NASA is already beginning preparations for the arrival of the asteroid called “The God of Chaos.” The asteroid is said to be approaching Earth and will come close to our planet in 2029.
The asteroid’s official name is 99942 Apophis. It is a 1,110-foot-wide asteroid named after the Egyptian god of chaos. It will fly as close to the Earth as some of the orbiting spacecraft panicking scientists.
99942 Apophis will come within 19,000 miles of Earth on April 13, a decade from now, but scientists at the Planetary Defense Conference are already preparing for the encounter, Newsweek reported. They plan to discuss the asteroid’s effects on Earth’s gravity, potential research opportunities and even how to deflect an incoming asteroid in a theoretical scenario.
The asteroid will be visible to the naked eye and will look like a moving star point of light, according to NASA. It will pass over the United States in the early evening, according to WUSA 9. 99942 Apophis was discovered in 2004 and, after tracking it for 15 years, scientists say the asteroid has a 1 in 100,000 chance of striking Earth decades in the future. But in the fairly distant future: after 2060, Newsweek reported.
Asteroid preparation has become quite a hobby for NASA.
NASA is going to be using a simulation of an “asteroid apocalypse” in order to help the space agency prepare for the cataclysmic event. And they are taking it seriously, as disaster planners from FEMA will join NASA for a dress rehearsal of doomsday.
International partners, including the European Space Agency (ESA), will also be a part of the simulation. The drill is said to be a “tabletop exercise” that will simulate just how a planetary asteroid emergency would play out in real time. Although an emergency on this scale has never happened, and factors such as the location of impact will have a massive effect on the response to such a globally catastrophic event.
According to the Metro UK, disaster planners from Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will join with NASA to hold a “make-believe apocalypse” intended to “inform involved players of important aspects of a possible disaster and identify issues for accomplishing a successful response.” The scenario will begin with the fictional premise that on March 26, astronomers “discovered” a near-Earth object (a comet or asteroid which comes within 30 million miles of Earth and one they consider potentially hazardous to Earth), NASA wrote. -SHTFPlan
This recent simulation was for a different asteroid named 2019 PDC.
Hopefully, I’ll be gone by the time it flies by.
Click bait. “The sky is falling!” said Chicken Little for the on-millionth time…
Will miss the Earth by the width of a western woman.
american woman have curves.. dangerous curves… were drawn that way. hmmm!
If my math is correct the earth has a diameter of 8000 miles (without the curvature). The moon is about 380,000 miles away. This chunk of rock will pass by roughly 2.5 x the diameter of the earth, thats close.
Assuming this rock about 400 yards wide struck would it be “schools out”. What would the effect be?
I think the formula is P=MV.
Considering the Earth is mostly Liquid/plastic
iron mostly covered with liquid water it will be
a mess.
I know the basic physics formula but it tells me little. The most likely point of impact is water with the most likely of that the Pacific Ocean. The ecological “impact” is? Is it rain for how long as massive quantities of water are thrown into the atmosphere? Heating with increased thermal mass or cooling with the enthalpy of evaporation? A tsunami / wave; how large, how far?
Just wondering.
Howdy Kevin2,
I can speak to that directly.
The answer here comes in two parts…1) the object impacts an/deep body of water and 2) same impacts an exposed landmass.
In the first case, presuming the figures for rough width given above -1100′ wide – presuming a simplistic case (geometry spherical…roughly) then you have something which is approx. .004 cubic mile. Before proceeding further please bear in mind that the dinosaur killer 67 million years ago was MILES wide…following so far?
S’OK, then there is the issue of both energy and momentum (already provided by relic above) whereas the energy is found as E=1/2*m*v*v ( aka,1/2 m(v squared)). Now, presuming a nominal approach rate (it can be MUCH higher than the figure I’ll use hereafter) then you’ve got roughly 700 million cubic feet of DRE (dense rock equivalent) at about 100 lbs per cubic foot incoming at orbital velocity…about 18,000 mph.
A little jiggling of the units hereinvolved yields the following:
Momentum = 20 million cubic meters DRE * 1500kg/ cubic meter * 8100m/s which comes out to about 2.4 x 10 to the 14th kg*m/s. Which don’t tell us much, eh. Sooo, here comes the punchline…Energy. Doing the same unit jiggling as before with energy as 1/2 mv(squared) you end up just around 211 megaton explosive force equivalent…
Gee, dat don’t sound to good…do it?
If it hits land you can pretty much assume a circular area about 90 miles across will be incinerated…but if it hits WATER things get much, much worse. All that energy basically gets deposited into the water near the point of impact – initially, at least. Thus generating a cloud of superheated steam that would likely wreck agriculture in an area about the size of a hemisphere of the earth. Now, that does not account for seismic aftershocks OR Tsunami follow ons.
Now…I’ve driven about 400 miles and I AM tired so there maybe math errors here of the lesser sort, ie, the quoted figures should be roughly correct by a factor of 2 larger or smaller.
Closing here, the Yucatan impact basically flash incinerated everything within about 1800 miles in every from POI and exterminated virtually ALL life in North and South America down to microbes and thereafter set the stage for a series of rather horrific cyclic ice ages.
Hope that helps clarify things.
Which moon are you talking about?
The observable universe is big our nearest star( our sun) is 8 minutes at the speed of light away, the next closest star is 4 years at the speed of light away.
The planet Mars is 20 to 3 minutes away at the speed of light., depending on when you try it. When a rock gets close (18,000 miles) with respect to how far away everything else is, they get excited. To put that in perspective, the Satellite that I’m communicating with you is ~22,000 miles away from us,
BTW the moon is 250-225 thousands of miles away, not a perfectly round orbit.
Speaking of the moon I saw a show last night that said the russians had pics of the backside of the moon and there were structure looking things there. I don’t doubt it a bit. I will have to put off my visit for a while as I put a framed glass solar panel on the canopy of the boat and it is a bit too heavy (not a sturdy canopy). I did however find a 175 watt 12V flexible panel that weighs 5 pounds that I am going to order for 159.00. Alohahahaha.
yes your correct
by my math..
Ohhhhhhhhh A DIS-ASTEROID!
Apophis sounds like apoptosis (killing Cancer cells).
I can tell you, it isn’t an asteroid that threatens earth, it’s the rich people shipping in poor screwed up people from the third world Countries.
We can’t stop an asteroid that is nine years away, but maybe we can stop these haters from destroying our Country with third world “refuse” invaders, economic opportunists, unwelcome foreigners that even the Afro-Americans don’t want, let alone white people.
If this keeps up there’s going to be fighting in the streets between the different new migrant groups, and white people are going to be shot in the crossfire.
Somalis vs South American drug cartels vs boys in the hood vs the well, you know; just the scenario that George Soros and Co. is planning for the USA.
Maybe in the big cities but anywhere else whitey will put a stop to them. They don’t have even a 0% chance around this neck of the woods.
I’m sure if you only add a few more $trillion to their budget they will take care of it, OR NOT. In any event it will buy a few new secluded islands with SOME of the missing money.
The authorities found a pile of junk in Alabama they are claiming to be a terrorist camp which they say resembles one they claim to have found in New Mexico. From what I seen of the overhead footage looks like a a bunch of pallets built into a garden shed sized building with some plastic sheetdraped over the walls no roof. A bunch of 5 gal buckets and tires everywhere. Looks to be grown over by the bush a little as well. Read the story along with it too. They are claiming that it was built as an earth ship to be completely off the grid. What is the takeaway from this. All off grinders are suspect for choosing a simple life. Anyone building any kind of structure on their property not up to codes is up to no good. Google it Alabama terror compound and see for yourselves. They are worried about a bunch of tires set up to run through them while people have shooting ranges on their property. If you ask me the authorities are paranoid.
What if digital clocks no longer work, or the batteries have just run out. What if the y2k-compliant gearwork becomes decrepit and winds down. Even if you have no belief in astrology, as a superstition, it still serves as a universal timeclock. Astronomy can be used to signal markets and armies.
imhlblo, the Gruver prediction, regarding WW III, specifically pertains to communications hubs.
‘I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.’
— attributed to Einstein
Most people believe that this is an allegory, or it’s just being symbolic. But, the Bible says that people in the End Times receive a daily ration of grain and that Armageddon is fought on horseback, using primitive weapons made of wood.
You don’t necessarily have to believe that your fate is set in the stars, so long as mankind sets his choices by them.
say what???? I think yhey are thinking backwards!!!
“They plan to discuss the asteroid’s effects on Earth’s gravity, ”
I think they should be discussing the effects of Earth’s gravity on the asteroid — like pulling it more towards the Earth for an impact this time around.
“It will pass over the United States in the early evening, ”
or, striking the United States?????
On it’s third bounce it will land on D.C. and we all live happily ever after.
Another new Doom porn date has arrived. I was waiting for the next apocalypse, I think I missed the last one.
‘They’ Know It’s Coming – ‘their’ Last 1260 Days And ‘they’ will use this to Fully implement ‘their’ Luciferian One World Church-State….
THE FIRST FOUR TRUMPETS Will Destroy the infrastructures of the World and in so doing Produce The Great Tribulation we Have Been FORE-WARNED About:
The First Four Trumpets –
“And the seven angels which had the Seven Trumpets Prepared themselves to Sound.
7The First Angel Sounded, and there followed hail and fire (meteor storm) mingled with blood (Mercy – Not Everything & Everyone Is Destroyed), and they were cast upon the Earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.
8And The Second Angel Sounded, and as it were a Great mountain burning with fire (asteroid?) was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood; 9And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.
10And The Third Angel Sounded, and there fell a Great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters (second asteroid striking a continent?); 11And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood (bitter/poisonous due to buried waste – including nuclear, being released when this astroid strikes); and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.
12And The Fourth Angel Sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise (volcanic activity due to the asteroid strikes?).
13And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a LOUD Voice, “WOE, WOE, WOE, to the inhabiters of the Earth by reason of the other voices of The Trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to Sound….” – Trumpets 5, 6 & 7.
After the Fourth Trumpet there will be some time Given (it is estimated ~ 2.5 years) for survivors to wrap their heads around what is Truly Happening and “the time'” in which they’re living Before Satan is Allowed “to rise/come up out of, then come down on the Earth” at The Fifth Trumpet To Deceive – Rev. 9 & 13:11-14 claiming to be GOD – “two horns like a lamb” But Not “The Lamb”…. those “two horns” are the powers he will claim and exercise – Lord of lords = Church; King of kings = State
At The Sixth Trumpet Satan/the Destroyer declares war and 1/3 of the living die –
At The Seventh Trumpet, just before GOD “Pours Out The Seven Last Bowls/Plagues” on those that “refused to love and accept The Truth That Would Save them,” – 2 Thessalonians 2, GOD Opens The Temple In Heaven And Displays The Ark Of The Covenant That Contains HIS TEN COMMANDMENT LAW/COVENANT – INDICATING HIS LAW (ALL TEN) ARE AS ETERNAL AS HE IS – see Revelation 12:17 and note GOD’S DESCRIPTION (AND THE ONLY ONE THAT MATTERS) OF HIS NEW COVENANT People, also “See” Galatians 3:26-29.
If the earths population was convinced that the world would end next week it would end this week.
If it was actually going to hit us would they tell us? I doubt it. We would need to rely on “leaks” from great Americans like Edward Snowden or to give us this information.
Meanwhile, it is esactly the 2,500th aniversary of the battle of Thermopylae, in August of 2019 (to 480 bc, there is no year zero). If Leonidas had not stood in the gap against the hordes, Western Civ would have fallen.
Kind of like today, huh? Believe me, the NWO and the darkside forces are well aware of this anniversary, they are busy breaking down all walls and ramparts, from within western nations.
Calculations show that Apophis will miss the earth both in 2029 AND when it swings by again in 2036. Beyond that it is more difficult to be certain. NASA needs to NOT waste money worrying about a rock that is NOT going to hit us and do a lot more to find and prepare for the ones that could hit us. It’s not a question of if….but when we get pasted by a big rock. We may have a century to prepare, we may have a month. We JUST DON’T KNOW. So we need to be working diligently to create an effective response before it’s too late.
Dan, you make a good point. But for NASA to do the right thing would mean re-structuring the entire organization.
Not likely!
‘They’ Know It’s Coming – ‘their’ Last 1260 Days And ‘they’ will use this to Fully implement ‘their’ Luciferian One World Church-State….
THE FIRST FOUR TRUMPETS Will Destroy the infrastructures of the World and in so doing Produce The Great Tribulation we Have Been FORE-WARNED About:
The First Four Trumpets –
“And the seven angels which had the Seven Trumpets Prepared themselves to Sound.
7The First Angel Sounded, and there followed hail and fire (meteor storm) mingled with blood (Mercy – Not Everything & Everyone Is Destroyed), and they were cast upon the Earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.
8And The Second Angel Sounded, and as it were a Great mountain burning with fire (asteroid?) was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood; 9And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.
10And The Third Angel Sounded, and there fell a Great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters (second asteroid striking a continent?); 11And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood (bitter/poisonous due to buried waste – including nuclear, being released when this astroid strikes); and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.
12And The Fourth Angel Sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise (volcanic activity due to the asteroid strikes?).
13And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a LOUD Voice, “WOE, WOE, WOE, to the inhabiters of the Earth by reason of the other voices of The Trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to Sound….” – Trumpets 5, 6 & 7.
After the Fourth Trumpet there will be some time Given (it is estimated ~ 2.5 years) for survivors to wrap their heads around what is Truly Happening and “the time'” in which they’re living Before Satan is Allowed “to rise/come up out of, then come down on the Earth” at The Fifth Trumpet To Deceive – Rev. 9 & 13:11-14 claiming to be GOD – “two horns like a lamb” But Not “The Lamb”…. those horns are the two powers he will claim and exercise – Lord of lords = Church; King of kings = State.
At The Sixth Trumpet Satan/the Destroyer declares war and 1/3 of the living die –
At The Seventh Trumpet, just before GOD “Pours Out The Seven Last Bowls/Plagues” on those that “refused to love and accept The Truth That Would Save them,” – 2 Thessalonians 2, GOD Opens The Temple In Heaven And Displays The Ark Of The Covenant That Contains HIS TEN COMMANDMENT LAW/COVENANT – INDICATING HIS LAW (ALL TEN) ARE AS ETERNAL AS HE IS – see Revelation 12:17 and note GOD’S DESCRIPTION (AND THE ONLY ONE THAT MATTERS) OF HIS NEW COVENANT People, also “See” Galatians 3:26-29.