Whether you love him or hate him, agree or disagree, Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan has some interesting views worthy of your time. Some you may agree with, some you may dismiss outright, and some you may find offensive. Whatever the case, Farrakhan’s comments should not be taken lightly, as it is becoming more clear (regardless of the racial spin Minister Farrakhan inserts into the discussion) that opinions about our government’s actions, both domestically and abroad, are aligning across the religious, racial and socio-economic spectrum.
Minister Farrakhan directs the following comments regarding Libya and US foreign policy at President Obama:
You can’t order him to step down and get out. Who the hell do you think you are? That you can talk to a man who built a country over 42 years and ask him step down and get out? Can anybody ask you – well, there’s a lot now gonna ask you to step out of the White House ’cause they don’t want no black face in the White House. Be careful brother, how you handle this situation, because it is coming to America. It has already started.
Look at Wisconsin. Look in Ohio. Look at what’s going on in your country and remember your words, because the American people are rising against their own government.
It’s not Muslims. It’s not black people. It’s white militia that are angry with their government, and they are well armed.
Are you gonna’ tell them ‘put your arms down, and let’s talk it over peacefully’? I hope so. But if not, America will be bathed in blood. Not because Farrakhan said so, but because the dissatisfaction in America has reached the boiling point.
Be careful how you manipulate the dissatisfaction in Libya and other parts of the Muslim world.
While we agree that dissatisfaction in America is quickly approaching 212°F, Mr. Farrakhan seems to have lumped the entire movement into one group, which he refers to as ‘militia.’
It isn’t just white people that are dissatisfied. Mr. Farrakhan likes to make these separations to serve his own agenda and cater to his audience, but the fact of the matter is, what we’re talking about is all Americans. People of all races, creeds and economic backgrounds are fed up.
Many are realizing the hypocrisy of our government – and we’re not just referring to President Obama’s most recent military action in Libya, but the imperialistic tendencies held by many of our politicians and so-called leaders, past and present. Moreover, as pointed out by the Minister in his interview (video below), while our government is focused on fixing other countries’ problems, we are in dire straits right here at home with over 44 million people now on food stamps, millions unable to pay their mortgages, depression level unemployment, and the largest national debt in the history of mankind.
While we empathize with the people of Libya, Syria, Iraq and the greater middle east, our primary concern is the impoverished, enslaved and enraged people in These United States – and so too should it be the concern of of our three branches of government.
Watch the full video interview:
There is some truth in this. But Americans own their government. It doesn’t own us. All we have to do now is wake up and clean house.
It’s time people!
Read “Common Sense 3.1†at ( http://www.revoluÂtion2.osixÂs.org )
“Spread the News”
When Farrakhan said,”A civil war was the worst of all wars”He was right! How do you take over a country, you simply divide and conquer! Its been happening here,… for quite some time. Look how our domestic policy has all but removed the middle class! Like I said before, The train has already left the tracks,America! Most people have no idea whats going on, some people are scared and too nervous to do any thing! And the rest of us are bracing for impact! May all of you reading, have a safe and secure trip! god bless all of you !
Comments…..People all over the world are rising up,
I don’t care for Farrakhan, but he is telling the truth
These types of tactics have been propigated against ALL Americans for centuries – as “stinky steve” said it’s a divide and conquer stategy. The elites will continue to aggitate the divides within our country. These distraction are to remove focus from the Federal Reserve and franction a reserve banking that is the root of 90% of this nations problems.Â
You are right. Some hate him and some are like me and I love him. Either way, show me one lie that he has told. That’s what I thought.
Oh wow, Boone is saying exactly what I said. Brother Minister tried to tell that boy. Now, it’s too late because:
Steve, it is class warfair, union against non-union.
entitled – untitled ,
when I’m in a store and I see someone –less fourtunate paying for their steak beer and candy with a gov. issued card it makes me MAD
knowing that thats my tax money
Im glad that I live allong way from DC or I would be dead or in jail
by now
Wouldn’t it be great if the commercials for McDonalds and Lexus were replaced with 15 and 30 second spots of common sense and truth? They have them all brainwashed and distracted.Â
I agree with him, and wish more people would simply stand up and say what they already know but are afraid to say out loud.
The American people really are fed-up, all races. We deserve a little truth.
Comments…..i think the man is evil to the core…he wears many disquises, but don’t let them fool you…he is a master at doublespeak. he makes me think of idi amin.
Now there is a two headed monkey snake that loves to hate along with his armed goons. I’m being real nice. And he thinks he has more than one thing in common with BO.
He’s right about their being blood in the streets. I think the 2012 presidential election will be the tipping point. The election will be fraudulent and it will be obvious. The Dems will loose and they cannot stand for that. Maybe a situation like the Ivory Coast. The President will refuse to step down or he cancels the election due to a red flag crisis and then all hell breaks loose. Their may be some truth to the 2012 prophecies. If America falls into civil war, which I think we will, then the whole world collapses into chaos. The left just keeps pushing and pushing hoping to get us regular folks to to push back and eventually we will push back and then all bets are off. I just wonder where our military will be when it happens? Obama may have them all committed overseas. He can then have his so called civilian army or have foreign troops come in and try and control everything.
I think I wish the rain would let up so I could get my potatoes planted.
All this other stuff is merely entertainment and distraction from the real tasks of life.
The guy also referred to Obama as the Messiah. ‘The Messiah is absolutely speaking’ Clearly, Louis Farrakhan should not be taking seriously.
Comments….. at some point, I hope that all Americans will realize that what is happening to all of us is the same problem. We have all ben victims of distraction to the max. The issues that we face are about class, and nothing to do with color, race, political party, or any other distracting idea.
    Our governemnt is expert at keeping the citizens infighting, and focusing on matters that don’t really matter, instead of focusing on the real problem–Washington. There is only one political party in Washington–the republicrats. They are all owned by the same people. if they aren’t corrupt when they get there, they will be after a little while.
   The only way things will change, is for the wholesale removal of everyone in power, and that’s probably not going to change right away. But many people are right when they say we are at the boiling point.Â
   As the months progress, and the economy gets worse, each entitled group is going to get madder, and madder, as the spigot of public money, the holy grail of the political machine, gets turned off. You see it more every day. Folks, there is no more free lunch. The usual stooges who are forced to pay for this largesse, are all out of a job. No tickey, no laundry. if you have no jobs, you have no funds to give away.
     this is a color blind issue–get it?  The big daddy’s take it from all workers, and distribute to those who don’t work. I can only hope that people will smarten up, and direct their anger at the real crooks.
 Farrakhan is like the media whores and the politicians, they all want war and they’re willing to hold your coat while you go fight it.
Farrakhan has been spewing his hateful vitriole for decades. Now that he said one thing that made sense, he is a HERO? Not likely. He has made a living out of stirring up haters and race baiting. Yes, he hates white people, and I hate him. Not because he is black, but because he is an evil, hating, manipulating person.
I have to say that Mr.F. is a rabble-rouser of the first cloth.Yet we ARE experiencing a real class war here in America.The UBER-Rich(top 5%) are not satisfied with 60+% of ALL the wealth in the country.THEY WANT IT ALL.The current man in office might just almost the last in office before the real Oligarchs take control of everything in the name of national security in their new FASCIST state.Hitler did it in Germany in the 1920’sIt’s happened even before in the first Democracy,Athens,Greece and we here in America are not immune to the same failings that they had back then.It just took them longer.
Stay warm everyone!
He should go to Mecca to be with his brothers and goose step clockwise seven times with his roach killing shoes while eating a banana. Lay off the pork and wash your head with some soap. Any religion club that bans others not of Muslim faith sounds extreme to me.
Okay Farrakhan aside can someone tell me why the market has been green for so long (minus the one little moment of red last week)? I mean if we are in such bad array why is the stock market ticker green? I know but I need a better explanation to offer my wife when I walk out of this marriage. She doesn’t support any efforts or make any attempts to understand anything. In fact she recently almost floored me with “Do you really think President Obama would let this country suffer”? OMG I married an alien!!!
It’s groundhog day…same shit new day.
When will you ever learn? Diversions, divide and conquer, vilify, nullify…it’s the same tactics used over and over — except the memory of the average moron in Amerika is about 3 minutes, or until the Camel is gone and the Budweiser bottle is empty. Then it’s off to the quickie mart to grab another pack and a 12 pack to quench the thirst after a big mac on the way home.
It is going to get a whole lot worse before it gets worse, but not because Farrakhan says so — just keep on preparing. Plant your gardens, clean your rifle, buy a few more cans of food, get another ounce of silver. Do something productive instead of beating your head against the same old wall — can’t you see the dent that’s been made their from the last time?
GMAFB – just what the name says…
Simply put, the government has been propping up the stock market. That was the purpose of the porkulus plan, to keep things going long enough to fool the general public into believing that things have picked back up, even though they haven’t.
(1) Farrakhan is a racist, evil, and insane monster. It is difficult to imagine anyone in America today with a more twisted perspective than this con artist.Â
(2) Farrakhan pushes his ultra-racist/pro Islam, twisted, perverted version of events and history by any means available. He uses politics, economics, and religion to distort the perception of reality of his followers.
(3) Farrakhan is a cult leader who leads his sheep astray. He leads them away from Christ, in many cases, and no greater evil exists in this world than to lead one of God’s children away from his Savior.
(4) Obama cannot get anything right. The only question, two years into this ludicrous mess, is whether he is simply an incompetent fool who believed the hype about his divinity, or an evil monster hell-bent on destroying the United States as we have known it. I honestly cannot tell which he is.
(5) The public sector unions are toast, and they know it. The vast majority of Americans are sick and tired of paying vast sums of hard-earned income for the pensions, medical care programs, and other benefits for an entire population of public employees. This does NOT mean that public employees don’t deserve benefits. It means that they need to pay some of the cost themselves, like private sector employees do.
(6) The U.S. population is docile, bought off years ago by houses, cars, flat screens, the NFL, and the rest of the culture of consumption. As long as the government and its corporate partners are able to buy them off, the people will sit in front of their televisions, soma style, and stay out of the way.
(7) Anyone who advocates violence to solve America’s woes is also insance. One who does this clearly has no clue about where such a nightmare would lead. First chaos, then tyranny. With countless deaths, tortures, mutilations, and evils along the way.
(8) The first President who refuses to step down at the end of this term? The only way Obama would do such a thing is if he truly is evil, as posited above, and he figures that such an act would be the straw that finally breaks the back of the American experiment in liberty and representative government. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, I don’t believe that he is evil and I don’t believe he would risk national death just so he can stay in office.
Having read your comments it is clear that you have either not taken the time to listen to Min. Farrakham yourself or you have decided the truth will only obstruct you rant, so best to leave it completely out.
Farakhan’s viewpoint on Libya is interesting. It’s a mess and a very costly war for taxpayers and now we have to provide weapons to NATO to take over, but still supervising behind the scene.
And Obama and Hillary are still supporting the Rebels. I wonder who the rebels really are ? There are several articles about the rebels which are very interesting.
Article “Wow That Was Fast! Libyan Rebels Have Already Established A New Central Bank Of Libya?â€
I am afraid we will have three types of RIOTS at the same time. OMG!
1.    CLASS RIOT: which is going on now and which was started and led by the Unions.
2.    RACIAL RIOT: Multicultural conflict as seen in the movies and fed by the mainstream media all these decades.
3.    PATRIOTIC RESISTANCE: Americans who are fed up with constitutional violations, government waste and fraud and, systematic monetary rape by bankers, etc…
These along with forms of corruption and restrictions will all lead to a complete collapse of our nation. FOR the past several decades, we’ve seen individual rights and freedom (capitalism) slowly been taking away.Â
It’s very scary, most experts say we will end up in ANARCHY, CHAOS, and THE LAW OF THE FITTEST WILL PREVAIL. A DEPOPULATION WILL OCCUR.
@scott – sorry to hear your situation, It sucks to be you right now! since you asked…
I’m with you on the green market.
With our government buying 70%+ treasuries they are also throwing money into the markets through hedge funds, after all, if Wall Street is good so is America!
It’s all digital so no harm right?
Then once “john doe†thinks its okay to go back into the water it will all come crashing down.
It’s about making the puppet people poorer so they have to rely on and beg for government handouts, thus having no choice but to choose and agree to a One World Government to take care of these poor souls.
Your puppet wife won’t go for that answer but don’t you fall for it, stick with your gut, you are right!
This president is turning this country into a jungle. His energy plan is a farce. His words are hollow lies. He is a boy that has no experience in doing the right thing. When your plan is a mistake, apologize to the people, learn and go fwd. He will do anything to stay in office.
@Scott – LOL!! Im with you, man! My wife still thinks I was crazy. There are some things I do not really get it when I see constructors building skyscrapers all over the place even a Science Museum in Dallas (thats where I live). People in the middle-class are still driving their fancy cars. I just get it and whats even more is that I just got a raise at work. Whats going on, but I believe this is it for America….when’s going to happen. I dont know, but God knows!
Sorry…”…my wife still thinks Im crazy…”
@ Scott — I’m sorry for the situation you’ve found yourself in. Perhaps a little more time will change her mind? I don’t know her, or you, of course — but I know that my husband, who used to be solidly “There’s nothing happening that’s bad LALALALA!!!” has recently come totally around. He now sees what is happening in this nation and is even more determined to seek out information about the reality of the collapse in the U.S. than I am. I’m busy getting ready for it, he’s busy finding the articles and quotes about WHY we should be getting ready! Maybe you’ll have the same luck with your wife. Present her with calm arguments for your position based on logic and backed up with information. If, after a presentation of the facts, she still chooses to keep her eyes closed…well then, maybe nothing will wake her up.
As far as Mr. F goes — yes, BO has screwed up big time. He’s lost his party and he’s lost what little bit of credibility he had left. Yes, the citizens of this nation are reaching a boiling point with their dissatisfaction and frustration regarding the direction our country is headed in. But no, it’s not just the “white crazies” who are getting fed up, and no, it’s not just the “racist bad white boys” who are armed. The true patriots of this country represent all races, religions, and intellects; they are men AND women; they are armed with intelligence, information, and a love of the Constitution of the United States. I just love it when the person screaming “racist!” is a racist himself. *sigh*
Yes, but it’s good entertainment & freedom (so far) to voice. I want to know what Okie says…..
For those who look crazy to their spouses….
 The prudent see danger and take refuge,
but the simple keep going and suffer for it.
The degree of our preparation
will be equal to the extent of our obedience,
which will determine the measure of our peace of mind.
When the emergency is upon us,
the time of preparation has passed.
It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark!
…Now you know why my spouse thinks I’m crazy, I say I may be crazy but I’m no fool.
I’m pleasantly surprised about a number of Louie’s comments. He is speaking more like a statesman than a racial diversionary. He appears to be exclaiming that Americans of all races share the same destructive issues at hand and that we all should pull together as one voice to rectify our common problems, such as lose of personal freedoms, destruction of the economy and endless global conflicts, destabilizing foriegn governments, etcÂ
I put your site on my blog roll. Here is my view of how this Libya “thang” is going to go down.
I believe that Obama has just reached the finish line, in terms of his obligations to the elite. From here on out, he’s but a mere spectator. More so, than ever before. I see the signs that he’s officially handed over the reigns to the NWO, and soon he will be paid for his efforts.
The collapse of the financial system has been arranged for the end of April, beginning of May. It will include the introduction of the new currency. And it will slam the populace into serfdom, as the rug gets pulled out from under the artificially propped stock market. Stay out of that rigged casino, and focus on retaining the worth you have! The sheep are now being corralled, and the slaughter is oh-so close at hand.
Libya was the final straw for me. Clearly planned in advance, public statements that are so incoherent as the non-stop spin continues, and operations now under the lead of NATO and the UN. It was all about buying time for the elite until the final moves were ready. And these are the moves.
Obama gets a pat on the head and a cookie, I’m sure. The elite will ‘get it from here’.
when QE slows down or even ceases the markets no longer supported by massive inflows of funny money will certainly collapse - then everything else will HTF.
/s/ mushroom
LF is just a media whore. Though people are pissed I really don’t see blood flowing in the streets.
I wonder why that is? Is it because you’ve not been payin attention.
I do not care for this man but this time he is so right on. I’m glad someone has the sense to speak the truth.
You are wrong Dennis. He’s still playing “b”-ball hoops & Gulf in Mexico. 2 B to Brazil for them to pump their oil. That tells it all to me. What kind of cookie? He may not like how he’s paid. I believe he’s neck deep with a get out of jail card.  New mug on money is on the way.
Mac, I smell an erie silence in the gold/silver market. Something big is on it’s way but it could be just a wind shear in OK.
Thank you for all your feedback on the wife thing! I told her I’ll do my thing and if you don’t like get off at the next stop.
Obumma? Maybe if we give him a few bucks and a carton of smokes he’ll just go away.
Comments…..C,mon scott
We all know you would take her back when she shows up,on your front door step, beggin for forgiveness!!!, But!!!! thats only if you told her where you were going. My wife is a pita as well,she left the house early, and mad as hell, cause I would not let her watch Good morning you dumbass Americans
DENNIS; I believe you are correct,not sure about the dates? there might be a few more things THAT HAVE TO FALL IN PLACE,BEFORE THEY DROP THAT FINANCIAL BOMB, But we are close to the time.
To Dennisgl:
There are ALREADY thousands of foreign troops here in America-NOW!! They don’t have to “bring them in”. Thousands of Russian, Chinese, Eastern Block country troops all over the U.S.!!! Wake up, people!! Why do you think Obama/Bush had/has our American troops OUTSIDE the U.S.? American troops would think twice about firing on American citizens. Foreign troops won’t think twice!!! HELLO!!!!
good comments.  Simplify and streamline your life.  Avoid people who aren’t like minded,  this incl  relatives, civic groups, churches where leaders aren’t  tuned in. Stay away from patriot gatherings, and giving money to any org. as they all fail in the end, producing no results ever.  Simplify and streamline your lifestyle.  Choose friends wisely.  All this may not happen, but be ready if and when it does.
Comments…..OH!!! one other thing,I just heard some bad news on our local news network , they found low  levels of non toxic radiation in our area,The good news is that it has landed in all our uninhabited surrounding areas. WOW!! WHAT A LUCKY BREAK. NO KIDDING!! when did the japs create non toxic radiation? WELL!!!  if you must know THEY HAVE BEEN WORKING ON IT FOR  A LONG TIME, WITH  THE  HELP OF (GENERAL ELECTRIC) TOP SECRET STUFF!!also GE just finalized a deal with general motors for 50,000 CHEVROLET VOLTS OVER A TWO YEAR PRODUCTION RUN  YEP!!! AND EACH VOLT PURCHASED GETS A TAX CREDIT, EQUAL TO THE PRICE OF THE VOLT???? not sure!! bout that.  So!!! in three years from now we will have another cash for clunkers program.I think I’LL HAVE A BEER NOW!!!
Find the truth that they don’t want you to know at http://www.Infowars.com
Nation of Islam convention to include talk of UFOs
By Sophia Tareen
Associated Press
Updated: 02/25/2011 04:14:23 PM CST
CHICAGO — The Nation of Islam, long known for its promotion of black nationalism and self-reliance, now is calling attention to another core belief that perhaps isn’t so well-known: the existence of UFOs.
When thousands of followers gather in suburban Chicago this weekend for the group’s annual Saviours’ Day convention, one of the main events will include a panel of scientists discussing worldwide UFO sightings, which they claim are on the rise.
he’s generally right…except for the misinformation that there’s a ‘white’ militia poised to revolt against the status quo (compromised) government…
that’s a head fake, to put another group into the crosshairs
while Sharia law starts to usurp prescident Law & Jurisprudence that is currently the prevailing model for the people.
Scott – Im in the same boat except I’m the wife and my husband thinks I’m nuts and a “radical”. I’m not nuts, Im just a mother who wants to take care of her family (including him).
(insert ‘eyes rolling’ emoticon here)
I covered it in my blog awhile ago here
http://www.globalshtf.wordpress.com . Great site big fan.
More personal conviction evident in that video than any other available.
New Egyptian president former head of intelligence. New laws in Egypt against protesting with mandatory fines and imprisonment.
More light sweet crude under Libya just under the surface.
Water in Pennsylvannia and milk in Washington have Japan in them.
What will China and Russia do to fill their tanks?Â
Even a busted clock is right twice a day! Ive heard this fool run his mouth since the 70s and he still makes no sense…..as for blood in the streets,Ill believe that when I see it.
Its idiots like Louis “racist” Farrakhan that make us black people look bad along with Sharpton and Jesse “high” Jackson. As a black man I despise Farrakhan and the nation of Islam. All he does is spout hatred towards his fellow man and thinks a spaceship will send us away. I mean seriously who still believes the bulllshit that comes out of his mouth? This man talks total non sense and the Nation of Islam is a hate group but do you see the SPLC target them? No!!!
I read your words and thought ‘oh no’ Mardocee Augustin is another unfortunate victim of Willie Lynch.
You can call Farrakhan many things, but liar isn’t one of them.
He knows which tribe (Israeli’s) pull the most strings in Washington, the print and TV media.
That is the group which has the most to gain by its big, stupid bully (US) destroying the middel east and securing their oil and their safety with the cost of blood & treasure being put upon Americans.
I do not believe in “Peak Oil.†at all.Â
If Iran (according to Ron Paul and the left have accused Bush of wanting to attack Iran for oil), Libya, Africa, Vietnam’s coastline, and USA (Alaska and the west coast), then “Peak Oil†is just another excuse for economic failure and to raise oil prices for those who sponsor Obama and liberal politicians and to make these multi-billionaires extremely super rich.Â
Meanwhile the rest of us who cannot afford food, rent and buying survival needs due to high prices driven the high cost of oil.
This is the first, and perhaps only, Farrakhan speech I can say I agree with 100%.
Oooops my bad, I meant:
“Meanwhile the rest of us who cannot afford food, rent and basic survival needs due to high prices driven by the high cost of oil.”
God Bless!
I have heard Louis Farakkan and believe he is sincere and knows what is going on. What he tells Black and colored people can be applied to white and everyone else who is oppressed, used,etc. He tells young people to get an education so they know what is going on in the world. He tells themt o have moral fiber and not to prostitute themselves-he tells them to honor home, family, country,etc. He tells the teenagers of today what I told my kids. I am white-does this make me some kind of conspirator?Â
OH! Im kept hearing Chinese troops are already stationed in Mexico. Whats going on? Any good source information? This is not good! Sheesh!
Comments…..only Farakahn has the “rite” for his followers to carry fully auto weapons to ALL public functions………..right wing maybe a sharp pin………….just who do ya gotta worry about?
Maybe I misunderstood you, but did you just say The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s followers carry guns!! What a pitiful outrageous lie. He strongly teaches against that.
Excuse me, the NOI do not carry arms. What actual proof do you have that they do?
I already know the answer ‘NONE’.
Hello everyone!
Looks like everyone has the same basic opinion about current events.For me it’s just like with Iraq,I have to wonder…Where’s the threat to the US to cause this “police action” to even be necessary?I just don’t see it.Whatever else can be said about Mr.K,IT’S HIS COUNTRY!Period.I never heard him threaten the USA,even once.The rest is between him and his people.As a matter of fact,one of our esteemed Rep.ex-presidential candidates visited Mr.K not long ago and spoke of Mr.K as “our friend”.I have doubts about this “police action” just as I had doubts about the Iraq fiasco still in progress(thanks to Georgie AWOL Bush.).And as I recall,didn’t Mr. Obama promise to bring ALL the troops “home by Christmas”more or less?When do we get to that magic number of dead,crippled and emotionally scarred men AND lack of money before that happens Mr OBAMA?Even the Iraq people are totally sick of the US occupation of their country.Afghanistan is a total failure(a complete cluster-F**k as my military friends would say.My father and uncles who served in WWII and Korea would call it a FUBAR situation)for the US.History repeats itself just like for the Russians and their fore-bearers the British Empire(both left as failures).When Obama ADDED to the already massive debt from Georgie who used it to re-fill the gamblers pockets on Wall Street and Banker’s Row wallets, I was saddened.Who would have thought it possible twenty years ago.When Obama leaves office,it will be not only as the first black President,but as the one who stood for nothing,helped no-one(but the UBER-RICH)and did nothing,even for those who voted en-mass for him.At least his wife started a home garden in the White House.Perhaps we elected the wrong Obama?Bet Lady Obama wouldn’t take Sh*T from the Red side of the REPOCRAT government.I guess we can be thankful at least he can’t see Russia from the coastline of Alaska,you Betcha!,I agree with JANE about oil.Even the sheiks of the UAR have said that the main reason for “high oil”is in a large part due to the “GOLDIE-SAKIES”(dare I say the ultra-Rich J word?) manipulating the prices via the futures market.Scott,I wouldn’t get a divorce over this stuff.Rather,sit down with the wife and say:”honey U may be right,I might be right,let’s look at the home budget at see where we can split our extra money so that all our bases are covered,no matter what.”At worst if I’m wrong you can have some fun times camping with me in my “get out of town” stuff and eat pretty well in the process.If She’s wrong you both get more free toilet-paper.A win-win!!Love conquers All;-)
just a few thoughts
Best to all
Bring it on, Screwy Louie!!!!
We’re ready for the likes of you…
Great thanks a lot you ass farrakahn. Sounds to me like he just wanted to set the militia up. The militia already unfairly has a bad name and I think many have been set up in the past and the feds have really done a illegal number on them. Now this fool goes and says that…I think the militia and setting them up in a way might of been his whole point to this rant….just me and my tin foil hat angle I guess
I hope some of you will at least look into what I am about to say.
Some on here have mentioned distractions and diversions, bot don’t take it far enough IMO. IMO you have to peel more layers from the onion, your not going deep enough. Evil is at many levels and while you are right, your missing the biggest stuff for not going deeper.
The biggest thing they want you and I distracted from is the SHTF stuff headed our way that guns and politicians will not be able to do anything what so ever about. I can’t give you all the details and links to references, that would take days upon days, but I wish Mac would do some blogs on it so you all can start talking about it and not just politics and money stuff. Start looking into the weather anomalies and space weather. I don’t believe in the Mayan calendar dec 21, 2012 end of the world, but those ancient civilizations sure had a lot of things right about outer space and weather. I just want to warn you all and urge you to begin looking into this stuff. We are in for a very rough ride for the rest of this year, especially come September through November……if we last til then.
ON another note…is this a bad to the bone group retreats dream or what?
Learn To Dance…Today we’ll practice the Farrakhan two-step. It’s easy! Just 1–shit. 2–fall back in it! Then repeat.
@ thebronze- I loved your name for farrakhan: Screwie Louie !! That cracked me up! I couldn’t help but hear the song ” Louie, Louie” in my head and I inserted Screwie Louie instead. Instant classic. Way to go!
As far as the video clip, I had to skip the last 9min and 26 sec of it. I can only take so much farrakhan. I think it reacts with my medications and that’s why he makes me puke. Maybe tomorrow I’ll skip the meds and see if I can watch the whole clip. But as for LF himself, just remember his track record, the history of what he’s said before and that he is a professional (don’t try this at home angry young black men).Â
There is, however a lot of truth in his warning to obama. Just because you’re the prez don’t mean you can go trying to change the leadership of other nations. (At least not as easily as say, Brittney Spears changes personalities.) And saying stuff like “you need to stand aside and let the angry people have their way” even when said to a dirtbag tyrant in some 3rd rate country could come back to bite you in the butt. Louie was absolutely right to give that kind of warning to obama. Because we all know there are plenty of angry people in this country, and as soon as barry finishes making us into a 3rd world craphole then we’ll be ready for some “Libya Action” ourselves.
Now, I’d hate to see violence in amerika (that’s why I don’t go to L A when the Lakers win) but we need to WAKE UP! Amerika is changing. People are scared, confused or angry. None of that is good for our future. If I knew where Jane’s bunker was, I’d go hide out with her.  “can I come in Jane? I brought four packs of Camels and a bag of pretzels. I’m practically self-sufficient…”
I hate to unleash a torrent of angry comments, and I sure don’t want to get the race thing going again, but I gotta say this: Can we take up a collection and buy Louis Farrakhan a new wig? Maybe something along the lines of the modern “short trim” that most black guys wear today. That’d probably look ok. Or even an old fashioned disco-days afro would help. Don’t know if that’s his real hair or not but either way he needs a new ‘do. What he’s got now looks like roadkill of a small furry animal. If he was white he’d look like Sam Donaldson.
There- I said it. Let the profanity-laced, racially-toned hijinks begin…Â
How telling it is that you are not willing to focus on Min. Farrakhan’s words. Instead you elect to give us a peak into your… let’s call it ‘mind’, for sake of identification.
Filtered or unfiltered? Up here in space we even recycle our fluids. Don’t try that at home. We are watching you LF every time you make a phone call or use OnStar. We use gold body paint to reflect all radiation up here. Good luck down there. Send more tang.
PSSÂ Â And Russian women.
I will say it again, and again, until everyone has read thiis book, and no I have no connection to the author, familiar or financial…….”civil War II” by Thomas Chittum.  it is the most prophetic  book ever written. This man is a savant when it comes to seeing what is and will be transpiring in this country, it is absolutley unbelievable,
quote from the book “you will know its (civil war) close when a minority president and his leftist friends gain power” and on, and on, and on, I can’t stress enough how important this book is.
Now this is concerning!
Would be nice if they would man up and get the truth out NOW rather than wait until the entire US is under radiation warnings.
Unhappy cows make unhappy milk in unhappy CA.
@BJ – BJ, you can’t write a statement like that and keep us hanging. Are you talking about Bill S.517? or ELF/microwave transmitters.
Yes there is technology to control weather patterns and the governments are trying to perfect this by 2025. Bill S.517 allows funding of $10mill a year from 2005 – 2014 for this cause.
I know this can’t be good but where are you going with this? I need something more!
p.s. love the property link but Idaho is not my thing, anything on the East Coast???
I agree with Dennis,Libya was the elite’s (jessuits (all roads lead to Rome)/banksters/mafias) final “odessy dawn” and the NWO is so on. The enemy realy isn’t in the US, they are the NGOs – the folks pulling the strings of the World Court, IMF, World Bank. If blood should spill, make sure your rifle is pointed down the right alley at the “turkey shoot.” European “royalty” and oligarchs are the one’s who love money, the root of all evil.
Look at the grains in commodities go up today! The chickens are coming home to roost and they will be hungary. That will cause blood in the city streets and they will not understand why.
All roads lead to Israel.
There is lots of stuff on the east coast, if you want to either 1. glow in the dark for a very short time before death or 2. drown
If I had money and was looking to buy a BOL, I wouldn’t even dream of anything close to the Gulf, Atlantic or Pacific and I darned sure would be West of the Mississippi. Check out JW Rawles site http://www.survivalblog.com he has a 19 state ranking system and lists Idaho and Montana as number one, coincidentally Chuck Baldwin voted with his feet and moved to Montana recently and is starting American Redoubt. That property came from JW Rawles site
The weather thing is but only a very small aspect. The best I can do is give you a list of sites I go to every day and read or at least check up on. The one I have found thee most info from is a thread at http://www.survivalistboards.com under the 23012 forum and the thread titled “weather anomalies the closer we get to 2012″ There are a lot of real good sleuths there that dig stuff up your not going to find on MSM media sites, in fact a lot of the info comes from abroad. There is a lot of junk posted too, like with anywhere, you have to sift the wheat from chaff. I also go to http://www.millennium-ark.net, it is like a drudge report, but has more weather and anomaly stuff. http://www.standeyo.com/Earth_Changes/Threat.Watch.html
LF needs to be drug tested like the state workers & welfare slugs in Florida.
Because? Perhaps you should look up once in a while from the TV and take a good look at the world you live in.
Get a life BD. It’s raining.
Thanks, I’m always looking at all avenues. I know there’s a lot of shit going on from all sides be it man-made and/or natural disasters – we are in for it big time.
Great idea’s, links, and information BJ, I’ll consider Idaho… even though I’m a good swimmer, I did started glowing on Tuesday
The revived Roman Empire owns Israel – ask the banksters:
Actually, it is the 4threich/nwo (revived Roman Empire) – Rothschild & team set up Israel, the UN (both in the late ’40s), World Court, World Bank & IMF for financial conquest of the planet. WE are the useless eaters they want to de-populate. Japan lost “economic viability” with debt to GDP @ 200% & then labor was outsourced to cheaper labor camps, so, bye bye Tokyo (HARP?).
Libya is just a part of the “knock-down-the-dominos” theory that began in Tunisia, flowed through Egypt (Mubarak was and still is a tool for the puppet master & it helped build momentum)/Arab Ems (holders of US debt and suppliers of US oil) and will wind up when Israel can be sure Syria is out of the way so the Afghan pipeline makes it to the Med. My guess, this “freedom rising” is a spook-inspired, momentum-build to finalize world dominance for the nwo. Libya is one of the last five countries whose bank is not under World Bank control.
Guess who built the toll road for the money-masters (nwo/NATO) – the blood of our sons and daughters. Has NATO made opium/oil less expensive for US yet?
Remember, US pays for most of NATO/UN whether we hand off the “war” to their/foreign control. WE (our military) are/is a bunch of rent-a-cops working pro bono on OpOdysseyDawn- sheesh.
And, hope is gone, the $$ went to the 4threich/nwo: see
. . . paid out in drafts that the borrowers said were worthless (couldn’t be traded in the open market), so when the FED says it made a profit – $0.10 on a $1.00 was “profit” (beats nothing, right?).
Ever hear of the Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church? Ever wonder why Napoleon and Hitler both went down soon after they tried to attack mother rushka?
‘Cause they thought they could take down the Reptilians, the puppet master of the 1st-4threich.
Farrakhan has an agenda and is a tool for the reps.
Comments…..I have never liked Farrakhan but he is spot on with this. I do believe that we are way past due for a civil war. Tragic as it may seem it looks to be they only way to get things right again.
Short story. Â I worked in an inner city (read ghetto, slum) “community” where I was helping at a Catholic food kitchen/youth center where I was forbidden by the staff to walk around the neighborhood after dark. Â This was in Baltimore. Â The reason was pointed out to me: look out the window. Â Do you see anyone out there?” Â Well, no. Â The all-black residents of this “neighborhood” were so terrified of crime they hid inside their homes like rabbits afraid of the coyotes. Â Later, you could hear the gunshots. Â My point being, inner-city black America is already bathed in blood. Â The leading cause of death for black males aged 15-25 is murder, which is overwhelmingly black-on-black. Â How this black leader and others can point to white militias or what-have-you as the “problem” and where the “bloodshed” is going to come from when this is going on is simply ignoring the reality of what goes on in the inner cities. Â The anger there translates to self-inflicted genocide, read the statistics. Â Why do black people with access to the media NEVER talk about this? Â It’s off-topic but not really. Â I’m saying that all this bloodshed and civil war is already happening, just in crumbling filthy all-black places we all pray we will never take a wrong turn and end up in. Â Oh, there will be no civil war because most people are still comfortable. Enough. Â Even if it’s on unemployment. Â People who think things are bad here have never read a history book or visited a third world country. Â They are armchair/internet warriors talkin’ trash. Â Sorry, but that’s what I believe.
Bye Bye American Pie!
I shot and killed a NWO U.N. blue Cop with my .45 semi-auto black glock today… a Disabled, Homeless, Cold and Hungry Veteran… I deserve more than this… now I live beneath a bridge… why? why? why?
I had done my time… stood my watch upon the wall; a Gaurdian of Liberty… now a cop killer?  Running from the Law… why? why? why?
The false NWO IMF homo druggy prostitute barry soetoro- a.k.a illegal president Barack Obama and AIPAC israeli jew controlled U.S. congress… stopped my Social Security check the other day… on april 8th, 2011… they broke america’s piggy bank… gave away the pennies to the banks and told me “sorry” none for you! You are Many! And We are Few… MORE FOR US! None for You!
I am a Disabled Veteran… I once Served My Country with Honor and Pride.
I killed a NWO U.N. blue NAFTA DHS Cop Today… why? why? why?
 I had robbed the local Korean corner store… while the radio on the shelf played “Bye Bye American Pie”… I’d only pocketed a milk, hot pocket and a pie… ran by the screaming korean clerk for the open sky… hopped on my ex neighbors kids pink huffy bike… peddling in a craze… hauling fast down the lane… making my one handed get away… thinking “bye bye american pie”… smiling in mirth… while with my other hand grabbing from my shirt, a half frozen Hot Pocket… then a crushed Moon Pie… shoved both gleefully in my mouth… I had gotten away … then I sweared “shit!”… it all dribbling down my beard… I thought; I shoulda done like Ben Bernanke… and taken more, more, more…
Then down the way… my calves screaming in pain… I slowed down… a mistake… I’m screwed now… an NWO U.N. Blue NAFTA DHS Cop car pulled up behind, tires screeching… siren blaring , lights a twirling, screaming over the horn “PULL THE HELL OVER!”
At that time… I said to myself “FUCK IT!” an thought “I’m homeless cold and hungry”… this Asshole Cop isn’t gonna do me like “Rodney King”!… “The NWO U.N. IMF Fuckers did this to me”… I skidded to a stop “swiiishhhh!”… planted my worn out boots upon cold concrete… reached into my sweat soiled pants waist… an pulled my cold heavy .45 glock like slow dead weight… fingers numb… pointed it at the windshield of the NWO U.N. NAFTA blue patrol car… looking the Cop dead in the eye… I recognized him, he use to be nice to me, always smiling when we met on the street… Officer Friendly, now wearing NWO Camo Combat Gear, with U.N. Sky Blue Patches… once our neighborhood hero… here to “Protect and Serve”… now no more… now he is a DHS Federalized Thug… a NWO U.N. NAFTA blue Storm Trooper Whore… ordered by our illegal false president obama to “Punish and Enslave!”
And while the innocent child in me… kept asking… “why, why, why ?”… the newly found stone cold cop killer in me… didn’t bat an eye… I aimed an pulled the trigger BLAMÂ BLAM BLAM 1,2,3… right through the windshield… into the NWO U.N. blue NAFTA DHS Whore’s red screaming face!!!
There I stood astride my pink huffy steed… staring dead pan at the car’s brown vinyl covered rear seat, red blood, white bone chips and grey pink brain matter splattered over it. Staring through the shattered windshield and GAPING red hole that had been a human face.
Humming to myself “BYE BYE AMERICAN PIE”… thinking “I’m still Hungry!”
author after note: Wake up America, there are foreign troops and american traitor troops under the United Nations blue Flag, NAFTA blue Patch and IMF Bank Control right now; at this very moment here on American, Canadian and Mexican soil. Just waiting for our Illegal President Obama to call MARTIAL LAW! Upon which time they will invade america and place you all; america under their U.N. NWO IMF military control. It’s either YOU or THEM!!! U.N. AGENDA 21 is here!!!
NOW is the time to…
Talk to family and friends…
They are not here to protect you! They are here to disarm you – “Punish and Enslave!”
To Force you all under their one world government control – NWO Debt Slaves one and all!
U.N. AGENDA 21 is here!
… spread the word.
Bye Bye American Pie!
I shot and killed a NWO U.N. blue NAFTA DHS Cop with my .45 semi-auto black glock today… a Disabled, Homeless, Cold and Hungry Veteran… I live by the river beneath a bridge… I deserve more than this… why? why? why?
I had done my time… stood my watch upon the wall; a Guardian of Liberty… now a cop killer?  Running from the Law… why? why? why?
The false NWO IMF homo druggy prostitute barry soetoro- a.k.a illegal president Barack Obama and AIPAC israeli jew controlled U.S. congress… stopped canceled my Social Security check the other day… on april 8th, 2011… they broke america’s piggy bank… gave away the pennies to the banks and told me “sorry” none for you! You are Many! We are Few… MORE FOR US! None for You!
I am a Disabled Veteran… I once Served My Country with Honor and Pride.
I murdered killed a NWO U.N. blue NAFTA DHS Cop Today… why? why? why?
 I had robbed the local Korean corner store… while the radio on the shelf played “Bye Bye American Pie”… I’d only pocketed a milk, hot pocket and a pie… ran by the screaming korean clerk for the open sky… hopped on my ex asshole neighbor kids pink huffy bike… peddling in a crazed manic flight… hauling fast down the lane… making my one handed get away… thinking “bye bye american pie”… smiling in mirth… while with my other hand grabbing from my shirt, a half frozen Hot Pocket… then a crushed Moon Pie… shoved both gleefully in my hungry mouth… I had gotten away … then I swore… “shit!”… it all dribbling down my beard… I thought; I shoulda done like Ben Bernanke… acted like a greedy Banker and taken more, more, more…
Then down the way… my calves screaming in pain… I slowed down… a mistake… an A.P.B. an All Points Bulletin – had gone out – “All Patrols Be On The Look Out for a Crazed Bearded Hobo Bum, Riding a Stolen Hot Pink Huffy Bike Down Main Street!â€; I’m screwed now… a NWO U.N. Blue NAFTA DHS Cop car pulled up behind, tires screeching… siren blaring , lights a twirling, screaming over the horn “PULL THE HELL OVER!”
At that time… I said to myself “FUCK IT!” an thought “I’m homeless cold and hungry”… this Asshole Cop isn’t gonna do me like “Rodney King”!… “The NWO U.N. IMF Fuckers did this to me”… I skidded to a stop “swiiishhhh!”… planted my worn out combat boots upon cool concrete of the street… reached into my sweat soiled pants waist… an pulled my cold heavy .45 glock like slow dead weight… fingers numb… pointed and leveled it at the windshield of the NWO U.N. NAFTA blue patrol car… looking the Cop dead in the eye… I recognized him, he use to be nice to me, always smiling when we met on the street… Officer Friendly, now wearing NWO Camo Combat Gear, with U.N. Sky Blue Patches… once our neighborhood hero… here to “Protect and Serve”… now no more… now he is a DHS Federalized Thug… a NWO U.N. NAFTA blue Storm Trooper Whore… ordered by our illegal false president obama to “Punish and Enslave!”
And while the innocent child in me… kept asking… “why, why, why ?”… the newly found Stone Cold Cop Killer in me… didn’t bat an eye… I aimed an pulled the trigger BLAMÂ BLAM BLAM 1,2,3… I emptied the clip right through the windshield… into the NWO U.N. blue NAFTA DHS Whore’s red screaming face!!!
Empty inside… now that I had unleashed all my NWO New World Order – Bilderberg Debt Slave Hate!
There I stood astride my stolen pink huffy steed… staring dead pan at the car’s brown vinyl covered rear seat, red blood, white bone chips and grey pink brain matter splattered over it. Staring through the shattered windshield and GAPING cavernous blood red hole that had been, Officer Friendly’s Red Raging New World Order U.N. blue NAFTA DHS Cop Face.
There I stood… Humming to myself “BYE BYE AMERICAN PIE”… thinking “I’m still Hungry!
author after note:
{ There are over 600,000 unemployed war trained experienced Homeless poor starving Veterans just like our “hero†above walking thru your yards and living in the woods of your neighborhoods!} Just think about that for a moment America… there are more Veterans joining our ranks every day from the Illegal NWO Global Domination Wars and Economic Debt Slave War here in America. JUST PAUSE THINK ABOUT THAT FOR A MINUTE! Scary???? Maybe a little.
Wake up America, there are 1 million – 1,000,000 foreign troops and american traitor troops under the United Nations blue Flag, NAFTA blue Patch and IMF Bank Control right now; at this very moment here on American, Canadian and Mexican soil. Just waiting for our Illegal President Obama to call MARTIAL LAW! Upon which time they will crash the dollar, invade america and place you all; america under their U.N. NWO IMF military control. It’s either YOU or THEM!!! U.N. AGENDA 21 is here!!!
NOW is the time to…
Talk to family and friends…
AMERICA IS A LIE owned controled by The Bank Of England!
They are not here to protect you! They are here to DisArm you – “Punish and Enslave!”
To Force you all under their nwo one world IMF WORLD BANK government control – NWO Debt Slaves one and all!
U.N. AGENDA 21 is here!
… spread the word.
Seek the Lord Jesus Christ. Humble yourself and ask Him to forgive you of your sins and accept Him as your Savior.
Bye Bye American Pie…
I shot and killed a NWO U.N. blue NAFTA DHS Cop with my .45 semi-auto black Glock today… a Disabled, Homeless, Cold and Hungry Veteran… I live by the river beneath a bridge… I deserve better than this… tsk, tsk, tsk…
I had done my time… stood my watch upon the wall; a Guardian of Liberty… and after a fall… now a Stone Cold Cop Killer?  Running from the Ameri’kan Fascist Traitorous Law… why? why? why?
The false NWO IMF homo druggy prostitute barry soetoro- a.k.a illegal president barack obama and AIPAC israeli jew controlled U.S. congress… stopped canceled my social security check the other day… on APRIL 8th, 2011… they broke america’s piggy bank… gave away the pennies to the banks and told me “sorry” none for you! You are Many! We are Few… MORE FOR US! None for You!
I am a Disabled Veteran… I once Served My Country with Honor and Pride.
I Murdered Killed a NWO U.N. blue NAFTA DHS Cop Today… why? why? why?
 I had robbed the local Korean corner store… while the radio on the shelf played “Bye Bye American Pie”… I’d only pocketed a milk, hot pocket and a pie… ran by the Screaming Korean Clerk for the open sky… hopped on my ex Asshole Neighbor kids pink huffy bike… peddling in a crazed manic flight… hauling fast down the lane… making my one handed get away… thinking “bye bye american pie”… smiling in mirth… while with my other hand grabbing from my shirt, a half frozen Hot Pocket… then a crushed Moon Pie… shovin’ an munchin both in a hunger frenzy… my adrenaline and sugar high now kicking me into Over-Drive… I had gotten away … then I swore… “SHIT!”… it all dribbling down my beard… I thought to myself; I shoulda done like Ben Bernanke… acted like a greedy slimy Banker whore and taken more, more, more… for you see – IT’s ALL ABOUT ME! When I’m HUNGRY!
Then down the way… my calves screaming in pain… I slowed down… a mistake… an A.P.B. an All Points Bulletin – had gone out – “All Patrols Be On The Look Out for a Crazed Bearded Hobo Bum, Riding a Stolen Hot Pink Huffy Bike Down Main Street!â€; I’m screwed now… a NWO U.N. Blue NAFTA DHS Cop car pulled up behind, tires screeching… siren blaring , lights a twirling, screaming over the horn “PULL THE FUCK OVER!”
At that time… I said to myself “Screw It!” an thought “I’m homeless cold and hungry”… this Asshole Cop isn’t gonna do me like “Rodney King”!… “The NWO U.N. IMF Greedy Banker Fuckers did this to me!”… “It is either Him or Me!†I skidded to a stop “swiiishhhh!”… planted my worn out combat boots upon the cool concrete of the street… reached into my sweat soiled pants waist… an pulled my cold heavy .45 Glock like slow dead weight… fingers numb… pointed and leveled it at the windshield of the NWO U.N. NAFTA blue Patrol Car… looking the Cop dead in the eye… I recognized him, he use to be nice to me, always smiling when we met on the street… Officer Friendly, now wearing NWO camo green Combat Gear, with U.N. sky blue Patches… once our neighborhood hero… here to “Protect and Serve”… now no more… now he is a DHS Federalized Thug… a NWO U.N. NAFTA blue Storm Trooper Whore… ordered by our illegal alien false president obama to “Punish and Enslave!”
And while the innocent curious child side of me… kept asking… “why, why, why ?”… the newly found grown up tired Stone Cold Cop Killer in me… didn’t bat an eye… I aimed an pulled the trigger BLAM BLAM BLAM 1,2,3… It was HIM or ME you MUST see… I emptied the entire clip right through the windshield… into the NWO U.N. blue NAFTA DHS Whore’s red screaming face!!!
Empty inside… now that I had unleashed all my NWO New World Order – Bilderberg Debt Slave Hate!
There I stood astride my stolen pink huffy steed… staring dead pan at the car’s brown vinyl covered rear seat, red blood, white bone chips and grey pink brain matter splattered over it. Staring through the shattered windshield and GAPING cavernous blood red hole that had been, Officer Friendly’s Red Raging New World Order U.N. blue NAFTA DHS Cop Face.
There I stood… Humming to myself “BYE BYE AMERICAN PIE”… thinking “I’m still Hungry!â€
author after note:
-Property of TekRoanin – final draft – a living work in progress – share with all pls – I encourage all Veterans to use this story poem as a template and tell us their own story – write their own and post on the web so they may be heard – dtp.
{ There are over 600,000 unemployed war trained experienced Homeless poor starving Veterans just like our “hero†above walking thru your yards and living in the woods of your neighborhoods!} Just think about that for a moment America… there are more Veterans joining our ranks every day from the Illegal NWO Global Domination Wars and Economic Debt Slave War here in America. JUST PAUSE THINK ABOUT THAT FOR A MINUTE! Scary???? Maybe a little.
Wake up America, there are 1 million – 1,000,000 foreign troops and american traitor troops under the United Nations blue Flag, NAFTA blue Patch and IMF Bank Control right now; at this very moment here on American, Canadian and Mexican soil. Just waiting for our Illegal President Obama to call MARTIAL LAW! Upon which time they will crash the dollar, invade america and place you all; america under their U.N. NWO IMF military control. It’s either YOU or THEM!!! U.N. AGENDA 21 is here!!!
NOW is the time to…
Talk to family and friends…
AMERICA IS A LIE owned controled by the family Rothschilds – The Bank Of England!
They are not here to protect you! They are here to DisArm you – “Punish and Enslave!”
To Force you all under their nwo one world IMF WORLD BANK government control – NWO Debt Slaves one and all!
U.N. AGENDA 21 is here!
… spread the word.