Neocons Say Iran Positioning Missiles Against US in Iraq

by | May 16, 2019 | Headline News | 42 comments

Do you LOVE America?


    This article was originally published by Kurt Nimmo on Activist Post.

    Location Iran. Green pin on the map.

    Reuters story published on Tuesday mentions the next false flag incident to move the war against Iran forward.

    Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s surprise visit to Baghdad this month came after U.S. intelligence showed Iran-backed Shi’ite militias positioning rockets near bases housing U.S. forces, according to two Iraqi security sources.

    He told Iraq’s top brass to keep the militias, which are expanding their power in Iraq and now form part of its security apparatus, in check, the sources said. If not, the U.S. would respond with force.

    “We don’t want anyone interfering in their country (Iraq), certainly not by attacking another nation inside of Iraq,” said Pompeo’s State Department.

    Left out of this is the fact the US illegally invaded Iraq and continues to have occupation troops and bases in the country.

    In December, the Iraqi parliament demanded the US take its troops and go home after Trump made a surprise visit. He didn’t talk with Iraqi officials and instead engaged in a photo op with troops.

    Pompeo’s warning centers on the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), an umbrella group comprised primarily of Shia militias. Groups within the PMF include the Badr Organization, the Hezbollah Brigades, the Martyrs of Sayyid Brigades, Asaib Ahl al-Haq, Jund al-Imam, and others.

    The US focus on the PMF groups is not because they are a threat to US occupation forces, but rather because their political influence is growing. The US left the task of reining in the PMF and merging it into Iraqi’s army to Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi.

    Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr won the most seats during the May 2018 election.

    “Al-Sadr’s alliance comprising of communists and secular Iraqis has announced it is fiercely opposed to any foreign interference in Iraq—whether Tehran’s or Washington’s,” notes

    Also ignored by Reuters and the rest of the corporate war propaganda media is the fact Shiite political and paramilitary groups have long demanded the withdrawal of US troops in Iraq and had previously engaged in armed resistance to the occupation.

    According to The Atlantic, the PMF groups are Iranian proxies and “would be an effective tool for further escalation—and for reviving an old narrative that casts U.S. troops as an occupying force in the country.”

    Jeffrey Goldberg and The Atlantic are telling us the idea that US troops in Iraq are there illegally and this is opposed by the vast majority of Iranians, both Shia and Sunni is basically “old” and irrelevant.

    Goldberg, editor-in-chief of the liberal magazine, supported the invasion of Iraq and believed the neocon lies about its illusory weapons of mass destruction and Saddam Hussein’s fairy tale relationship with al-Qaeda.

    Shia targeting of US bases and its embassy in Baghdad are not a recent development, as The Atlanticnotes elsewhere.

    Late last year the Trump administration issued a warning:

    The United States will hold the regime in Tehran accountable for any attack that results in injury to our personnel or damage to United States Government facilities. America will respond swiftly and decisively in defense of American lives.

    In other words, any attempt to evict the US from the country will be considered an attack on the US by Iran.

    On Tuesday it was reported a top British general, Maj. Gen. Christopher Ghika, deputy commander of Operation Inherent Resolve, expressed his opinion the Shia militia groups do not pose a threat.

    “No—there’s been no increased threat from Iranian-backed forces in Iraq and Syria,” Ghika said during a video briefing.

    “I think it’s important to say that many of them are compliant and we have seen no change in that posture since the recent exchange between the United States and Iran,” he added.

    Sec. Pompeo and national security adviser John Bolton—rumored to be on the way out of the Trump administration (we can only hope)—will continue throwing out red herrings to augment their fallacious arguments in favor of killing thousands of Iranians.

    The corporate propaganda media will continue reporting skewered facts in a simplistic fashion as we wend our way to a war with an unknown outcome.

    The CIA long ago made sure the corporate media is a welcoming conduit for endless propaganda, lies, misleading simplification, and scary fairy tales taken in by a gullible and intellectually lazy public.

    Kurt Nimmo is the editor of Another Day in the Empire, where this article first appeared.


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      1. Same song, second verse……

      2. The neocon, deep state, globalists never sleep. Watch the oil shipments to Europe get disrupted. The tankers won’t pass through a war zone. No insurance.

      3. I hope Trump sacks John Bolton, but I have my doubts. Anyway, Pompeo, Haspel, and Abrams would take up the slack.
        May 1st the Albanian president along with military leaders and diplomats made a visit to the USS Abraham Lincoln (you know, the one sent to the Persian Gulf). The CIA has transferred the terrorist organization, MEK, to camps in Albania. Bolton was instrumental in getting MEK removed from the US terrorist list several years ago. He has long believed he can use them to facilitate regime change in Iran. They can speak Farsi and can pass themselves off as Iranian Navy personnel…because they ARE Iranians. They are trained in covert operations by the CIA. Kuwait media reports that MEK operatives have been arrested trying to buy speed boats in the Persian Gulf. Look for a false flag from these guys blamed on Iran.

        • JRS, the US had the MEK on a large compound in Iraq, protected by US troops. The US would use them for terror attacks against Iranians. Our government is the leading sponsor of terror in the world. Al Qaeda, ISIS, MEK, PKK, Taliban (against the Soviets). And on and on. The US government isn’t really ours.

      4. CIA: What’s the orders from up top?
        Bolton: Boss said plans to attack Iran.
        CIA: Trump said that?
        Bolton: Trump…the boss? Snort…chuckle…
        CIA: Bwahahahaha!

      5. Off topic: fungus

        If you get nail fungus, it is a sign that your body is riddled with an internal fungus, invading your brain, and destroying your internal organs, and your skin and scalp and hair; making your sweat smell foul.

        Fungus is a type of bacteria. It is a large, particularly dangerous, bacteria that can kill you slowly or quickly.

        It can cause lung problems and asthma.

        Taking probiotics and prebiotics and generally building up the gut and good bacteria to fight off this parasitic bacteria is crucial to your survival.

        Fungus are everywhere. They’re in convalescent hospitals and gyms. Kill em before they kill you.

        You need a strong immune system.


        • Wrong, fungus is not a bacteria, do your homework and stop spamming.

      6. George Carlin had it correct, don’t believe anything official resources say. The “News”, If it’s not fabricated its embellished and ostensible.

        I give it one big GTFOOH.

        • Kevin2. I miss George Carlin. He always had it right. I’m still at the BOL just because it looks like the neocons are about to have fun again [SARCASM]. I wish all the neocons would GTFOOH.

        • So Nikita2 and Dumb ass DR, “If we can’t trust Official News” how do you know that YOU are getting the truth from kook sources like RT, Zero Hedge, etc.?

          • Seminole Wind

            Post action. The government issued us that the economy was fine; the Federal Reserve said likewise, Zero Hedge showed me facts, quite obvious facts that the aforementioned were privy to that showed otherwise. I sold in 2007 pre crash. There were no WMD in Iraq when we were assured that there were. Why did the US use its Air Power to help Islamic Fundamentalists overthrow Libya and put crazies at the helm? Who is arming ISIS? It’s certainly not Russia or Iran as ISIS is fighting them or their proxies?

            • Assured not insured……ops

              • So what does all of that crap have to do with a coming war in the Middle East? I just guess to you Russians ,we Americans don’t have the right to self defense, do we? Besides, some of that happened under the Gay Muslim president, Obama, a true Russian troll like you Nakita2.

                Sure let the Evil Empire take over the world!

                • Seminole Wind

                  “So what does all of that crap have to do with a coming war in the Middle East?”

                  It shows that the US repeatedly lies. It’s a fact that no WMD was found in Iraq and 4,497 American paid with their lives does not concern you? WTC #7 falling for no logical reason doesn’t make you question? WTF is the matter with you?

                  • He watches too much tv and is brainwashed beyond belief. Absolutely pathetic how some people have 0 critical thinking and don’t question anything and run like hell from truth. I see a lot of people like him, they are stuck in a micro paradigm of propaganda lies and defend them to the death.

                    • “One Thing Leads To Another”

                      The deception with tact
                      Just what are you trying to say
                      You’ve got a blank face, which irritates
                      Communicate, pull out your party piece
                      You see dimensions in two
                      State your case with black or white
                      But when one little cross
                      Leads to shots, grit your teeth
                      You run for cover so discreet
                      Why don’t they

                      Do what they say
                      Say what you mean
                      One thing leads to another
                      You told me something wrong
                      I know I listen too long
                      But then one thing leads to another

                      The impression that you sell
                      Passes in and out like a scent
                      But the long face that you see
                      Comes from living close to your fears
                      If this is up, then I’m up
                      But you’re running out of sight
                      You’ve seen your name on the walls
                      And when one little bump
                      Leads to shock miss a beat
                      You run for cover and there’s heat
                      Why don’t they

                      Do what they say
                      Say what they mean
                      One thing leads to another
                      You told me something wrong
                      I know I listen too long
                      But then one thing leads to another
                      One thing leads to another

                      Then it’s easy to believe
                      Somebody’s been lying to me
                      But when the wrong word
                      Goes in the right ear
                      I know you’ve been lying to me
                      It’s getting rough, off the cuff
                      I’ve got to say enough’s enough
                      Bigger the harder, he falls
                      But when the wrong antidote
                      Is like a bone in the throat
                      You run for cover in the heat
                      Why don’t they

                      Do what they say
                      Say what they mean
                      One thing leads to another
                      You told me something wrong
                      I know I listen too long
                      But then one thing leads to another
                      One thing leads to another

      7. It is a good a time as any to re-cap what Wes Clark was told some months after 9/11.

        “It’s bad: we are going to invade Iraq.”

        Wes: “What does Iraq have to do with 9/11?”

        “They don’t: we are taking down five countries in five years. Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Syria, Yemen and then finally, Iran.”

        How is all that going now? Iraq is done, Somalia is a mess but under U.N. control, Libya is done, Syria is done, Yemen is getting done. Iran is now on deck for a major smack-down.

        Sometimes things take a little longer but we get there in the end. Iran’s goose will get cooked sometime soon.

        • yep. “Which Path to Persia?” is a fascinating read from the Brookings Institute.

          ht tps://

        • So true. We are the cop/bouncer for the new world order. Venezuela, North Korea, and Iran are next to destroy. When we get those countries destroyed for the NWO, guess who is next?Right, it’s US!

      8. A neoconservative voice holds zero credibility to rational thinking people.

      9. Even the Sunni-Shia divide pales in comparison to the US threat.

        • No Country can compare to the united states of isreal in prolific wars for theft and occupation of others for the benefit of the globalist scum.

      10. Let’s make Raytheon “Great Again”, false flagem.
        Remember the Gulf of Tonkin…

      11. This story and the above comments are all Bullshit! Gee start with the tern Neocon and see what Russian/Wing Nut kooks come out of the woodwork.

        My nephew was stationed in Iraq at a firebase on the border with Iran, they did nightly fire missions on Insurgents with IED’s coming across to KILL OUR GUYS!


        God Bless America and dam most of you!

        • Your nephew is fighting for israel. WHy wouldn’t they try and kill “our guys” when we are invading their land?

        • The safest way not to become a casualty in Iraq is to not be in Iraq. Why are we there? Simple question. Why destroy a nation that was the enemy of Islamic Fundamentalists and leave a power vacuum for them to occupy and then do it again in Libya?

          Your nephew is in the same boat as my cousin who died for nothing (except of course to prop up the Military Industrial Complex) was in Vietnam and I hope for his sake and yours he fairs better.

          OBTW the communists in Vietnam were not in a world wide orchestrated takeover and they fought Chinese communists in 1979 and stopped the genocide in neighboring Cambodia (a direct result of a power vacuum created by the US). The Vietnamese left Cambodia after stopping said genocide.

          You really care to debate with me? If so I suggest doing a lot more reading.

          • “My nephew was stationed in Iraq at a firebase on the border with Iran, they did nightly fire missions on Insurgents with IED’s coming across to KILL OUR GUYS! ”

            Are you really that stupid? WOW. You amaze me!

            What is an insurgent? A citizen of the country you are attacking with no good reason that is doing what YOUR stupid ass would do too.. DEFEND YOURSELF FROM THE INVADERS!

            KILL OUR GUYS? No shit moron, it’s called defending yourself from outside invading forces that have no business in your country. What would you do if you were in a small country and say Russia came over and started bomming the shit out of you and occupied your country and stole all your wealth? Oh would you be an insurgent and fight them or be a faggot and hide under the bed? God your an idiot!

        • Seminole Wind: That Shyte is getting old. Neocon warpigs will not give up until US is broke and out of resources, with an increasing homeless population to deal with.

        • Seminole Wind

          You like and trust the Main Stream Media so much so you’ll like this, its from Time Magazine, which has a zip code in the center of Main Stream Media.

          British General Contradicts U.S. Claim of Increased Threat From Iran-Backed Militias

          The top British general in the U.S.-led coalition against ISIS says there is not an increased threat from Iranian-backed forces in Iraq or Syria, despite claims to the contrary by the U.S. to justify increasing its presence in the region.
          “No – there’s been no increased threat from Iranian-backed forces in Iraq and Syria,” Maj. Gen. Christopher Ghika, deputy commander of Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR), the coalition responsible for counter-terrorist operations against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, said in a video briefing, according to the Guardian.

          • Ideologically, though, Islam conceives of the world in two ways, only — the house of war, or of submission. Even without being funded by Hillary, and without Zionism, and without Western colonialism, they don’t recognize your right to exist, still.

            Every tradesman, including the warmongerer, wants you to pay for lots and lots of whatever he makes. There are still in the neighborhood of 10 dozen war verses, in the Koran, Sunna, and Hadith.

          • Ideologically, though, Islam conceives of the world in two ways, only — the house of war, or of submission. Even without being funded by Hillary, and without Z-i-onism, and without Western colonialism, they don’t recognize your right to exist, still.

            Every tradesman, including the warmongerer, wants you to pay for lots and lots of whatever he makes. There are still in the neighborhood of 10 dozen war verses, in the Koran, Sunna, and Hadith.

            • Clown World

              We’re not going to kill a billion or Islamics so just leave them there. Restrict immigration as much as possible with them. Certainly do not support the Islamic Fundamentalists and use them to overthrow the non religiously ruled Middle East governments like Iraq, Libya and Syria. Christians were more protected by their previous (pre US intervention) governments than post. Keep out of their neighborhoods as much as possible. Unfortunately the goal must be (because its repeated over and over) is to destroy stable governments and replace them with fragmented unstable chaos. Fragmented governments don’t dictate policy.

              • seminole, K2 is an intelligent man with critical thinking (which escapes you). He has pointed out many facts which I am positive you won’t lift a finger to look into. Are you capable of thinking for yourself whatsoever? Do you even know what critical thinking is? Do you ever question anything your told? Do you even realize what an idiot you make yourself out to be? Is it the flouride or gmo that causes this disconnect from reality?

              • Psalm 83
                Isaiah 17
                Ezekiel 39

                • k said, “We’re not going to kill a billion or (so) Islamics…”

                  Without being too morbid, some people believe that Islam, the East Bloc, et al, loses, in spite of their vast, human resource.

      12. Trump has so much Israeli cum on his face that he couldn’t see through a good set of glasses. How many Americans have to die for the greater Israel plan to keep the waco’s in DC happy?

      13. Why don’t some of you Libertarian nut jobs go to a VA hospital and try telling our Troops who lost body parts to Iranian IED’s and Snipers that the Iranians are really-really good guys, who only want to nuke us for our own good. Oh, and murder all of the Jewish/Christian people on earth too.

      14. “News is that which someone, somewhere does not want revealed. Everything else is advertising.”

        So the question is, what is the US selling? 1) Fear and loathing of any country which doesn’t kowtow to our demands. 2) Perpetual war for no reason but to enrich the war profiteers and bankers. 3) Mandatory Ignorance of any other narrative- especially any peaceful option.

        • Israel is a satellite nation, in orbit of the US. Trump is threatening to cut their funding, as part of the ‘deal of the century’, to be introduced after Ramadan. This much has been ‘leaked’ to Israeli mainstream newspapers.

          The Trumps married into Israel and Judaism, and maybe can unify the US by allowing Obama to do the honors, who likes the 57 states of Islam and bowing to their sheiks.

        • Israel is a satellite nation, in orbit of the US. Trump is threatening to cut their funding, as part of the ‘deal of the century’, to be introduced after Ramadan. This much has been ‘leaked’ to Israeli mainstream newspapers.

          The Trumps married into Israel and Judaism, and maybe can unify the US by allowing Obama to do the honors, who likes the 57 states of Islam and bowing to their sheiks.

      15. Irving Kristol and his Trotskyite coven invented “neocon”, Billy carried on Daddy’s evil. “neocon” …..
        “I have been a neo-Marxist, a neo-Trotskyist, a neo-socialist, a neoliberal, and finally a neoconservative.” – Irving Kristol, Neo-Conservatism: The Autobiography of an Idea
        To get a sense of the horror these ‘revolutionaries’ brought to Russia and to the white people and Christians, we need only read the words of Trotsky as he explained how the Christians and whites of Russia, the dominant race, were going to be treated.
        THIS is what the kristol family supports, THIS is Trotskyism: ““We must turn Russia into a desert populated by white Negroes upon whom we shall impose a tyranny such as the most terrible Eastern despots never dreamt of. The only difference is that this will be a left-wing tyranny, not a right-wing tyranny. It will be a red tyranny and not a white one. We mean the word ‘red’ literally, because we shall shed such floods of blood as will make all the human losses suffered in the capitalist wars pale by comparison.” – Leon Trotsky
        NeoCon was INVENTED by Irving Kristol and his CABAL of TROTSKYITE COMMUNISTS. Irving Kristol himself was once a member of the “Workers’ Party”—a Trotsky-influenced political group. In his Neoconservatism: The Autobiography of an Idea, Kristol admits to being “lucky to have been a young Trotskyite and I have not a single bitter memory.” Leon Trotsky was born Lev Bronstein in 1879 he supported the concept of the “Red Terror” — the destruction of all the enemies of the revolution. “Ruthlessness,” Trotsky said, “is the highest revolutionary humanism.” Once he personally ordered the execution of every 10th man in a regiment that had fled from a battle.
        Trotskyism renamed Neo Conservatism, Leon Trotsky advocated for form of Communism called Permanent Revolution Permanent Revolution, in the eyes of Trotsky, was a world where somewhere a communist revolution was taking place and the old order was being overthrown, bringing in government by the people. To achieve this, he wanted Russia post-1921 to actively export revolution abroad, using the expertise that the Communists had gained since November 1917 to achieve this. He wanted Russia to send experts abroad to assist revolutionary movements and he wanted Russia to help finance such movements. Trotsky believed that a world experiencing a permanent revolution could only strengthen the hold of the working class and destroy what he viewed as the old order that had done all it could to strangulate the workers. Neo Conservatives are generally Zionist or supporters of Zionism, who work the revised plan of permanent revolution, rebooted now as permanent war in service of the Israeli agenda. The Project for a New American Century, called PNAC was a neoconservative think tank, which focused on American foreign policy. PNAC was an organization led by influential and mostly dual citizen Zionist conspirators, a group of people serving the interest of Israel over the interests of Americans.
        In the 1970s neoconservative Irving Kristol aptly described the Republicans as “the stupid party.”
        NeoCon is COMMUNISM wrapped in an American flag.
        NeoCons refuse to WEAR an American uniform ….
        they just wrap themselves in the flag and send YOU and YOURS to be maimed and
        killed while they WAR PROFITEER off their “defense stocks”.
        Today’s American NeoCons are yesterday’s Jewish Trotskites & Bolsheviks. SAME PEOPLE. Jewish Bolsheviks, the SAME people who holocausted the Ukrainian Christians.
        The HOLOMODOR is one holocaust they do NOT want REMEMBERED.
        The correct spelling is neoCOMMUNIST.

      16. Communism is government ownership of the means of production having reached the theoretical classless society as proclaimed by Marx. Socialism is government control / ownership of the means of production prior to the evolving into theoretical classless society. Neo-Conservatives are many things but most importantly they’re tools of the globalists who they themselves are not communists. They use communists as human resource managers but subscribe to the opposite of business / banking ownership of government. We’re witnessing a hybrid of fascism at the top with elements of forced wealth distribution socialism at the bottom.

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