Israel has launched a new “large-scale and significant” military operation in the West Bank, targeting the Palestinian city of Jenin. The “counterterrorist” operation in Gaza comes just days after West Jerusalem reached a ceasefire agreement with the terrorist organization Hamas.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced the military operation on Tuesday. Dubbed “Iron Wall,” it is intended to “eradicate terrorism” in the area, Netanyahu said in a statement. The campaign is a new step in Israel’s “systematic and resolute” effort to target the “Iranian axis wherever it sends its arms,” the PM asserted, according to a report by RT.
“This is another step towards achieving the goal we have set – strengthening security in Judea and Samaria,” he said, using the Israeli administrative name for the entire West Bank, occupied by the country since 1967.
In a separate statement, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed it has “initiated a counterterrorism operation” in Jenin alongside the Israeli Security Agency (ISA) and Israel Border Police. –RT
The war between Israel and Hamas in the Palestinian enclave of Gaza began after the militant group launched a surprise attack on southern Israel in October 2023. Around 1,100 people were killed during the initial attack, while more than 200 were taken hostage. During Israel’s military response, the IDF has done massive material damage in Gaza, and more than 46,000 have been killed, according to local health authorities.
The hostilities also triggered fresh conflict between Israel and Hezbollah in southern Lebanon and led to several long-range strikes between Iran and Israel.
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Footage circulating online has shown multiple Israeli military vehicles heading towards the city. Media reports suggest that the operation started with intensive drone strikes in the area.
So far, at least eight Palestinians have been killed, and another 35 were wounded as the IDF’s raid on the city began, local health authorities told media outlets.
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