Historian Arnold Toynbee in his 12-volume magnum opus A Study of History was an exploration of the rise and fall of 28 different civilizations. Toynbee concluded that great civilizations don’t “get murdered,” rather, they kill themselves, and all the signs of a civilization collapse are here.
The Roman Empire, for example, was the victim of many ills including overexpansion, climatic change, environmental degradation, and poor leadership. But it was also brought to its knees when Rome was sacked by the Visigoths in 410 and the Vandals in 455.
Collapse is often quick and greatness provides no immunity. The Roman Empire covered 4.4 million sq km (1.9 million sq miles) in 390. Five years later, it had plummeted to 2 million sq km (770,000 sq miles). By 476, the empire’s reach was zero. –BBC
Collapse can be defined as a rapid and enduring loss of population, identity and socio-economic complexity. Public services crumble and disorder ensues as the government loses control of its monopoly on violence. (Meaning people realize they are slaves, and no longer wish to be subjugated and punished at the whims of the ruling class/government, but seek their own liberty and self-ownership.) As people begin to realize that the political class (ruling class) is exceptionally wealthy as they slave away and half their wages are stolen to prop up those who exert power over them, societies tend to collapse. Government stays fat and happy when the slaves don’t realize they are enslaved.
Collapse expert and historian Joseph Tainter has proposed that societies eventually collapse under the weight of their own accumulated complexity and bureaucracy. Meaning the government becomes so burdensome and large that it can no longer maintain a monopoly on violence, as the oppressed begin to fight back. Societies are problem-solving collectives that grow in complexity in order to overcome new issues and government violence is not needed to solve problems. However, the returns from complexity eventually reach a point of diminishing returns. This happens when the government creates so many problems with their solutions that the solutions become problems themselves (a great example of this is the Ponzi scheme known as social security.) After this point, a collapse will eventually ensue and the U.S. is obviously on the cusp. More and more people awaken daily to the reality of what government has done to them; stealing their money, complete enslavement, indebting their unborn children, turning them into tax cattle, etc.
The collapse of our civilization is not inevitable, however, history suggests it is very likely. We now have the unique advantage of being able to learn from the wreckages of societies past, but instead of doing so and freeing mankind from government, many who are enslaved continue to push for shorter chains, more violence, control, domination, and theft by the ruling class – not just of themselves, but of all others too. Collapse is imminent in our opinion, as those in control will not willingly give up their stranglehold over the tax cattle slaves.
If humanity could awaken to what the government really is (master that owns them) and take the blinders off put there by those who call themselves the government, we could all have a bright future. The government has painted themselves as some sort of religious fairy tale set out to save everyone and keep them safe. Once people realize the truth and claim ownership over themselves.
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What killed the Roman Empire was loss of unified shared identity as Roman citizens and the fact that no one felt it was worth being a soldier anymore. They had to rely upon mercenaries…who then invaded a decadent empire in the West. That left the Eastern Roman empire which became the Byzantines.
Sound familiar? Extreme identity politics as the end result of embracing diversity/multiculturalism and denigration of the military similarly infected the USA.
Ironically, before borrowing that Roman salute, Germanic people would have been the barbarians.
Yes, the Teutonic tribesmen of Germany WERE the barbarians of the time, as I understand it. Also some other tribes.
Touche. I just belong to a different one.
“denigration of the military similarly infected the USA”
The US Military has become the bully boy enforcer for globalist corporatist endeavors not the protection of the nation and its citizens. Actually their actions have been putting us in jeopardy.
40% of the US Army are not native born US citizens and are serving for one thing: a green card. That should scare the hell out of everyone.
Power structure wants it that way.
Why do you think so many psychopaths become Police officers? By intent and design of the rich.
Power structure/Politicians WANT these types in uniform.
FACT: there are more of us than the thems, making up the laws.
If 10% of population says NO to being bullied and taxed into poverty.
THEN the system falls.
Yes the Politicians want Foriegners and Bully murdering Police to rule over and keep you sheep in line. Police are Violent murdering Enforcers working for the rich tyrants.
22 Trillion in debt. WTF?
Not one politician tared or feathered.
Not one criminal politician ran out on rail.
Business as usual.
Incumbants keep their job. Why?
Police murder unarmed people. No accountability.
People are distracted and oblivious.
The masses don’t care.
I was not born to support a system. I live to fulfill my own enlightened self interest.
Sounds like Lucifer.
Only to those who are stuck on primitive ideas and can’t think of anything else.
What enlightenment? You know, the Enlightenment was honestly a rejection of Christianity and yet no actual enlightenment came out of it.
I reject all atheism as just plain old pride and selfishness. Neither is enlightened whatsoever.
Real enlightenment is altruism as exemplified by Jesus Christ. He must increase and I must decrease. That is the conclusion that John the Baptist arrived at, as do all enlightened Christians.
Name any enlightened accomplishment that arose solely by atheists. All I see is rebellion and that is just blindly following Lucifer into Hell and eternal slavery.
Enlightened is just a term that means a person is not acting in ignorance. It has a lot of implications. Anyone who considers themselves enlightened is just trying to live according to some system of values that he or she believes is best, and the implication is that it is better than what is common. Other implications are also present though they might not apply. Example. I believe true altruism is possible but that genuine altruism is rare. To make altruism a basis for consistent action is self-destructive, and I think that’s wrong. This is not a terribly common belief, so enlightened is one word that can be applied to it, but a different word might be better. Situations do come into existence though where altruism is appropriate. In my experience when this has happened my assistance to others was knowing but virtually involuntary, in other words my action was beyond my subjective control. I think that is real altruism. To me it seems to be an impulse that is right but is also beyond my own self interest. I don’t think the word enlightened applies to this, because it was beyond my willpower and had nothing to do with my overall purpose in life but was only for that one moment. Me writing this to you is a form of enlightened behavior. I have no real reason to share these ideas, except that I think of it as being action which makes the world a better place for me to live in, and I believe that is a form of enlightened behavior because it is properly motivated in terms of what is best for myself. I think that is really what true enlightenment is. Helping other people just to help them is not good. The concept of enlightenment is a function of subjective perception and varies from person to person. The idea of right and wrong in this context is also a function of subjective perception and is therefore irrelevant, because that also varies from person to person, and this is nonetheless true no matter how pious a person may be are or what religion they belong to or how strict or well founded their belief is. So to me it seems that enlightenment has nothing to do with a deity of any sort but that it is personal and that each person ultimately decides this for himself, and that that is right and correct, in terms of what it means to be a biological organism, a living human. Rebellion, in many cases, is sometimes merely a breaking away, by a person, from one or more things he needs to break away from, characterized by decisive resolution and resolved determination. In human life there are very few, if any, absolute values in such matters. This is hard to accept. But it tends to get proven in one’s life over time.
Your view is limited. There are more ideas than you are aware of. Some are better than the ones you espouse. The world is not as simple as you think. The idea that you must decrease is in error and is one of the harmful effects of Christianity. You need to prevail in your own life. That is what is true.
You see! You didn’t answer the question! Why? Because atheism has no great shining deeds, no atruism, as it’s nothing more than selfishness and pride that serves Lucifer.
I am so glad to expose this!
It’s because I thought you might not be reading this page this morning. My mistake. Sorry. Here is what I wrote last night, but it didn’t get posted. So here it is.
Enlightened is just a term that means a person is not acting in ignorance. It has a lot of implications. Anyone who considers themselves enlightened is just trying to live according to some system of values that he or she believes is best, and the implication is that it is better than what is common. Other implications are also present though they might not apply. Example. I believe true altruism is possible but that genuine altruism is rare. To make altruism a basis for consistent action is self-destructive, and I think that’s wrong. This is not a terribly common belief, so enlightened is one word that can be applied to it, but a different word might be better. Situations do come into existence though where altruism is appropriate. In my experience when this has happened my assistance to others was knowing but virtually involuntary, in other words my action was beyond my subjective control. I think that is real altruism. To me it seems to be an impulse that is right but is also beyond my own self interest. I don’t think the word enlightened applies to this, because it was beyond my willpower and had nothing to do with my overall purpose in life but was only for that one moment. Me writing this to you is a form of enlightened behavior. I have no real reason to share these ideas, except that I think of it as being action which makes the world a better place for me to live in, and I believe that is a form of enlightened behavior because it is properly motivated in terms of what is best for myself. I think that is really what true enlightenment is. Helping other people just to help them is not good. The concept of enlightenment is a function of subjective perception and varies from person to person. The idea of right and wrong in this context is also a function of subjective perception and is therefore irrelevant, because that also varies from person to person, and this is nonetheless true no matter how pious a person may be or what religion they belong to or how strict or well founded their belief is. So to me it seems that enlightenment has nothing to do with a deity of any sort but that it is personal and that each person ultimately decides this for himself, and that that is right and correct, in terms of what it means to be a biological organism, a living human. Rebellion, in many cases, is sometimes merely a breaking away, by a person, from one or more things he needs to break away from, characterized by decisive resolution and resolved determination. In human life there are very few, if any, absolute values in such matters. This is hard to accept. But it tends to get proven in one’s life over time.
Duplicate post. Gee. Now I’ve made a mistake for two days in a row.
O.K. To answer your other concern I need to know, what sort of thing is it that you think of as being a “shining deed”?
Atheists are respnsible for the greatest DEMOCIDES of hundreds of millions of people.
Atheists are the least likely to give to any nonprofit. Look it up. They don’t donate money. They don’t donate by volunteerism. They do not donate their skills.
What few atheist foundations exist do it as a tax write off or do horrendous things like the Gates Foundation or the Clinton Global Initiative. These are hopelessly corrupt.
All the altruism is being done by Christians in America for the most part. Heck, practically every university and hospital was started by Christians.
There is no great enlightment by atheists. It’s a sham.
But of course, we all know this as atheists are selfish pride-filled scum. They don’t care about anyone but themselves.
So…, you believe that shining deeds are things like selflessly donating to causes that you believe are good, volunteering –which is a form of donating– and using your skills to benefit others. These are all acts which consist of donating, giving to others. Are their other kinds of actions that you consider to be shining deeds?
Christians too have killed many millions of people during the past two thousand years. In your opinion, are these killings all right because Christians were the ones doing them?
I get the impression that you feel strongly about your ideas. It does seem though that you might be stuck on a few things. Atheism for instance. By ‘atheist’ do you mean a person who does not believe in any god or gods, or do you mean someone who specifically does not believe in Jehovah (or Jaweh)?
As for myself I am not particularly interested in atheism.
I goofed again. ‘Their’ should be ‘there’. I need to proofread my comments before I submit them. If I live long enough maybe I’ll learn to do that. There may be hope, for now I have proofread this one. It’s so easy just to go ahead and jerkishly push the submit key. I’m trying to learn not to be a jerk. It’s hard. I have been one for so long.
Democide by aethist? Agreed. But what about the Catholic Popes Crusade? How many humans died? Lets not even get into the Popes paid indulgences for the right to sin and be forgiven…..
And if you miss the experience of being “supportive”, “cooperative”, “social” – that is your own personal choice.
If you undermine the fact that people are and will be ALWAYS stronger as a whole, together, united, than separated – that’s your own personal ignorance.
If you chose to believe that self-enlightenment can’t be reach in a group – that’s again your own personal ignorance.
People are social creatures, just like part of our gene roots – monkey. If you chose to ignore that fact – what I said earlier…
Everyone is special and everyone is part of the all, which makes you both unique and same like the others… Hard to understand, hope you do one day
Esentially the authors conclusion is taking lands by force subjugating the new lands peoples with oppressive taxes does not in turn provide loyalty?! All it does is anger, cause over diversity, and animosity, while destroying the Roman culture. So does that make Israel racists? Seems they have kept their culture, by not allowing diversity. Keep their lands small and tight ensuring a good ececomy. Seems our current democrat/socialist party does not want to keep any American culture. Actually they want to destroy it by open borders with welfare seekers, degredation of morals and law, and rip up the Constitution. All while American are similar to Romans in watching it all happen one bite at a time. One law or change or increase to laws taking away rights and freedoms of Americans but expanding rights and laws to non citizens. NYC has a new non discriminatory “hair law”. The rigts of hair is more important than the second amendment tells us what we need to know.
Well let’s see, we removed God and prayer from schools and other places, people bad mouth Jesus every chance they get. Islamic savages are everywhere and are infiltrating government. Godless heathen democrats are convinced socialism is the answer when history has proven it’s a complete failure with disastrous consequences to the population. Scum illegals pour through the border draining our healthcare system and welfare system and many others. Crime, drugs, sex trafficking are rampant due to the things listed before. All of a sudden people believe they can alter their chromosomes and change sex. Baby raping scum are everywhere and if you happen to be a Christian, you now have become scum and literally in danger. I’ve probably left out a few thousand reasons we are going down the toilet. Guess what? I’m taking some of these bad folks to their graves with me when I go.
I forgot a really important one. More than half of us believe it’s ok to kill babies.
Yes, more than 1/2 of us approve of killing baby’s ! That’s a mark on this nation that will cost us dearly? I have no mercy for anyone that thinks abortion is ok. If you can willingly hurt a unborn child, then i believe you are nothing more than the devil in the flesh? God help us all!!! Animals, even the smallest will fight to the death for their young? A woman is the only (THING) that will kill her baby, and then talk about it proudly? Hitler killed 6 million! We have killed over 60 million in the good old USA alone? I would not be surprised if bolts of lighting didn’t start sending the baby killing demons straight to hell?!!!
Yet how do christians treat a woman who is unmarried and pregnant? Many act like she should wear a scarlet letter on her person and look down upon single mothers and woman who decided to keep their babies and not abort them. Where is the respect for these women? Churches should have programs to help these women. Yet the only thing many care about is that life is actually born. Once that happens then they stop caring about said infant and child. Shame that our society does not value life. Even pets are treated like disposable things in our society with over 2 million healthy cats and dogs being murdered every year. It is a sickness that only teaching humans to respect the life that is here will solve. Not wailing about the unborn (many of whom would end up in an abusive household, drug addicts, victims of rape, murder and more if they has been born).
MEN have a part in the killing of the unborn too. Yet all you blame is the woman. What about their part in the reason a woman has an abortion? Many men refuse to take care of their own children. Why not rail against them too?
You said “Animals, even the smallest will fight to the death for their young?”
NOT TRUE. Google it and see how some animals treat their offspring or the offspring of others.
You have no basis for any reality when it comes to animals or humans. Many people dislike children. Just read comments on articles to see the hatred our society has towards others and even children. It is a disease and sickness and even you HATE these supposed baby killers. Where is your empathy? There are many reasons abortion is the only option for women and why don’t you work on addressing these issues instead of your ridiculous mantra about sending these women to hell?
Well let’s see, we removed God and prayer from schools and other places….
We don’t need force indoctrination of hoaxes and superstitions. The definition of FAITH: Is a set of beliefs, absent of any facts or proof.
Wishy or Hopey is not a foundation to build any formable house or dwelling on. Want to believe in something? Believe in your self and “Get er’ done!!”
I’m still praying for you blow as I think there is still hope for you.
Your praying only satisfies your own emotional void of any meaningful normal relationships. Do you find yourself alone a lot? And talking to the wind?
No blow, I have many that love me and that I love in return. I don’t remember loneliness.
I mean no disrespect. But I need to speak frankly. And direct speach is best. I have been coming to this website for a long time. So I am not a newbie. Speaking generally, because it is impractical to try saying things that are true of everyone, here is what I see. Most of the people on this site understand that things are not going the way many would prefer. Some even recognize the most obvious underlying causes. But from what I see –and all I see here is what you say, not what you do– your preferred response to the problem is this: 1) get ready to protect your family and defend yourself; 2) trust Jesus; 3) run away; 4) live in the woods (or some other safe place). But fighting is not about self defense. It is about attacking. Nor is winning about self defense. It is about willfully overcoming one’s enemies and other obstacles. All the men here are probably capable of fighting and winning. All the women too. However, not anyone here, or in most other places, even begins to recognize one of their most important enemies. They lack the awareness to see it. They focuse their thoughts on other things. When they hear of it they put their energy into endlessly inventing ways to ignore it. Here is the truth. The principle religion of our land, on the basis of which many of our citizens incorrectly believe our nation and government were founded, uses you as a weapon against your own people, and you find comfort in it. You find it inspiring. So you support its ultimate purpose, which is to drive your own people into permanent defeat and keep them there. What surer indication is there of its success than the fact that so many either give up trying to live realistically and start trying to fit in, or run away to live in the woods. Its method consists of trust, reassurance, punishment in the form of eternal damnation, and partly because of the dynamics of such methods you have not yet figured out that it will ultimately lead your own people to extinction. Your family will not be an exception. What we really need to do is use our brains. If we use our brains well our spirit will take care of itself. But if we let our souls become servants to an ideology whose origin is alien to us, and whose teachings are in error, then our spirits will cause us to suffer. We need to realize that everyone can be trusted in some things, but that no one can be trusted in all things, especially not a religion which does not permit questions. So here we are, being expected to entrust our immortal souls to the care of entities and persons that we would not even trust to hold our wallet or a bucket full of beer, and we allow ourselves to be commanded never to ask questions about the substance of their character and we are glad to be taught never to take action that would save ourselves. Genuine adulthood takes more than mere years. You need to do some things that Jesus told you never to do. First, question his teachings. Examine them carefully, the same way you would turn over a leaf expecting to find a worm. You will find some. Every religion in the world contains something worthwhile. But each also contains some ignorant beliefs. One in particular has so many lies it is hard to believe anyone thinks it’s a religion. That’s the one that dominates the populations of Western Civilization. If you feed your mind lies you will live a delusion. If you want to live in harmony with reality you need to feed it only what is true.
rub-It-Out: You are so damn spot-on man!! I think we both posted at damn close to the same time. I am just shaking my head, all the chest thumping and shit talking for year after year after year and where are all of them now, when the time is upon us to put up or shut the fu$k up. Well, we can clearly see the path many of clowns have decided to take. Take your big bad rifle, pistol, whatever, insert deep into mouth and pull trigger very hard and just end it now, do everyone a fucking solid…sick to my stomach. You all so deserve what is coming around the corner for yourselves and your pretty little children and wives and on and on…think about it.
Hey rub, did you know you get the same luck with religion as you do a lucky rabbits foot?
And so I ask how luck was the rabbit?
Don’t worry about anything because you are the very definition of a reprobate and bound for Hell.
We are under zero obligation to convince you.
At least with a rabbit’s foot you know that it’s real.
And that it probably didn’t come from anywhere in the Middle East.
Also, Maranatha : two flaws with your comment.
1. You don’t actually know where he’s bound for.
2. You rely on questionable –at best– sources for the basis of your statement.
Zero is the absence of any quantity. Yet you state your opinion to him, and you point out to him that you have no obligation, which implies that the obligation is his. The implication of your message therefore tends to indicate that you do recognize some obligation to inform him of his obligation, and the quantity of such action on your part is not zero.
Of course what you really can’t stand is that someone has committed what you perceive as an affront, or a potential affront, to yourself, in having the courage not to belong to the same delusion that you belong to.
Why should I care or even engage you in debate? If you accept Hell, nothing I say matters, so just end up in Hell. (shrugs)
My sole obligation is to present the Gospel. Buddy, I have done that for decades. Everyone retires.
You dingdongs take the cake. I have zero use for debate when people make OUTRAGEOUS ALLEGATIONS with zero evidence. Apparently Christians are fair game here and people can say whatever they want without moderation.
What you expect, for me to say, “Now don’t do that. That is sinful. Be nice. YAHWEH loves you.”
Baloney. Read Romans chapter 1. At a certain point, YAHWEH gives you over to a reprobate mind ie stops trying to persuade you.
You have been spoiled by heretical leftist semi-Christians who don’t even believe in Hell so you have convinced yourself that we owe you and have to cajole you so that on your deathbed you accept Jesus.
Why would I waste my time?
Of course you should not waste your time. But I find your comment curious. Jesus said you shall know the truth and the truth will make you free. What better to become free of, than the Christian religion? You say I have zero evidence, but what evidence did Jesus give you that if you fail to suck his toes you’ll go to hell? Doesn’t it seem strange to you that the threat of going to hell is used as an incentive to manipulate people into staying in the Christian religion, because if you so much as doubt Jesus hell is where you’ll go? And what about doubt? The Bible indicates that your god created doubt and that when someone doubts it is because God willed it. So when someone goes to hell for doubting, they are going to hell because that’s what God wants. Sounds to me like someone didn’t know what they were doing when they wrote those verses. That’s the god you worship?
Don’t bother, maranatha (my name elsewhere by the way), I learned a long time ago that you cannot convert over the internet. I also did my turn at apologetics. Now, I am with you on always standing and giving others the Gospel, but we both know that only God can convict someone. Sow the seeds. Water the seed already planted. Pull a few weeds. Be berean. Pray for those who spitefully use you. We are in the end times and the scoffers have come.
You are not alone. Run the race. We each play a part. At the end, we all want to hear, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” Every knee will bow. Do what you can with the time remaining. God bless you.
r said, “they are going to hell because that’s what God wants.”
In the Bible dictionary, called a concordance. They are free, online, or cheap, at yardsales…
he chooses you
from the foundation of the Earth
known from the womb
In my interpretation, that is describing fate.
Oh. I see. Well. That makes you a great person. Of course you wouldn’t want to debate me. I’m nobody. I do have a question though. You say your sole obligation is to present the Gospel. What is the nature of that obligation? I thought it had something to do with helping people. Evidently you’re saying that it doesn’t. Or have I misunderstood something?
He presented it. You denied it. You want a debate? Fine. There are many apologetics forums. Go take a whirl there. The body has many parts. Even soldiers get leave. You don’t want to debate,though. You want to tear down and destroy. That much is obvious to all. Your pain is evident in your anger. God loves you anyway. It is a gift freely given, but he also gives you free will and choice. It is up to you whether you accept Him or not. There, you have been told again. Eternity is a long time to be wrong. In parting, I leave you with Matthew 10:14.
imho, not to harangue the disinterested, but not to deny Christ, even upon penalty of torture.
Some have survived the furnace. Others have been flayed.
Have you heard of the luck of charismatic faith healers and holy rollers. You will know if you are seeing a literal miracle — I promise you — because, it will trigger the passive bystanders into a blind and rabid rage.
Thanks but I’ll stick with the truth that God sent his son here to save us and unless a man can believe it in his heart and confess it with his mouth he will only have the lake of fire to look forward to. Islam has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
I agree. Islam is without merit.
But, you know, Islamites never carefully investigate what they believe in. They just accept it without question and believe in it. When someone tries to point something out to them, all they know to do is rely on dogma. This habit they share with Christians.
Islam has scholars and charismatics / mystics, who both study and have a literalist interpretation of their faith.
In Europe’s Dark Ages, math, science, medicine, art, and trade in precious goods came from Islam, sometimes a high culture. To the best of my understanding, the Ladino-speaking Jews maintained Islamic-sounding names.
Muslims have reportedly been converted, like Saul, when seeing the blinding light, on the road to Damascus. So, a fatalist interpretation of Christianity might also work in your favor.
You don’t appear to be aware that the REAL “Religion” of the USSA is TALMUDISM – no matter what other names – including almost all of the supposedly “Christian” sects/denominations – it might go by.
I don’t realistically think that J*wish supremists want to share Biblical landmarks with the Ishmaelites and Church of Rome and Rainbow people, like in the Mekudeshet / Tomorrowland Festivals.
Why should a ZOG allow you to buy porkmeat on a Saturday, but pagan, Roman feast days are a federal holiday. All with gentile figureheads. How is that consistent with your worldview?
You’re not supposed to put marks in your skin. They’re going to want one.
I also find it highly improbable that their awaited messiah would fulfill the Jewish, Messianic prophecies of the Old Testament.
Paragraphs, please.
Otherwise well said. The desert religion syndrome is staked into people’s minds with the power of fear. When push comes to shove, many will do nothing because of it. They will watch their people die, because they are told not to do otherwise.
Excellent observation. One theory that has a lot of worms in it as you say is turn the other cheek. Nothing has be used to allow evil to flourish as this very verse.
Nowhere in the bible does it tell anyone to stand up to those who harm others and make sure they are no longer able to harm innocent and weaker members of our society.
And yes most people live their lives in a comfortable delusion. When push comes to shove most are ALL talk and no action.
The reality of this world is that it was designed for something or someone to always suffer so that another can survive and thrive. This is not done by something incapable of evil but rather the opposite.
Menzo: Wow you pretty much hit all the HOT TOPICS so to speak but seriously people this shit not a damn joke for 1 second. When the black African Muslim apes are throwing to your little daughters and wife while they tie you up and make you watch – then what? Think Uncle ole’ Sammy gonna come and save your ass hahahaha smoke some more weed if you do. Folks, the U.S. is toast. The only way to save this place is to have a massive Purge and the people do NOT have the balls to do what must be done and that folks will be the end of the once, great United States. We are going to go down in history as all a bunch of shit talkers, with no balls and guns everywhere, ammo everywhere and it was all for a big, fat NOT!! My God, what a sin if there ever was one – all of you lazy imbeciles too busy sticking that tracking device i.e. “smart phone” up your nose every single chance you have and watching the demonRAT, heathen, ape, savages in so called professional sports – yet another massive rip-off and the dumbing down of America. I can’t believe my own eyes & ears, I would of never thought such complete impotency has ass raped all the so called patriots and Vets and otherwise want a be ninjas and tough guys…sad, pathetic, disgrace. Take all of your toys and sell them, you sure as fuck are NOT going to use them in any meaningful way….i.e. their true, intended purpose to fight tyranny and to preserve liberty haha yeah right. Only people with any balls are the fags, soy-boys, limp noodles still living in momma’s basement, the “bottom” crowd and on and on, they have fucked all the tough guys up and look how pathetically easy it was for them my Lord and the he-she’s on the Left and that is so awful to have to admit that shit. So disappointing I tell you – it makes me want to take a massive 2 foot shit!!
It’s hard to believe some of the shit that is currently happening.
you wrote, “It’s hard to believe some of the shit that is currently happening.”
I agree with that statement completely. It is indeed very hard to believe.
Except, in the context of Communism, Socialism, abject ignorance and ultra-emotionalism that our schools have been cultivating in children for decades now, not much else could be expected.
One fact I find reassuring is this: Race is a valid concept, and it is only a matter of time before the individual members of various genetic groups –including ours– prove by their actions that we are not all the same.
Some of us are further along in these realizations, than others.
I’m prepared to see the results of our actions and what will be left of us.
I’m not sure what your comment means. I don’t understand. What, exactly, does it mean to be prepared to see such results? You’ve got your popcorn buttered? Your spectacles are handy? And what makes you think you will be one of the ones who is left? You’re not mortal? Not subject to the same vicissitudes other people are vulnerable to, and so, when the axe hits your neck your head won’t fall off? Do you think these modern nations are playing for gummy bears? Seems to me nukes are being bandied about. Are these the actions you are talking about? No? Why not?
I’m only saying that if I survive this will it still be the same me, or will I become something as bad and cold as I hated and killed.
Thanks for the clarification. I understand now.
I tend to agree. Well said. Enjoy the camps, before they kill you.
I disagree, for now. There is always hope for change within the confined laws. Until it is proven said laws are a joke with no out and when real patriots no longer have anything to lose then the beast awakens. Until then i agree, they will guzzle beer and watch heathens play with pigskin on Mondays. Most likely they will have their means of protection taken away before their coins. That is what they do not see. They think they have guns and it will protect them. But what they fail to see as their knees get 70 years old their offspring will become brainwashed and eventually their enemy. Govt plays the long game and can wait them out while brainwashing their virtue signaling offspring to become altruistic sheep. The next generation will laugh at the then 80 yr old granpa calling him racist, demented, and full of old ideas they may never see how right grandpa was as that gene editing removed common sense..
How does god and prayer make a person more moral or better?
America can be saved.
All we have to do is ki ll 10 American cities.
D.C., NYC, LA, SF, Sea, Portland, Atlanta, Houston, Chi Town, and Miami.
relik, that would do it! Although, I would be willing to settle on just the first three if I really had to.
Rellik: Sure that sounds great but that shit will never happen my God, you people won’t even do anything way smaller and say more local in nature and now you are talking of major cities haha those fags and he-she’s will crush all of you shit talking fucks. Go back to the old, worn out piece of shit recliner, get your T.V. dinner, drink your nasty, cheap, vile shitty ass piss water beer and continue with all of the silly fantasies and dreams and wet dreams even but that is as far as any and all of your impotent asses will go. This really gives Disappointing a new damn meaning. At least sell all of your silly guns and ammo and preps and ridiculous amounts of food and water and go and at least hire some real men to take the fight to the enemy, someone has to do it and clearly it will NOT be an of your asses. Hmmmm maybe Black Water can rent you all some real men that will actually get off of their dead asses and do what genuinely needs to be done to try to save this hole of a country – just do something actually constructive.
CC; This site consists of “keyboard commandos” and the “go along to get along gang” that apaologize and make excuses for crude behavior by posting entire walls of quasi intellectual nonsense that makes no sense.
You are really triggered!
I just named the major targets for someone that wants to
“destroy” a Democrat run America.
Those cities control the politics of the land.
You cannot deny that.
I have neither the means nor the money to eliminate
the problem, If I had, I would not tell you, and
I would just do it.
One thing I can do, is use passive aggression, to
cause the system to fail. It is slow, but I can
still drink my cheap beer, read my Bible, clean
my guns, and in the end, pi$$ on dead Democrats.
CC –
I hear ya !!!
Now get your own ass in gear and practice what your preaching or maybe you’re going to hire Black Water yourself.
The first 6 months in a disaster can be saved with the simple “P52” Army surplus can opener, that will save civilization, after all the canned food is gone in about 6 months, zombie apocalypse cannibalism sets in, and then a heavy meat cleaver will save hunger fir sure.
Less than that. Only three: NYC, DC, and LA. All we have to do is wait. I am certain that the Chicoms, the Iranians or our own deep state will launch 3 atmospheric tactical nukes and the resulting EMPS will take down the grid in those cities in under a minute.
NYC with no grid means the US MSM is instantly silenced. This also takes down the NYSE and all financial trading in the US would halt, instantly.
DC with no grid means that the center of federal power in the US has no grid and cannot work. I don’t view that as a problem.
LA with no grid would take down the largest west coast city and simply magnify the chaos that taking down the grids in NYC and DC would cause. Imagine a city where the gas pumps don’t work and neither does your credit card, your debit card, or the AC. Watch while people go bat shit cray cray. It wouldn’t take long.
When you have to switch to pure fiat funding its a reasonable assumption that you’re on your way down regardless how high you appear.
“If humanity could awaken to what the government really is (master that owns them) and take the blinders off put there by those who call themselves the government, we could all have a bright future.”
Some believe that mankind is inherently evil, by default. So, who can be trusted with power.
Others believe that all mankind is inherently good. So, should never be subjugated.
What if some have leadership capacity. And, others cannot. They find emotional comfort, in being told where to go, what to do, and in being given a station. In pedantism, good behavior, and that teacher that gives them a nice sticker on their busywork. Do people actually need that.
How are they to take care of themselves, who are not independently productive.
And, what proportion of materials, in your estimation, has been made by people practicing the principle of self ownership.
For instance — a cup of rice. A component of an Obamaphone. A number 2 pencil. Ham sandwich with all the trimmings. How many of you cynics can make it, personally?
To the best of my understanding, there have been several resets. The end of the world (politically, monetarily, linguistically) has happened many times over.
Everyone says we learn history, so as not to repeat it’s mistakes, then has to rediscover how things used to be run.
All of these same basic, social institutions, utilities, financial instruments, scientific discoveries, etc, etc, ad nauseum… have already existed in every other developed society, in either hemisphere, and every historical era.
Anarchy is the feral, hand-to-mouth period between empires, assuming they are not simply transferred, under financial receivership.
Federal Reserve, New Deal, Open Borders. All hail ZOG!
Religious Zionists call it the restored, Roman Empire.
The collapse isn’t likely. It’s in progress. Well on it’s way. We are living it right now. It does get worse.
Thanks. It’s uplifting to encounter a whiff of truth. Your comment is probably right. Just my opinion, not absolute.
If truckers would organize they could bring things to a halt by parking their trucks for a week and watching the cities run out of food. The cities are our enemy.
Rule of threes.
In SHTF nasty conditions
3 minutes without air you die – asphyxiation.
3 hours without shelter you die – hypothermia.
3 days without water you die – de-hydration.
3 weeks without food you die – starvation.
3 months without hope you may die – you quit trying to get the first 4 most important things.
Federal Reserve, New Deal, Open Borders, to name a few. Death by a thousand cuts. All hail ZOG!
Cycles – everything happens in cycles
There are small cycles and Big cycles
We are in the process of witnessing a huge cycle.
This is gonna be a world altering event.
There will be a global economic collapse
There will be wars big and little wars for resources
There is will be massive human die-off
A world wide RE-SET
God will become important again
Life will start to get its act together by forming local and regional economic entities
Barter will be the method of doing business
Local farmers will be kings.
Everyone here is so much more intelligent than I am. I didn’t know that when a plane crashes that’s a cycle. I thought cycles went up then down then up again sort of. And if a young chicken lays her first egg and it’s too big and she dies because of it, how is that a cycle? Or maybe do some things not occur in cycles? No local farmer around here is ever going to be king, believe me. And just how important will God be when all this happens? Will he still have to pay cab fare? Or will he get free shoe shines? Will he even wear shoes? Can you prove that he doesn’t wear shoes? Or that he does? And will somebody cut his toenails for him then? Will he have to pay them to do that? And will there not be any medium size wars, but only big ones and little ones? Where do you get these massively wonderous ideas? You guys know so much about the future, and it isn’t even here yet.
We’re now speaking a bastardized version of Latin and, afaic, resemble that statue of Nebuchadnezzar, from the book of Daniel, in which the material is golden, at first, yet becomes ever more debased.
Our copies of each preceding civilization have become worse and more degenerate, over time.
I believe it is settled by acts of God.
I am resourceful, but glad for the opportunities, which civilization has provided. Tools, materials, potable water, energy, markets… are all opportunities. They are resources for resourceful people. Everything can conceivably be leveraged for the better good for so long as God tarries.
The greatest lie ever told, was that the devil doesn’t exist. The second greatest was that “Government” is benign or more unlikely cares about “the people”.
Government is like the Blob, that grows and grows, until it devours EVERYTHING.
The greatest lie and hoax ever told is that Heaven exists, thus they had to lie that hell also exists, and use the devil as a boogie man like terrorism is used to dupe the ignorant masses, to scare religious idiots to security binki of religion to save them. Religions should be place in prisons as pure FRAUD!! Stealing fortunes from telling lies.
“The greatest lie and hoax ever told is that Heaven exists”
Except, we are told to make things like Heaven, and not be caught sleeping on the job. It doesn’t mean give up, and quit trying.
TharSheBlows, try and stay open to the possibility that God remains a mystery, until he chooses to reveal himself to us.
A person cannot explain to a blind man what it is to see the beauty of the natural world. He can only really understand by seeing it for himself.
Revealed himself to Saul, and, allegedly, to people practicing all different religions.
John 15:16
Ephesians 1:4
Here are a couple of links to proofs of God.
Logically reasoned from a church site (not mine):
ht tps://rcg.org/realtruth/articles/140710-001.html
Or from scientists:
ht tps://www.oddee.com/item_98822.aspx
There are churches that do take advantage of people. Martin Luther saw that and did something about it. We need another Luther to clean things out. Unfortunately, what bad churches do influences what people think of the Bible. The Bible came first and some people with poor intentions have used it for their own manipulative purposes.
ThatSheBlows, I know I won’t change your mind. I do want you to be aware that not all churches preach Hell and Damnation to scare people into believing. My church teaches about everything but not at the expense of people’s wallets and minds. It even has a Saturday evening service that is far less formal than what one would expect of a Sunday; people come in jeans or whatever they have. The intention is to meet people where they are at physically, mentally, and spiritually; nothing is forced.
I know that God is real and that Jesus is His son.
Rom 8:28 . As for the non-elect, to bad so sad
It really isn’t wise to believe something just because it’s in a book.
You need to do some research. The story of Jesus, as told in the Bible, is full of holes. Grown men should know better.
The sooner Globo-Thug USSA collapses the better for humanity
A Euro/Russia/China TOTAL EMBARGO of Globo-Thug USSA would do the trick and have it circling the drain in about 6 months.
I love these clown atheists who spout off and run their mouths about how “There is no God and Believers are all stupid dolts”. Problem is, all they have as proof is their own snarky/ self important opinions as evidence. In other words NOTHING!
As a Christian I have the 4 Gospel accounts, countless eye witnesses to Christ, over 2,ooo years of church history, countless miracles, the testimony of St. Peter, Paul, John, James, Titus, so forth.
Plus I was given a two visions back in the 1980’s. One has come to pass in COMPLETE detail and can not be denied by myself as a supernatural fact and the other I believe is about to come to pass, The destruction of the United States, starting in our western states. Laugh if you must, who cares?
can you tell us any more about what you saw ?
Seminole Wind,I’m not laughing I believe you. Would you please elaborate on your second vision a bit? Is it an invading army, nukes, our own Government? It starts in the western states? I used to have a lot of apocalyptic dreams as well,which I took as a warning from God.
There are indecisive fools who like endless debate. What a colossal waste of time. They either like the conflict, or they are trolls, or are bored out of their gourd, or like the intellectual stimulation.
Weird. First, you are transformed by a love for YAHWEH through the heart, so that would be akin to making an endless list of data to determine if you love someone.
Buddy, you are on the wrong track.
It reminds me of people who expect to be spoon-fed on ancestral skills. Can you imagine waiting for a teacher to persuade you that learning the value of trees would be a good idea? Good luck finding such a teacher.
Note the word…”debate” in verse 29. It’s an INEVITABLE sign of a reprobate’s character. Endless debate because they are proud of being reprobates!
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: 32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
Romans 1:24-32
Th reprobate take “pleasure” in all these things that worries a Christian…who then asks for forgiveness.
Don’t waste your time with reprobates. You present the Gospel and then move on where fruit can be harvested.
Unless we rid our education system of progressives who indoctrinate our children first and educate them a distant second (when they educate at all), our nation has very little hope of survival.
Trying to drain a swamp has no success if raw sewage is continually oozing into it.
Found this on YouTube quite recently oddly enough in their recommended list. It’s titled, “Lesson from History: Transgender Mania is Sign of Cultural Collapse – Camille Paglia.”
ht tps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8BRdwgPChQ
The comments were interesting as well.
Yahooie, thanks for the link.
Tennis legend Martina Navratilova is taking heat because she came right out and stated that transgender men into women is cheating and will ruin women’s tennis.
It’s upsetting to every parent and grandparent to see a flod of sexually confused boys transitioning to girls to then take over female athletics and thus RUIN the sports and the scholarship opportunities.
It’s a FREAK SHOW. If you look back in history, it actually has a Luciferian origin in Baphomet, Venus, Artemis, Bacchus, and Lilith in the priesthood, rituals, myths, etc.
ht tp://www.espn.com/tennis/story/_/id/26035626/martina-navratilova-removed-lgbt-organisation-board-transphobic-comments
Several journalists and female athletes and feminists are understanding that it’s been a severe error to allow trans athletes as OF COURSE every true XX chromosome female will NEVER be able to compete against men just surgically made into freakish women.
Think about it. The feminists have screamed about the glass ceiling only to then allow these trans freaks to then take any positions that had been set aside for women! What IRONY!
There are two long term studies that concluded worse outcomes for patients who elected chemical amd surgical gender reassignment as it leads to perpetual confusion and an inability to cope and often leads to self-harm.
I’ve also read that most patients who’ve elected chemical/surgical gender reassignment have great regret over it. A few have even reverted back to their true gender as much as possible.
ht tps://www.thenewamerican.com/culture/item/19507-the-transgender-con-many-transgender-people-regret-switch
ht tp://thefederalist.com/2015/08/19/transgender-regret-is-real-even-if-the-media-tell-you-otherwise/
Another reason no woman has ever been President. History is full of women in power and the end result is always self destruction within the next generation at latest.
All I know is when they find my body after SHTF it will be encircled and covered with brass shell casings with the death of a thousand bodies leading to it! I won’t lie down, I won’t be lead to FEMA camps, I won’t let the non believers and the people stealing my freedom from me and my family control me. They are coming with me!
@ wojo Amen brother. Enough said
Right on WOJO. Me too
The concept of every Empire always translates into financial pyramid built by parasites using very particular methodologies, this is exactly why total collapse of each and every Empire is a predetermined event.
Yes. I actually met a patient who started to transition and then even though his wife and son were deeply sad and upset, they supported him. Then luckily, he stopped taking the hormones in time because they were in such emotional distress, and transitioned back. It was a huge medical mess.
All the long term studies point to NOT doing gender reassignment. You see there are hundreds of anatomical dfferences, but gender reasignment only considered the cosmetic changes. Plus perpetual hormone replacement. And we KNOW that is unhealthy because now estrogen replacment therapy is highly controversial as it may lead to aggresive disease states.
No matter what, you cannot change chromosomes, thus the mind cannotever cope with cosmetic changes.It literally creates a permanent PTSD situation. How would such a patient ever find a reliable spouse??? There is no way that can happen. The patient is forever confused with body dysmorphic syndrome and thus the partner abandons them.
Many conservative physicians believe that what these folks actually have is body dysmorphic disorder of varying types.
htt ps://adaa.org/understanding-anxiety/related-illnesses/other-related-conditions/body-dysmorphic-disorder-bdd
For example, at Johns Hopkins, for a time, they stopped doing all gender reassignment.
htt ps://www.heritage.org/gender/commentary/sex-reassignment-doesnt-work-here-the-evidence
It’s bad medicine that violates the Hippocratic Oath.
ht tps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hippocratic_Oath
In my opinion, many such mental disorders have a spiritual supernatural basis. This is why prayer and healing are absolutely linked.
If people really cared about this subject they could learn the fascinating truth about income taxes at losthorizons dot com. and do their part to stop it.
“By 476, the empire’s reach was zero.” Not exactly true. The Western Roman Empire died in 476. However, the Eastern Roman lived until 1453 when it fell to the Muslim Turks.
The notion that the common man is somehow or another is not just only a co-conspirator, but is responsible for the decline and fall of the our Republic isn’t just an insult to the intelligence of the readers, it is an outright lie.
Time and time and time again I have witnessed the US government not just ignore the will of the people but more often than not act in direct opposition to their publicly expressed will.
I do not except that this collapse is “our” fault” It is there fault; as in the 1/1000 of 1% that have had a stranglehold on the Federal government since the inception of the Federal Reserve more than 100 years ago..