In an interview with Kenneth Ameduri of Crush the Street, infamous analyst, and author Doug Casey. Casey didn’t mince words and came down hard on the ruling class and the establishment terrorizing all of us.
Casey begins the interview by explaining that neither Donald Trump nor Joe Biden said anything of substance during the recent presidential debates. In fact, he wondered “if the U.S. isn’t devolving into a third world county” as the people put all of their hope and faith in the government on one side or the other.
Casey then touches on the subject of big social media giants and their censorship campaign. He’s hoping that they [social media] are going to “cut their own throats” by continuing to centralize power and attempt to control speech. He also makes the good point that without direct and indirect subsidies from the government these social media giants would be midgets.
“The Constitution is a dead letter,” says Casey. “It’s a document that exists, but it’s not observed.” He adds that he’s not a fan of democracy either “It’s two wolves and sheep deciding what to have for dinner,” he says. “Democracy is mob rule dressed up in a coat and tie.”
Casy’s interview sheds light on the biggest problem we face today: politics. The government has initiated a power grab many have missed and even more people are unaware of. Our future is bleak if we continue down this path. The printing of money is going to be catastrophic, Casey says of our economic situation. We will see the destruction of the dollar.
Because of that, he’s staying away from all stocks, except gold mining stocks.
All of the awakening of the coming “Greater Depression” is forcing people to reevaluate central banking and control. This coming depression will be worse than the unpleasantness of 1929-1946, Casey adds. And a lot of people are figuring it out and dumping the dollar for gold, silver, and Bitcoin.
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The constitution is still the supreme law of the land. The biggest threat to democracy is an uneducated electorate, and that is the problem, because people are constantly being lied to by the media, the government, and the corporations, so people who will be voting in this election in particular are either misiniformed or corrupt, because neither of these candidates serve the interest of the general population.
Yes. America is already a third world country, but it will descend further into ruin because the psychopaths are in control and all systems have failed to hold the guilty parties accountable for their decades long crime spree. It could be argued tbat tbe crime spree has existed even longer than that, but there have bedn times in history when corrupt heads of state, corporations, and financial institutions were held accountable for their crimes, and this is inarguably the most corrupt era in American history with the repeated bail outs of the financial and corporate sectors coinciding with them literally terrorizing American citizens, and claiming that they are trying to protect us from a virus similar to the seasonal flu.
Andrea Iravani
Even Gold mining stocks are just a piece of paper….good luck collecting on them. Gold is real, paper is not.
Mining stocks, not ETFs. Stocks. Stock in the success of a mine….or 50.
The constitution is still the supreme law of the land. The biggest threat to democracy is an uneducated electorate, and that is the problem, because people are constantly being lied to by the media, the government, and the corporations, so people who will be voting in this election in particular are either misiniformed or corrupt, because neither of these candidates serve the interest of the general population.
Yes. America is already a third world country, but it will descend further into ruin because the psychopaths are in control and all systems have failed to hold the guilty parties accountable for their decades long crime spree. It could be argued that the crime spree has existed even longer than that, but there have been times in American history when corrupt heads of state, corporations, and financial institutions were held accountable for their crimes, and this is inarguably the most corrupt era in American history with the repeated bail outs of the financial and corporate sectors coinciding with them literally terrorizing American citizens, and claiming that they are trying to protect us from a virus similar to the seasonal flu, and Islamic terrorists prior to that there were not responsible for the inside job of controlled demolition and faked plane attacks of 9/11.
Andrea Iravani
The stock market is mob rule, and the stock market has destroyed America. So if you want to get rid of mob rule, outlaw the stock market, because that is the problem, above everything else.
Andrea Iravani
Devolving Into A 3rd World Country? What makes you think that? Just because America is 27 TRILLION in debt? No manufacturing jobs only service related industries, Which Covid devastated? Homelessness rampant? Bankruptcy looming? Got news for you. America is a third world country!
The question in the title of the above article is a question that citizens should have asked when the Immigration & Nationality Act of 1965 was in the process of being passed. Then, the overwhelming majority of the population in the US was white and Christian. The real intent of the bill was to forever alter the demographics and Christian culture of the US. Many people of the country were concerned, but was assured the numbers allowed in would be sufficiently small so that there would be no threat to the makeup of the US. Needless to say, there were specific individuals, both private and in officialdom, and powerful special interest organizations, that took extra effort to propagandize, formulate, and ensure the passage of this Act. They may be easily identified with a little on-line research.
The will of the people simply does not matter, what the citizens of the US want is of no consequence. The most important thing all Americans can do is to become informed, act as a unified force for our own behalf, and do what is necessary to impose our will on the gov’t. officialdom.
It comes down to corruption. In the third world, EVERYTHING is corrupt. There is no rule of law and all transactions are essentially a negotiation over bribes. And if they don’t like your bribe price, they take it from you or just kill you or rape your wife/daughter. That’s how things are done in most of the third world.
How do I know? I have lived in these countries since the 1990s. Before I left, I remember being told the usual nonsense in university about how white people were racist, white men were all bigots and sexists, yadda yadda. And then I started living in the third world and I discovered the nicest, politest, most honest, people on the planet you will find are in white European countries. As for the rest of the planet, people just think being corrupt, racist, dishonest etc. is just how you behave. So the whole thing was the flip of what people say. And third worlders know exactly what they are doing when they arrive in first world countries and immediately declare these places racist, white supremacist imperial s-holes. They are just using white guilt to get free stuff. And as their populations have grown, first world countries have seen increasing poverty, corruption, terrorism, crime, etc. We are becoming what they fled: third world.
I’ve maintained for many years that open borders and unfettered immigration from any country, but especially nations that are hostile to the United States, the replacement of God’s Law with the Law of Social Justice in our churches and synagogues, the planned explosion of “homelessness” and drug abuse in our country (and in every Western nation), the decriminalization and legitimization of degeneracy and perversion, the de-legitimization and
de-sanctification of heterosexual marriage, the dumbing down of our educational institutions and the erasure of our history, the normalization/decriminalization of crime and violence, and the explosive growth of the welfare state are NOT accidental occurrences in our country, but have occurred by DESIGN.
Our leaders are not stupid, inept, naive or confused, our leaders have deliberately and with full knowledge chosen to destroy our nation and its people.
Few, more impactful comments could be made. Almost every comment ever made by readers on this site (no matter how unrelated) can be summed up in the final line of your post. The destruction of our demographics, culture, religion, rule of law, traditions, morality, social cohesion, heritage, and institutions are by design. This is the primary, most overarching, highest priority of the faceless and nameless individuals of the zio/deep State/ PTB/neocon/”elites” (however you call it) cabal in our country. Every element deployed is part of a greater coordinated effort to undermine the nation, its history and accomplishments, its political system, its legitimacy, and its relationship to the rest of the world. They will plunder this country dry in every way, and leave the population impoverished and powerless. They are not motivated by mere lust for power and wealth, they are motivated by hatred. They viscerally despise you, they earnestly want to destroy you (and us).
Yep. This is a banana republic. When government officials team up with corporate and financial CEOs and the entire healthcare sector to rape and pillage the country and claim that they are doing it for the health of the population and would rather destroy an entire generation as well as others in order to evade resposibility for the financial fraud, you know that it is a third world country with 100% certainty. Those individuals could have retired and moved to France, and still evaded accountability, but that would be too inconvenient for them.
This young generation will be emotionally traumatized for life, just so that the psyvhopaths crime spree would not be busted or interrupted. That is total evil. Those are unforgiveable crimes against humanity.
Andrea Iravani
I cannot imagine any good comng from the printing of money and debt. Plus people don’t work. And when the worn turns our country will be defenseless..
Hard to disagree with Mr Casey’s estimation of the current state of affairs; from “Republic” to “Banana Republic” in a single decade…unbelieveable and tragic.
Still, according to ZH Sunday eve, Haspel, Wrey and a slew of others WILL be shit-canned immediately if – IF! – Trump wins his way back into the oval office for a second term.
Personally, I don’t care which way it goes…Trump or Biden inasmuch as if Biden got in we could promptly have the Civil War this once great Nation so desperately needs and take OUT the trash forthwith. However, IF instead Trump gets in maybe – just maybe – the last 4 years have been sufficient to educate him to rise above his clear political naivete and finally, decisively excommunicate every last Obamanation hold-over from every position within the Federal edifice.
Time will tell, no?
On a completely separate note I’ve just recently acquired a 26″ barrel 300 RUM and have fallen in love with that tandem’d with the 230 gr Hornady A-tip. The BC of that offering is not to be believed; I’m estimating 1800 yd full effectiveness given what I’m seeing at 1000 meter distances. Should be fully capable of punching through class 4 body armor at 500 YD easily and Carrie’s so much momentum that at longer ranges (500-900 YD) it should still break every rib in a thorax even if it doesn’t successfully penetrate. Food for thought…
7.62 sweetness for those that want to destroy our society and endanger our families. Those that canNOT control themselves will find out we look at their RIOTING as a target-rich-environment.
While you were passively asking whether the situation was worsening, someone was eating your lunch.
Elite places look and smell completely unaffected by social decay.
The US, domestically, is already a third world country. The data tells us this but better to just drive around the cities and take a look at who lives there and in what conditions they live in.
Everyone is begging (Kickstarter etc), to enter and move around the country you have to pass neo-fascist police and security forces, and the rule of law is barely enforced.
Everyone is in agreement. At least we can all agree on something! America sucks, amd is a third world country and banana republic! It is not just the power structure either! Almost everyone has either had their car keyed, or knows someone that has had their car keyed. A sensless act of violence in which the perpetrator gains nothing at all other than the sadistic pleasure of destroying someone else’s property, proving again, as the Millgram experiments proved, that most Americans are sadistic. The people that commit those crimes cannot claim that they needed to feed their families so they keyed someone’s car, and we have a welfare charity state, but that is besides the point. The point is that this country is filled with sick, evil, sadistic, destructive, psychopathic, ass-holes with deviant and sadistic personality disorder, which is why America will never be great in my life time regardless of what happens. It will just take generations and time. The situation cannot be improved. That is the pathetic and brutal reality!
Andrea Iravani
This socialist revolution is interestingly financed by wealthy capitalists.
Pick up after yourself, and quit being terrorized.
Here is a classic example of a slick marketing psy-op attempting to persuade people into believing that if capitalism did not exist, that we would be living in a Utopian paradise where only humanitarian goals would be implemented by the power structure. They have a very strong motive to persuade people into accepting this myth which can be proven to be a complete lie. They want to keep the system in place. They want to keep the people in place. They do not want to be held accountable for the actual problem, their own crime spree. It wasn’t their fault, it was the system’s fault.
This article ironically uses the tobacco industry as an example of capitalism run amok.
This article ironically does not acknowledge that Cuba, probably the most communist country in existence or at least on par with North Korea has sold Cuban cigars for centuries!
The problem is corruption! Greed, and corruption can still exist in communist and socialist countries, and it has, and it still does. We know this to be a fact because China, Cuba, and Venezuela are all involved in The Big Lie, The Scamdemic, If capitalism is the problem, there would not be corruption in socialist and communist economies.
Global Research has to their credit been a valuable source of scientific information regarding the Scamdemic, but why it is that Global Research refuses to hold China, Cuba, and Venezuela accountable for scientific fraud and extreme human rights abuses as a result of the Scamdemic is seriously problematic. They blame America, yet will not acknowledge that if America was actually as in control of the world as they claim that it is, America’s economy would be growing at a rate that surpasses China’s, and that America would not have the deficit problems, or the financial problems that it has.
Most economies in the world are a combination of socialism, communism, capitalism, mercantilsm, feudalism, and agrarianism.
These are slick marketing tactics.
China allows private property ownership, private business ownership, and China also has a stock market, so exactly what is not capitalism in China is a mystery! China also has billionaires and millionaires!
This is all a slick marketing fraud! Should we blame it on capitalism, communism, socialism, or corruption?
Andrea Iravani
The CCP and monarchies like Saudi Arabia and Brunei also have tremendous corruption. So if not democracy, what? It’s the corruption. The government refuses to obey the law. The level of corruption is so massive that nobody knows how to stop it, which they idiotically tried to stop corruption with a practice of corruption, the scamdemic and lockdown in order to rename and re-rig things in their favor again! They are psychopaths!
Andrea Iravani
“Democracy is mob rule dressed up in a coat and tie.”
A representative Republic is analogous to the Delphi Method, in having all the parts and pieces of a focus group arrive a predetermined outcome.
There are many facilitators, being amplified in a feedback loop, so that control of the media effects social control.