This report was originally published by TheDailySheeple.com
A college student contacted campus 911 to request an escort after feeling threatened by “a bunch of Trump people.”
When the security officer asked about whether she was threatened the woman was unable to provide an answer, showing just how hypersensitive some people have become.
Student: “I don’t feel comfortable walking over there because I feel like they might jump me. I just need someone to walk me to my car.”
Security: “I’m sorry, we don’t have the personnel to do that right now.”
Student: “What should I do?”
Security: “I don’t know.”
??????????? Huge Trump supporter here ??? pic.twitter.com/L85XWwiqC3
— Kaya Jones (@KayaJones) October 17, 2018
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people like this should be rounded up. maybe she should call antifa for an escort.
Put a Trump 2020 sticker on her car.
That’s perfect. NRA sticker too.
Too bad she couldn’t film this scary mob of Trump people – doing what exactly? Waving their banners in an empty parking lot at night?
Of course, there were no “Trump people” and someone needs to read the riot act to this attention seeking, little snowflake for placing a fraudulent call to 911!
Well, she’s kind of right. It’s not safe…for the “Trump people”. She’s calling to get people out there with low IQ’s and weapons to “protect” her and “do something” about them.
Pop a balloon behind her and watch her evacuate her meat suit….FFS, if this is what people are becoming, mankind is f*king doomed THIS generation.
Dude…I nearly pissed myself. Too funny.
I laughed so hard that a tear ran down my leg.
Mensa, the term ‘college student’ speaks for itself. I saw this article at The Daily Sheeple yesterday and LMAO!
DNJ, the libturds are definitely doomed.
What a worthless moron she is.
You did notice that the article said she was a “college student”? Do parents pay any attention to the education they are allowing their children to receive at these mental institutions?
I would bet over half the parents are a shade dimmer than these snowflake kids, they come from somewhere,,, its the same idiots who wanted their kids to get participation trophies rather than have winners and losers in the soccer leagues. Now they are whiners and losers
Nailbanger, the kids and their parents are doomed.
Apple never falls far from the tree.More than likely their parents are just as timid,weak minded,melodramatic and hypersensitive than their kids.
Student: “I don’t feel comfortable walking over there because I feel like they might jump me. I just need someone to walk me to my car.”
Security: “I’m sorry, we don’t have the personnel to do that right now.”
Student: “What should I do?”
Security: Switch parties to the red side and consider conceal carry going forward.
oh HELL no.
If this sheeple overreacted enough to call 911 because “scary people were out there”…would YOU want their finger on a trigger??
Student: “I don’t feel comfortable walking over there because I feel like they might jump me. I just need someone to walk me to my car.”
Security: “I’m sorry, we don’t have the personnel to do that right now.”
Student: “What should I do?”
Security: “As quick as you can put on the emergency RED MAGA hat and don’t make eye contact.”
Remove the word “like” from her vocabulary and she would be mute.
She is the poster woman for what public education,Hollywood,and MSM has created.
What a f’n retard. Liberal arts major is my guess.
Probably a degree that ends in the word… “Studies”.
at my Alma mater it was common for women to call for escorts
when traveling on the campus at night. They did not need a reason. The campus was not in a high crime area. It was just University policy. Plus it was a way to provide jobs for students working as Security guards to help them pay for the very expensive tuition costs. Besides it is a “shall issue” state and even though it was against University rules there were armed people everywhere on campus.
Same here. The ROTC had escorts standing by every night and any female could request one. It not only reinforced the proper relationship between ladies and gentlemen it sometimes led to actual dates. In the 30 years or so that I have been associated with the university I have never heard of an incident. Funny how that works.
You mention “armed” (re the security guards). If merely walking PAST “Trump people” makes her react like this, what would she do when she saw the (GASP! Oh nooooos!) GUN on the security guard?
how is she not in a catatonic state from trump being elected?..
She did manage to record herself pretending to be a potential victim, but what she didn’t record were the PEACEFUL TRUMP SUPPORTERS not bothering anyone, including her!
I’m surprised the guy didn’t outright laugh at her insanity, i would have!
Desertspeaks, she’s in a ‘catatonic state’ because she was educated by libturds. Simple answer to your question.
Good grief, Trumpbots are all fat ass toxic dump coward American pussies, the snowflakes, or the other fat ass toxic dump coward American pussies, they were never in any danger of dumbed down boot licking fat ass soda sucking GMO gobbling drunken bum toxic dump Trumpbot COWARDS….but do keep the children away from these Satan worshiping genocide supporting Trumpbot pedophiles, definitely keep the children away from them!!!
You must be hillery,,,
That explains everything bitch
Nailbanger, sometimes I could swear Ron was a hildebitch supporter.
I thought you were whining about Mac not letting you use that word?????…Did you follow my instructions for getting 24 hour surveillance by the criminal treasonous United states CORPORATION Government from the inner pits of the bowels of hell in Washington DC????
And THIS, ladies and gentlemen, is a PERFECT example of the “loving, kind, TOLERANT, liberal mindset.”
Makes you REALLY want to go join the Democrats, doesn’t it?
Kinda hard to recognize sarcasm unless it’s explained, it seems……
Give her a Tide Pod.
Anything quietly minding it’s own business, while passing the brown paper bag test, is a Trump person, btw. The corniest, most mundane things you do are a political statement. They will make audible, heterophobic, christophobic comments, about how “unsafe” they are.
Anything quietly minding it’s own business, while passing the brown paper bag test, is a Trump person, btw. The corniest, most mundane things you do are a political statement. They will make audible, heterophobic, christophobic comments, about how “unsafe” they are.
We have a doctor at our local clinic who took a leave-of-absence, after Trump was elected, and checked herself into a mental health facility to recover.
They say he is crazy, so invoke the 25th, criticize his manners, after catching their breath from a screaming fit.
It seems that the Republicans need armed guards around them to keep these Demonrats away!!
Really mac?
You let RA spout but i get sensored for writing the B word that rhymes with itch,,,,,
I do not curse, I do not need to curse to get my point across, you on the other hand have a demon in you that has to spout off curse words like a deranged Torrets Syndrome mentally ill person, and even worse than that YOU ARE BORING!!!!
Ron, thank you. I love you too. [SARCASM]
Ron; you have a verb problem…..
Ron; you have a verb problem…..
Also, the NSA(Lucifer) wants to hear EVERYTHING I have to say, he knows his time is up and I am here for him, so if you also want constant monitoring from the criminal treasonous United States CORPORATION Government, aka Lucifer and the Fallen Ones, from the inner pits of the bowels of hell in Washington DC, I can give you a few tips, pointers, and full proof instructions on how you too can enjoy 24 hour surveillance from your criminal treasonous genocidal murderous United States CORPORATION Government.
You’re an idiot.
Ron, time to get back on your meds.
Oh now that is an original one…you see how dumbed down you toxic dump coward pussy American boot lickers truly are when you just cannot come up with something original in your chemically lobotomized brain of a 6 year old.
Ron, I’ve stated a few times in the past that you do have a way with words. I’ll grant you that. But I’m NOBODY’S BOOT LICKER. Count on it.
That is why I use the word “Witch”.
Think of how we pronounce “Wi”s
in Hawaii.
Witch won’t get censored.
but sounds like what you
want to say.
Nailbanger, I also got moderated for saying ‘hildebitch’. Yet people, me included, use worse language and nothing happens. Go figure.
My suspicion is that the liberal student had had an earlier verbal encounter with the “Trump people”. Her fear might have been justified but by her own stupidity. Provoke trouble and you get trouble is a lesson a lot of liberals haven’t learned but should.
She’s just moderately under medicated….. like Ron Ahrens is ….. a few more Valium a quick dose of Prozac, a snort of GMO Flower…..
Even bad publicity is good publicity on my hearts and minds tour, thank you for listening and thinking of me in your writings!!!
Do not open doors for these female snowflakes. Do not date them and never marry one. Do not have sex with them because you will have messed up children. These people are dangerous, they will try to destroy your country by their votes. They are tools of socialists who seek to take over America. Do not be nice to those who seek to destroy your way of life.
Did someone forget to tell her that Hillary is the one telling her people to not be civil towards Republicans? Or that the Dems are the ones attacking Trump supporters and Republicans, not the other way around? She probably just wanted attention, to gain support for her stupidity, and to make Trump supporters look bad. Snowflake is too nice a term to use on them. Wimps? Crybabies? Snivelers? Sore losers?
Swampcreature, good advice. Someone gets with one of those snowflakes they’ll catch something.
Yeah like Hillary’s disease…
I’m afraid of Trump supporters, too, but only because they have no discernment and are instrumental in making him (The Hammer) the guy who will Make Israel Great Again.
Seems she is confusing to what the Democrats do to the Trump supporters (threatening physical harm) and not what the Republican do and that is protect themselves from these Democratic idiots who are attacking them.
The amount of smiling she was doing brings another possibility and that it to bring trouble to Trump supporting students.
LOL. One of the funniest things I’ve seen in a while. What kind of lame snowflakes are people raising?? The worst thing is, I know it’s MY generation that has raised these idiots. It’s embarrassing. I thought we were SO MUCH better than this!