This article was contributed by Tom Beck of Portfolio Wealth Global.
In our opinion, a Joe Biden victory is actually what will take GOLD over $2,184/ounce, our BULL MARKET target for the metal, but a Donald Trump win is what will propel silver to CENTER STAGE. Biden will BRING BACK the middle-class preppers to buying precious metals since their confidence level WILL DROP.
Trump’s agenda is to DECOUPLE with globalization and to make American industrial capacity more independent. His economic policy inspired much confidence and in his tenure, before Covid-19 hit, precious metals sales in America ALMOST DISAPPEARED.
His plan also requires a weaker dollar, and we will GET ONE, one way or another.
COVID-19 made people FLOCK TO DOLLARS, but that was an anomaly, not the trend.
As you can see, now that NEW YORKERS, some of which are prominent Wall Street hedge fund managers, understand that COVID-19 is NOT A LETHAL PANDEMIC but a mere case of a flu-like novel virus and they UNDERSTAND the risk of a recession is DIMINISHING, are resuming normal market activity.
Similar to 2009, they are lowering cash balances, getting back in the game, and SHOWING TRUE COLORS by betting on a recovery.
Most of them are CONVINCED it will be a long one (a “U” or a “W”), but we believe THEY UNDERESTIMATE just how much red tape Trump’s administration has cut through in the past four years. The recovery will be FAST AND STRONG.
No matter who wins, but especially if Donald Trump does, there will be an IMMEDIATE OUTCRY that the election was rigged.
I cannot tell you just HOW HATED he is in the circles of the Deep State, which have run this country behind the scenes since the rise of the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX.
When Hillary lost in 2016, it shocked the elites so badly that they have THROWN EVERYTHING at him, but he hasn’t folded.
It is almost a miracle that no attempts have been made on his life.
If he wins a second term, China will realize that the American public is supportive of his anti-globalization agenda and they will have to MILITARIZE QUICKLY.
We believe a Trump victory, therefore, will lead to high silver prices.
Either way, it is our analysis that the election will be a PIVOTAL MOMENT for this nation.
We are working on a MASSIVE-SCALED report on both candidates that has never been published before.
We intend to PULL THE CURTAIN!
This is evidently Joe Biden’s campaign slogan, which would be much better than keep America great, if the one with the slogan that wanted to restore America, was not a corrupt, senile, sex-offender. America only votes on slogans though, and are obviously very easily manipulated, or manipulating, which ever way that you choose to look at it. I believe that Americans are more of the latter, than the former, but the slogan gives them an excuse for their crime at the polls.
Biden Slogan:
“Restore The Soul of America Our best days still lie ahead This is America We are America, second to none Anything is
possible No Malarkey!”
Andrea Iravani
This is evidently Joe Biden’s campaign slogan, which would be much better than keep America great, if the one with the slogan that wanted to restore the soul of America, was not a corrupt, senile, sex-offender. America only votes on slogans though, and are obviously very easily manipulated, or manipulating, which ever way that you choose to look at it. I believe that Americans are more of the latter, than the former, but the slogan gives them an excuse for their crime at the polls.
Biden Slogan:
“Restore The Soul of America Our best days still lie ahead This is America We are America, second to none Anything is
possible No Malarkey!”
Andrea Iravani
I do not believe in the conclusions of the Milgram experiment, based on observations of human behavior in America over a lifetime. Employers are often unable to get employees to obey simple rules or commands, like sweeping a floor when asked to, going into work on time, and follow other basic procedures related to their jobs that do not hurt people at all. Perhaps the actual conclusion of the experimemt is that most Americans are sadistic and enjoy sadistically hurting others. The entire study was totally flawed, because there were no other control groups, for example, would the confederate just continue following orders to complete a simple task if they knew that the orders would prevent the successful completion of the task, would they point it out to the teacher, or just continue, also, would the confederate have obeyed or done something that they knew was harming themselves ( which would be unethical to even experiment on ), so this is just another one of many examples of ad-hoc junk science and junk research funded by the home of junk science and research, American universities, that produce very little of any useful value at an enormous price to society in both monetary and societal costs. I basically consider them to be concentration camps run by sick sadistic Nazis, and the Milgram experiment is just one of many exhibits of that in a long trial.
Andrea Iravani
I do not believe in the conclusions of the Milgram experiment, based on observations of human behavior in America over a lifetime. Employers are often unable to get employees to obey simple rules or commands, like sweeping a floor when asked to, going into work on time, and follow other basic procedures related to their jobs that do not hurt people at all. Perhaps the actual conclusion of the experimemt is that most Americans are sadistic and enjoy sadistically hurting others. The entire study was totally flawed, because there were no other control groups, for example, would the confederate just continue following orders to complete a simple task if they knew that the orders would prevent the successful completion of the task, would they point it out to the teacher, or just continue, also, would the confederate have obeyed or done something that they knew was harming themselves ( which would be unethical to even experiment on ), although, the teacher could tell them that they were poisoining themselves if they were not, but it should not be tried, because it could be abused, because of the abusive nature of others, so this is just another one of many examples of ad-hoc junk science and junk research funded by the home of junk science and research, American universities, that produce very little of any useful value at an enormous price to society in both monetary and societal costs. I basically consider them to be concentration camps run by sick sadistic Nazis, and the Milgram experiment is just one of many exhibits of that in a long trial.
Andrea Iravani
I think that it was raunchy for Trump to refer to COVID-19 as
the Kung-flu, but, I do think that it is correct to refer to COVID-19 as a flu, rather than a virus. The swine flu and avian flu are both coronaviruses. We have to stop making this flu seem more life-threatening than it actually is, because giving it more power than it actually has had a far more destructive and life threatening consequence than it is capable of, when measured in terms of the overall destruction of the individual’s life, which was by design by extremely evil predators who believe that autonomous individuals are the greatest threat to their existence since they are destructive parasites themselves.
Andrea Iravani
Leftists politicians don’t say and do the things they do because they are incompetent or nuts IMO. They are the paid actors of globalist billionaires created by free trade with the Chinese Communist Party.
This is what the plan-demic and riots are all about. The left will continue pushing for lock-downs and rioting in blue states and neocon red states until they secure massive mail in voter fraud. Not just to steal the Presidential election but to steal the Senate and maintain the House.
This is their last chance to get their one world government before Trump completely undoes their work subverting the American people since the 1960s and fully exposes the criminal treason of the last leftist administration. Criminal treason that will certainly include the likes of Pelosi, Schumer, Shiff, Nadler, Hillary, obama and all of the bureaucrats that worked for him. They will make sure this country burns to the ground before they allow all that.
“They” are the globalist billionaires from the west who made their fortunes by selling out American labor, technology and intellectual property to China. The left’s leadership (whether democrat or neocon) is fully in bed with the Chicoms and has been for decades. Pretty revealing that the amount of billionaire families on the planet ballooned from less than 5 to 2208 since free trade was opened with China.
You see, if you hand the self serving (leftist politicians) lots of cash they will commit treason against national sovereignty and will embrace global citizenship every time. And why not? After all those who made it rich by selling us out will be the 1% who rule the 99% in a socialist environment. This is why the democrat party is the tool of and takes their narrative queues from the Chinese communist party.
Keep your eyes open, the left must erase our national history and sovereignty from the public’s mindset (through the rioting) and eliminate the middle class from all western cultures (through the continuance of plan-demics) to get their chinese lead global government.
Falling short of the mark and resorting to sabotage of competetion is the strategy of a loser. AOC said that Millenials made her so proud by reserving tickets for an event that they had no intention of attending in order to silence the competition, rather than host a competing event at the same time. Censoring the competition, and sabotage of competition is something that I have personally been a victim of, with the total destruction of my life through completely illegal methods of hacking, break-ins, vandalism, theft, stalking, gas-lighting, spying, illegal medical experimentation, by corrupt, mentally incompetent, sick, sadistic, evil, morons.
Andrea Iravani–tiktok-users-just-sabotage-trumps-tulsa-rally-with-thousands-of-reserved-tickets/
The sadistic insanity of American interventionism in Latin America is destructive not only to those in the Latin American countries that a handful of American special interest groups promote, but to Americans living in America as well, and the interventionism is also a policy of absolute hypocrisy. If special interest groups and their bribed or blackmailed straw men ( “if I only had a brain” ) were actually as interested in reducing illegal immigration as they claim to be, it runs couter to the policy of inflicting sadistic level suffering on the populations of those countries, for example, by punishing Mexico for sending water to Venezuela, or oil. MANLO is extremely popular in Mexico. Of course there are those that oppose him. No society is ever in total agreement. What people MUST agree on is that it is SADISTIC for MANLO, and the entire population of Mexico to be punished for doing the right thing. Impoverishing and deliberately inflicting sadistic suffering and societal chaos will have the result of more illegal immigration into the United States. Illegal immigration of Mexican citizens into the United States has decreased since MANLO was elected. The migrant caravans were directly from the result of OAS intervention in Latin American countries. If it for the ridiculous claim of being concerned about the well being of others for this barbarism, there are tens of millions of Americans that are suffering and are at an extremely high risk. It makes no sense at all, any which way that you look at it. Kind of like what the stewardesses on planes say, first place the oxygen mask over your own mouth, prior to placing it over the mouth of the infant that you wish to save, because you obviously cannot save anyone if you are dying from a lack of oxygen!
There is no excuse for this behavior, and there is no time for it either! Time is of the essence, now more than ever! You have all failed the fire drill test!
Andrea Iravani