Most atrocities in human history have all been committed by individuals and agents of government who were “just following orders” or “just obeying the law.” The virus didn’t give any orders. It was the people who obeyed the commands of tyrants that crashed the economy and ruined the livelihoods of others.
Most human beings still think like slaves. Instead of asking questions or using critical thinking skills to ask if something is right before doing it, they simply obey perceived “authority”. The truth is, this lockdown is the fault of everyone who complied and everyone who used forced to exact revenge on those who disobeyed. It was the same in all tyrannical takeovers in history.
The mainstream media keeps blaming the economic devastation on the coronavirus, but it wasn’t the fault of a virus. It was the fault of the government and the slave mentality of the police and the public willingly obeying their commands.
Mainstream media outlets are still trying desperately to spin the narrative and fault the “invisible enemy” for the very real toll on human life the government’s overreaction has already caused. This is nothing more than propaganda, and once you pick it up, you’ll be able to see it. The media doesn’t want you to put the blame where it belongs and figure things out for yourself, so they hide behind deception headlines that will keep you in fear of COVID-19 as long as possible.
This is all a part of the larger plan to keep the public panicked about a virus and looking the other way when the tyrannical boots of the state come down on them. We know this is what the media does, and we know they are doing it to keep the ruling class in power and the public panicked and in a constant state of fear so they will comply with any and all enslavement measures.
The Science of Fear: How The Elitists Use it to Control Us & How to Break Free
Larken Rose, the author of Most Dangerous Superstition, lays out just how horrifyingly devastating it is for humans to remain unevolved to the point that they will not say “no” to an immoral command. The primary threat to freedom and justice is not greed, or hatred, or any of the other emotions or human flaws usually blamed for such things. Instead, it is one ubiquitous superstition that infects the minds of people of all races, religions, and nationalities, which deceives decent, well-intentioned people into supporting and advocating violence and oppression. Even without making human beings one bit more wise or virtuous, removing that one superstition would remove the vast majority of injustice and suffering from the world.
Sheep: Watch How People Blindly Follow Orders From An “Authority” Figure
Instead of just blindly obeying the commands, think about it and ask if what you are doing is right. Do you have the moral right to take the rights of others? Applying even the most minimal amount of critical thinking to something can usually get people to what is right. But you have to do be willing to take a look at yourself, and correct your mistakes yourself, and take responsibility for your own actions. Which is exactly why most Americans won’t. Blaming a virus and blindly obeying the ruling class and it’s foot soldiers is much easier than critical thinking.
The police state and tyranny is brought to you by those willing to follow commands, regardless of the morality of the command. Tyrants can’t have power without people willing to enforce the tyranny. If there are no order followers, there are no orders.
The first video, with the couple, was particularly well thought out and well stated.
I’ve been posting this message all along but unfortunately, 99% of my posts to SHTF are blocked.
Even if they are not blocked, they disappear after a day or two.
People who only obey can be useful resources, if not philosophers intent on self-ownership.
Fed up with all this CoShit garbage, I feel compelled to make a few comments to this article.
As to “Most human beings still think like slaves. Instead of asking questions or using critical thinking skills to ask if something is right before doing it, they simply obey perceived “authority”. ” Psychology explains why people don’t ask questions or use critical thinking skills. The reason is that brainwashing has accomplished that. You may ask what kind of brainwashing did the people in power use. Well, it’s an insidious kind. One example would be background music everywhere, in stores, in elevators, in movies and tv shows, sometimes quite loud, and there is nothing people can do to avoid or stop that. In other words it is embedded in their brains that there is something higher which they cannot control. Now bio-genetic modifications kick in and this submissiveness becomes embedded in peoples’ genes with the consequence that they subconsciously accept this showering of music. People have become oblivious to it. In fact, they are missing something when the music is not there any longer which means nothing other than that they need a superior influence. And this is what those in power realize and use to their advantage. In fact, if the herd were to turn off that music it would suddenly feel that their bodies relax and feel relieved, but the herd is unable to do that any longer. And that is why people did not stop all this CoShit garbage which should have already stopped, if the people had asked themselves right from the beginning WHY it is that the government reacted to it in a way that causes more harm than the disease itself. After all, the Corona virus is nothing other than a flue virus of which every year hundreds of thousands of people die annually. Not only that, the last case of the flue according to all kinds of info out there has caused 650,000 deaths per annum worldwide while this Covit-19 has only caused less than one half of that number. So why all this fuss about it? Now if people had not suffered irrevocably through brainwashing, they would recognize the discrepancy and reacted differently. But they couldn’t any longer, they were unable to do that.
So that’s how the powers in charge operate. To boot, laws and human lives and suffering mean f..k all to the people in power.
Here another example of bio-genetic modification in action, this time on a world-wide scale: The US Federal Reserve Board is completely in Zionist hands. So are the bought-and-paid-for US Senators and Congressmen except maybe a hand-full, not to mention the President who is a puppet of the Zionist elite and has to do what he is told. Period. → There are 195 different countries in the world. Each of their central banks brings out its own currency. With the exception of 3 of these countries, Iran, North Korea and Cuba they are all in and controlled by Zionist hands. Now you can see why they can impose sanctions on all those 192 countries: they just do not allow any transfer of money, the US dollar, from bank to bank. So who controls the world trade and all that is connected to it? → Now the heads of state of those 192 countries have been bio-genetically modified over years and years to accept what they’ve been told by the Zionist powers in charge, no questions asked, or else …. In fact, these heads of state blindly accept what they’ve been ordered to do. [ok, maybe some country’s heads of state do so gnashing their teeth]. They don’t even think about opposing anything from above any longer. And to make it all run as smoothly as possible, Joe Sixpack and his fellow sheeple are fed with BicMacs and tv infotainment, is overworked from holding three jobs to make ends meet, has forgotten thanks to brainwashing that he could possibly do anything about this catastrophe, and the powers in charge can do what they want and are happy.
Google this, In Quarantine – Under The Sea Parody (Songs about … it should make you a little happier.
The masked nuts made me seriously depressed. I saw NO hope out there observing how quick they were to OBEY
When we had the first news from the coronavirus in China, prepper websites quickly noticed it and reminded everyone of the standard pandemic preps. And what did those preps amount to? Well, lockdown. Voluntary, of course. The only thing that some preppers didn’t think about, is that if lockdown is a good idea for a prepared individual, it’s good for everyone. And that the government might actually agree with that.
So taking reasonable precautions is immoral now? Some of the people that agree with lockdown orders may be just following blindly, but many are doing it because they thought it through, and agreed.
The economic crash was already happening well before the Coronavirus. The CV & gubbermint BS is just running interference for the true culprits for said crash & that is of course gubermints & banks.
They’re hoping everyone will blame the Covid19 instead of them. The media is doing a bang up job of ensuring the weak minded are convinced of that. The lockdown is all about keeping as few people as possible from storming their offices dragging them out by the scruff of there crooked necks, tarring & feathering them & hanging them high.
& that’s why the big wigs are escaping to their hideouts in NewZealand to escape the rage of the population.
Obviously they’ve never met an angry Mouri.
As for us, we saw the writing on the wall a few years ago & took all our finances out of the system while we could & fled to the most remote country possible away from all this.
Really glad we did. Coz this self isolating lockdown doesn’t really affect us at all. We self quarantined from the pervading evil before it could infect us.
What do they say when cops give you an unlawful order? Your estate can file a grieve.
This is what frustrates me about those on the right that don’t like petitioning assemblies with “those icky guns!”.
The state has no qualms about using them on you, including most cops. That vid from the Seattle Cop that was fired for it is on point.
The things happening now (one world order) was foretold in the one true God’s word (Bible). In fact all the things,earth quakes,famine,wars and rumors of wars,weather,ignoring God,that are happening now are just birth pangs of what’s coming which is going to be much worse by far.Saying that means trusting and obeying Jesus Christ not Goverment’s evil plan’s for all of us.No time to straddle the fence,pick today who you will serve,good or evil because our choice’s will be eternal.
Go ahead and say it, Repent [ change mind which leads to changed ways ] or Perish …
Those that allow others to destroy their livelihood and live without firing a shot deserved exactly what they get. Lock & Load my friends our time is growing short.
Definitely did not like those people’s points of view they have the right to boyster post opinion but that’s all it is An opinion and they’re just talking points, it doesn’t hold water
I hadn’t thought of us as still in a Milgram experiment – I thought that was sort of quaint, that we’d outgrown it, but sadly, a lot of people are… yea, largely unable to think for themselves in any great capacity.
The economy was fake anyway so it was inevitable .
The people are the only reason we are in the trouble we are in, regardless of the problem, They did nothing to stop any of the things we face or see going on today. They will cling to any excuse so they do not or want to except their responsibility.
THERE IS A REASON 90% of americans are about to die in the coming WAR in america,they were brainwashed by the schools,teachers,churches,and government,OUR LORD TOLD THE MEN TO STAND UP and put a stop to the enslavement of them and their families,AND TO PROTECT THEIR CHILDREN,which they have done none of,drinking beer and watching football was more important to them,NOW they’ll fight, or be taken to a FEMA DEATH CAMP FOR DESPOSAL…..
Yes, yes. Been saying that. If you DON’T obey they have no power over you. But you do OBEY.
Fed up with all this CoShit garbage, I feel compelled to make a few comments to the article above.
As to “Most human beings still think like slaves. Instead of asking questions or using critical thinking skills to ask if something is right before doing it, they simply obey perceived “authority”. ” Psychology explains why people don’t ask questions or use critical thinking skills. The reason is that brainwashing has accomplished that. You may ask what kind of brainwashing did the people in power use. Well, it’s an insidious kind. One example would be background music everywhere, in stores, in elevators, in movies and tv shows, sometimes quite loud, and there is nothing people can do to avoid or stop that. In other words it is embedded in their brains that there is something higher which they cannot control. Now bio-genetic modifications kick in and this submissiveness becomes embedded in peoples’ genes with the consequence that they subconsciously accept what comes from up above, in this case the showering of music. People have become oblivious to it. In fact, they are missing something when the music is not there any longer which means nothing other than the need for superior influence. And this is what those in power realize and use to their advantage. In fact, if the herd were to turn off that music it would suddenly feel that their bodies relax and feel relieved, but the herd is no longer able to do that. And that is why people did not stop all this CoShit garbage which should have already stopped, if the people had asked themselves right from the beginning WHY it is that the government reacted to it in a way that causes more harm than the disease itself. After all, the Corona virus is nothing other than a flu virus of which every year hundreds of thousands of people die. Not only that, the last case of the flue according to all kinds of info out there has caused 650,000 deaths per annum worldwide while this Covit-19 has only caused less than one half of that number. So why all this fuss about it? Now if people had not irrevocably suffered from brainwashing, they would recognize the discrepancy and reacted differently. But they couldn’t any longer, they were unable to do that. And the handful of competent people who did were persecuted, incarcerated, sued, financially ruined and losing their jobs and friends in the process, essentially meaning that independent thinking is prohibited by law.
So that’s how the powers in charge operate. To boot, laws and human lives and suffering mean f..k all to the people in power.
Here another example of bio-genetic modification in action, this time on a world-wide scale: The info out there states that the US Federal Reserve Board is completely in Zionist hands. So are the bought-and-paid-for US Senators and Congressmen except maybe a hand-full, not to mention the President who is nothing other than a puppet of the Zionist elite and has to do what he is told. Period. → There are 195 different countries in the world. Each of these countries’ central banks brings out their own currency. With the exception of 3 of these countries, Iran, North Korea and Cuba they are all owned and controlled by Zionist hands. Now you can see why they can impose sanctions on all those 192 countries: they just do not allow any transfer of money, the US dollar, from bank to bank. So who controls the world trade and all that is connected to it? → Now the heads of state of those 192 countries have been bio-genetically modified and thus coerced over years and years to accept what they’ve been told by the Zionist powers in charge, no questions asked, or else …. In fact, these heads of state blindly accept what they’ve been ordered to do. [ok, maybe some country’s heads of state do so gnashing their teeth]. They don’t even think about opposing any longer anything from above. And to make it all run as smoothly as possible, Joe Sixpack and his fellow sheeple are fed with BicMacs and tv infotainment, is overworked from holding two or three jobs to make ends meet, has forgotten thanks to brainwashing that he could possibly do anything about this catastrophe, thus the powers in charge can do what they want.
It won’t be long until the herd roars “Sieg Heil, Zion!”
To balance out all this negativity, google this, In Quarantine – Under The Sea Parody (Songs about … it should make you a little happier.
CIA and it’s massive patent frauds
Here is the 307,000 hit post on 5he CIA and British Intel run fraud to contaminate every Microsoft, google, apple product on Earth. Before you say its insane look at their other crazy attacks like Fidel Castro’s beard for instance…
That we aren’t in more dire circumstance at the national economic level shows the money system as the illusion it has been since removing the gold standard. Nothing more than ones and zeros in a virtual world.
Nevermimd the naysayers. Voluntary separation in a prepper event is the right thing to do. Enforcement through government with mandates, dictates, “laws”, edicts, and commands are government force.
If a Government, Federal, State, and Local, violate the Natural Rights of the people, the people have a duty and obligation to not comply. Non compliance is not against the law. Non compliance is when government breaks the law. It is in our history, from the first war for independence, to the second ( 1812), and it has lasted through the whiskey rebellion, stamp act, Sons of liberty at the the tea rebellion, war of Northern Agression, and through the Civil rights movements. Prior to our Constitution, our founders had over 700 years of documentations guaranteeing the Liberties of the People, beginning with the Charter of Liberties in 1100.
What people forget, is requests do not equal dictates and force, and according to Originalism (the period of time before 1833), government has no force over an individual who does not consent. It is written into every single State Constitution in the Union. Government has zero authority to willfully take the Liberty of an individual; and the Individual, to secure their own personal sovereignty, has the responsibility to take it back.
Self imposed quarantine is one thing. That’s a prepper thing, and that is a responsible thing. Quarantine through force of government is house arrest without due process, and that is a serious problem.
Blessed be.