This article was originally published by Ethan Huff at Natural News.
Peeling back the layers of deception and obfuscation reveals a shocking truth that may not be all that shocking to our informed readers: Covid-19 “vaccines” are injuring and killing far more people than the government is letting on.
Estimates compiled from pieced-together data suggest that as many as 20 million people worldwide have died so far from the shots, while another 2.2 billion have suffered injuries – and we are only just getting started.
In the coming months and years, these figures will balloon even higher as lingering spike proteins progressively damage the bodies of the “fully vaccinated,” leaving them prone not only to every illness that comes along (autoimmune disease) but also to deadly clots (i.e., myocarditis and pericarditis).
It requires a bit of digging to come up with the aforementioned figures as governments work overtime to keep all pertinent data hidden, or at least confusing. The way post-injection injuries and deaths are calculated varies from country to country and even from municipality to municipality, making it difficult to come up with accurate numbers.
The safety and effectiveness claims for the shots are also highly skewed, one way being how “cases” of the Fauci Flu are determined. All throughout the scamdemic, illnesses and deaths were falsely attributed to the “virus” so that later the injections could be framed as the “cure.” (Related: Excess deaths are noticeably higher than normal in countries where jab uptake was high.)
In 2020 before the official launch of the vaccines under Donald Trump, the annualized rate of covid “cases” was around 70 million – and keep in mind that the official definition of a “case” is still just as murky today as it was at the beginning of the plandemic.
Following the launch of Operation Warp Speed, the annualized number of covid cases increased nearly fivefold to 330 million. The annualized mortality rate also increased from 1.7 million pre-Operation Warp Speed to 2.9 million post-Operation Warp Speed.
This is significant because it shows that the shots are not “saving lives” as is still being claimed. The opposite is actually true as many more people are getting sick and dying in the injection era.
“Rather than a 95% (or 91% in the trials) reduction in cases and deaths, there has been a 370% INCREASE in the annualized case rate,” writes Peter Halligan on his Substack. “Annualized Deaths have INCREASED by 180%.”
Halligan looked at data in the government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) to come up with the 20 million dead and 2.2 billion injured figures. Since VAERS only captures a very small percentage of actual vaccine-related adverse events, Halligan extrapolated true figure estimates using multiplication.
The “butcher’s bill from the battlefield,” as he calls it, points to these figures being far more accurate than anything the government or Big Pharma are admitting. And were these figures to spread widely across the population, there would surely be a whole lot of angry folks with a lot of questions for the powers that be.
Dr. David Martin believes that by 2028, roughly 700 million people will have died from covid injections. Of this, 100 million are estimated to occur just within the United States, stripping the country of about one-third of its total population.
“The bullets used in ‘the Spike Wars’ are the injections – fired by Big Pharma at an unsuspecting civilian population,” Halligan writes.
“Casualties are becoming more and more obvious – even the MSM, social media, health regulators, medical professionals, Hollywood propagandists, etc. are dropping like flies. There will be an epiphany soon.”
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