Facebook Ramps Up Coronavirus Censorship: Blocking Posts About COVID-19

by | Mar 18, 2020 | Headline News

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    Facebook has ramped up its censorship campaign, even against mainstream media’s “verified sources” by blocking articles about the coronavirus.  Multiple people have experienced the same thing, and this censorship comes the day after Facebook, along with Google, Twitter, Microsoft, LinkedIn, and Reddit issued a joint statement on combatting misinformation on their platforms.

    We all know “combating misinformation” is simply code words for censorship and a desire to push the official narrative. But Facebook has been blocking articles from sites such as Medium, Buzzfeed, and USA Today. That’s one of the problems with censorship.  Once it starts, no one is safe from seeing their free speech destroyed and the freedom of the press decimated.

    “It’s not just news articles,” according to one response to a tweet. “A community flier asking for emergency donations of food to the needy in our community was blocked. A friend in Canada had posts from Royal Canadian Mounted Police blocked. It’s very widespread.”

    “Facebook is going hard on information control, I guess Facebook wants us all to be misinformed and die,” one person opined, according to a report by Forbes. The reality, according to a Facebook executive posting on Twitter, is that there was a bug in a system designed to stop spam.

    Spam or not, Facebook has been known to push the government’s official narrative and censor at their commands.

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    Facebook says they have “fixed” the bug that censored posts yesterday.

    However, people are still experiencing posts being deleted and removed by the social media giant.

    Censorship is a slippery slope.  Once it starts, it’s almost impossible to reign in. This has been going on for quite some time too, as social media companies and the mainstream media remove posts they don’t like regardless of facts.


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