Houthi Boats Destroyed By U.S. As Red Sea War Rages

by | Jan 2, 2024 | Headline News

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    The United States Navy has destroyed the boats of Houthi rebels after the crew attempted to board a container ship in the Red Sea. Helicopters from nearby U.S. warships responded to a distress call, and fired upon the “small boats” the Houthi terrorists were using.

    After being fired upon, the U.S. sank three boats “in self-defense”. According to a report by the BBC, the crews were killed and the fourth boat fled the area. A Houthi spokesperson said the vessel had refused to respond to warning calls, and that 10 of its group members were dead or missing after the incident.

    Houthi Attacks On Shipping Vessels In Red Sea Continue<

    Houthi forces have been attacking ships in the Red Sea since November, launching more than 100 drone and missile attacks on vessels passing through the vital shipping lane. Several companies have rerouted ships to prevent them from being attacked, however, the Houthis are continuing to wage a war at sea.

    The commercial ship targeted was the Maersk Hangzhou which is registered to Singapore and operated and owned by a Danish firm, U.S. Central Command (Centcom) said.

    The four Houthi boats attacked at around 06:30 Yemeni time (03:30 GMT) with mounted weapons and small arms, getting within 20m (66ft) of the container ship, which the crew “attempted to board”. The ships’ crew issued a distress call and a security team returned fire, Centcom said.

    Helicopters from the nearby USS Eisenhower aircraft carrier and USS Gravely destroyer responded to the call for help and were shot at while “in the process of issuing verbal calls to the small boats”.

    No damage was reported to U.S. personnel or equipment.  It was the second attack on the Hangzhou in 24 hours after the ship was targeted on Saturday, the BBC reported. Centcom said anti-ship missiles were fired from Houthi-controlled areas, and the destroyers Gravely and Laboon responded.


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