The mainstream media and ruling class have already started their push to get this experimental gene therapy into as many as possible and for as long as possible. But now comes an added layer to their agenda, with the warning that new variants can escape the falsely labeled “vaccines.”
We have said from the beginning of this scamdemic, that if they can pull off another lockdown they will do so. They will also push to have people injected as many times as possible until the agenda is fulfilled. Again, that end game is anyone’s guess but we do know it involves this “vaccine.”
As new variants emerge around the world, however, scientists say it is critical to look out for these rare cases. They could be signs of something more serious.
“It’s possible that more variants might emerge that are not covered by the vaccine,” Gigi Gronvall, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security said. “That’s why it’s important that these breakthrough cases are investigated.” –Voice of America News
But there are some cautionary signs. In a study in Qatar, where the variant that emerged in South Africa made up half the cases, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was only 75% effective. That variant has also proven to be better able to break through other vaccines as well.
“Even if you have a breakthrough infection,”Gronvall said. The vaccine “is still really worth it.” So basically, even though it doesn’t work, and with that statement alone Gronvall admits it’s not a vaccine (providing immunity) you should still risk the side effects up to and including death from taking an experimental gene therapy that the manufacturer of has been provided with blanket immunity.
This is definitely a case where discernment and critical thinking are necessary. They are disguising the truth with cleverly crafted lies and it’s up to us to see through it. I maintain that in the coming year, critical thinking will be the most important skill you can learn and equip yourself with.
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Save us all from the NON-U.S. troll of Andrea …… don’t put your BS on here anymore please …
X2… robot spammer beach.
Seconded and approved…….
How do you have a variant of something that hasn’t been isolated,? There is no Covid 19 vaccine ?. It’s a depopulation agenda
Great,first Gates and Fauci escape from the insane asylum and now this??
It would make perfect sense that these variants could “escape” the vaccines. I mean think about it,these are variants of the all powerful
covid 19 “virus” which is in itself the Harry Houdini of viruses,so of course these variants would inherit those same magical and mystical qualities.?
I will NEVER get vaxxed and if you try and force me to I will treat it as attempted murder accordingly.
I’m pretty sure a completely new variant will “emerge” whenever tptb need to create
more fear and panic to push their false narratives.
“It’s possible that more variants might emerge that are not covered by the vaccine” Oh Gigi I’d say it’s more than possible – I’d say it’s practically guaranteed in order to help push along the sinister agenda of the elite.
Well,since everything is being rebooted,reconceptualized or
remade – I have an idea:
“The Great Escape” starring
the MANY covid variants!
Why the hell not. This life is just one big movie anyway.
Once they opened the borders the diseases started flowing into the USA. Also today a good cop was shot dead by an illegal immigrant wanted felon in CA.
What diseases are you talking about specifically Smallpox, Ebola, Polio. All the anti-illegals should head on down to the U.S. border and form a human chain to keep them out!!! Americans will thank you!!