China has accused the United States of “trade bullyism practices” that have become “the greatest source of uncertainty and risk for the recovery of the global economy.” And their new party line has become: “we’re trying to save the world from the US government.”
In a 71-page paper, the Chinese government came out swinging against the US’s efforts to ignite a disastrous trade war. They accused President Donald Trump’s administration of “trade bullyism practices” but worse, say they are attempting to save the world. According to CNBC, the document, which was published on Monday, outlined the Chinese government’s response to criticisms leveled against it by the US. Issues addressed in the report include the trade imbalance between the two countries, Beijing’s subsidy policy and alleged intellectual property theft by China’s companies.
Beijing has also called out Washington for its policies that it “inhibit fair competition in the US” — such as subsidies — and allegedly abusing national security laws to obstruct the “normal investment activities” of Chinese companies on American shores. “China does not want a trade war, but it is not afraid of one and will fight one if necessary,” Beijing said in the document. “We have a highly resilient economy, an enormous market, and the hard-working, talented, and united Chinese people. We also have the support of all countries in the world that reject protectionism, unilateralism, and hegemony.”
“The US government has taken extreme trade protectionist measures, which have undermined the international economic order, caused damage to China-US trade and trade relations around the world, disrupted the global value chain and the international division of labor, upset market expectations, and led to violent swings in the international financial and commodity markets. It has become the greatest source of uncertainty and risk for the recovery of the global economy,” the paper said.
American officials have attempted to claim that China is, in fact, the aggressor in the trade war because it took advantage of the US’s consumer mentality for many years.
The document was released on the same day as an escalation in the trade dispute between the world’s two largest economies. The Trump administration levied tariffs on an additional $200 billion of Chinese goods on Monday, while the government of Chinese President Xi Jinping retaliated by targeting roughly $60 billion worth of U.S. imports.
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Most Americans are ignorant about China and its people. China is a dynamic and modern and country and its people are ambitious but also fun-loving. The country is very diverse (and in a good way: no violent blacks).
The food is amazing, the women beautiful and fashionable. The cities are modern and safe compared to America.
China is viewed by the rest of the world as a country they can do business with and a country they admire for achieving so much in such a short time.
No, Google and China teamed up to spy on Americans. I’ve warned you all to turn off the Google Administrator on your cell phones and delete all Google based Apps. And if you are a moron, and still use Gmail, you deserve to be hacked tracked and punished. You all have been Warned here man times.
Info, Just out.
STUNNED Android users discover that Google allows mobile phone apps to read all your Gmail
Tuesday, September 25, 2018 by: Lance D Johnson
(Natural News) After promising they would no longer spy on your emails for advertisement purposes, Google Inc. recently admitted to lawmakers that they continue to allow third party companies to scan and share data from private Gmail accounts. According to the Wall Street Journal, a top Google official wrote to the U.S. Senate, confessing that Google still allows app developers and data companies’ unprecedented access to Gmail accounts. Millions of Gmail users are being are having their privacy violated, as app developers scan their emails, view private details, and use the data for target marketing.
Every time an Android user uses an app on their phone, they are forced to give up the privacy of their own Gmail account. Google is allowing mobile phone apps to scan all your emails to pickup keywords, private messages, addresses, times stamps, and intimate details. All this private information can be compiled, analyzed, and used to build a psychological profile on users for advertising purposes.
Android apps enjoy unprecedented access to your intimate emails
Google manages to disregard user privacy and get away with it because they hide behind the apps’ coercive consent form, which asks Android users if they are willing to let the app breach their privacy. These coercive consent forms (that pop up before an app can be used) do not fully disclose whether a user’s private data can be analyzed by computers, humans, or both. These “consent forms” pop up and block access to the app unless the user agrees that the application can “read, send, delete, and manage your email.” The form also asks if you grant it permission to manage “your contacts and calendars.”
Google defends their privacy breach by adhering to a vetting process with app companies. Google “vets” the app companies by merely confirming their identity and checking to see if the company requests data that is in line with the company’s goals. For example, email apps get exclusive access to users’ Gmail accounts because the app’s focus is on email processing. Not every app gets approved to access users’ Gmail data, but Google won’t disclose which companies get exclusive access. Peculiarly, apps such as Salesforce and Microsoft Office enjoy unprecedented access to users’ Gmail accounts.
Humans scan thousands of emails to feed algorithms
Google employees also enjoy access to user’s emails in “very specific cases” when users give consent or for “security purposes.” After speaking with some of the companies, The WSJ found that the companies use human engineers to view hundreds to thousands of emails so they can train machine algorithms to process the data. Return Path and Edison Software are two app developers that openly state they monitor emails for this purpose.
As experienced in the Cambridge Analytica data sharing fiasco, there are times when user data is used for nefarious purposes. This is why protecting privacy is important. When tech companies have the power to collect your most intimate messages and analyze the information using algorithms, they gain power over people’s lives and are able to exploit people through targeted advertisement for political and business gain. Even more nefarious, private data can be analyzed to frame people, scheme, and manipulate. Phishing attacks can use this same permission request system on Android to subvert Google’s security clearances and steal data for nefarious purposes. This is already happening.
Not unrelated, Google is currently working with China to develop and Android app that censors out specific searches, news, and websites that the Chinese government has already banned through China’s great firewall. As Google collects private details on Gmail users, how will that information be used to engineer more of the same thought control platforms to manipulate people around the globe and make populations compliant to authority?
Stay up-to-date on the implications of big tech’s privacy breaches at PrivacyWatch.News.
I have had a mobile device since 1987. I retired and the smart phone was shut off and put in my desk drawer at home. Google and whoever else can track my desk drawer all they want to. Same thing with my computer. It lives of the top of my desk. Let whoever wants to track the top of my desk to their heart’s content. As far as tracking my purchase goes — so what? I go on fake shopping trips for yachts, military surplus (like tanks and Humvees, and Russian surplus submarines), mansions, and other expensive booty. That keeps them plenty occupied.
The people violating your privacy are the same ones that hollowed out the American economy. Former President Jimmy Carter said it: the United States is a corporate oligarchy.
These people will not be happy until they have it all, and on their terms. They want you dirt poor and under-employed living in their housing. They want you divorced and just “smart enough” to not bring babies into your miserable life — that you blame yourself for. They do not want you saving for a retirement except their revenue scheme. They do not want you to have any health care system except theirs. They want you eating their artificial food and drinking their toxic and polluted water. And even then, the people they control will never be compliant enough for them.
They want you dirt poor and under-employed living in their housing. They want you divorced and just “smart enough” to not bring babies into your miserable life — that you blame yourself for. They do not want you saving for a retirement except their revenue scheme. They do not want you to have any health care system except theirs. They want you eating their artificial food and drinking their toxic and polluted water. And even then, the people they control will never be compliant enough for them.
Boy you said it.
And if not divorced, then gay. I have nothing against natural born gays but I feel like we’re mass producing them out of people who would otherwise not be. This isn’t hard. Make sure their home life is abusive as fuck by leaning financially on their parents and making divorce not only the only option, but a grossly unfair one. Push them till they freak the shit out and become emotional train wrecks. Then simultaneously put out all this “look how happy and peaceful it is to be gay” BS propaganda. “Don’t you want someone in your life that understands you like Mommy or Daddy didn’t?”
I swear man you can fuck people’s brains around into doing just about anything with the kind of power you’re throwing around here.
China is a shithole
“made in china” IS a warning-label, afterall…..
“India is a shithole”: There, I corrected it for you.
I was blessed with a remarkably progressive
school system when I was young.
I took Mandarin Chinese for two years in seventh and
eighth grades. I had grown tired of the Spanish
that was taught daily in elementary school.
One thing I learned about China, is
they have no concept of personal liberty,
they are very disciplined, but not very innovative
as they kill off all innovators.
They also plan for centuries in the future,
assuming they can produce sufficient people
to out survive the rest of the barbarians.
The biggest racists in the world are Japanese
and Chinese.
So true, and thanks to Bush 41 and most favored nation status, they have all of our technology, and immediately applied it to high-tech weaponry. They are the ones behind the sonic weapons used on our diplomats and military people in Africa and Cuba.
You can do wonders with the economy when you are a police state with no liberty. Think about this the next time we buy chinese made stuff, made often by prisoners (including Christians).
One thing the Chinese don’t have, their Achilles Heal as it were, is resources. No Iron Ore, etc.. They must import all of their resources to make stuff. What the Chinese figure is the USA is only one heart beat or impeachment away from a Palace Coup. They know the next Prez, Neo-Con or Libtard, will run back to favoring them.
Rellik, that’s MAINLAND COMMUNIST China you’re talking about and what you say about them is true. But I’ve known some Chinese from Taiwan, The Republic of China, FREE CHINA, who are some great people and DO have a concept of personal liberty. Taiwan is still a sovereign and independent nation. You don’t hear a whole lot about them since they are considered outcasts by the rest of the world. There is a so-called “ONE China” policy first implemented by Nixon and Kissinger when they opened the door to Red China back in the early 70s. Ever since then Red China has been recognized as the only China in the world. POS Jimmy Carter made it official in 1979 when he broke diplomatic relations with Taiwan and gave diplomatic recognition to the Commies. Most people don’t know this but we had a military presence on Taiwan from the early 50s to the late 70s. We still have trade relations and a mutual defense treaty with Taiwan. Taiwanese are the only GOOD Chinese I know of and will associate with. MAINLAND Chinese are who everyone should beware of.
rellik, didn’t take any Mandarin (German, Russian, Latin and a smattering of French and Spanish); however, I agree with your assessment of the Chinese as to not valuing personal/individual liberty, innovation, initiative. And the reason I’m responding is the remark you made that is so dead-on correct is their planning and long-range view. Centuries. Exactly. I only disagree when you say they are the ‘biggest racists in the world’. They are certainly in the runner’s up; but, those denizens of Israel win that title hand’s down.
A short time? Yeah they have done a lot since murdering millions of their own citizens. I think I will pass on on using China as any role model for anything.
Henson Ong – Legal Immigrant’s speech on 2nd Amendment
Their govt vigorously demands gun controls in America, while plotting invasions.
MOST people have never been to a Chinese factory.
Well I have.
Looks great on the surface, kiddo…
Certainly the 20th century ended up belonging to the US. Unless something changes China will be making that claim for the 21st.
STUNNED Android users discover that Google allows mobile phone apps to read all your Gmail
Tuesday, September 25, 2018 by: Lance D Johnson
Google defends their privacy breach by adhering to a vetting process with app companies. Google “vets” the app companies by merely confirming their identity and checking to see if the company requests data that is in line with the company’s goals. For example, email apps get exclusive access to users’ Gmail accounts because the app’s focus is on email processing. Not every app gets approved to access users’ Gmail data, but Google won’t disclose which companies get exclusive access. Peculiarly, apps such as Salesforce and Microsoft Office enjoy unprecedented access to users’ Gmail accounts.
Humans scan thousands of emails to feed algorithms
Google employees also enjoy access to user’s emails in “very specific cases” when users give consent or for “security purposes.” After speaking with some of the companies, The WSJ found that the companies use human engineers to view hundreds to thousands of emails so they can train machine algorithms to process the data. Return Path and Edison Software are two app developers that openly state they monitor emails for this purpose.
As experienced in the Cambridge Analytica data sharing fiasco, there are times when user data is used for nefarious purposes. This is why protecting privacy is important. When tech companies have the power to collect your most intimate messages and analyze the information using algorithms, they gain power over people’s lives and are able to exploit people through targeted advertisement for political and business gain. Even more nefarious, private data can be analyzed to frame people, scheme, and manipulate. Phishing attacks can use this same permission request system on Android to subvert Google’s security clearances and steal data for nefarious purposes. This is already happening.
Not unrelated, Google is currently working with China to develop and Android app that censors out specific searches, news, and websites that the Chinese government has already banned through China’s great firewall. As Google collects private details on Gmail users, how will that information be used to engineer more of the same thought control platforms to manipulate people around the globe and make populations compliant to authority?
Stay up-to-date on the implications of big tech’s privacy breaches at PrivacyWatch.News.
Only an idiot
uses Gmail.
My private email is run by ex-navy
in a place in WA state that does
secret Submarine “stuff”.
My email is pretty secure.
The part I like is most the time
the Net thinks I’m in Louisiana.
Trump, Putin and Xi are all working together to dismantle the central banking system.
That is all you need to know for now.
Red China can go to hell. I don’t need those gooks to rescue me from anything.
One great advantage the American people have is innovation. Virtually everywhere else on the planet the cultures so distain losing, its so reprehensible that people are frightened to try. In the US falling down is not the disgrace, quitting is the disgrace. That spirit separates the US from others.
Other polls have BT’s approval rating even lower than this.
And when we also think of the many people President Trump has picked but has since had to fire, and those who have left on their own whom he hired, or whom he picked but now publicly opposes (like Sessions, for one), there’s no denying President Trump is a poor judge of character.
Spin it however you want with your “draining the swamp” illusion, but however you do spin it he’s still a poor judge of character. Even his SCOTUS pick is unpopular.
President Donald Trump’s SCOTUS pick is unpopular with Progressive Socialist Democrats. And their views are the only ones the American people are allowed to hear. These independent (LOL) polls are fully-controlled, rigged, and manipulated by the Left.
The president has poor judgement because the Progressive Socialist Democrats say so. And their views are the only ones we are hearing about because MSM is controlled by Progressive Socialist Democrats. For example Chris Cuomo of CNN is the brother of New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo — both Progressive Socialist Democrats. NYS has been controlled by the Cuomo Family Mafia since the 1980s when Andrew’s daddy, Mario, was running the state into the ground.
90-percent of the reporting (aligned with Progressive Socialist Democrats), on President Donald Trump is negative. 300+ newspapers organized themselves with the wholly-owned (by Progressive Socialist Democrats), MSM to publish articles that were 100-percent negative of the president.
All of it coming out of a corrupt, controlled and full-rigged, establishment professional political class that will not relinquish power.
With everybody (or so we are supposed to believe), out to get him, I am amazed how Donald Trump, a duly-elected President of the United States, has remained in power this long.
Comments like yours make me think these alt-media sites are infiltrated by Progressive Socialist Democrats. Like you?
So what exactly does trump stand for? After all, he’s changed his political parties more times than he’s changed his wives. Democrat? Republican? Independent? Who knows what’s next?
“In a 2004 interview, Trump told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer: “In many cases, I probably identify more as Democrat,” explaining: “It just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Now, it shouldn’t be that way. But if you go back, I mean it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats. But certainly we had some very good economies under Democrats, as well as Republicans. But we’ve had some pretty bad disaster under the Republicans.” In a July 2015 interview, Trump said that he has a broad range of political positions and that “I identify with some things as a Democrat.”
Fake news? I think not.
Support Mass Surveillance: Pay Your Taxes
Money cures all evils, poverty being the worst. Money gives you options. By out-sourcing millions of American jobs, and tens of thousands of manufacturing plants American Corporate Oligarchies murdered the American Middle Class.
A hollowed-out American economy reflects one thing: a loss of options. And a return of poverty. Poverty of the soul. Poverty of the pocketbook. Poverty of ideas. Poverty of options.
You can’t support education by relying upon the rich elites. They are all sending their well-fed, well-clothed, well-housed, safe children to private schools. Steven Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg. All Harvard grads.
Public education in the United States is a disgrace. Education for the masses can only be accomplished with taxes. Regular folks pay taxes. The people doing all the living and the dying in this country.
And its only going to get worse.
China was greatly influenced by the Isreal faction to become Communists, murder their own, turn against their emperor, their parents, their independence.
The needle was invented in ancient China. The best needles are made in Germany of German steel. German scissors are very strong. Japanese scissors are probably better for cutting hair. They use alloys like titanium to make the steel lighter and more flexible for cutting hair without splitting the ends.
Sailboats have sails to mend. Tents tear. Sleeping bags may need to be repaired. Socks with holes in them are dangerous on long hikes. A good darning needle takes little space and weighs very little in your backpack.
The Israel crowd also plan for centuries. If your “holy” book told you you were the best thing on planet earth and god in human form destined to have slaves and all the wealth of other peoples to whom you are required to lie to, steal from, and trick and that this is the height of morality; then set you into motion working toward these goals over thousands of years, do you think you would own the media, control universities, and be able to infiltrate everything worth anything in the United States and in Countries like China? I think you would be an arrogant S-O-B with power, money, and economic slaves and sex slaves, too.
I have to literally laugh when I read this post. china trying to save the world from the US? China will be reduced to ashes from Nukes by the US, if you keep fucking with the US.
China has mass executions is stadiums for the public to see women, college students are constantly subject to gang rape, torture and murdered, by the PLA, by firing squads by .50 cal automatic fire.
China wants to invade the US, while their partner and the allies, Obama, and to Rothchild banking family and his buddies at the US, per Dr James Garrow who got the proof from sources, including David Hodges, Steve Quayle and may other reliable sources. If you chi-coms even activate in the United States, you will pay a heavy price for your mistakes. Invade us, fuck with us, try firing squads on our soil and see what we will do, Americans and US 3%’ers will never kneel to this bullshit. You can try it but will be make sure you pay that price, so china, you communist government, etc and go eat shit. We are going to bomb the fuck out of those islands that you occupy, since you think you own the fucking atmosphere and oceans, and have you Asiatic rights, to the US, since you claim that the Indians are your decendants and were here first. We will kill your soldiers when they start this here, and that’s a promise.
molon labe, eat shit, fuck you china.
Good luck trying this in America.
This video shows what they have planned for America families.
China billionaire shows us how its done.
chi-com soldier shoot citizen in the back of the head at point blank range.
Good luck chi-coms soldiers. good luck when you get here, his is where you die. We will not tolerate this type of crap in our country.
Molon labe, and good luck. And by the way, I support Donald Trump.
And their new party line has become: “we’re trying to save the world from the US government.”
Yeah then stop dumping plastic pumpkins all over us.
Slave wages. Organ harvesting. Oh boy do I ever want to be saved by your hypocritical asses. You betcha.
I’d wake up in a bathtub full of ice with my kidneys gone just for posting this over there.