This article was originally published by Brandon Smith at
It’s an odd dynamic – One would think that if the covid vaccines were a generally benevolent program that actually “followed the science” then there would be no need to pile drive the public with an endless barrage of vax propaganda.
After all, if science and morality are on the side of the covid cult then the rest would naturally take care of itself and the overwhelming majority of Americans would have already voluntarily taken the experimental mRNA cocktail without any threats required. And, if some people still refused, then the science would dictate that it doesn’t matter because if the vax actually works then those people present no threat whatsoever to the rest of society.
It is highly revealing that this is not the case, and the more resistance the establishment encounters on mandates the more aggressive they become and the more they lie about the facts and evidence.
Remember when Fauci and company said they only needed 70% of the population vaccinated to hit herd immunity? That concept was thrown down the memory hole and now they want 96% (really 100%) of the population vaccinated.
They claimed that the vaccination programs were a success with between 70% to almost 80% of the public taking the double jab, and that was a lie as state numbers continue to contradict federal and CDC numbers.
They claimed that the only pandemic still ongoing was a “pandemic of the unvaccinated”, and this was of course a lie as we have seen studies from multiple states and mostly vaccinated countries showing that the vaccinated now make up the bulk of infections and hospitalizations.
They said the vaccines offered more reliable protection when compared to natural immunity, yet medical studies from around the world show that this was a lie and that natural immunity offers up to 27 times more protection than the vaccines do. And, they said that the vaccines were “safe and effective”, yet there is no long-term data to prove they are safe, and multiple studies show that vaccine effectiveness is questionable to say the least.
Lie after lie after lie. If the vaccines actually worked, there would be no need for so much deceit, and if their true intention was to “protect public health” then the establishment would be promoting treatment programs and natural immunity, not untested vaccines that continue to disappoint.
Numerous fully vaccinated people including political figures like Colin Powell have died from covid but the mainstream media STILL claims this doesn’t disprove the efficacy of the jab. At the same time, unvaccinated alternative media figures like Joe Rogan beat covid in 3 days using treatments like Ivermectin, and the MSM attacks him relentlessly as some kind of charlatan merely because he dared to not die. The elitists think that the public doesn’t notice massive contradictions like this, but we do. We are not dumb, we see everything.
In Washington State, for example, studies show that there have been at least 51,000 “breakthrough cases” of covid in the past 10 months. Breakthrough cases are people who are fully vaccinated but were still infected with covid. Of those 51,000 people, 493 people died. When calculating the percentage of dead vs infected, we get around 0.96%. The median death rate of covid among unvaccinated people is only 0.27% according to dozens of peer-reviewed medical studies. This means that the death rate of fully vaccinated people in Washington is actually HIGHER than that of unvaxxed people.
We have seen similar results in states like Massachusetts, where there were 5100 breakthrough cases in a single month and 80 deaths of fully vaccinated people, which is a 1.5% death rate for the vaxxed as opposed to 0.27% for the unvaxxed. Studies on death rates are going to have to take into account vaccinated deaths vs unvaccinated deaths from now on.
And what about studies from highly vaccinated countries like Israel, which show that the majority of infections and hospitalizations are among vaccinated people, with infections spiking well after the vaccines were introduced. Right after Israel became one of the most vaccinated nations on the planet, it also had one of the highest infection rates on the planet.
It should also be noted that the peak of US infections in 2020 ended well before the vaccine rollout even started in early 2021. Meaning, the vaccines did NOTHING to reduce infection rates. They dropped off on their own. This is a scientific fact that the mainstream avoids, just as they avoid admitting that the median death rate of covid is a mere 0.27%.
The solution that the establishment offers is not surprising – They claim we need MORE vaccines through booster requirements. As the old saying goes, insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. And so the demented propaganda machine continues into infinity.
The public is growing tired of the games as is evident in mass walkouts, sick-outs and other protests against Biden’s vaccine mandates for companies with more than 100 employees as well as most government institutions. We are seeing up to 50% of employees and government workers in many cases refusing to take the experimental jab despite the fact that they are being threatened with losing their jobs. This dynamic seems to have bewildered the covid cult and the globalists; they can’t wrap their heads around this level of resistance to their agenda.
It’s not a new thing, but I have noticed an increasing number of vax propaganda commercials and articles featuring Donald Trump in the past month. All of them herald Trump’s pro-vaccination stance, which is odd because leftists spent most of 2020 saying they would not take any vaccine that Trump was responsible for producing.
I was recently doing some research on YouTube and was annoyed to have to watch yet another vax ad, but this one had an odd tone. It showed clips of Trump making favorable statements on the mRNA vaccines, he and his wife taking the vaccines with dramatic music, and then a message at the end which said “There’s A Covid Vaccine Waiting For You, Too.”
The bizarre commercial was clearly aimed at conservatives, but it displays an obvious disconnect that the covid cult and the media have when it comes to conservative thinking and principles.
Leftists, collectivists, and globalists function according to majority rule and herd mentality. They have gatekeepers, and the gatekeepers set the agenda and dictate decision-making responsibilities for the group. Leftist herds wait patiently for top-down orders from their designated gatekeepers and most of them obey without question. This is how they operate.
Liberty-minded people operate in the opposite fashion. Our “leaders” are always under scrutiny, and this includes political mascots like Donald Trump. This is why, during a recent speech in Alabama, Trump was booed by a crowd of supporters after he called for them to get the covid vaccine. Conservatives generally don’t care about the person promoting the message, they only care if the message passes the smell test.
Leftists and globalists are incapable of grasping conservative principles or the conservative mindset. This fact is hilariously evident in the style of propaganda they have consistently used to try to intimidate or pressure the conservative public into compliance with the mandates. We don’t view Trump as a philosophical leader; in fact, there were so many underlying issues with his cabinet and his policies that his leadership became suspect. At most, conservatives enjoyed Trump’s administration simply because his presence in the White House drove leftist authoritarians to greater madness.
We definitely don’t care what Trump has to say on the vaccines.
There is further evidence of the disconnect I describe in the actions of leftists and the establishment when it comes to vax mandates in the workplace. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard the argument from covid cultists that conservatives “Might say we will refuse to comply, but when our livelihoods are threatened we will submit.” They believe this because that’s how THEY would respond. They are cowardly weaklings with no heart, no principles, and no morals. They think that since they would cave in to the pressure, the rest of us would cave in as well.
The past month has proven them oh so wrong as millions of people stage protests and walkouts across the country. There is even refusal among around 25% of the armed forces averaged across all branches, as well as up to 50% of city police forces. Most employers and government offices can barely function as is; there is zero chance they will be able to cope with a 10% loss of workforce, let alone a 25% to 50% loss. They would crumble.
This was obviously not the plan; the globalists were not prepared for this level of resistance in the US and this is evident in their pathetic propaganda scramble. That does not mean they don’t have contingencies in place. I am already seeing a fledgling narrative in the media which is implanting the idea that any breakdown of the system in the US will actually be the fault of the unvaccinated.
Biden has been a fervent culprit behind the narrative that everything from economic instability and supply chain problems to social divisions should be blamed on unvaccinated Americans. That’s right, the majority of these disasters started on Biden’s watch and because of his policies, but somehow WE are the real danger. Yes, the draconian mandates are illegal and unconstitutional and yes, mandates are not laws in any form, and yes, Biden and his handlers are acting like dictators and there is no reason to do anything they say. But, we are the bad guys. This is classic communist gaslighting.
Here’s an idea: Stop trying to enforce covid mandates and vaccine passports. Stop paying people to stay home from work with covid welfare bribes. Stop generating trillions of dollars in fiat stimulus from thin air to pay for even more useless programs we don’t need. Then watch how quickly stagflation, economic instability, the workforce shortages, and most other problems in the US suddenly disappear. The unvaccinated are not the source of American distress, the globalists and errand boys like Biden and blue state governors are the cause. Remove them from the equation and America’s future looks much brighter.
I got the covid shots early on, not because I cared, but to shut my son and daughter in law up, as they both work in the health care industry. If I hadn’t gotten the shots, then maybe I could have been able to be with my wife of 48 yrs again. She passed away of cancer 4 yrs ago.
You’ll see her again, friend. Get some pine needle tea in you and take the heck out of vitamins to negate some of the damage the shots did. We have lost people and the treatment for cancer big pharma pushes on cancer patients has killed my loved ones too. These scum will receive justice at the appropriate hour. The funny part to all this is they believe they are safe and protected. Surprise! The drug companies have caused more deaths than war and at least it is becoming evident now with these obvious biological weapon injections that are being forced.
Uhhh, no. Stupid gullible idiots are the cause of the problem. If everyone said NO there’s nothing they could do. You comply because you want it to end… It’s because you comply that it will NEVER end.
G – Don’t always agree with you but this post is precisely true in every point you make:
-majority of society is gullible or dumb,
-a unified opposition from the citizenry would stop this dead in its tracks,
-the majority of people are weak-minded and successfully inculcated to comply,
-due to willful citizen acquiescence there is no incentive for the gov’t to stop any type of program that limits its reach.
There is no doubt the gov’t is measuring mass compliance to these “vaccines” and determining how else they can introduce a variety of other “mandates”, like curbing our civil rights and individual liberties, for the greater good of course.
how ready we are to mistake the grounds of our afflictions and ascribe them to false causes.
The cause of the issues of the day…is the church, the body of Christ…she has become a harlot to the nations…and as such the Lord God is bringing His indignation upon the world.
This country is systemically evil…and lets ask why is evil abounding…the answer might surprise you…read on if you dare…
Unless this country returns to fearing the Lord God…you ain’t gonna see what we deem as normal…
Proverbs 16:4 The Lord hath made all things for Himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.
“The church is the moral compass of society.”
John Adams stated while he was our President, “The church is the moral compass of society.” But in order to remain a true and faithful compass, the church must remain separate and independent of the influences of that society, particularly its civil government. It must be a “free-church.” Should the church become subordinate, or in any way controlled or co-opted by the civil government (a “State-Church” system), it can no longer effectively serve as that society’s moral compass. Unless it is respected, no one will listen to what it has to say.
Now this does not mean we as a Christian are to not be involved in politics, otherwise we should not be voting or should there be a Christian who holds a political office…this means we are not be influenced by the ways of the world, yet we are to influence the world by being salt and light…
The church had the protection of the First Amendment and yet around 1954 LBJ offered the church free tax exemption, which they had by the first amendment…yet the majority of pastors jumped on board and in doing so they tied there hands and must adhere to what their new master, the state and IRS has deemed appropriate. They can no longer speak out openly against the evil of the day or endorse a God fearing political candidate, before 1954 the church was deeply involved in politics after 1954 and signing up for handcuffs they now risk losing the their assets….”In Caesars Grip” is a book to start with, Peter Kershaw goes in depth with the ins and outs of what it means to be a 501c3 non profit….there is much more, but i will leave you with this so it may stir you and seek the truth of the non profit churches and how the modern day pharisee has placed a muzzle on themselves. do your research and then ask the so called pastor to explain why they needed the protection of the state over the protection of God and watch him try to explain it away….or watch them get HIGHLY upset for you asking question….most pastors today are self appointed hirelings and are only in it for the love of money. Also today the puppets in the pulpit will twist Romans 13 for their agenda…another good area of digging is the FEMA clergy (pastors) And people wonder why God is angry with the world and bringing down His mighty hammer of wrath as the blacksmith pounds the hot iron on the anvil….the children of God have went the way of Balaam…and serve Baal and money.
Deadly Silent….99.9% of churches today are 501c3 churches and they do not serve God….God is removing the lamp stands from more and more dead hypocrite churches, He is calling us back to what we should have never left….the intimate love of Christ that is centered with a home church….and I don’t mean taking the building to the home…I mean good ole worship of the Lord that is lead by the Holy Spirit and not the the head of one man standing in the pulpit….I encourage each and every one of my brothers and sisters to read the book “Pagan Christianity” by Frank Viola….it will set you on a path of where 99% of our current day worship services come from…they are all rooted in the days of the early pagans and their rituals….also read “In Caesars Grip” by Peter Kershaw to see how the puppets of the day that are in the pulpit have muzzled themselves and can no longer call out the evil of the world…all in the name of filthy lucre. Brethren, we have brought the anger of the Lord upon us, we have no one to blame but ourselves….
So Christians want to blame the blm, the homosexuals, the political parties and just about damn near everyone else, but oh don’t lay it at the door step of the church…
But yet, I say the blame, lays squarely at the door of the church….the church over the last 60 plus years has become deadly silent in a sinful nation. They no longer speak out and call a sin a sin…yet that would mean they would have to acknowledge the sin in their own buildings…and who is to blame here, I say its the puppet pastor and his flock of goonies, the yes men elders he plants in his synagogue of Satan.
When is the last time you heard a sermon on sin, hell or God’s wrath? 99.9% of the services today are a mini rock concert with little three point sermon tossed in….your puppet pastor, the modern day pharisee is feeding your flesh and tickling your ear.
The church today no longer does her job as what she was called to be by the Lord, the salt and light, the salt is tasteless and the light is dim as a one wick candle….yet they blame the heathen world and shake their fist at God.
Until the bride of Christ repents and returns to doing what she is called to do, the Lord will continue to bring down the hammer of His indignation upon His bride as a blacksmith brings down the hammer on the glowing iron on the hardened anvil.
Buckle up boys and girls….Now let me share with you what God directed me to…
Jeremiah 5:14
Therefore, thus says the Lord, the God of hosts,
“Because you have spoken this word,
Behold, I am making My words in your mouth fire
And this people wood, and it will consume them.
Jeremiah 15:6-7
6 “You who have forsaken Me,” declares the Lord,
“You keep going backward.
So I will stretch out My hand against you and destroy you;
I am tired of relenting!
7 “I will winnow them with a winnowing fork
At the gates of the land;
I will bereave them of children, I will destroy My people;
They did not repent of their ways.
For those who know God, will say this is the Old Testament. Yet I encourage you to turn to Hebrews 10:26-31…John 3:18…John 3:36…just a few in the New Testament…and oh there is so many more I could direct you too…as for the Old Testament, I will direct you to Psalm 9:17…where it speaks of all Nations who forget God…scripture is very plain and direct.
Today you have been warned!!!
Amos 3:6-7
6 If a trumpet is blown in a city will not the people tremble?
If a calamity occurs in a city has not the Lord done it?
7 Surely the Lord God does nothing Unless He reveals
His secret counsel To His servants the prophets.
Jeremiah 15:1-2
Judgment Must Come
1 Then the Lord said to me, “Even though Moses and Samuel were to stand before Me, My heart would not be with this people; send them away from My presence and let them go! 2 And it shall be that when they say to you, ‘Where should we go?’ then you are to tell them, ‘Thus says the Lord:
“Those destined for death, to death;
And those destined for the sword, to the sword;
And those destined for famine, to famine;
And those destined for captivity, to captivity.”’
Jeremiah 7:16
16 “As for you, do not pray for this people, and do not lift up cry or prayer for them, and do not intercede with Me; for I do not hear you.
Jeremiah 14:11
11 So the Lord said to me, “Do not pray for the welfare of this people.
To all my Christian Brethren…read the verse below to see what is in store for the US.
Deuteronomy 28:43 The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high; and thou shalt come down very low.
Due to our iniquities against the Lord God, He has turned us over to evil and wicked men. Repent of your sinful worldly ways and the Lord God may relent on His anger that He is now pouring out upon us.