Both Congress and the Department of Homeland Security have never justified the biometric scanners at airports that could cost Americans $1 billion in 2018.
As TSA agents continue to prove their incompetence in the “War on Terror,” the Department of Homeland Security is now allocating $1 billion in taxpayer funding to create a facial recognition program that will illegally scan Americans’ faces.
A study conducted by Georgetown Law’s Center for Privacy and Technology looked at the biometric scanners that are creating an inventory of the faces of individuals leaving the country at airports across the United States. While they are only at certain major airports right now, the full implementation of these scanners could cost Americans up to $1 billion.
The study noted that while the “9/11 Response and Biometric Exit Account” created by Congress has the funds for the program, “neither Congress nor DHS has ever justified the need for the program.”
In addition to the fact that Congress has never provided a reason why the system is needed in the U.S., the study claimed that DHS has “repeatedly questioned ‘the additional value biometric air exit would provide’ compared with the status quo and the ‘overall value and cost of a biometric air exit capability,’ even as it has worked to build it.”
Not only is a government agency pouring $1 billion into a program to increase the country’s security measures even though it lacks full confidence, and has no evidence that the program it is implementing will do so, there is also the fact that the program requires Americans to give up their civil liberties, and it has never been explicitly authorized by the government. As the researchers from Georgetown Law noted:
“DHS’ biometric exit program also stands on shaky legal ground. Congress has repeatedly ordered the collection of biometrics from foreign nationals at the border, but has never clearly authorized the border collection of biometrics from American citizens using face recognition technology.
Without explicit authorization, DHS should not be scanning the faces of Americans as they depart on international flights—but DHS is doing it anyway. DHS also is failing to comply with a federal law requiring it to conduct a rulemaking process to implement the airport face scanning program—a process that DHS has not even started.”
The study also found that the biometric scanners used by DHS are not reliable, and often make mistakes. In fact, “according to DHS’ own data, DHS’ face recognition systems erroneously reject as many as 1 in 25 travelers using valid credentials.” This means that at the country’s busiest airports, more than 1,500 travelers could be wrongfully denied boarding in a single day.
As The Free Thought Project has reported, while the biometric scanners are currently located at the major airports in Boston, Chicago, Houston, Atlanta, New York City and the District of Columbia, DHS has made it clear that they plan to roll this program out nationwide by January 2018.
Sens. Ed Markey, a Democrat from Massachusetts, and Mike Lee, a Republican from Utah, criticized the privacy implications, and called for Homeland Security to halt the facial recognition scanning program in a letter to DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielson:
“We request that DHS stop the expansion of this program, and provide Congress with its explicit statutory authority to use and expand a biometric exit program on U.S. citizens.
If there is no specific authorization, then we request an explanation for why DHS believes it has the authority to proceed without congressional approval. Additionally, we ask that you address a number of our privacy concerns with the program.”
Markey told The Hill that DHS should never have started testing and implementing the biometric scanners without first receiving congressional approval, and the United States Congress should take the time to weigh the implications of the program before handing the department a blank check.
“When American citizens travel by air internationally, they should not have to choose between privacy and security,” Markey said. “The implementation of the Department of Homeland Security’s facial recognition scanning program for passengers leaving the country raises a number of concerns around accuracy, transparency and basic necessity.”
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A little late to the party but was busy following YouTubers reports on Indictments and with the unsealed ones so far looks like all the terrorist will be on permanent holiday at GITMO.
Names mentioned on YTube so far – Hillary, McCain, Podesta and more…. so I think we can get rid of the scanners, cameras and even TSA, because Trump issued 10,000 indictments and most have committed treason they will have a permanent home at Gitm
o will limited access to ANYTHING and that includes their funds which the executive order has also frozen – SO clintons can pass on to Chelsea to continue the racket. They have stolen from the American people and the country they wished to rule while their allegiance was to the NWO.
I say goodbye and good riddance!
Is it True That Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton and John McCain Are All Wearing Ankle Boots?
1984 was ment to be a futuristic novel not a blueprint for society.
Play the same game I do in traffic. Note how many times a camera is on you. Mind-blowing. The need for a good mask for ED-wear is needed anymore.
Not to be a smartass Kevin2 but 1984 was meant to be a warning – not entertainment.
No offense taken. All I know is that it was sold as a futuristic novel and if intended to be a warning the earths collective societies is ignoring it. We see it but “we” are too few.
It will be dna next, then chip storage of all your information, then tracking, then buying and selling.
Once they start, they never stop. It is all to keep you safe, and secure in a dangerous and insecure world.
What do you mean DNA will be next, it’s already here. Case in point, the state of Arizona, if your ever arrested in Arizona the cops will collect your DNA. Now this is even before you even go before a judge, or are even convicted! The funny part is, The stupid sheep in that state said, if you’ve got nothing to hide, you’ve got nothing to worry about. Some people did object to the collection of their DNA, they took the case all the way to the Arizona supreme court. The court upheld the states right to collect your DNA, even if your never convicted of a crime.
DHS, take your biometric scanners and go f#$% yourselves. I don’t give ANY mofo approval to scan my face.
Only problem is they’re not seeking either our approval or permission. DNA is next. It will occur in stages ostensibly for your own safety / health. Going to be married? Need it to see if your future children have a significant probability of carrying a defective gene. Wouldn’t want a little mongoloid or pass on a higher than average probability of cancer; think of the little ones. We’re so close to a genetic breakthrough for a host of diseases including bad breath. We just need the support of the public, opps its now mandatory.
They’ll see the general public dog shit if its packaged well enough.
sell not see
Kevin2, good points but I’ll be in isolation at the BOL with the family before any of those things take full effect. As far as I’m concerned it’s null and void.
Thats a good point bud,
If you dont go out much does this sort of stuff really matter? Or if you live in a really out of the way location,,,
Me thinks it doesnt matter much,
As ole Remus says,
Stay away from crowds!
They divorce you from the fruits of technology like medical care. The SOBs are like a spider web that continues to grow. The youth, in love with all new technology will embrace it.
Its just that almost daily I see that spiders web getting denser, larger, more capable leaving less and less areas out of its reach.
Anyone that has a photo drivers license is already on file.
There are issues with facial recognition software having problems with certain racial groups is well known. One source of the problem is the companies that developed the software essentially just used their employees to test the system. People within the IT industry are easy for the software to identify. People from ethnic groups with very low average IQs all look alike to the software!
There may be very real problems for the software to identify people from cultures where 50 percent of all marriages are between brothers, sisters, and close cousins. This is especially true of people from the Middle East. They really do look alike because they have a family tree that has as many branches as a utility pole.
Plan twice, prep once
I think in and really appreciate analogies.
“They really do look alike because they have a family tree that has as many branches as a utility pole.”
That’s terrific and being its not copyrighted (maybe even if it was) I’m using it in the future.
Its like “Creative Writing Class”.
PTPO, I’ve heard about a few of those software problems myself. If they don’t get the bugs worked out then it’s doomed to failure.
I have a biometric safe that opens by fingerprint. I also made sure it had a keypad access. 95% of the time it works fine for me, but neither my wife or daughter can use the fingerprint access, it just doesn’t work for their skin type. If I work on a wood project and do a lot of sanding, my finger prints are worn and become unreadable for a couple days. Winter is here and my safe doesn’t know me if my hands are really cold, or dry and chapped.
Biometrics are rather unreliable. A few years ago US Customs put hand/print scanners in airports to speed screening people. Two years later they were pulled because the system was so unreliable. The same issues my biometric safe has, US Customs had. Last time I traveled internationally they had switched to facial recognition cameras. I had problems with the system, it insisted I remove my glasses, but then I couldn’t read the directions on the screen to operate it. Who could of anticipated that????? Morons.
Wonder which congressman’s brother will be selling these systems.
The Truman Show.
Hope I die before I get much older. Being born these days is a curse for common humanity. What’s the point?
Confucius say- “Ah, Round Eye, may you live in phucked up times.”
The point of living is to fight back against this tyrannical NWO that’s being organized at all levels of governments across the world. Once we all figure out that we should not be fighting each other b/c of race or religion and instead should be hammering the evil, narcissistic politicians who are hell bent on making us ALL slaves, the better off this world will be.
Denver as well at least last year. exited an international flight, walked down a long isle, thinking i would hit passport control. I was wrong,retina scan first, walk down further, then too passport/customs. get you away from plane, get you away from most people, trapped in limbo. it is bullshit. let Juan and Jose and Muhammad cross southern border but scan my eyes….fuck them.
Sounds like someone had a solution and then sold it to someone that didn’t know they had a problem.
I don’t fly anymore but if I ever have to I might cover my face as needed. Easy in the winter with a scarf; and I might need a veil in the summer since I don’t use sunscreen (allergies). Medieval ladies covered themselves because they didn’t have sunscreen and wished to preserve their complexions.
I guess the only way to go anywhere largely not noticed is either by the shoeleather express or bicycle path. Don’t believe there are one-eyed spies in the woods yet.
I dont agree with this system at all, but I believe the articles title maybe in error…supreme court has ruled that there is no reasonable expectation nor assurance of privacy when one is in public..which would include any regional / international airport. Therefore the scanning of ones face, or capture of any image for that matter – by anyone (say for example someone with a cell phone, airport CCTV, airport ticketing counter survelience, TSA checkpoints,etc) would not meet the technical definition of “illegal”..now what the system does with that info/data could well be.
Looks like another money maker for the 1st DHS secretary, Michael Chertoff, whose company produces the x-band back-scatter radar machines everyone is exposed to in every airport.
-George, Tom Ridge was the first secretary of DHS and Chertoff the second one.
Yup, I stand corrected BH.
Seems like it don’t it. I still would like to be around when it finally cooks off just to bust a few caps into those responsible and those that side with the responsible. Maybe even get to wet some blades too.
PO’d Patriot, be careful what you wish for. We’re all going to be around for that day and it’s not too far off.
Be careful what you publish on websites for the world to read also.
Usual crap.
Do you drive ? they already have your biometric drivers license picture.
Do you travel ? they already have your biometric passport picture.
The Gov requires states to use biometric camera’s for state/
federal ID.
Oh yea. there’s facebook facial recognition algorithm’s that’s linked to the gov.
Walmart’s massive data center with guess what ? real time viewing of customers across the country and facial recognition..
The airports, gov buildings..
At the moment I can’t think of more but I know there are more.
Oh yea programs to randomly cause your and everyone’s phones to take pictures and even recognition programs to specifically take pictures of people and not objects then send them off without your knowledge.
(data collection)
It’s not going away, ever.
damn thing still don’t want to post my comments, 12th try
Between the damn spam and problems trying to post a single message I don’t know why I waste my time here anymore.
Usual crap.
Do you drive ? they already have your biometric drivers license picture.
Do you travel ? they already have your biometric passport picture.
The Gov requires states to use biometric camera’s for state/
federal ID.
Oh yea. there’s facebook facial recognition algorithm’s that’s linked to the gov.
Walmart’s massive data center with guess what ? real time viewing of customers across the country and facial recognition..
The airports, gov buildings..
At the moment I can’t think of more but I know there are more.
Oh yea programs to randomly cause your and everyone’s phones to take pictures and even recognition programs to specifically take pictures of people and not objects then send them off without your knowledge.
(data collection)
It’s not going away, ever.
damn thing still don’t want to post my comments, 14th try
Between the damn spam and problems trying to post a single message I don’t know why I waste my time here anymore.
What about people who look like other people?
So many times I’ve seen people who look like a twin of
someone else who lives a thousand miles away.
Faces change between birth and death, in sickness,
weight gain / loss, etc., etc.
Then there is the “official sperm donor” who had 69 children.
How many look like that jerk??? Or each other???
How many “unofficial playboy sperm donors” are making
look-alike copies of themselves worldwide???
(Think military bases and travelers all over the world.)
Heaven help the innocent guy that gets life in prison
for being identified by facial recognition apps.
Look what happened to the DNA data bank. People
found out they did (or didn’t ) have sibblings,
never revealed until 60 years later…..
long after death of a parent / parents.
Now I read that a couple of DNA banks contaminated white
(sorry I don’t have that link…) That is major Felony.
This works for me!!! ” http://www.instructables.com/id/The-Invisible-Face-Mask-/ “
In fact, “according to DHS’ own data, DHS’ face recognition systems erroneously reject as many as 1 in 25 travelers using valid credentials.”
By primary school, we were easily able to tell the change agents apart from the normals. It did not require a billion dollar computer.