This article was originally published by Mike Adams at Natural News under the title: EXCLUSIVE: Self-assembling vaccine clot biostructures harvest conductive metals from your blood – preliminary ICP-MS analysis results released
In today’s podcast, I discuss an interview that I conducted with Dr. Jane Ruby yesterday, in which we explored early data from new laboratory test results that analyze the elemental composition of the post-vaccine clots that are being pulled out of the bodies of the dead.
These new results — to be officially released next week with the interview — were derived from ICP-MS analysis (mass spec) in our ISO-accredited laboratory.
In this analysis, we compared the elemental composition of the clots to human blood. We found several things that are rather shocking: (somebody alert Steve Kirsch, as he needs to incorporate these data into his own understanding of what’s killing people)
#1) The post-vaccine clots are not made of blood
It’s clear from the elemental composition that the clots are not made of blood. Thus, they are not “blood clots.” For example, in our human blood sample, magnesium (Mg) was at 35 ppm, while in the clot, magnesium was only 1.7 ppm.
Similarly, in human blood, iron (Fe) was measured at 462 ppm while it was 20.6 ppm in the clot.
All results are derived using ICP-MS where our Limit of Detection (LoD) for most elements is below 1 ppb, and Limit of Quantitation (LoQ) is around 1-2 ppb, depending on the element.
(Note: These are rounded numbers and not the official reporting of the results. We will release PDF files next week with the actual numbers from the instrument, which are expressed with more significant digits.)
#2) The clot was very low in key elements that would be expected to be seen in living biological tissue
In addition to being low in magnesium and iron, the clot was extremely low in potassium (K) and calcium (Ca). It was also lower in trace minerals such as copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn).
This indicates the clots are not human tissue, and they are not simply blood vessel material, either. This ICP-MS analysis eliminates these alternative explanations for what could be causing the clots.
#3) Electrically conductive elements were higher in the clot material
Surprisingly, the clot was found to be higher in certain elements that are electrically conductive. For example, tin (Sn) was found to be nearly six times higher in the clot compared to human blood. (943 ppb vs. 162 ppb). Tin is commonly used in solder to connect circuits on circuit boards.
In addition, both aluminum (Al) and sodium (Na) were higher in the clot. Both are conductive metals. (Yes, sodium is an alkali metal. It is highly conductive.)
Correction note: In the podcast and the video, I mistakenly stated that the tin numbers were ppm rather than ppb. The error stemmed from the fact that the semi-quant analysis from the ICP-MS reporting system does not use the same units all the way through, which is the way the normal full quant reporting works. In my preliminary review of the numbers listen on a spreadsheet (which is not the final PDF report that we will release), I assumed the semi-quant report was mg/L but it was actually reporting ug/L, and the units change from element to element, which is easy to miss with a preliminary look at the report. Apologies for the error, but the important point is about the ratios of the element in the clot vs. blood, not necessarily the absolute values. The ratios are correct.
Next week we will be releasing several things related to this:
We are releasing all this publicly in the hopes that other investigative groups can help make sense of all this. In particular, La Quinta Columna is doing excellent work on this front, and we hope this ICP-MS investigation adds to their overall understanding of what these clots really are (and how they are being made in the body).
In summary, it is clear that:
We are all still trying to make sense of this, as this is nothing like we’ve ever seen before, and we’ve analyzed tens of thousands of food samples over the years, including flesh-based foods (dog food, cat food) and meat products such as chicken, beef and pork. We have also analyzed thousands of human hair samples. We’ve never encountered this before.
More news to follow next week, with new microscopy analysis. Stay tuned to NaturalNews.com for the exclusive details.
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