Conservationists are warning that an ongoing and unnoticed insect apocalypse is a huge concern and should be throwing up red flags. On Wednesday, the conservationists called for immediate action by governments, industries, and the public to address a decades-long, human-caused insect “apocalypse” detailed in a new report and warned of the sweeping, serious consequences of inaction.
“If we don’t stop the decline of our insects, there will be profound consequences for all life on Earth,” said Dave Goulson, an ecologist. “Insects make up the bulk of known species on Earth and are integral to the functioning of terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems, performing vital roles such as pollination, seed dispersal, and nutrient cycling. They are also food for numerous larger animals, including birds, bats, fish, amphibians, and lizards,” Goulson said in a statement Wednesday.
Prof @DaveGoulson's new report reveals that if insect declines are not halted, ecosystems will collapse with ‘profound consequences for human wellbeing’:
See the full report here:
— Research Development – Sussex Uni (@SussexUniRE) November 13, 2019
ALERT: Presenter Warns of ‘Ecological Apocalypse’ In Great Britain
Recent findings on insect declines, which are largely driven by habitat loss and pesticide use, are “troubling,” says the report. This is because “if insect declines are not halted, terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems will collapse.” Underscoring the need for action, the report warns that 41% of the planet’s five million insect species are “threatened with extinction.”
“The good news is that it is not too late,” the report emphasizes. “We urgently need to stop all routine and unnecessary use of pesticides and start to build a Nature Recovery Network by creating more and better connected, insect-friendly habitat in our gardens, towns, cities, and countryside.”
We are sawing off the very branch on which we are standing.
This has to stop.
Biodiversity loss and carbon emissions must be halted as soon as possible.
— Extinction Rebellion Godalming (@XR_Godalming) November 13, 2019
“This unnoticed apocalypse should set alarms ringing,” Wiltshire Wildlife Trust chief executive Gary Mantle declared in response to the report. “We have put at risk some of the fundamental building blocks of life,” Mantle said. “But as this report highlights, the main causes of insect declines are known and we can address them; insects and other invertebrates can recover quickly if we stop killing them and restore the habitats they require to thrive. But we all need to take action now in our gardens, parks, farms, and places of work.”
It isn’t all bad news though. According to the experts, we can reverse this trend.
Very worrying new report from @SomersetWT shows the risk to food production if insect declines continue.
We can reverse this if we move to nature-friendly farming methods, with farmers rewarded for providing public benefits such as habitats for wildlife
— CPRE The countryside charity (@CPRE) November 13, 2019
Josie Cohen, head of policy and campaigns for Pesticide Action Network U.K., agreed that there are things we can do to prevent the insect apocalypse from worsening. “Reducing pesticide use is a challenge that society can no longer ignore,” said Cohen. “We applaud the Wildlife Trusts and others for highlighting that routine overuse of pesticides is harming wildlife and the ecosystems that underpin our health and prosperity.”
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“…with farmers rewarded for providing public benefits such as habitats for wildlife…”
Regardless of which kind of society you want, it was called a public benefit and subsidized, at collective expense.
Statists, socialists, on either side of the color divide, care not who writes the laws, so long as they can skim some off the top.
Any fool’s errand or noble lie, be it from the ‘age of machines’ or Georgia Guidestones, will do, for a fake excuse, to justify forcible wealth redistribution.
This is the cause by Powerful chemical lobbyists that create laws like mandatory mosquito spraying statewide like here in Florida. One person gets bit by a False Flag Zika bug in a 2 square block in Miami, and they order the genocide of the entire state of Florida for the fake zika bugs. get over it.
One person gets bit by a mosquito they sent in fog machines to genocide the entire neighborhoods that ends up killing massive mounts of beneficial insects, butterflies, lightening bugs and birds eat insects and mosquitos and love them. Its a massive loss of environmental habitat free of cancer causing chemicals as these chemical toxic spreading killers need to be strung up and thrown in prison. This is Environmental Vandalism and addresses as such.
And the more chemicals they spray the more the municipality gets over paid in reimbursement by the State via Tax Payers. Gee what could possible go wrong here, with most Cities that are short in their budgets. Just spray more chemicals to make up the financial deficits.
Have you heard about the genetically desinged mosquito that causes a slow agonizing death worse than ebola?
Its called Eppe’s Revenge!
That appears to be just another article about the people who need to snag another government grant so that they can live large. There is no shortage of any insect species that one could name on my property. I’m pretty sure that there are even types that I see which have not even been identified and named by science. There are many bats, toads, frogs and lizards that feed on them also.
I suggest listening to Dane Wigington of As he says, “When the insects are gone, we all die.”
Where i live inscet populations are at an all time high.
All the good insecticides have been banned and inscets have become immune to the others.
Stink bugs were horrible this year …like Hitchcock movie horrible.
Last year it was asian beatles.
Biological warfare maybe?
I agree with this article in several cases such as honey bees, monarch butterflies and several other species that are rarely seen around here now. But the stink bugs,ants and Asian hornets are taking over in my area. Those populations are on the level of sci fi horror movies.
FINALLY!! a problem with a reasonable solution – stop using pesticides…..instead of “we need more tax money”.
Did you even read the article? They want to reward farmers that don’t use pesticides, so where do you think the reward money will come from? The taxpayer, I’m sure.