This article was originally published by Mike Adams at Natural News.
This article is not directed at our regular readers, but rather the oblivious, brainwashed masses who are now living under the tyranny they helped create. By failing to speak out against the coordinated, malicious censorship carried out by the communist-infiltrated tech giants, these people allowed our world to plunge into the very darkness and mass death that will soon destroy their own lives. All in the name of obedience, conformity, and virtue signaling…
Dear clueless America,
You are now living under the tyranny you deserve. For the last four years, as truth-telling websites like Natural News were smeared, de-platformed and silenced, you said nothing. You were more interested in your Starbucks lattes, your inflated stock market shares, and virtue signaling your obedience to pop culture than defending the right of people to tell the truth.
You let the world’s “facts” be determined by the most evil, communist-infiltrated techno-fascists imaginable: Google, Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and many more. You said nothing as they silenced independent publishers who told the truth about natural cures, herbal remedies and the dangers of biological weapons research (which we desperately warned the world about in 2012). As long as YOU weren’t banned, that was the most important priority in your mind, and you rapidly self-censored your own speech to make sure you could continue to earn ad revenue on YouTube by complying with their “community guidelines” that outlawed truth and reason.
Last Minute Quarantine Preps You Can Buy From Home
Prepping For Two Week Quarantine: Emergency Food Supply
The reason you are stuck in an apartment in a high-density city, beating your head against the wall while your stock market portfolio vanishes with each passing day is because you thought it was more important to be obedient than free. You went along with the hyperventilating, screaming masses as they demanded the de-platforming of Natural News, InfoWars and an endless list of independent media organizations, claiming your “fact-checkers” had a divine monopoly on facts (even though they were mostly funded by interested linked back to Big Pharma).
From Quarantine To Tyranny To Rebellion: Where Is The Line In The Sand?
In doing that, you managed to ban all the most important voices that warned about the dangers of biological weapons research while trying to promote nutrition, anti-viral herbs and natural health knowledge that could right now be saving many thousands of lives… except for the fact that none of that information can be found anymore on the mainstream internet since all the best sites have been shadowbanned or de-platformed.
You didn’t speak out against that. Instead, you altered your own speech to come into “compliance” with the censors, and you stopped sharing links to the banned sites, for fear of being banned yourself for promoting banned speech. In other words, you became your own jailer for your pathetic mental prison.
You did that because you are a coward. You have no ethics, no morals, no courage, and no principles. You helped build the very prison in which you now find yourself, and you can’t find a way out because you’ve never had a thought that was implanted into your consciousness by someone else.
Instead of supporting the diversity of thought, you demanded obedient conformity to a tiny set of twisted, fraudulent ideas, claiming the world would be a better place if “non-popular” content was systematically erased from the internet so that all the remaining voices would be in agreement. You called it “consensus” and explained that “fringe” voices were dangerous to society. So you supported Google and the tech giants carrying out a form of online ethnic cleansing, to rid the internet of information you didn’t want to see since it opposed your own twisted worldview that was wholly derived from conformity with popular delusions rather than diverse, independent thinking.
You openly supported the silencing of scientific voices that disagreed with the climate change lunacy pushed by your own twisted, fraudulent front men like Al Gore. You openly endorsed systematic child abuse by indoctrinating children with falsehoods of transgenderism and the “joys” of chemical puberty blockers that cause irreversible, long-term damage to the reproductive systems of children. And you praised the very open borders that have now allowed Europe to be flooded with infected illegal migrants who have overrun Germany, France, and the UK, plunging them all into a scenario of infectious disease and mass death that Europe hasn’t witnessed since World War II.
You did all this while patting yourself on the back, telling yourself that you were morally superior to those you conspired to have silenced. No voices but your own homogeneous, obedient, domineering voice should be allowed to participate in public conversations, you insisted, because “facts” must be controlled by popular consensus, you believe, not observations of reality. No minority views shall be tolerated in your world, which essentially collapses down to “mob rule.”
You are now living under tyranny because you thought your willingness to obediently conform to the twisted, insane narratives of the ruling class would immunize you from their tyranny. You were wrong. Now, the tyranny comes for you too, since you were too pathetic to speak out for others who were targeted before the ruling class got to you. Suddenly, you are coming to realize that you are living as a slave, a prisoner in your own apartment, in an economy that’s now owned and run by the central banks, with no job, no means of self-sustenance and no real hope for the future that you helped create.
You created your own Hell, in other words, and now you are living in it. And it’s going to get far worse from here.
Just in case you thought the Hell you created would stop with stealing all your wealth and imprisoning you in your own home, that’s only the beginning of where this is headed.
Thanks to your support for mandatory vaccine laws in California (SB277) and elsewhere, you are about to be microchipped and forced to undergo a euthanasia vaccine that’s literally designed to depopulate the planet. You will have no choice since you gave up any last shred of freedom for anyone when you demanded that freedom be silenced and replaced by corporate-controlled “authority” sources that are all run by Big Pharma and the vaccine industry.
You won’t even be told what’s in the vaccine, of course, and it will be subjected to nothing resembling rigorous clinical trials. Congruent with what you have demanded of others, you will be injected against your will — like cattle — and told that if you publicly disagree with the mandatory vaccine, you will be de-platformed, just as you demanded others be de-platformed when they questioned earlier vaccines. Even worse, those who refuse the vaccine will likely be banned from participating in society: No public transportation, no job, no government crypto wallet and no ability to even exist.
Before the vaccine kills you, however, the federal government, Treasury and Federal Reserve will steal everything you own. You are about to be completely bled of every asset you think you possess, from your stock portfolios to your retirement and pension funds. They will all become worthless as the dollar suffers its planned collapse, to be replaced by a new electronic currency that will track your every expenditure and enslave you under a system of authoritarian financial surveillance that’s consistent with the authoritarian censorship that you demanded be applied to the voices with whom you disagreed. During this currency exchange, you will lose nearly all the purchasing power on the dollars you previously held, since the whole engineered collapse was always about massive, coordinated theft from the get-go.
The coronavirus, after all, is a PLANdemic. This was no accident.
In the end, you will be left penniless, diseased and eventually dead, since the very system that you helped create has no use for humans like you. Didn’t you get the memo? It was long ago decided that the future doesn’t need you, and the automation robots are right on track to replace the vast majority of human workers. The 25% unemployment we are rapidly headed for right now is only a shadow of what is yet to come: 70% unemployment for humans, who will be swept into homeless camps with forced vaccinations and government-issued meals of Soylent Green porridge.
YOU begged for this, and now you are about to live with it (or die from it, more likely). The most effective way to resist all this would be for the American people to rise up with firearms and overthrow the murderous system that’s trying to enslave — and then exterminate — most of humanity. But then again, you supported gun control because you believed the media lies that “guns kill people.” Now you are coming to find out the real truth far too late: Tyranny kills people, and firearms are humanity’s last defense against tyranny.
What’s the most disturbing about all this is that even living under enslavement, you still don’t understand why you are enslaved. You haven’t yet come to realize that this is the tyranny YOU created, and if you somehow manage to survive all this, your primary desire will be a “return to normalcy,” which is the oblivious, pathetic, clueless life you previously lived that brought you to this point in the first place.
You still demand censorship. You still demand vaccine mandates. You still watch CNN and think it’s “news,” and you still think “alternative” voices should be silenced.
Because you’ve learned nothing, even as your own destruction approaches. You have failed as a human being and as a spiritual being. Your life means nothing, and your existence on this planet has been nothing but a colossal waste of time, resources and biological molecules. Your entire existence has been pointless because you did not dare challenge the status quo or exercise any ability to think for yourself. You lived your life as nothing but a Programmable Life Form (PLF), also known as an NPC in role-playing games.
The lies that you tell yourself — that your life has meaning, that you are important to the world, that the world needs your “diversity” and self-expression — are nothing more than echoes of your delusional, indoctrinated consciousness that has been entirely programmed by dishonest media sources and social engineering. You don’t have a single thought that is your own. Everything you think — the entirety of your internal conservation — is something that was programmed into your head by someone else, almost always from an information source that did not have your best interests in mind. (Google works for China, didn’t you know? Wikipedia is a disinfo encyclopedia. Real human knowledge has been banned, replaced by artificial, fake “facts” from radical left-wing fact-checkers.)
As it turns out, you aren’t even a real, unique person, and that’s exactly why the globalists have already written you off. You have nothing to offer them except a speedy death, and they have already unleashed the mechanism to achieve that (with Bill Gates at the helm of the whole project, of course). If you don’t die from the virus, they’ll kill you with kinetic wars, starvation (i.e. food supply control), vaccines or toxic medications. One way or another, your entire purpose, from the point of view of the globalists you supporters, is to end your life and remove your existence from this world.
That is why you now find yourself imprisoned in your apartment in a collapsing city. That is why you have no freedom, no food supplies, no firearms, and no future. This is why every action you take is something you were told to take by the controlled corporate media. This is why you will be left penniless as the financial reset unfolds. This is why you will line up to be obediently injected with a “kill switch” vaccine, begging the government to chemically assault you with the very mechanism that will deliver you unto Death.
You have never been anything other than a sheeple, and you will die a self-deluded slave whose only purpose on this Earth was to generate some small sliver of wealth to be confiscated by the globalists who see humanity as their enemy. The entirety of your existence will soon collapse to nothing more than a numerical representation of how many dollars the globalists can extract from your assets as they euthanize you with the coronavirus vaccine.
This is the world you created. Welcome to your own personal Hell. You will be destroyed by what you have unleashed, which is why I have repeatedly and accurately called America a “suicide cult.”
For the rest of us who are still fighting for humanity, we are teaching self-reliance, self-defense, growing food and medicine, awakening to truth and fighting against the tyranny and destruction that is now sweeping across our world.
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There was a time when I actually took Mike Adams seriously. The bitter rantings complete with foul language and finger pointing in recent articles, along with utterly panicked hysteria causes me to heartily reconsider.
The Natural News site has become the number one fear mongering site on the internet. Preaching doom while recommending extremely tyrranical measures and then berating Americans as sheep when such measures are taken.
Mike Adams needs to shut his face. Better to be silent and thoght a fool than to open one’s mouth snd remove all doubt.
Absolutely right. Mike Adams is a fearmonger looking to sell overpriced junk to poor fools who believe his rants. Saul Alinsky would be proud of the way he weaves pieces of facts with lies. Sometimes there are legitimate reasons why websites ban you Mike.
There has never been a time when anyone takes an anonymous blog post seriously, especially a troll that tries to silence the opinions of others. Instead of telling people to shut up, set up a blog and make sure the opinions are in line with the DNC!
To be fair, Adams’ rant is a little over the top. From whose pockets would the fruits and commies running the Dem party/deep state draw their taxpayer dollar paychecks if EVERYONE were broken financially, and then killed?
Mike Adams is CONTROLLED OPPOSITION that wants to make sure you line up for your mandatory vaccine. His close ties with Alex Jones/Bill Hicks is all you need to know. Mike is smart enough to know that this is the largest and most harmful psychological operation in human history that is designed to control and kill us. That makes Mike Adams a psychopath. His over the top rantings and blaming the people now make a lot more sense.
Mike Adams and Bill Hicks/Alex Jones are not here to save humanity. They are here to control and kill us. FUCK YOU Mike Adams! I hope you are the first causality of this new world war.
thinking about not going to work anymore. dont care if food and supplies get to the store. not my problem. its at the point businesses wont let truckers in and wont let you use the bathroom. i can take the hint truckers are the lowest form of humanity. why should i take the risk of getting the bug and bringing it on my family for strangers to get their food and supplies. fuck all of you ungrateful entitled consumers. it wont be long before other drivers bail.
I don’t know any truckers personally, but they are already refusing to go to work where I am. I’ve been trying to warn neighbours, friends and family about preparing for the likelihood of breaks in the supply chain, but not all are listening 🙁 I guess they’ll just find out the hard way, eh? Go ahead, asshat, stay home and protect you and yours. Something I was taught many years ago: “NMFP”: Not My Fu..ing Problem. Go ahead and say it 😉
people fail to see the silver lining in all this. the weak will die and only the strong will survive. this goes for me as well. the gene pool will actually become stronger and more resistant to pestilence. this is good. in nature the weak die and this is right. its only cus human compassion that the weak have survived this long. now nature will do the selecting who will die and who will survive. getting rid of dead weight helps free up $ and energy. its like an elderly parent that has been sick for a long time and you have the burden of helpng them for years and finally they pass. you are relieved its over. thats how i see it. would you want to waste years and years of your life to drag on the inevitable. i dont.
“Shame on you!” Sounds like something from the other side lectured us about earlier. Ok, Greta, I’m not imprisoned in my own house. I just got back from a relaxing, motorcycle ride. My wife just got back from a shopping trip this morning, most things seem to be available. Times are changing, I think it’s up to us as individuals to ensure if we’re changing with them for the better. Life will go on, love and help your neighbor and chill.
Funny that this site has this article.
You were told you what was coming. What was here “on your doorstep.” 5G Beast control grid technology matrix WEAPON.
5G is a weapons platform to destroy you, uses Satellites, Towers, even street light poles. Look up “Intelistreets.”
You banned my comments HERE at shtfplan. Shadow banned my comments.
– Twitter shut down.
– Farcebook shutdown.
– Youtube shutdown.
– Comments banned here at shtfplan. And trolls constantly berate many that are seen.
Any opposition they seek to silence.
Again, “Technology is Not Your Friend.”
The True purpose of ALL Technology is to:
* Track *Trace *Surveil *Snoop *Snitch, and 5G Will Kill.
Search: YouTube: Barry Trower 5g, Dana Ashlie, Rosa Koire, Deborah Tavares, StopTheCrime dot net
EVERYTHING Tech is compromised.
No one will believe it. No one can accept reality.
Technology Allows the Few to control the many.
You have allowed the Liar Media to shut down the world.
Nearly everything you believe to be true is a LIE.
False Narrative. False Reality. False Media.
ALL designed to Decieve Distract and Control YOU.
Believe the words I speak. Don’t believe. The choice is yours.
You determine your future. No one else. I wish everyone well.
Who do you serve?:
* Do you serve the Beast System?
* Do you serve the God of Jesus Christ?
There are no Atheist in combat. You are currently in a “Quite War using Quite Weapons and mass media Disinformation.”
This “reality” manufactured is a Psyop meant to confuse distract decieve. Chaos.
Believe it or Not. You have been told what is ahead, what is here now.
What can you do:
– Build that network of God Fearing and God Loving People.
– Exercise, prepare for the troubles ahead.
– Gain Useful skills.
– Believe Nothing you Hear read or maybe even See.
Technology can be used to fake most of what you percieve to be reality. Mass media and Internet are Weapons of your Enemy. Internet created by DARPA. Do you forget that?
Deception is a primary weapon.
Chaos is a weapon.
FEAR is a weapon of Control.
Non Compliance/Non Participation are tools YOU can use.
Do you Believe the mass Media?
Do you Believe Politicians?
Believe in Jesus. Jesus wins in the end.
May you be blessed by God.
people that don’t agree with your posts aren’t “trolls”.
I am contentious and politically-incorrect as any.
Who do you serve?
When someone speaks to you on the level of Aesop’s fables, or some gritty, Biblical parable, who was the intended audience. An instinctual, simple, archetypal, universally-easy point is being made, so that a Bronze Age child could grasp the meaning of it.
“…the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse…”
stay home and collect $1200 plus unemployment. ive never seen so much incentive to not work. america is truly the land of the free. cant wait till im out of work. gov throwing $ at us is the best thing that has happened. id love to see the economy fail consistently so the checks keep coming. bout time i got bailed out. im too big to fail thats why they will give me money. everyone gets a trophy the new american way.
The Weimar Republic style hyper-inflation is on its way because cretins in D.C. think you can print money until the problems go away. The end result, of course, is Monopoly Money: the Reserve Notes will be worth the same as the paper in the board game.
On another note, the a**holes in D.C. dare to condemn the one congressman asking for a recorded vote. What’s wrong with you sh*th**ds, we CITIZENS that are paying attention want to know who is selling us down the river. If Massey loses the next election, we will find different parties for which to vote.
We vote – the deep state does what it always does. Elected officials are window dressing to give the illusion we have soem choice, some control. False.
For the last four years, as truth-telling websites like Natural News were smeared, de-platformed and silenced, they censored the hell out of their own comments section, too.
I get the impression, just imho, that they were state interests, who were never going to reach the point of saying that a free people is not taxable, freedom is not earnable, you decide with whom you want to live, you put out your own fires, and dispose of your own excrement, in a free country.
Food shortages are next people.
Plant a garden, fill your freezer, learn to can. It is a blessing that we are so close to spring. Imagine if we were late in the fall and food crops about to dry up for the next four months.
Become the gray man/woman, lose some weight. Don’t do anything to get on anyones radar.
Expanded the garden last month and already have the spring greens and root veggies in. did the potatoes yesterday. Doubled up on both my farm shares this year as well. Repositioned excess dry goods into remote caches. I saw the writing on the wall in January when China quit working.
Not a grey man here.
Popeye said it best, Eye yam what Eye Yam an that’s all Eye Yam!”
“Because when a man will stand for nothing he is Nothing.
If you don’t believe in anything then you will Fall for Everything.”
1. You might even fall for a military exercise “Defender Europe 2020” with a stateside psyop element with a fake pandemic?
Or use the ChiCom bioweapon released as a training opportunity? See the bleeting sheeples reaction?
2. Or is it just a ChiCom Bio weapon so they can purge dissidents? And test their bioweapon spread rate and then work on the lethality element? Communist are EVIL. Read the history of China. Read about Mao. Genocide for a communist is Normal ops.
3. Or a cover for the 5G weapons systems coming online?
Does anyone here know? I just know we are all being LIED to.
I do know I’m hitting nerves because my computer is relentlessly attacked. Posts banned. Comments attacked more than usual. I don’t care. We are fleeing the 5G kill towers. We are done with all technology. “Technology is NOT your friend.”
When the government is on your doorstep conficating firearms like they did to us in NewOrleans after the hurricane. Then you will figure that out. NO they are not there to help. When Government shows up, says “We are here to help you.” It is time to RUN. Relocate. Move. Go. Leave. Do NOT delay.
We left. and kept our firearms and kept our lives. Other people, trusting of authorities lost both.
Lesson: When it gets bad. Don’t be afraid to leave your “preps”. Don’t be afraid to leave with Nothing. Because when you have nothing. Authorities will leave you alone. Nothing left for them to steal. Yes the Police and contractor security stole from people. people just flooded and wiped out by hurricane.. So to hades with trolls that KNOW NOTHING of what they speak and attack any free speech. Arm chair experts with misguided book ideas.
How is that “Constitution” now?
How about those “Bill of Rights”?
The world has been closed. They also closed the ability to earn a living and provide for your family. They did not even fire a shot. They only used FEAR and the Media. False narrative reality psyop. Chaos.
How do you like your new “freedom” to be locked in a cage like an Animal. Your masters are testing your willingness to comply. Next time it will be MUCH WORSE. Once a bully knows you can be bullied it gets much worse and escalates.
Didn’t any of you learn that in school?
Not a grey man here. No thanks.
Popeye said it best, Eye yam what Eye Yam an that’s all Eye Yam!”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * “Because when a man will stand for nothing he is Nothing.
If you don’t believe in anything then you will Fall for Everything.”
1. You might even fall for a military exercise “Defender Europe 2020” with a stateside psyop element with a fake pandemic?
Or use the ChiCom bioweapon released as a training opportunity? See the bleeting sheeples reaction?
2. Or is it just a ChiCom Bio weapon so they can purge dissidents? And test their bioweapon spread rate and then work on the lethality element? Communist are EVIL. Read the history of China. Read about Mao. Genocide for a communist is Normal ops.
3. Or a cover for the 5G weapons systems coming online?
Does anyone here know? I just know we are all being LIED to.
I do know I’m hitting nerves because my computer is relentlessly attacked. Posts banned. Comments attacked more than usual. I don’t care. We are fleeing the 5G kill towers. We are done with all technology. “Technology is NOT your friend.”
When the government is on your doorstep conficating firearms like they did to us in NewOrleans after the hurricane. Then you will figure that out. NO they are not there to help. When Government shows up, says “We are here to help you.” It is time to RUN. Relocate. Move. Go. Leave. Do NOT delay.
We left. and kept our firearms and kept our lives. Other people, trusting of authorities lost both.
Lesson: When it gets bad. Don’t be afraid to leave your “preps”. Don’t be afraid to leave with Nothing. Because when you have nothing. Authorities will leave you alone. Nothing left for them to steal. Yes the Police and contractor security stole from people. people just flooded and wiped out by hurricane.. So to hades with trolls that KNOW NOTHING of what they speak and attack any free speech. Arm chair experts with misguided book ideas.
How is that “Constitution” now?
How about those “Bill of Rights”?
The world has been closed. They also closed the ability to earn a living and provide for your family. They did not even fire a shot. They only used FEAR and the Media. False narrative reality psyop. Chaos.
How do you like your new “freedom” to be locked in a cage like an Animal. Your masters are testing your willingness to comply. Next time it will be MUCH WORSE. Once a bully knows you can be bullied it gets much worse and escalates.
Didn’t any of you learn that in school?
Dude Your delusional reading your demented essay scares the crap outta me cause theres probably a few million nicompoops that will read your craziness and believe it hook line and sinker btw if any of youse believe this then you need to be in Bellevue in a nice padded room with him.
Here is the thing this virus was known since last year and the current administration did zip zilch nada to prepare in fact this administration got rid of the very office that would have planned for this…. i am not gonna get into a battle with tin foil guy here. All i gotta say is my apartment in Brooklyn is comfortable and i got what i need and my neighbors and I are helping each other thats what survival in SHTF situation is all about people helping people. Take your tin foil and go to the loony bin ya kook fuhghedabouit!
And the last line of Orwell’s 1984 goes “… and he loved Big Brother.”
It’s time to start open carrying. We need to let them know they won’t
get away with this coup. Stand up now. Before it’s too late to save our
Constitutional Republic
I miss the simplicity of earlier times.
“Soon, you will be microchipped, then euthanized, and everything you ever produced will be confiscated or stolen by the very system that you demanded be given absolute power…”
Since about the 1990’s, now 20 years ago+, there was discussion about a Verichip or Xmark RFID. A thick lump, the size of a grain of a rice, being forced through a scary, tubular needle, like an analogue tv antenna. A callous of scar tissue forms around my dog’s shoulder blade, where his was inserted.
Can you convince a raging toilet paper zombie, to go through an elective surgery, for food assistance? Time will tell.
Now, micro-crystals make it as easy as receiving a band-aid. I bet, it will be cutesy as a scratch-and-sniff children’s sticker, because they talk to you, at a gradeschool reading level.
No giant, black-and-blue, Hollerith numbers need be printed on your skin. No barcode needs to be visible, externally, as though your face is a peace of produce. Vaccine certification can be invisible, convenient, and comfortable.
Think of the invisible ink, that is sometimes stamped on your hand, when you go to a themepark, concert, or carnival.
“…and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.”
— from Rev 16
“… If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.”
— from Rev 14
Whatever form it takes, if it goes into the right hand or forehead of any who would buy or sell, if it involves the worship or affirmation of some political or religious figure, we have been forewarned for generations.
We do not agree on every fine detail. We are not necessarily churchy, statist, or even well-mannered.
If it fits the above description, you are still responsible.
And, I think — in my personal interpretation — it will feel like a giant party, from the onset. Like the Tomorrowland or Mekudeshet or Burning Man. World peace and optimism.
Mike Adams,
Why did you even have a Facebook account to begin with if you are so opposed to the censorious, and surveilling Orwellian fascists?!
It is pretty hard to take you seriously as the visionary that you proclaim youself to be if you didn’t see that one coming!
Mike Adams,
Why did you even have a Facebook account to begin with if you are so opposed to the censorious, and surveilling Orwellian fascists?!
It is pretty hard to take you seriously as the visionary that you proclaim youself to be if you didn’t see that one coming!
You are obviously more of a follower, and not a leader, following the shepherd and placing your life on Facebook like the “sheeple” that you proclaim to be sperate from!
I was going along with the rant until it became anti-vaxer, then it lost credibility.
Get in line. Take that vaccine. Take that nano microchip tracker. Take that cancer virus. Take those non human genes mixed in. Take that mercury thermosol preservative. YOU can do that to yourself and your children. Your choice.
I would say, “No Thank you.”
At near every interaction I have with medical personnel, or University. They nearly always ask, “Have you had your Flu shot.” I used to say. “no.” then it was, “Hell no.” Now I Lie, “Yes. Like clock work every year.” With the good citizen smile. You are hassled less. But the next round will have imbedded tracker microchip.
Pro-vaxxers are now using the term, matrix, though.
Commonly-known ingredients put to a mashup tune:
h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptIiydhy4_g
Dear mike adams, go die from syphilis of the arse. You lie and lie and lie some more along with your fat butt buddy alex jones spreading lies for years. There is a special place in hell for you and your fear mongering buddies, your just as bad as the gov and when they come knocking youll be on your knees wetting those lips up.
Not everyone is unhappy about the business conditions caused by the Coronavirus. We monitor online behaviour and two groups stand out for their delight in the situation (and as they say, you know who your true friends are in a crisis): Chinese, and knee grows.
The Chinese are delighted to see Western businesses go down and see nothing but opportunity to replace them as the Number One seller in the world.
And knee grows, who post videos of themselves dancing in delight at the deaths of old white people.
Oh, and I forgot: Muslims see it as all Allah’s revenge so it is cool with them too.
YOU and your way of thinking is the real problem in this country your prejudicial attitude says it all to me, I do not wish ill on anyone but the sooner you old racialists leave this earth the better off this country will be. 2050 can’t come quick enough for me when the majority of your types who think like you are gone.
Methods of your evil Media/Politician/Banker/”Elite”, Masters:
1. Divide and Conquer.
2. Divide by race.
3. Divide by religion.
4. Divide by Social Economic Satus.
5. Turn Everyone against everyone else.
6. Induce hatred, paranoia, envy.
7. And now close the world and induce “social distancing”. ISOLATION.
You suckers always fall for your masters bait. Like deer at the deer Feeder.
You are being played. Sucker. Mark. Chump.
Imagine if instead of hatred. People learned to work together to ABOLISH the evil psychopaths that are now your Masters. If “We” the people got together, “They” your rulers would be running for their lives. There are more of the “Us” than the “Thems”.
Love each other. Help each other. Come together.
Non Compliance. Do Not Obey. THINK. Critical Thinking.
Not controlled by predjudice and Fear
Predjudice used to divide-weaken-redirect anger.
Fear is used to control.
Predjudice is counter productive. So grow up Frank Thoughts.
“And knee grows, who post videos of themselves dancing in delight at the deaths of old white people.”
Um, Frank…
Educated hard-working “conservative” LAW ABIDING Afrocoids DON’T LIKE nigger thugs EITHER. Ok??
How many fcuking times do educated hard-working conservative law abiding black folk have to REPEAT this mantra? Quit fcuking TRYING to perpetuate a race war! SMDH
Boomer leftists like to imagine themselves as absolute authoritarians, so get hormonal over police shows, for hours on end.
As a member of the Lost Generation, I find that leftists(?!) will celebrate police beatings and cartoon racism.
Social conservatives aren’t supposed to do that, though.
I say, I don’t really like this stereotypical, urban black, personally.
Leftists say, I am rude for pretending to virtue signal. It is not in my place as a WASP masculinist.
I say, I must sound like a lawyer.
Leftists say, I can’t be a lawyer.
I say, but, sometimes that urban black is being mistreated, technically.
Leftists say it is not in my place to question. Stop, at once.
In my experience, the most prehistorical, ghetto-blasting-ist examples of jungle people all imagine themselves as educated hard-working conservative law abiding family folk — completely disregarding the redistribution of wealth and status.
I have no particular argument against some of the black, so-called radicals, making intelligent comments about self-sufficiency, grooming, and financial success (independently).
When we talk about success, is it derivative of corporate welfare. I wouldn’t even be so offended at the thought of winning a govt lottery vs. meritocracy, if people just admitted to it, frankly.
When we talk about prejudice, let’s remember a reverse prejudice, which also condescends and steals from the capable.
AND might I add…
“Good black folks” whom Genius has referred to before many years ago also absolutely HATE that disgusting brand of music called “hip hop” which portrays black women in the most despicable manner as “hoes” & “bitchez”. AND which also glorifies thuggery, ignorance & drug dealing.
Then again, perhaps all u see in your neck of the woods are lowlife “knee grow” thugs.
Black Picard, well said. Most Americans don’t have huge racial bias. With that stated, crime statistics & behavior by some lead rational observers to be careful around some groups. When I’m in a foreign country, my head is on a swivel & OPSEC is continually prevalent in my life decisions. Unfortunately, many parts of the USA require this same vigilance. Although I am prepared for an altercation, AVOIDANCE is always the best answer. If I’m placed in a position that requires me to kill an assailant, I don’t want the probable years of legal hassles that will result from the deed. SEMPER FIDELIS.
Black Picard, I’ve never fallen for stereo types or assumed anyone from any particular race will always behave in a set way.Your comment made me think of about 10 years ago at a gas pump, some kid had his boom boom boom gangster rap blaring loudly and a black gentleman also filling his car next to me looked at me, rolled his eyes, and said ” I can’t stand that shit !” Rap does not represent black music to me…The Temptations, Four Tops, Smokey Robinson, Spinners, Delphonics,Sam and Dave, and many other talented artists from the past do.
Oh Schnap! It’s too late to just retreat to the homestead and raise chicklets for most of us.
This ends when we demand it ends, plain and simple.
United we stand, divided we fall.
Meanwhile, those with messages of hope, like Ron Paul and Mises, they’re getting record traffic.
I choose hope, faith, and independence.
But you know, Russell Means; Welcome To The Reservation. (good youtube video, it’s the basis for Mr Adams argument) Watch this for good perspective.
But Mr Adams, what about the rest of us? Tell us where the homestead is at so we can swing up there in the B class if this moves too much further. Lead by example.
I gave some money to http://www.nvic.org, because they’re the premier group fighting at the legal legislative right here right now today, in the halls of government, against mandatory vaccination. If you’re worried about it, donate today.