b). Ron Paul is almost 80-year-old and accomplishes nothing during his career as a politician.Â
c) The Elites like Ron Paul, because he constantly bashes Bush and Republicans and takes away the Republican votes.
Ron Paul is nothing more than a tool for the Elites and a career politician.
TROLLS are here cursing and bashing the Chinese, the Mexican and the Muslims. I did not even mention or bashing them in my posting, even one. “Devine and Conquer†is not my game.