The coronavirus was a heck of a cover for the Federal Reserve’s failings, and the riots are laying even more cover for what’s to come. While the masses focus on what’s happening on the surface, the real criminals laugh at our ignorance from their metaphorical ivory towers.
As we fight amongst ourselves and try to figure out which violence is more acceptable looting or police brutality, the ruling class is tightening the chains of our enslavement. With the help of the mainstream media, we are distracted from the core of the problem while dividing ourselves as the masters command.
Americans Are Too “Idiotic To See How Enslaved They Are” Even As the Gates of Hell Open Up
“We need to direct our attention and our fury at the Federal Reserve,” says Brian of the YouTube channel High Impact Vlogs. This channel is being heavily censored by YouTube for speaking truth to power. But Brian keeps on making videos to try to wake people up. Watch this one before it’s removed. The video starts at 6:30.
“The corporate entity, known as mainstream media, is LITERALLY, the propaganda arm for the military-industrial complex, so they WILL NOT expose lies. The lies that lead us into devastating wars. Devastating and costly wars that we cannot afford. So you can’t trust CNN.”
“If there is anything that we’ve learned from history…it is that we do NOT learn from history. CNN (this so-called “authoritative” source for news) has consistently lied to us as they’ve pushed their agendas and promoted banker wars,” wrote Brian in the pinned comment on this video.
An In-Depth Look At American Propaganda, Operation Mockingbird, & Mind Control
“You cannot trust CNN. You cannot trust lamestream, fakestream media. We know that they have an agenda. We know that they cherry-pick facts. And we know they lay down heavy deception. They are there to distract, deceive, and divide the masses. And what’s really going on in this country, remember, make no mistake; the Federal Reserve is laying cover for their operation to get rid of the dollar and move us all into a one-world digital reserve currency. And once we get rid of physical currency, guys, that is the granddaddy of them all as far as a surveillance state. Because they will be able to detect every single purchase by every single person every moment of the day.”
We have to resist the control the bankers want over all of us. If you choose to use their currency when it’s rolled out, you will be their slave. This is why we have repeatedly suggested leaving the system and ceasing compliance right now. Get into precious metals and use the dollar only when you have to. And DO NOT use the new one-world digital currency. Become as self-reliant as you can. Open your eyes, and realize what’s being done. The government will not stop the New World Order. It’s right on schedule. The only way to stop it is by all of us standing together and creating our own free society out of non-compliance with their demands we become their slaves.
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
An older woman in Wyoming has been hospitalized with bird flu. This marks Wyoming's first human...
This article was originally published by Arsenio Toledo at Natural News. David L. Lewis, a former...
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) issued a conditional license for an avian flu...
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When will the police state realize, admit, and start demanding changes in the Israelification and Israeli Doctrinization based on complete BULLSHIT of “Islamic Crimiterrorists” that did not really have one God Damned fucking thing to do with the 9/11 attacks, since no planes ever struck the towers or the “defenseless” Pentagon on 9/11, proven to be indisputable FACT by 9/11 truthers architects and engineers and CIA expert pilot John Leer?!
You’ve been duped! Admit or Quit!
This was 19 years of terrorism and treason perpetrated by the Israeli government and Israel Lobby in America, not only against Muslims in America and around the world, but against all American citizens!
The Mossad, Knesset, Shin Bet, IDF, and Netenyahu MUST
CONFESS that YOU are CRIMITERRORISTS! The facts prove it!
Andrea Iravani
Not so fast Mac!
The world will end on June 21st according to a new interpreation of the Mayan calendar, when converting it to the Julian Calender!
Prepare for the END of the WORLD, by making right, and prepare to die, but FIRST, SEND ME ALL OF YOUR MONEY!
( Disclaimer for the mentally incompetent – That was a joke. )
Andrea Iravani
The new world will begin at the end of the old. Rejoice
Just another reason that we should not be bailing out Silicon Valley tech companies, responsible for the 2000 Dot Com Crash, the faked 9/11 attacks, leading to the Patriot Act and Department of Homeland Security in a scam to syphon trillions of dollars into them and the Lock Down and COVID hoax and vax scam, to syphon trillions again, now EU wants to tax these psychos which means that they would be taxing U.S. citizens since the Silicon Valley tech companies have a model of financial fraud, terrorism, and cannibalization of users, which all of America should not be forced to pay for!
The psychopaths are billions of dollars richer since the Lock Down! Let them pay the Europeans the taxes themselves, out of their own pockets! They can all afford it more than anyone else, including the Treasury, now in debt of over $26 trillion, in order to fund their hedonistic high fallutin’ lifestyles!
Andrea Iravani
You are so correct and everything federal reserve them aside all suck the life Blood out of this country. We are so controlled
Comment ID: 4028632
June 16, 2020 at 1:55 pm
When will the police state realize, admit, and start demanding changes in the Israelification and Israeli Doctrinization based on complete BULLSHIT of “Islamic Crimiterrorists” that did not really have one God Damned fucking thing to do with the 9/11 attacks, since no planes ever struck the towers or the “defenseless” Pentagon on 9/11, proven to be indisputable FACT by 9/11 truthers architects and engineers and CIA expert pilot John Leer?!
You’ve been duped! Admit or Quit!
This was 19 years of terrorism and treason perpetrated by the Israeli government and Israel Lobby in America, not only against Muslims in America and around the world, but against all American citizens!
The Mossad, Knesset, Shin Bet, IDF, and Netenyahu MUST
CONFESS that YOU are CRIMITERRORISTS! The facts prove it!
Andrea Iravani
https://www.globalresearch.ca/occupy-israelification-american-domestic-security/5716074We are so controlled
Sickos in the surveillance state always have rationalization for what they are doing, but never a legitimate excuse!
One Nation Under Total Surveillance with Total Corruption! Coincidence?! Heathens!
Andrea Iravani
Censure or Sensor? BOTH actually. They play both sides and never follow any rules (murder inc.). If you don’t control the narrative, the ‘narrative’ automatically controls you. Universal Law Of Attraction being used for evil instead of good. This is a fight for your soul make no mistake.
Positive attitude is cultivated.
The old man who has survived hell taught us dumb ones:
“My God. My savior Jesus Christ. My Bible.
My Family- Freinds.
My Love of our Traditional American ideas. Freedom-Liberty-Justice. Jefferson-Franklin-George Washington-Robert E Lee and Brit Winston Churchill inspired.
My Truck. My dogs that warn me of the enemy breaching perimiter fence.
My Rifle-Pistol-Shotgun and piles of ammo for all.
All comfort.”
The Old Man had a plaque with some of these ideas literally hanging on the wall. His sign said, “My God and Bible. My Truck. My shotgun. My dogs. ALL comfort me.”
You must decide:
None of these will be taken from me by Politicians-Media Liar fearmongers-or rioters-burners-looters-murderer POSER ‘protestors” or by Soros-Gates-Buffet or their rich pro genocide friends. So censor that. redList that. archive that. Americans will STAND.
Masks will not save you.
Vaccines will not save you.
You don’t need self serving Politicians to save you.
You don’t need Tech Monopoly censorship Tyrants.
You don’t need mass Media LIAR brainwasher fearmongers.
Police will Not come to save you from criminal looters-burner “protestors”. Seattle-Minneapolis showed you.
ONLY You are responsible for YOU and Yours.
Those that trust in the Lord God of Jesus Christ, are Calm in the face of powerful overwhelming evil and superior numbers.
The Beast System is DEFEATED in the end. God Wins. Let that comfort you.
The Fed was created by a bunch of NY bankers. Is it not obvious that they probably hid control/ownership of enterprise for some sort of gain ?
Any easy-to-understand operation of the Fed:
How collection on the bankruptcy of the nation will establish government control by TBTF banks:
https://thedailycoin.org/ 2020/06/03/federal-reserve-con-artist-extraordinaire/