This article was originally published by Rhoda Wilson at The Daily Exposé.
Google has the power to manipulate what you see online, targeting you with certain advertisements and burying search results they’d rather you not see. But can they go so far as to control the outcome of political elections? Absolutely, according to Robert Epstein, Ph.D., a senior research psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioural Research and Technology (“AIBRT”).
Epstein, a Harvard-trained psychologist who founded the Cambridge Centre for Behavioural Studies, likens Google to a dictator with unprecedented power because it relies on techniques of manipulation that have never existed before in human history. The free services they provide really aren’t free, he warns. “You pay for them with your freedom.”1
In this article:
Click on the image below to watch the video on YouMaker.
In the video above, Epstein speaks with Jan Jekielek, senior editor of The Epoch Times, about Google’s ability to control public policy, swing elections, and brainwash our children. Google has the power “to censor content, to track our every move, to tear societies apart, to alter the human mind, and even to reengineer humanity,” Epstein writes in his report, “Google’s Triple Threat,”2 which he details in his interview with Jekielek.
The methods Google uses are ephemeral and leave no paper trail, making it very difficult to track and prove that they’re using humans as pawns, manipulating us via ways that we can’t counteract. Ephemeral experiences occur briefly, then disappear, and include things like a list of suggested videos on YouTube, search suggestions, and topics in a newsfeed.
“They affect us, they disappear, they’re stored nowhere and they’re gone,” Epstein says. “It’s the ideal form of manipulation. People have no idea they’re being manipulated, number one, and number two, authorities can’t go back in time to see what people were being shown, in other words, how they were being manipulated.”3
Epstein and his team, however, have found ways to track Google’s invisible, almost subliminal, tools, including the search engine manipulation effect (SEME). According to Epstein:4
“SEME is one of the most powerful forms of influence ever discovered in the behavioural sciences … It leaves people thinking they have made up their own minds, which is very much an illusion. It also leaves no paper trail for authorities to trace. Worse still, the very few people who can detect bias in search results shift even farther in the direction of the bias, so merely being able to see the bias doesn’t protect you from it.”
Research by Epstein and colleagues has found that biased search results can change people’s opinions and voting preferences, shifting opinions in undecided voters by 20% to 80% in certain demographic groups.5 Internal emails leaked from Google talk about “ephemeral experience,” and the company makes a point to engineer ephemeral experiences intended to alter the way people think.
SEME, however, is just one of about a dozen subliminal tools that Epstein’s team has discovered. Others include the “search suggestion effect,” the “opinion matching effect” and the “YouTube manipulation effect.”6
As Epstein and his team began to preserve politically related ephemeral experiences, extreme political bias was uncovered on Google and YouTube, which is owned by Google’s parent company Alphabet.
In the days leading up to the 2020 Presidential election and 2021 Senate runoff elections in Georgia, for instance, they preserved 1.5 million ephemeral experiences and more than 3 million web pages, which were sufficient to shift “at least 6 million votes in the presidential election without people’s knowledge.”7
This isn’t an isolated incident. In 2016, Google’s search algorithm generated biased search results that influenced undecided voters, giving 2.6 million to 10.2 million votes to Hillary Clinton.
Epstein makes a point to state that he leans left politically, but despite Google’s bias in working to support the candidates he supported, he can’t applaud it, “because rigorous research I have been conducting since 2013 has shown me how dangerous these companies are – Google-and-the-Gang, I call them.”8
Even displaying a “Go Vote” reminder on Google on election day in 2018, Epstein found, gave one political party an extra 800,000 to 4.6 million votes compared to what the other party got. What’s more, Epstein says those numbers are “quite conservative.”9 “In other words,” Epstein explained, “Google’s ‘Go Vote’ prompt was not a public service; it was a vote manipulation. This type of vote manipulation is an example of what I call the ‘Differential Demographics Effect.’”10
Epstein also had a monitoring system in place in 2018, which preserved more than 47,000 election-related searches on Google, Bing and Yahoo, along with nearly 400,000 web pages that the search results linked to. The political bias that was uncovered in the results may have shifted 78.2 million votes to one political party.11
Even the “autocomplete” feature that occurs when you start to type in Google’s search engine is a powerful manipulation tool. “A growing body of evidence suggests that Google is manipulating people’s thinking and behaviour from the very first character people type into the search box,” Epstein writes.12 Just from this feature alone, Epstein’s research found Google can turn a 50/50 split among undecided voters into nearly a 90/10 split — all without people realizing they’re being manipulated.
Further, because Google’s persuasive technologies are so powerful, and many elections worldwide are very close, Epstein’s data suggest Google has likely been determining the outcomes of up to 25% of national elections worldwide since at least 2015.13
Click on the image below to watch the video on Bitchute.
Download Interview Transcript HERE.
It’s important to understand that Google is a surveillance agency with significant yet hidden surveillance powers, and this is one of their primary threats to society. As noted by Epstein:14
“The search engine … Google Wallet, Google Docs, Google Drive, YouTube, these are surveillance platforms. In other words, from their perspective, the value these tools have is they give them more information about you. Surveillance is what they do.”
While surveillance is Google’s primary business, their revenue — which exceeds $130 billion a year — comes almost exclusively from advertising. All that personal information you’ve provided them through their various products is sold to advertisers looking for a specific target audience. Meanwhile, they also have an unprecedented censorship ability. By restricting or blocking access to websites, they decide what you can and cannot see.
The most crushing problem with this kind of internet censorship is that you don’t know what you don’t know. If a certain type of information is removed from a search, and you don’t know it should exist somewhere, you will never know and you won’t go looking for it. This is how hundreds of millions of people have been deprived of learning the power of natural healing from me and many other clinicians who have been censored by Google.
For example, Google has been investing in DNA repositories for quite a long time and adding DNA information to our profiles. According to Epstein, Google has taken over the national DNA repository, but articles about that — which he has cited in his own writings — have all vanished. As it stands, Epstein is worried for the future if no one steps in to stop Google’s power:15
“As the father of five children, I am especially concerned about what humanity’s future will look like if Big Tech is allowed to continue unobstructed on its path toward world domination. In the 1950s, British economist Kenneth Boulding wrote, ‘A world of unseen dictatorship is conceivable, still using the forms of democratic government.’
“I am writing this essay because I believe that such a world already exists and that, unless we act quickly and decisively, the power that the technology company executives have garnered will become so firmly entrenched that we will never be able to unseat them from their invisible thrones.”
The first step to breaking free from Google’s dictatorship is recognizing that the manipulation is occurring. The next involves consciously opting out of it as much as possible. It’s especially important that children are protected, as they are among the most vulnerable to the onslaught of manipulation, which will have serious consequences for future generations. Epstein noted:16
“We’re trying to figure out how the manipulation works. But most importantly, we’re trying to quantify it … Because I think that what’s really happening is that there is a cumulative effect of, not just political bias, but a value literally a cumulative effect of being exposed to certain kinds of values, over and over and over again, on one tech platform, or after another.
“And I think that the people who are most vulnerable to being impacted by that kind of process are children.”
Epstein has compiled six steps that can help protect your privacy online, noting that he hasn’t received a targeted ad on his computer or mobile phone since 2014 as a result. To take back some of your online privacy, for yourself as well as your children, he recommends:17
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“Get rid of Gmail. If you have a Gmail account, try a non-Google email service instead such as ProtonMail, an encrypted email service based in Switzerland.”
Better still, register your own domain -you just need to register the name, not create a hosted website along with it- attach a private e-mail account to it that only goes through your domain directly to you.
Or use a private server in your closet or something along with it, but don’t forget to take a cloth and wipe it down occasionally the way Hillary did.
If you and your acquaintances are of a more clandestine nature, you can e-mail directly from one computer to another without it going through or being intercepted by any other servers along the way.
Never seen by anyone means never questioned by anyone.
Censorship is tyranny. Democratic socialism is SLAVERY. Globalization is a move in world domination by Elitist Billionaires, who are convinced that only they know what is right for mankind. Political correctness is a form of censorship or control. Freedom will vanish for the masses. And that is the truth. Everyone knows that TEAM BIDEN CHEATED. It is very evident to everyone, except the triggered left. Have a nice day.
You can protect against Google, and FaceBook’s and the rests snooping on you by replacing your hosts file with one from .
I use the .
Rename the current hosts file to hosts.bkup and save the unified file as hosts in the same directory. Reboot.
There is ample descriptions and dicussions on the site.
Brave browser has some rather serious “quirks” that need to be pointed out. In both the Linux and Windows version, the Brave browser will tamper with your “shields” settings.
Prove it to yourself. Go to “menu” –> “settings” –> “shields” and make the following changes:
1) set “Trackers & ads blocking” to “Aggressive”.
2) set “Fingerprinting blocking” to “Strict, may break sites”
Browse the web to check the performance. Exit Brave. When you start up Brave again, check the “shield” settings. You’ll see Trackers and Fingerprinting have both been reset to “standard”.
Do you really want to use a browser that tampers with your privacy settings?
I used Brave for a while but deleted it because I just didn’t trust it. Too many odd things occurring with it that I didn’t want to deal with to find out why and if it was safe.
I use the CCleaner browser. It has ad blocking and works well. I also use Ccleaners Kamo fingerprint disguise. Kamo also has a feature to use proxy servers (but it slows you down). Then I use CCleaner computer cleaner which also works great. The browser and cleaner are free but Kamo is 25 bux a year. Check it out…
One of the most manipulated countries by siloed search results is Canada. As with all things ‘New World Order’, Canada is the place where this stuff gets beta tested.
Canadians are manipulated and pushed into an ‘always-now’ fantasy world where there is no history (apart from weaponised history that suits the government). For example, the current craze for acknowledging the ‘First Nations’ people. This only suits the government right now because they can justify any and all civil rights abuses – they are just making things right for the poor beaten down native peoples, right??!.
Good story.
Unfortunately, I did not see the term “monopoly” anywhere. Google has control of the majority of advertising dollars. They are doing what monopolies do.
Since we want to take them down a notch (or 10), the solution is obvious — “Trust Busting”.