The International Monetary Fund is sounding the alarms of another global crisis. IMF is warning that the storm clouds are currently gathering for another financial crisis.
According to a report by The Guardian, David Lipton, the first deputy managing director of the IMF, said that “crisis prevention is incomplete” more than a decade on from the last meltdown in the global banking system. Not only that but on an individual basis, people are largely unprepared for a major financial downturn. “As we have put it, ‘fix the roof while the sun shines.’ But like many of you, I see storm clouds building and fear the work on crisis prevention is incomplete,” Lipton said.
Lipton said individual nation states alone would lack the firepower to combat the next recession while calling on governments to work together to tackle the issues that could spark another crash.
“We ought to be concerned about the potency of monetary policy,” he said of the ability of the US Federal Reserve and other central banks to cut interest rates to boost the economy in the event of another downturn, while also warning that high levels of government borrowing constrained their scope for cutting taxes and raising spending. –The Guardian
Lipton said individual nation states alone would lack the firepower to combat the next recession while calling on governments to work together to tackle the issues that could spark another crash. Which is an odd position to take considering the central banks and governments of the world cause recession and economic crises in the first place.
Lipton also went so far as to suggest that the current Chinese trade policies that were once considered “acceptable” when the communist country joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001 as a $1 trillion economy may now be inappropriate as it has now effectively become a $16 trillion international superpower.
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If you repeat the same bs fear porn long enough eventually it will come true
Dumb comment from a know-nothing. The global collapse has been happening since 2008, only now the IMF is admitting to it. It’s never been fear porn, just reality for the past 10-plus years.
That implies that if it’s ignored it goes away?
I don’t believe that one single well-connected person is going hungry, unbathed, or barefoot, ever.
I’ll bet on barefoot on the beach.
Cue Chris Christie meme.
Kim Jong Un, while the rest of NK starves.
Been gathering for near 10 years!
Good God, what took so long?
Long Rahmen noodles and brass.
“International Monetary Fund: Storm Clouds Of The Next Financial Crisis Are Gathering.”
The IMF created a problem (global debt) just so they could introduce their solution (Globalism). Typical Deep State BS.
You should listen to IMF CEO Christine Lagarde go on about how the United States wastes so many resource of energy, arable land, and especially water.
She says Americans have so much water that all they do is leave the spigots on, and the water running all the time.
First world countries use the amount of energy they use. That’s what makes a first world country what they are. Maybe third world and developing countries would be in better shape if they just used more resources. That won’t happen. The problem is they haven’t got any. They have destroyed their own lands, fouled their drinking water, and now want to come here to do the same thing.
They say that fracking technology has improved greatly in recent years.
I guess that would explain all the earthquakes in Oklahoma.
We’ll see what the water table looks like in North Dakota 10 years from now.