This article was originally published by Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge.
An intelligence report conducted by private analysts and presented to the US Senate intelligence committee suggests that there may have been a “hazardous event” at the Wuhan Institute of Virology between October 6 and 11, during which time roadblocks were put in place to prevent traffic from coming to the facility, according to the report obtained by NBC News.
The 24-page report includes an analysis of phone data from around the institute, including a pattern analysis of devices that frequent the WIV, show no mobile phone activity from October 7 to 24.
The analysis shows that device traffic “in and around the WIV in the months prior to October was consistent,” but that “Beginning on October 11th, there was a substantial decrease in activity,” suggesting that the ‘window for incident’ was October 6th – 11th.
“During this time, it is believed that roadblocks were put in place to prevent traffic from coming near the facility.”
That said, NBC‘s anonymous government expert has urged caution, suggesting that the report may rely on limited commercially available mobile phone data, and that there could be any number of reasons why no activity was detected during the period in question.
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), who sits on the Senate Intelligence Committee (presumably following their briefing), tweeted on May 6: “Would be interesting if someone analyzed commercial telemetry data at & near Wuhan lab from Oct-Dec 2019,” adding “If it shows dramatic drop off in activity compared to previous 18 months it would be a strong indication of an incident at lab & of when it happened.”
Would be interesting if someone analyzed commercial telemetry data at & near Wuhan lab from Oct-Dec 2019
If it shows dramatic drop off in activity compared to previous 18 months it would be a strong indication of an incident at lab & of when it happened https://t.co/7DQh8F6DXg
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) May 6, 2020
According to the report, the first cases of the novel coronavirus were reported at the end of December, however a new paper from five infectious-disease researchers in China reports that Chinese social media platform WeChat searches for “SARS” , “Coronavirus” , “shortness of breath” , “dyspnea” , and “Diarrhea” began to spike on November 17 – suggesting that COVID-19 was circulating in China weeks before the first cases were officially diagnosed and reported.
NBC News provides the following body of evidence commonly referenced by those who suspect COVID-19 escaped from the WIV:
Read the mobile phone analysis below (via NBC):
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This article was originally published by Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge. Via Rabobank, “And he shall...
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The Wuhan World Military Games occured the following week, starting October 18th. It is possible that they could have been enacting measures. There were also protests occuring in Wuhan in the summer of 2019 over a waste incinerator being installed in Wuhan. The protests were pretty much shut down. Wuhan cordoned off its city two days prior to the Chinese Lunar New Year celebration, preventing information and protests spilling over into the parades and celebrations, although many had left Wuhan prior to the cordonning off and shut down of Wuhan, which was more likely to contain political dissent than the coronavirus.
There has been evidence by U.S. physicians that Americans died of the COVID-19 prior to the Wuhan outbreak, many deaths and illnesses previously attributed to vaping, are now being attributed to COVID-19. Taking that into consideration, in addition to the forced shutdown of Fort Detrick in the summer of 2019 for repeated failure to prevent pathogen leaks, coronavirusA found present in San Antonio Bachen Bat Caves tourist site with the largest Mexican Free Tail Bat population of 15 million also present with CoronavirusA, the Rockefellers
“prediction” that this would happen in 2002, and Bill Gates
“prediction” that this would happen, as well as “predictions” that this would happen at the Davos World Economic Forum, as well as Apple and Starbucks shutting its stores before any schools or government shut downs occured, this is obviously more of a Dracula Vampire virus issue, of course they blood suckers love
BATS and Bat Caves and FANGS!
It is time to drive a wooden stake through their hearts and kill them once and for all!
They are more like flesh eating bacteria killng their hosts! Definitely can’t survive with them!
Death to the vampire parasites !
That kind of happens when the majority of all economic resources go to feeding the sector of the economy that steals and destroys from people that actually produce! They produce destruction! They steal what other people produce!
Stay quiet Be smart
Actually, it would be insanely stupid to remain silent regarding information that exposes agendas of evil psychopaths, if someone is not an evil psychopath. Since I am not an e il psychopath, being silent would be to not only my detriment, but to the detriment of America, and the world, with the notable exception of evil psychopaths!
If America is to gain any credibility internationally ever again, it must start prosecuting the psychopaths and ending the corruption!
It is the only respectable thing to do!
Go to war with China to protect Bill Gates?!
Are you out of your mind?!
Did you know that in most security facilities they have cell phone jammers so no calls or data transmissions, enter into or out of the facility?
The US Public used to be able to buy these cell phone jammers 6-8 years ago, but they now have outlawed public sales. These systems can be turned on and off at the control’s signal jamming switch.
For drones you can also get RF Jammers. Someone spying on you? Get the Megga Hertz signal for the device and blow the jamming signal out and watch the craft fall from the sky. Or for a simpleton Caveman, just use 12g 5 shot. Guns cannot be hacked. Just hit just one drone prop, and the craft will mostly like crash too. Of course these Drone operator signals can possible be encrypted by LEO’s or Military. Also NOAA uses drones. Another Spy agency under the guise or the weather. Remember Iran took over the controls of a US drone and landed it in Iran fully intact. And on Obama’s watch. Then reversed the technology and design to gain an advantage. Do your homework folks and become smarter then them, if you really want to protect yourself from their intrusions and fraud.
Who is still carrying around their cellphone tracking devices. Can you imagine the data Google collected in this lock down. They are using your contacts info to see if you came within a safe social distance to say you were not being socially distant to the other person. Then automatically send you a fine ticket and a court date to appear, then convict you and throw you in a FEMA Camp complete with the Mark of the beast to retrain you how to obey the Globalists.
Ditch your cell phone and at least shut off all GPS, WiFi and All Google Apps and Google Administer. You can do that. And if you leave home leave your cell phone. “Or get a direct Ethernet connector to your cell phone and make it hard wired.” A tip from Snowden. He knows and so should you.
Get off their grid, and enjoy your freedoms.
If Trump was smart he would let loose the 50,000 sealed indictments on the pedophile globalist and clean up this corrupt world. Bill Gates should be arrested and tried for treason. Genocidal psychopath. NEVER Take ANY Vaccine. Its polluted with killing contaminants, like the chemical Mercury. These Globalists are only in control if you let them. Stop obeying. in my FL County there are only 4 corona19 cases with 4 total persons in 2 separate hospitals. WTF?Lock down for what? And all the sheep in the streets wearing masks. Twilight zone comes to mind. I have never put on a fricken mask. I was also a paramedic back when. Pandemics do not spread that fast. They had this planed with false positive test strips. A papaya, goat and pheasant were diagnosed with these false positive test kits.
And the CARES Act bill was written in Jan of 2019 and went through many house committees in 2019 and was finished on Aug of 2019, then sat on the shelf for when this man-made virus Pandemic was delivered to the US.
Stopped being Duped.
The feds also ran a simulation from Jan to Aug 2019 that tested the capacity of the US gov to respond to a pandemic originating in China and spread to the US by returning tourists. It was called Crimson Contagion. It was before Gate’s 201 simulation. No link…you can search it should you desire to.
Key findings:
Fed gov lacks sufficient funding to respond to pandemic. The US lacks the production capacity to meet the demand for protective equipment and medical devices such as masks and ventilators imposed by a pandemic.
So it’s time Trump stop saying – who coulda node – and that he had no idea the shelves were bare. This simulation was last year by his administration. He owns the shitty response and the outcome of this outbreak. He’s a con man and a grifter.
The Wuhan World Military Games occured the following week, starting October 18th. It is possible that they could have been enacting measures. There were also protests occuring in Wuhan in the summer of 2019 over a waste incinerator being installed in Wuhan. The protests were pretty much shut down. Wuhan cordoned off its city two days prior to the Chinese Lunar New Year celebration, preventing information and protests spilling over into the parades and celebrations, although many had left Wuhan prior to the cordonning off and shut down of Wuhan, which was more likely to contain political dissent than the coronavirus.
There has been evidence by U.S. physicians that Americans died of the COVID-19 prior to the Wuhan outbreak, many deaths and illnesses previously attributed to vaping, are now being attributed to COVID-19. Taking that into consideration, in addition to the forced shutdown of Fort Detrick in the summer of 2019 for repeated failure to prevent pathogen leaks, coronavirusA found present in San Antonio Bachen Bat Caves tourist site with the largest Mexican Free Tail Bat population of 15 million also present with CoronavirusA, the Rockefellers
“prediction” that this would happen in 2002, and Bill Gates
“prediction” that this would happen, as well as “predictions” that this would happen at the Davos World Economic Forum, as well as Apple and Starbucks shutting its stores before any schools or government shut downs occured, this is obviously more of a Dracula Vampire virus issue, of course they blood suckers love
BATS and Bat Caves and FANGS!
It is time to drive a wooden stake through their hearts and kill them once and for all!
They are more like flesh eating bacteria killng their hosts! Definitely can’t survive with them!
Death to the vampire parasites !
That kind of happens when the majority of all economic resources go to feeding the sector of the economy that steals and destroys from people that actually produce! They produce destruction! They steal what other people produce!
What a God Damn Fucking “COINCIDENCE” that the “PREDICTORS” of COVID-19, were The WHO MEDICAL MAFIA, and the DIGITAL MAFIA, BANKSTERS, and the STOCK MARKET who would reap all of the rewards! Knock me over with a feather!
Pompeo admited that this COVID-19 shutdown is just an exercise in practice. Trump said “I wish that you would have told us.”
An excerise in practice to destroy the world and save the psychopaths? That is the outcome. It must have been the plan!
Slow the spread of the truth about the financial terrorists, and also bail them out for their failed gambles at everyone else’s expense!
There is a difference between being anti-war and a pacifist that does not defend oneself, and ends up being destroyed by psychopaths! People have the right to defend themselves from psychopaths that are destroying their lives! Pacifying economic terrorists, or any terrorists only leads to more terrorism, since it is positive reinforcement for evil behavior!
Howdy Y’all,
Been a busy couple of weeks…hence my absence.
That said, does anyone out there stll believe that the Wuhan BSL-4 Lab wasn’t the epicenter of the the COVID Pandemic? With each passing day it becomes clearer that there really isn’t any other plausible explanation for the genesis of the COVID pandemic. Indeed China is – IMHO – fully and utterly responsible for allowing this modern plague to spread outside it’s borders by virtue of gross negligence to the World at large (at a minimum) or by deliberate decision on the part of the Chinese government…
for which a RECKONING must be extracted. Period.
On an entirely separate note – and completely O/T – I would like to share an epiphany which occurred to me a few days ago.
At least some here have heard the phrase ‘the velocity of money’s, I’m sure and like most of the rest of the ‘Science of Economics’ seems in and of itself to explain exactly Jack-Squat.
However, I came to the realization that – in fact – it is HALF of a construct that actually does describe the highly complex and nonlinear financial system quite well.
Heretofore, the educated idiots who call themselves Economist have abjectly failed in every effort to design a framework which actually has the potential to describe the systems they supposedly study due to a single academic failing on the part of everyone there involved. Specifically, few – if ANY – have a background in actual physical science whatsoever. Consequently every ‘model’ developed in that framework – divorced from physical reality as they are – constitute little more than building sand-castles in the air.
However…there is an existing physical science which does seem to explain much of what is occurring now in the long slide to economic oblivion, that being the science of hydraulics.
The aforementioned velocity of money is meaningless in and of itself much as an electrical circuit cannot be adequately specified until one knows BOTH the flow AND the PRESSURE which are in that format current and voltage. In the science of mechanics those two are described instead as mass flow and pressure.
So…how does this apply here, now?
Ordinarily ‘money’ can be viewed as a viscous fluid that approximately acts as a self-sealing medium in the vast system of commerce as whenever a leakage occurs it is almost always sealed off to curtail losses in the system. Thieves are collared by Police (in an IDEAL World…), inefficiency’s are removed via revised methods and etc.
However, the actual practice seen for a very long time now which is oft referred to as ‘Crony Capitalism’ is functionally equivalent to the addition of new valving the sole purpose of which is engineered to drain the plumbing of the World into vast, still pools which on net contributes nothing to the proper functioning of the system proper: Corruption, in a word.
Actual Capitalism (long absent from America) is a self-correcting – self-sealing – system per the previous analogy and therefore self-funding to the optimum. As ever larger pools of capital are siphoned from the system the effective PRESSURE within the system drops lower and lower and naturally, the velocity of money slows and eventually stalls completely.
The Buffet’s, Gates’s, Dimon’s – et al – of the World have continuously diverted SO much of the active Capital of the World to their own purposes (vast still pools, benefiting none but themselves) that we are quite nearly on the verge of systemic collapse.
Frankly, I do not believe that there is any corrective process which can be applied going forward that can stabilize the existent system. Instead, it’s time for something else…a NEW SYSTEM which can only be arrived at via the complete, utter dissolution of the OLD one. In a phrase Folks, it’s time for a bonafide Debt Jubilee…cancel it all, pick up the pieces and START AGAIN.
Does anyone here think it’s a coincidence that the USSR has morphed into the healthiest financial system existent currently? That having come FROM the most Corrupt on Earth?
Dwell on it a bit and see what you can come up with, eh?
Nominally-titled “Dr.” Feltcho is accused of funding the research, and Canada is accused of supplying the materials.
I guess it’s not a hatecrime to say that, because they are white people.
I find it interesting, though, when Fabian socialists dress up in native garb from foreign cultures, and eat all the strange spices, and pretend to tolerate all the various religious beliefs, and say they have many strange and colorful friends, while prescribing sterilants and predatory loans. It’s like when a cat plays with it’s food.
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