A polio-like illness called acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) has been confirmed in the state of Massachusetts. The Department of Public Health told WBZ-TV Tuesday there is one case of AFM in the state and five more possible cases are being investigated. But is it the mystery the media wants you to believe?
Acute flaccid myelitis is a rare but serious condition that affects the nervous system. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it mostly attacks “the area of the spinal cord called gray matter, and the muscles and reflexes in the body become weak.” The CDC also said the condition isn’t new, “but the increase in cases we saw starting in 2014 is new.” Most of the cases have been in children. Good hygiene can prevent the disease much like it can help prevent polio.
As of October 15, 2018, the Illinois Department of Public Health is reporting ten sporadic, clinically diagnosed cases of acute flaccid myelitis (AFM). IDPH is working with the healthcare providers in the area to collect the necessary information to send to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for AFM case classification. The case reports are from individuals younger than 18 years of age and from northern Illinois. Specific location information is not available.
According to a report done by CNN, the outbreak of AFM goes much further. At least 30 states have cases that were confirmed, suspected or being investigated. CNN did manage to find that Colorado had 14 confirmed cases, more than any other state, followed by Texas with eight and Minnesota with six.
But many health officials are claiming this outbreak of AFM shouldn’t be all that surprising, considering it’s a side effect of the polio vaccine. Myelitis (aka paralysis) is a known adverse reaction to vaccines, and the American mainstream media is being disingenuous by not even mentioning this fact. There are numerous scientific studies showing the link and it’s listed as a side effect on vaccine inserts [PDF poliovirus vaccine insert]. Under “warnings” on page ten, line 7 on page 11 even specifically states that death has been associated with the administration of the polio vaccine. The side effect of death is again warned about on page 14 line 2.
According to Learn The Risk, India suffered over 47,500+ cases after their polio vaccine campaign a few years back.
Acute Flaccid Myelitis (AFM), also known as Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) or non-polio AFP (NPAFP), has been reported since 2014 as a “mysterious polio-like illness.” However, in a paper published in the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics in 2012, Neetu Vashisht, MD and Jacob Puliya, MD wrote it is anything but “mysterious”: “Clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly, the incidence of NPAFP was directly proportional to doses of oral polio [vaccine] received.” Vashisht N, Puliyel J. Polio programme: let us declare victory and move on. Indian Journal of Medical Ethics 2012 9(2): 114-117.
“This is a relatively uncommon syndrome. So I think that should be reassuring to people,” Dr. Samuel Dominguez, medical director of the clinical microbiology laboratory at Children’s Hospital Colorado said. “This is likely a rare complication from a common virus.” Bull. It’s a complication from a vaccine and the information of the vaccine insert and the study done in India lays it out quite nicely.
NPR even reported that in 2017, for the first time, the number of children paralyzed by mutant strains of the polio vaccine is greater than the number of children paralyzed by polio itself. So far in 2017, there have been only six cases of “wild” polio reported anywhere in the world. By “wild,” public health officials mean the disease caused by poliovirus found naturally in the environment. But by contrast, there have been 21 cases of vaccine-derived polio in children. This means that the vaccine is more dangerous than “wild” polio.
You should make your own vaccination decisions and then you have to live with them.
*This article is not meant to treat or diagnose any illnesses or medical conditions. It is intended to be used for informational purposes only.
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America calls it an enterovirus (stomach bug). Russia calls it polio.
The immune compromised and elderly go to the hospital (in my family). The strong eat spicy home remedies.
Good hygiene will help a virus attacking your spinal cord? Sure, I’ll just wash my spinal cord twice a day now instead of just once!
I bleach mine just to be safe.
The article failed to mention that OPV (Oral Polio Vaccine) mentioned in the article has not been administered in the USA since the year 2000. That makes anyone younger than 18 as mentioned in the report as never having received what is claimed as causing this syndrome.
Perhaps all those affected are immigrants?
I am sure that parents of young children would appreciate more details and less hype.
Yah, let’s just keep those turd worlders comin’ with their exotic tropical diseases, ’cause we just don’t have enough diseases of our own. I’m just waiting for Ebola to jump the Atlantic, AGAIN.
How did they get out of India alive?
Confirmed case. In news today.
More reason to not vaccinate children, or anyone for that matter.
Exactly, sounds just like what vaccinations cause… Mo mercury for all!
Now these children will have to live with the results of receiving the polio vaccine.
OFF TOPIC but something to think about. Watching a program called Eugenics Crusade: American Experience. This shows the most discriminated people in the USA have been the poor. I am really ashamed of this country. It has been a disgrace for years. And who decides what will happen to the poor and disadvantaged in one way or another, the elitist of this country and the world. May God help us all.
“According to a report done by CNN…”
And thats where I stop reading.
why? opposition research!
Read elsewhere it may be related to the large influx of migrants from central and South America.
They might be immune to the virus and spread it around the USA, similar to the respiratory virus a couple of years ago that killed many American children.
This is POLIO. Not one of the bogus diagnosis the CDC or whomever are claining.
This condition is condition caused by the POLIO VACCINE !
Research it and wake TFU already people.
We do not have time for this never ending crap !
Am I missing something here ?
Here are some more vaccine horror stories from Africa …..
Supporters of mandatory vaccinations should face mandatory confinement to a mental institution.
Indefinitely !