This article was originally published by Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge.
The duration of the pandemic is different among experts.
Michael Levitt, a Nobel laureate and Stanford biophysicist, said earlier this week that the COVID-19 pandemic could be nearing an end as he cited China’s curve flattening to support his hypothesis. Other experts have said there is no clear endpoint, and the virus crisis could be around for months, or even years.
So, the trillion-dollar question: Who should we believe?!
One positive step in slowing down the spread is the shutdown of the global economy. Strict social distancing measures, mass quarantines, and travel bans across the world has flattened the curve in China, with decelerating cases and deaths seen in Italy, Iran, and South Korea.
Then the rest of Europe, with Spain, Germany, France, the UK, are all experiencing accelerating cases that will likely get worse in the weeks ahead.
And, the bad news: both the US and India are at the very start of the curve and things will deteriorate in the weeks ahead before they get better.
So clearly, the pandemic will be sticking around for the next several months. Prime Minister Boris Johnson believes the UK, which is in the early part of the acceleration phase, could see the outbreak peak within the next 12 weeks.
BBC News notes that it could “take a long time for the tide to go out,” referencing that the virus crisis in the UK could be around for quite some time:
It is clear the current strategy of shutting down large parts of society is not sustainable in the long-term. The social and economic damage would be catastrophic.
What countries need is an “exit strategy” – a way of lifting the restrictions and getting back to normal.
But the coronavirus is not going to disappear.
If you lift the restrictions that are holding the virus back, then cases will inevitably soar.
Mark Woolhouse, a professor of infectious disease epidemiology at the University of Edinburgh, said there’s no clear “exit strategy” for how countries eradicate COVID-19.
“It’s not just the UK, no country has an exit strategy,” Woolhouse said.
To fully eradicate the fast-spreading virus from a country, there needs to be a vaccine, and with one 12-18 months away, this suggests that lockdowns could become the norm this year, and maybe into next.
“Waiting for a vaccine should not be honoured with the name ‘strategy,’ that is not a strategy,” he added.
Prof Neil Ferguson from Imperial College London said it could take several years for people in the UK to build up a natural immunity to the virus:
“So eventually, if we continued this for two-plus years, maybe a sufficient fraction of the country at that point might have been infected to give some degree of community protection.”
Woolhouse said while the world waits for a vaccine, there could be “permanent changes in our behavior that allow us to keep transmission rates low.”
Countries across Europe, the Americas, and Asia have no exit strategy, at the moment, to fully eradicate COVID-19, and this is concerning because even if social distancing and quarantines are lifted in some regions, the fast-spreading virus could resurface in waves, sort of like what happened with the Spanish Flu over a century ago.
So, until there’s a vaccine, people of the world should get used to “Netflix and quarantine.”
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Funny how none of the articles I have been reading are positive that there are several ways for people to combat this. Several therapies with Vitamin C and a two drug combination ends the virus. All everyone has to do is take this and end it. They act like no cure. And NO VACCINE will work as it will be old, virus has already mutated into several different strains now, and I would not take vaccine anyways as what they put in the vaccine that soft kills people. Just let people use and give the therapies and end this crap.
So you have the cure but won’t post it. What is the “2 drug combination”
HCQ and Zithromax
This is a 9/11 Medical Martial Law False Flag.
Any patriot knows about supplements.
This is a Coup against POTUS and Americans.
12 Monkeys scenario… with the Transhumanist agenda. Unless Trump and Patriots can outplay this war game in motion, I see civil war against those who promise false Security over our Liberty… to enslave us all.
Death to NWO.
Here is a video with Dr. Shiva explaining CV and the deep state etc. You are being played like a fiddle…
Thanks for NNN link. Already a subscriber.
Maybe you can omit the character insults next time you post. thxa
I’m not sure it’s quite time to pull teeth. The bright side is that even elderly can still clear through the bat soup, teeth or not.
You get to keep your job. You do not. You do. You do not. This is turning into class based discrimination.
This is fear peddling at the highest level. We all know most of the MSM carries water for the State. Each MSM outlet is trying to out-gloom & doom each other, with fresh “crises” each day.
In most countries where the virus has spread it has peaked. Sure, the virus is bad, and unfortunately, people have died, including a few younger people, but the vast majority were mostly old, sick with other conditions, smokers, or had a particular weakness towards viruses, and other reasons.
Here in the US, the State is clearly exploiting this virus. This may seem warped, but there are likely Individuals in the deep state that see this as a gift. They are opportunists, quick to exploit this virus, not letting a crisis (real or perceived) go to waste. Measures will be put in place that will impact our rights. The MSM is now reporting this virus is seasonal and will return year after year. This will give the State the excuse to permanently maintain the control measures they establish for this particular crisis. In some areas, local and state officials have mandated no gun or ammunition sales, but yet there are some liquor stores and head shops still open. In addition to closures of commercial establishments and schools, they have limited the size of groups, and want us to practice “social distancing”. Separating people does inhibit the spread, but social isolation is also a long practiced method of control, particularly by statist and authoritarian gov’ts. The citizenry is being made accustomed to more state sponsored control.
I am no better informed than any other, but I saw when this virus was still early in China it would be here, with the accompanying social and political measures including extreme media hype. Notice how several elements of officialdom have resisted Pres. DT efforts to restore normalcy, to let people get back to their own lives. Even his health director is against using long known medicines that quickly mitigate the effects of the virus. This is because the State wants more time for their efforts to take root, so that the controls they put in place won’t easily be put aside after the “crisis”.
Don’t tell me it’s actually time to buy the chicklets from Big R and whip out an impromtu coup with old disassembled furniture. Please don’t tell me that.
Liking Mises right now. Voices of reason.
https :// mises. org /
Sensationalist media, please save me, again.
It’s hard to stick with this issue even if you wanted to.
I bought ribeyes at the store and a bunch of red meat. Heffers are not just keeling over. Cost a fortune. I’m going to be grilling squirrel kabobs if that what it takes, the grill is staying on.
Can I support a heffer and chickens on a quarter acre suburbia lot? Will it get along with my couped up border collie? How does one fit in a potato garden in with that?
The rhetoric going around on all sides is astounding.
Marionettes, swing to the symphony.
“Can I support a heffer and chickens on a quarter acre suburbia lot?”
“I bought ribeyes at the store and a bunch of red meat.”
Who is responsible for these?
This is fear peddling at the highest level. We all know most of the MSM carries water for the State. Each MSM outlet is trying to out-gloom & doom each other, with fresh “crises” each day.
In most countries where the virus has spread it has peaked. Sure, the virus is bad, and unfortunately, people have died, including a few younger people, but the vast majority were mostly old, sick with other conditions, smokers, or had a particular weakness towards viruses, and other reasons.
Here in the US, the State is clearly exploiting this virus. This may seem warped, but there are likely Individuals in the deep state that see this as a gift. They are opportunists, quick to exploit this virus, not letting a crisis (real or perceived) go to waste. Measures will be put in place that will impact our rights. The MSM is now reporting this virus is seasonal and will return year after year. This will give the State the excuse to permanently maintain the control measures they establish for this particular crisis. In some areas, local and state officials have mandated no gun or ammunition sales, but yet there are some liquor stores and head shops still open. In addition to closures of commercial establishments and schools, they have limited the size of groups, and want us to practice “social distancing”. Separating people does inhibit the spread, but social isolation is also a long practiced method of control, particularly by statist and authoritarian gov’ts. The citizenry is being made accustomed to more state sponsored control.
I am no better informed than any other, but I saw when this virus was still early in China it would be here, with the accompanying social and political measures including extreme media hype. Notice how several elements of officialdom have resisted Pres. DT efforts to restore normalcy, to let people get back to their own lives. Even his health director is against using long known medicines that quickly mitigate the effects of the virus. This is because the State wants more time for their efforts to take root, so that the controls they put in place won’t easily be put aside after the “crisis”.
Brings an old song back to mind: ht tps://ww
We have been profoundly and lethally let down by the President on down when it comes to Coronavirus. The President still maintains it is not a big deal, and the UK’s prime minister actually chuckles and smirks in press conferences.
It is a bio weapon unleashed by China and mega amplified by sending, like little bio bombs, their infected people all over the world by flights.
And now the Chinese want to make money selling the medicines and masks back to us.
People should #chinavirus signs with the stories of how they have been hurt by China so people can see the damage being done. This has to become the biggest nation brand mistake of all time and their corporations need to pay a heavy price (money is all that matters to them).
Good thing it takes a team and one person is not completely in charge of everything. If only it was as easy as being able to blame one single individual for all the problems of the world.
There was one individual whom brought the light, and gave his life to save the world. He already saved us and if you’re looking for the latest savior of the day to ride in on a white stallion, it may be more productive and wise to peer into the analogues of history instead.
John Patrick Henry. Bastiat. Toss in some legendary indians, the working class heroes from the industrial era, the innovators of yesterday and tomorrow all have a place at the table.
Don’t forget you are sitting at the table too. What goes around comes around. Be careful what you wish for. Defeatism BGone!
Don’t fear Tyranny. Prepare for the Tyrants. Now you know how far “they” will go. How easy they shut off the switch. How they use Fear with the Liar Media. Problem-Reaction-Solution.
For the thinking man/woman:
History has shown that there are NO “Good Times.”
There are Only “Bad Times, Horrific Times, Failed crops, Famine, Earthquakes, Meteors, Tyrants, Genocide, Bad weather, War. Maybe Nuclear war?”. Only Bad times for most of humanity.
But often there is a quite lull that the grasshopper calls “Good Times”. This season is short.
To the Thinking man/woman, these are times to Prepare for Bad Times to come. You have an opportunity Now/Today.
People. These are Not bad times. These are Good times. These are the times to prepare for the bad times ahead.
These are times to prepare for the Tyrants.
Don’t Fear. Prepare. Get Squared away. Most of you probably have done that. You are good to go. You will be ok. Again, these are Not Bad times.
I’ve seen bad times. I know what bad times are. These are Good times. Times to prepare your physical body-mind-soul.
Get right with Jesus Christ. When in a cold, wet, hungry, sleep deprived fatigued, Hostile/Dangerous environment. You will need Jesus. You need faith. There are no atheist in foxholes.
BTW: Hoarding is not preparing. Hoarding is stupid/selfish. Help out those around you. Call friends and family. Those that called you a “nut job” for your preps. Help them, calm them, be positive. They Could use your expertise now. Because they are as scared children. Help those around you. Family, freinds, neighbors, even enemies. Help them best you can.
You are not worried, If you are a regular on this site. You are way ahead of the current hiccup. People, These are NOT Bad times. We will all wait and see how things are in a few months. Then it might be bad times? So stay Frosty. Exercise. Reload ammo. Garden. Procure livestock if possible. Learn. Pray. Be ready. Enjoy these good times. We are all blessed.
Stay Frosty.
PS-Turn off the TV. Turn off the media. Turn off the politicians. Turn them ALL Off. Tune them out.
Understand this: They don’t matter. They are a distraction. Theater. Circus.
You just concentrate on Positive tasks to improve your situation. Because when there are Bad Times. No One will likely be there for you. Maybe you loose all your “preps”.
Don’t die for preps. Run. Hide. Leave. Go.
Maybe a Tyrant takes your tools? Does not matter if you have knowledge-skills-are in good shape. Jesus will help you prevail. You will prevail.