One argument you’ll hear from the majority of Americans who refuse to wake up to the madness around them is that if there truly was an economic and financial cabal in cahoots with the government we would have heard about it. If this was actually happening, wouldn’t there be insiders from the private and public sectors that would have alerted us to the conspiracies? And wouldn’t the mainstream media report on it? And wouldn’t the Justice Department vigorously pursue and prosecute those responsible for the fraud, theft and manipulation?
It turns out that there are whistle-blowers – hundreds of them. But any attack on the establishment is met with either a full-on counter-attack that targets the credibility of the individual bringing forth the information and marginalizes the content of the message by dismissing it as the ravings of a lunatic or disgruntled employee, or, it’s simply erased from public view by the very institutions tasked with investigating such activity.
Yesterday, an open letter posted in the public comments section at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) by a self described JP Morgan insider and whistle-blower was removed in short order (no cache of the page exists, but it was briefly indexed by search engines). It was dead on arrival. A direct link to the letter now leads to an empty page in the hopes that it will never be seen by the 99% of Americans who tune in only to mainstream news sources for their daily dose of truth. Don’t worry, though, because if there’s one thing alternative news media learned from Orwell’s 1984 and real world experience, it’s that we should always expect the powers that be will attempt to rewrite history. As such, the full content of the post has been copied and archived for posterity’s sake by alternative media (and reprinted below).
In the letter, the JP Morgan insider reveals that high level executives and traders at the bank are putting the investments and savings of thousands, if not millions, of hard working Americans at risk of complete, wide-scale market collapse through their machinations and fraudulent practices. Moreover, he suggests that executives at his bank are fully aware of commodity manipulations in which the bank engages, as well as the risks posed by a European collapse, an event that, according to the whistle-blower, will lead to annihilation of investments within a matter of days.
Here is the full open letter (now removed from CFTC’s public comments), made available via Market Ticker and Modern Survival Blog:
[Emphasis Added]
From: Z A N
JPMorgan ChaseComment No: 57019
Date: 3/14/2012Dear CFTC Staff,
Hello, I am a current JPMorgan Chase employee. This is an open letter to all commissioners and regulators. I am emailing you today b/c I know of insider information that will be damning at best for JPMorgan Chase. I have decided to play the role of whistleblower b/c I no longer have faith and belief that what we are doing for society is bringing value to people. I am now under the opinion that we are actually putting hard working Americans unaware of what lays ahead at extreme market risk. This risk is unnecessary and will lead to wide-scale market collapse if not handled properly. With the release of Mr. Smith’s open letter to Goldman, I too would like to set the record straight for JPM as well. I have seen the disruptive behavior of superiors and no longer can say that I look up to employees at the ED/MD level here at JPM. Their smug exuberance and arrogance permeates the air just as pungently as rotting vegetables. They all know too well of the backdoor crony connections they share intimately with elected officials and with other institutions. It is apparent in everything they do, from the meager attempts to manipulate LIBOR, therefore controlling how almost all derivatives are priced to the inherit and fraudulent commodities manipulation. They too may have one day stood for something in the past in the client-employee relationship. Does anyone in today’s market really care about the protection of their client? From the ruthless and scandalous treatment of MF Global client asset funds to the excessive bonuses paid by companies with burgeoning liabilities. Yes, we at JPMorgan that are in the know are fearful of a cascading credit event being triggered in Greece as they have hidden derivatives in excess of $1 Trillion USD. We at JPMorgan own enough of these through counterparty risk and outright prop trading that our entire IB EDG space could be annihilated within a few short days. The last ten years has been market by inflexion point after inflexion point with the most notable coming in 2008 after the acquisition of Bear.
I wish to remain anonymous as of now as fear of termination mounts from what I am about to reveal. Robert Gottlieb is not my real name; however he is a trader that is involved in a lawsuit for manipulative trading while working with JPMorgan Chase. He was acquired during our Bear Stearns acquisition and is known to be the notorious person shorting in the silver future market from his trading space, along with Blythe Masters, his IB Global boss. However, with that said, we are manipulating the silver futures market and playing a smaller (but still massively manipulative) role in manipulating the gold futures market. We have a little over a 25% (give or take a percentage) position in the short market for silver futures and by your definition this denotes a larger position than for speculative purposes or for hedging and is beyond the line of manipulation.
On a side note, I do not work directly with accounts that would have been directly impacted by the MF Global fiasco but I have heard through other colleagues that we have involvement in the hiding of client assets from MF Global. This is another fraudulent effort on our part and constitutes theft. I urge you to forward that part of the investigation on to the respective authorities.
There is something else that you may find strange. During month-end December, we were all told by our managers that this was going to be a dismal year in terms of earnings and that we should not expect any bonuses or pay raises. Then come mid-late January it is made known that everyone received a pay raise and/or bonus, which is interesting b/c just a few weeks ago we were told that this was not likely and expected to be paid nothing in addition to base salary. January is right around the time we started increasing our short positions quite significantly again and this most recent crash in gold and silver during Bernanke’s speech on February 29th is of notable importance, as we along with 4 other major institutions, orchestrated the violent $100 drop in Gold and subsequent drops in silver.
As regulators of the free people of this country, I ask you to uphold the most important job in the world right now. That job is judge and overseer of all that is justice in the most sensitive of commodity markets. There are many middle-income people that invest in the physical assets of silver, gold, as well as mining stocks that are being financially impacted in a negative way b/c of our unscrupulous shorts in the precious metals commodity sector. If you read the COT with intent you will find that commercials (even though we have no business being in the commercial sector, which should be reserved for companies that truly produce the metal) are net short by a long shot in not only silver, but gold.
It is rather surprising that what should be well known liabilities on our balance sheet have not erupted into wider scale scrutinization. I call all honest and courageous JPMorgan employees to step up and fight the cronyism and wide-scale manipulation by reporting the truth. We are only helping reality come to light therefore allowing a real valuation of our banking industry which will give investors a chance to properly adjust without being totally wiped out. I will be contacting a lawyer shortly about this matter, as I believe no other whistleblower at JPMorgan has come forward yet. Our deepest secrets lie within the hands of honest employees and can be revealed through honest regulators that are willing to take a look inside one of America’s best kept secrets. Please do not allow this to turn into another Enron.
Kind Regards,
-The 1st Whistleblower of Many
We wouldn’t bet on any of this actually being investigated by regulatory agencies, because according to President Obama and other politicians, nobody has committed any crimes.
What we would bet on is that this anonymous whistle blower isn’t just blowing smoke. Given the recent revelations of other insiders like Greg Smith, a former Goldman Sachs executive director of their equities derivatives business, who warned this week of a toxic and destructive environment at the government’s leading bailout darling, we’re of the belief that JP Morgan is no different.
The entire system is rigged, and they have most certainly done a great job of keeping it afloat and maintaining the illusion of stability in the eyes of the masses. One day, perhaps soon, the people will lose confidence in these firms and the government institutions that are complicit in their manipulations. When that happens, look out, because we’ve got decades of paper receipts and derivatives valued in the tens of trillions of dollars that will be shown to be worth absolutely nothing.
When this ponzi scheme finally comes down it will be unlike anything we’ve ever seen in terms of economic collapse and financial asset annihilation.
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Great timing. We began moving the last of our funds out of JPM today, into a local Credit Union. Thanks Mac!
THe good news is airport molestations now only appy to those who cannot afford the “don’t molest me” fee.
Best move you can make.
I dumped Bank Of America a long time back, and my little credit union has done nothing but impress the hell out of me ever since – excellent interest rates (as far as bank accounts go), awesome customer service, ATM fee refunds for a certain number of out-of-network withdrawals per month (no, seriously!), and best of all? No pound-me-in-the-ass fees whenever their president feels like he needs a new yacht or Lamborghini (unlike the asshats at BoA).
All in all? Credit Unions rock.
I certainly agree with you. I dropped out of BAC in 2009 after 50 years with them. They were down right ugly to me and the fees were getting worst. I left saying, I hope you fail.
WE just switched to a local C.U. today, after our small town bank where we’ve been customers for 10 yrs got bought out and became a “big name” bank! The “rules” for the new bank are quite ridiculous…so we are out of there!
Yeah…especially those banks that expect you to make your mortgage payment and not walk away… those are the worst, Huh Smoky?
Buy gold, buy silver, buy food, buy protection, but above all……………bye U.S. Dollar!
2 things: 1) Federal Regulators and CU Auditors are requiring that financial institutions increase their cash on hand or availability to prevent runs on cash. Look up Citi Corp stress test fail.
2) Anyone living in the DC area, look around and you will see new security measures going up around all military bases and offices. They are scared something is coming. Can’t say anything more.
That may be in response to the killings in Afghanistan.
The construction at military office buildings started before the shooting in Afghanistan.
Re “financial institutions increase their cash”
…through deposits of the unwary in their communities who don’t check the bank’s safety. Don’t respond to new account come-ons — you give them your money, they take it and keep it. Check out texas bank ratio websites.
virtually our entire financial system is CORRUPT
if the corruption were removed
they system would freeze and fall into COLLAPSE
and the censorship does not surprise me
I have experirenced it myself
I have posted comments critical of the big banks on a
financial site ,only to have the comments removed
my comments and similar comments by other postors
were scrubbed from the site,the only comments left
were ones full of glowing praises of the big banks
satori, we welcome those comments here!
and yes, i agree, if they were to stop the manipulations now the entire system would come unglued. Paulson, et. al. knew the deal in 2008…. martial law, tanks in the streets, collapse of our currency, and complete meltdown of equitis markets were prevented only because of the trillions in monetary printing and the coverup of the frauds. It’s nothing more than a stay of execution.
The worst is yet to come.
“they will be undone by the only thing they can’t protect themselves from: their own greed”
“The worst is yet to come.” Absolute bullseye Mac. And I will “go-out-on-a-limb” and predict long before this year is history. Some “shock and awe” for many Sheeple is becoming ANYDAY now.
I agree with your but everytime I think something is about ready to collapse, the government or other entity figures out a way to hold it together a bit longer. When the system fails it will fail in a huge way. The government is and always has been a part of cover-ups.
Hey Mac, I just had an experience. I read this JPM doc. either last night or the night before. I spoke to my wife about it and we thought it was better to go proactive and clear our Chase savings account and knock it down to a $1000 or so. So about 10:30am today I waltzed into Chase bank and got one of the service managers I know and we sat down and I said I wanted to clear our savings account and leave about a thousand in there and I wanted it in cash. Boy; this caused a disturbance in the force! Holy crap! It took them about 15 minutes to see if they had enough cash on hand. (It wasn’t a “real” big figure) But it must have been enough. They directed me over to a teller’s window way off onto the end where there was no one. The teller placed a cash counter on the counter by the window so I could see the count. It was counted and stacked it up but the funny thing was she asked me what I did for a living. I thought it was a funny question and asked why? She claimed she had to include it in a report. What report? To the Government or what? She said, I don’t know but probably so. I said; wait a minute, I thought that only deposits over $10,000 had to be reported? She claimed that all transactions over $10,000 had to be. I was kind of miffed. What the hell business is it of the government if I pull my savings account? This is a little intrusive. NO, this is a LOT of intrusive. But if you want to start a ruckus in a medium sized bank. Hand them s copy of that letter 1st whistleblower wrote. That guy I handed it to scanned it and I could see it in his face, OH SHIT! He read it hard and said we haven’t heard anything about this. And I don’t believe he had either. But I will bet it will be a topic of discussion after the close of business today.
I knew withdrawls of cash over $10 K were reported. Boy did I screw up on Wednesday afternoon. I deposited just over 10 K not thinking that a deposit was a problem. “What is your phone number? Please verify the last 4 digits of your SS number. What do you do for a living? Please verify your current address.” I can’t recall the rest of the questions, but I was uncomfortable. It was a cash deposit along with a transfer of money from savings into checking so that I would have enough to pay for my GOOD vehicle. Learn from my mistake folks.
@Silver Bean – I am doing the exact same thing next week. But I will deposit just short of 10K into the bank. I am getting a new car, and will not be financing it. Thanks for the heads-up.
In January 2012, I went into a Chase branch and asked to withdraw $4000 savings in 20-dollar bills. It was as if I was asking for their first-born child. It took over 15 minutes and got me numerous glares. The teller had to get her manager because she said “I’m not sure we’ve got that right now.” I left feeling sheepish and realized that if 5 people were doing the same thing as I was, they couldn’t be served, and it could possibly scare people into a run on the bank.
I have found even amounts as low as $5000 have begun to be a problem when withdrawn or deposited. I now try to space my money withdrawals out over several days or go to several locations. $1000 per day over one to two weeks creates a pattern and appears to soothe them into seeing this as routine while moving $5000 in one swoop (even if it is for legitimate purposes) seems to create panic.
I bought some Euros at our bank in 2005 as an investment. The teller went into someone’s office, and then someone else came out of that office and started chit-chatting with me, asking me where were we going, assuming we were going on vacation. It was really none of her business what I was doing with the Euros, so I told her we hadn’t decided yet (because we WERE thinking about going somewhere).
I went back last week and sold them back, for a $300 profit. This time I was asked where I went, but it didn’t seem as big a deal since I was bringing them back.
I took out some not very ‘large’ amounts of cash from my bank, here in England. I had to give them two days notice, and I was asked the same thing, “what do you want the money for?” First time I said, “none of your business” She wrote it on her little form. Second time I took out funds sufficient for them to ask what I wanted it for, I said, “Drugs and prostitution” She was about to write down what I said, then decided to just leave it blank. Who do these people think they are? My mother, and I’m a child? It’s MY F…ing money, and they have been borrowing it from me, now I want it back, and they think they have a right to know what I will do with my money. Makes me angry.
Does the year 1929 ring a bell?
Or just part of the alarm system?
The Bible states:What is whispered in the corners(implying crooked dealings) will be shouted from the rooftops!
It’s nice to be near one of those housetops(I.E. SHTF)
Best to All
I read this at club Orlov
Post-Soviet Lessons for a Post-American Century
Dmitry Orlov
Made for interesting reading(intelligent,rational outlook,like here)
I’ve read Orlov’s books too and have seen a couple of his presentations. I love that he is very realistic; no sugarcoating, no smoothing edges, just reporting as a matter of fact. But at the same time it’s all calm and there is no fear mongering. Kind of like: these are the facts; don’t panic; change your thinking, adapt, decide what you can do post SHTF, and don’t forget to breathe.
He also has a dry sense of humor that, I feel, people sometimes miss in presentations, but will see it in the books.
and come…and come… year after year….nothing happens.
do you know what the monkey said when he got his tail cut off???? IT WON’T B LONG NOW………..
Dear VVV,
If a truck tire runs over your foot VERY SLOWLY and you cannot move your leg to save it,does it hurt any less?
Guess your still paying $1 dollar for gas and milk too…
Well a volcano doesn’t blow every 20, 30, or 50 years. But eventually it does.
Is the system corrupt, or are the people in the system?
The United States is a system people, and that system is our enemy. Look around you, who do you see? Doctors, lawyers, teachers. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. (wake up) But these people are so asleep, so hoplessly dependent on the system. That they will fight to protect it. And that makes them our enemy!
I like to post this comment from time to time. I feel it fits in very well here. Please no thumbs down, we are all on the same side.( prepping and such) If you are a doctor or teacher I don’t mean you. I mean everybody from Clerks to Janitors. The system is our enemy, and those not prepaired for the SHTF becuase they depend so much on the system. Makes them our enemy!
I think the people are the system if they are still there.
The ‘system’ IS the people.
They are poppin up.I’m reading over another blower from the CBO Lan T.Pham.Buut fear not,as the sheeple could care less.Good to see exposed fraud though.And MSM will ignore.
Cut your losses and let your profits run. That was the first lesson I learned in business school. What are we incentivizing?
This reminds me of the (former) Goldman Sachs executive who recently spoke out…
Goldman Sachs executive BLASTS firm in NYT tell-all… Reveals how it “rips its clients off”
Gov. Guy,
Sound logical until you learn that Goldie Staxs and their ilk are “gaming” the system.When the fix is in only those part of the scam are truly successful….
Have a nice day,
It’s called learning the truth of our dying system of things and being able to cut our losses from the crooks and being able to profit(I.E. survive the next crash)while foolish sheeples go hungry….
Stark realities,but at least known and discussed here.
What REAL life lessons did you learn in B.S. Collage?
This will take 99.6% of Americans by surprise by blindsiding with the destruction of all of their paper assets. The food distribution system will be seriously effected and the unprepared will suffer immensely. Hard assets and precious metals will help keep your wealth protected.
The paper tiger yawns.
The only way forward is complete collapse, let the chips fall where they may,i know God is my source and has my back, not because i am deserving but by faith and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Stop with the God talk already. The bible was the first sheeple control propaganda?
Smells like a hoax.
Denninger thought it might be, too.
What in the world is a hoax? Is that something like a ho’s ass?
They do smell sometimes……
It’s written like an outsider trying to sound like an insider.
Just saying.
In a corrupt world, the truth does indeed sound like a hoax and is treated as one.
The IRS is an example of a real hoax, but I bet you fully believe it is a lawful institution.
I’m not saying the thrust of the piece isn’t true, or won’t turn out to be correct.
I am saying, we all need to be very careful in this age of information (and disinformation) not to swallow the bait too quickly because it’s what we want to hear.
My bet? This was written by some well-meaning patriot who is trying to incite an orgy of confession from JPM… or maybe cast the SEC in a negligent light.
It may be disinformation, even if it’s from “our side.”
P.S. – There are sheep on both sides. Baah.
If it quacks like a duck,walks like a duck then…..
Hoaxs and duckies do-doo smell remarkably similar..
Have a NICE day
It is coming down, one piece at a time, slowly at first then esculating… they are full of crap, they are propping this thing up, and they can only keep it going for a little while longer. The truth is so ugly, people will be horrified.
Why did they have to ruin it? They could have done quite well, made a lot of money without being so greedy, but nope…. they can never just leave well enough alone. They have to ruin it, run it into the ground.
I don’t get it though.
If something weird awaits around the corner, then why gold is losing so radically, and stocks all over the globe earn like hell?
My opinion is that the very few who are aware of the ponzi scheme, are going to earn A LOT of money, before the system goes down. If ever.
It’s been a while since i posted here. My mom is having heart problems, and i’m not in my best mood.
Be safe
exactly my point. IF EVER
RICH 99,
It makes you think, why they don’t let it just die.
We have a saying here: It’s better to milk the cow, rather than slaughter it.
That’s what they are doing now. They are draining us from money, dignity, liberties, health, education.
And when they finish doing it, they gonna start all over again.
Pure Orwellian society.
OK …so why Mike something. That’s gonna die and be useless….. It makes No sense….. Think about it
@manos gold and silver are being forced lower by a fire sale on silver gold paper being dumped on the markets… this is a intentional move… to force investors out of pm’s into other investments… just hold your pm’s, buy more during the dips… don’t believe the hype… the stock market died in 2008. BUY PHYSICAL PM’S, STACK EM HIGH!
Bruce, well written, it explains it all really. I’m your first tumbs up, I’m sure that you’ll get dozens.
@Larry from San Fran
;0) Thank You… You and a Group of Friends might want to Rent out Alcatraz Island for a 100 year Lease!
Might soon be the safest BUG-OUT Property there in San Fran for you all!
Best of Luck to You!
Bruce and all, I have a theory (shared by others such as Stoneleigh over at The Automatic Earth) that as times get worse, and people keep stocking up on silver, a point will be reached when people will have to USE that silver. Because they didn’t invest in a garden, chickens, etc. “Oh, I’ll just buy food etc. with silver” they’ll say. So silver will flood the market. A loaf of bread won’t cost a silver dime, it will cost a silver quarter. Then a silver dollar. Eventually things will revert to the historical ratio: a loaf of bread for a silver dime/denarius, a good suit of clothes for an oz. of gold. But in the meantime, there will be, essentially, MZB’s all over the place DEMANDING you trade your food for their useless glittery metal. “It’s silver!! You HAVE to sell me food!!” etc.
This is why I don’t have any silver, actually. I think I have $10 worth of platinum (wire) around here somewhere. I guess my silver-solder would count as silver.
Right now .22 rounds are 50 to a silver dime. But for getting dinner in the coming dark ages, I’d rather have ONE of those than a silver dime.
You should have both preps and precious metals. You’ll need your preps after the collapse. You’ll need your precious metals during hyperinflation and after the government regains control of the country.
I costs a few hundred dollars to stockpile food. All you need is beans, some canned goods, and vitamin pills. It’s not great living but you can easily survive on that for an entire year.
All very well and good however what are you going to do when owning gold and silver is once again declared illegal or like FDR they do that and then revalue it down. There is little that can be done against a criminal govt. For starters how many even own any PMs? Do you think the average Joe cares about someones PMs when he can barely feed his family? Obama will paint you as a class enemy, it will be so easy you still won’t believe it when they kick down your door and haul you off to the gualg. With all your preps being divided among the door kickers.
In 1933, roughly 1/3rd of the gold was confiscated. 1/3rd.
This time around, the government will be facing armed resistance if they try to confiscate gold or silver for that matter. People who are collecting are angry, paranoid, and they blame the government for this mess and all appeals to the government for reasonable fixes are ignored.
This isn’t the government we had in 1933. If the dollar collapses, who is going to willing trade in their metals for another empty promise from this government that lied us into Iraq and is violating our fundamental civil rights while carrying on this insane, and immoral, foreign policy?
prayers sent Manos
hope your Mom feels better soon
The elite are propping up the stock market manos. They know when it will drop AND THEY WILL ALL EXIT RIGHT BEFORE THE CATASTROPHIC DROP. Plus, all the money printing the Fed is doing is propping it up.
Another blog I read has been warning that gold is about to drop for the next 30 days but it will go back up. Here is a quote from suvivalblog.
“Keep in mind that we are still staring down barrel of a big, albeit brief pullback in the precious metals and equities in next 30 days, as margin calls will likely cascade from CDS derivatives fallout. Buy on the dips!”
Here’s a good article on it too. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/guest-post-time-accumulate-gold-and-silver
Do not panic, hold on to your precious metals. You’ll be glad you did.
I hope your Mom is OK and can get the healthcare she needs.
VRF & Mr. Blutarsky,
Thanks for your wishes. She has something called “Atrial fibrillation” and the danger is not for the heart to stop working. The problem is that a small arhythmia can cause a brain stroke. But as long as she takes her medicines, she will be fine.
It makes you think though, that when the time approaches, parents are so precious.
take care
They sure are
god bless
I know that this may sound like bs but it sure stopped my a.f. a.f. has to do with the electrial system of the heart. I had af so bad that i would be exhausted by noon each day. doc was going to put me on meds but i don’t like to take pills so i suffered for about a year. An article on gatorade and electrolytes got me wondering if that was my problem. long story short, i began drinking aabout 4 onces per day and in about a week the af slowly subsided to the point that i may have 2 to 5 episodes a day. I now drink a 4 oz glass twice a wk. you might discuss w/your mothers doc. It certainly helped me.
Prayers to you and to your mom..
Give her plenty of that great Crete diet and the extra virgin olive oil..yes I read the entire book cover to cover….thank you.
Stay well my friend..
I am so sorry to hear about your mother, you and yours are in my thoughts and prayers.
Take care
Certain individuals made generational fortunes out of the events of the Great Depression.
All you can do is protect yourself.
If your Mum is having heart problems can you still get to the UK to utilize our NHS? Or is travelling out of your means? Officially you are still part of the EU.
Is Greece going to make the payment on the 20th?
PO: Would it change anything if they did? 🙂
Patriot One, and D.K.,
Probably it will make the payment. I don’t think it would change anything.
The purpose is not for Greece to go bankrupt (or any “Greece”).
What they want is the gradual enslavement of the global population.
When they saw that all measures succeeded, their next step is to implement them wherever they think it will serve their purposes.
This economic war is totally different. First of all, people cannot absorb of what is happening. Then they don’t have means to resist or fight back.
Guns or killings won’t solve the problem. You cannot shoot all banksters, and surely you cannot shoot the ones who are responsible.
One could blame Greeks as cowards. But history has proved that it’s not like that. We fought hard even if we didn’t have technological superiority on our side.
The problem is global and much more complicated than it seems.
But D.K. is right; even if we pay, it wouldn’t change a think.
take care guys.
Sorry to hear about your mom Manos…will be praying for her!
Manos: Gold is dropping so the PTB can buy more and then sell after Israel hits Iran. This drop in the price of gold was planned months ago … and I told you all about it then.
Buy on the dips if you can.
I think you have it figured right. The PTB obviously control the price. They make a dollar no matter which way the price goes. if they can’t get the price to move the way they want fast enough, they “make’ things happen.
Prayers for you Mom, and you too.?
Sorry to hear about Mom. Hope that you can find her the right meds in town.
Truth is…the markets are all manipulated and have been for years. Dafed has injected liquidity into the major banks through the the working group on financial markets. This same event occurred in Wiemar Republic in 1921 where the stock market nominal value increased with inflation.
The same happened in Zimbabwe in the 2006-2008. Now it’s global.
Just remember, paper will always return to it’s intrinsic value, Nothing. No nation in history has ever been able to pay off their debt when deficits exceed 80% of GDP. Never.
I don’t know which is worse. Depleted uranium or currency based on fiat.
Again, hope Mom gets well.
They used one of my favorite words again………SOON!!!!!!
This game will go on for a very long time if you have been awake wince 2008 and we heard the word soon every day.
Reason number 10,215 to get out of the stock market. As if there weren’t enough already.
I’m going to email this article to some naysayers. Maybe it will wake someone up…..(nah, probably won’t, but I’m gonna do it anyway).
P.S. 10,215 is, coincidentally, the number of new federal regulations fully implemented under messiah obama. God help us.
You mentioned the G-word, God. What’s the old saying, “God, Guns and Guts” that’s what made America great.
I’ve always stayed out of the stock market, because I stay out of dealing in things I don’t understand.
I don’t gamble, I invest.
Much of my living is made investing, in fact. I’ll buy a box of electronics parts I DO know something about, and make several times over what I paid.
The ultimate investment is what I call “Nature economics”. Think about it, living things only work because of Nature’s extremely high return rates. One chicken has 15 chicks a year, half of those each can have 15 chicks a year…. Or you take one seed and plant it and grow a plant that can have 1000’s. I paid $1 for a packet of fava bean seeds a year ago, planted them a couple of months back, and I’ll have a row of fava bean bushes that will provide many meals.
That’s why the market is up and gold is down
Scary indeed. Dow above 13,000 despite massive unemployment with no end in site. Anyone else foolish to believe that these bloodsuckers didn’t just move on to the next Ponzi scheme?
It’s going to be a rough one folks. Be ready.
Just updated today with our SHTF plan week #10. Let’s hope there more weeks to prepare.
What if this anonymous whistle blower is just that, an “ANONYMOUS” WHISTLE BLOWER. As in the Chicken Sh#$ organization that hides behind a stupid ? mark?
I’m just asking
Denninger has another post up now regarding a Qui Tam action that netted six whistleblowers about $46 million. Let’s hope the ball has just started to drop on these New York S.o.B. bankers.
my balls dropped when I was two years old. Maybe you need to see a doctor about yours???
What are you 6? Go to bed.
I smell a bitch hunt. They can’t control this.
You smell a bitch’s whaaat???
Some special IT is going to be looking for that draft letter typed in a companies computer. Was it sent by e-mail, mailed on hard copy, who received it and who was the editor that allowed it to put out?
Yes they *will* find him. And he’s going to have a heart attack, a stroke, an accident skiiing, etc. Poor guy. A hero.
As more and more citizens WAKE UP, the Angrier the citizens will become … when they ALL figure out THEY’VE been ROBBED! FOOLED , SOLD OUT By their OWN Friendly Sneaky Corrupt Politicians – Local, State, Federal Governments and Bankers! It’s Gonna Get Ugly Fast!
In just Days! 2 or 3 days … this Awakening is a Unstoppable Force … It’ll soon be a Wild Fire!!! A Nation Wide Awakening!!!
Now is the time … gather your PM’s , gather your supplies … Armor your property!!!
Any time between now and the Civil Riots!!! Is a Grace Period for you!!!
Don’t let it go to waste!!!
Nina, er, Bruce, I realized that when I lost everything in the financial crash. As far as the gov’t and gov’t-like institutions were concerned, I was now supposed to be homeless, unemployable, etc. Life-expectancy as a homeless person is lower than being on Death Row. Taking that to its logical conclusion, the powers that be had essentially given me a death sentence to be carried out faster than average.
And why did I not die within 5 years, shivering under a bridge? Friends. The People. The people talked about in “We The People” in the Constitution. The commonweal. What the Russians call Narod. The sea of people one swims like a fish in.
Not people paying for stuff for me and taking me on as a burden, but people enabling me to work, and to help them as well as help myself. A guy with land who needs a watchman saying “Come over here, here’s an old wreck of a trailer with a leaky roof and leaky walls)!), here’s a few boxes of “household” I got at a garage sale, you’re free to fix it up and live in it, and BTW, watch the place and feed the cats”. The few colleagues from my old line of work to whom I was the same guy, and as trustworthy as ever.
The gov’t is not anyone’s friend but its own. The people are YOUR friend.
@DomesticTerrorist WELL SAID! ;0) RESPECT!
Hello to all of you…..I am a fairly new prepper(just since Jan. Thanx for all your GREAT info, just wondering if you could explain to me what are “PM’s”? I am real good on storing lots of supplies….guess I’ll cash in some long term investments in the next few days, this is just getting too scary!
Hi annie, PM’s are precious metals, gold, silver, platinum…
Welcome, Annie! 🙂
March 18th and 19th. Ok I will mark that down on the calendar.
If the sheep, who only turn to MSM for their news, get blindsided by a collapse, GOOD! Many of them have been informed by friends, family or neighbors about alternative news sources, but ignored same, as being too radical. Their faith in MSM, government, and Wall Street should be encouraged right up to the collapse. My only regret is, due to their numbers, I won’t be able to see the look on their faces, the look of horror, when they realize they have lost everything. Maybe I’ll be able to see some of it, if the MSM shows pictures of N.Y. with thousands of people wringing their hands and the gnashing of teeth. I especially want to see the gnashing of teeth. Anyone that pathetic doesn’t deserve to have teeth.
I want some more SWIFT action!
Well, how ’bout we start with a swift kick in your big ass?
You probably don’t even know what SWIFT stands for.
I think you are an ass.
roger, you can’t seem to play nice like everyone else. What’s your deal?
I’ve attempted to wake up a few friends and family. Their reply is -if there was any trouble brewing, it would be all over the news.
There’s no helping most of the sheeple, which is also a blessing. Can you imagine the cost of prepping if 1/3 of the population was doing it? #10 cans would be impossible to find.
Well…it was still up yesterday morning..so we are being MONITORED ON FB..Myself and a Couple of Friends have shared and shared this letter for the last 3 days…Soooo, wadda ya know? I actually converted it to a .PDF SO LISTEN UP STAZI….I’m now going to my email lists to send everyone a COPY
Internalize this words :
“The state is the institutionalized corruption .”
Suddenly everthing happening around us begins to make sense…
I’ve studied the old Soviet Union alittle, Lenin did a similar thing by inflationing the fiat money, then grabbing all the gold, best real estate, ect. for The State. Anybody who resisted went to a labor camp for a nice 10-20 year winter vacation.
I think Hitler also grabbed stuff like Art, gold, and other stuff as well. I remember reading that Castro, of The “Peoples Republic” of Cuba has the world’s largest car collection, while his people get around on bikes and 1950’s vintage beaters.
Hitler, at least, was so gracious to leave a private persons gold. Only commercial dealing was forbidden – contrast this Roosevelt and Stalin, who grabbed the gold, and in the latter case, killed the owner.
When ththis unspeakable theater ends and the elite looses grip (if…), very dark secrets about the past will get stirred up…
Like Napoleon said, history is the lie the powerful agreed upon.
Yes he left gold owned by private persons, as long as you were of “Good Stock”. Otherwise, a 9mm to the brain pan, yikes I bet that hurts.
You are correct.
If you belonged to that Stock that was so tremendously overrepresented in the banking sector, you had a problem then.
If you have a group representing e few percent of the population, but >95% ownership in the finance and media sector, you are of course a conspiracy theorist and crazed neo-nazi if you see a correlation there …
Thanks for being right on. Got any good fishin’ in that pond up there?
@manos – hope your Mother gets well soon. All the best.
TPTB are sucking out every red cent and do you think any will serve time?
Y’all Beware!
@Y’all Beware ;0) your always welcome to share my secret fishin spot… you bein’ “Local” from Glacier, Flathead Valley, should always give you reason and desire to come Home to Montana! Think of it… Montana needs good Patriotic Constitutionalists such as yourself and yours! To help steer Montana into the right Sovereign Free Republic direction away from the IMF NWO CFR GLOBALIST Oligarchy good ole’ boy mafia that exists here! U.N. Agenda 21 is being deployed in Montana by the Feds! Local Politicians here are taking FED CORPORATE bribes here, payoffs, selling Montana off to fill their own pockets and increase their families wealth! Come home and help us Fight it!
Safe passage!
what’s nina0 ?
Hey! I grew up in Charlo, but now live on the east side. We don’t have the Californians.
Reads like something written by someone long in the pm futures and loosing his shirt and is now trying leverage the Smith rant to lure some disgrunted JPM employee out to a like statement.
To be a whistle blower you have to be someone in a position of first hand, provable facts of criminal acts. Not someone espousing a personal, and somewhat widely held. conspiracy theory. YOU also have to have the balls to stand up in public like Smith and make the charge.
Just what I was thinking.
I am almost afraid to ask………What does”TUTVEDT” stand for?
I believe that it’s Danish for Turd Sucker??? I think that’s it…..yes……
@roger ;0) now that some funny sheeeeiit right there! thanxs for the laugh!
Bruce Tutvedt is a Montana state senator.
MONTANA Senator BRUCE TUTVEDT is a dirty yellow belly coward, a traitor to his Oath of Office and should be RECALLED!
Montana State Senator Bruce Tutvedt, who is running for re-election, stood up at the March 2 Pachyderm meeting in Kalispell to tell the audience,
“We are NOT constitutionalists. We are NOT freedom-fighters.”
He should have added, “We are the establishment.”
Tutvedt made his statement only one week after Chuck Baldwin spoke to the same Pachyderm Club about our Constitution. Tutvedt’s Republican challenger, Rollan Roberts II, was in the audience and had just been introduced by Rep. Derek Skees.
The great divide in the Republican Party is becoming very clear as Establishment candidates openly declare they are not Constitutional candidates.
Knowledge is Power: Rev./ Dr. Chuck Baldwin Constitutionalists
American Freeman Patriot…
Status Quo Has To Go
Does / Did he work for JP Morgan?
Have you or your mom looked into taking an amino acid supplement called TAURINE? I use it for my heart flutter. When I take it, I don’t have any heart rhythm problems. Google it for your own research purposes.
As a rule, it is not that expensive (a few american dollars per bottle), but i don’t know about the cost where you live (considering Greece’s present circumstances). Make sure you talk to your doc first though to see what he/she thinks.
The herb Hawthorn Berry draws calcium to the heart muscle and strengthens it. Makes it feel a bit stronger……….
I believe Red Bull has Taurine in it. Also caffeine so don’t use that.
I stopped doing business with Chase about a year ago. They are nothing but a greedy NWO bankster. Look up JP Morgan (the man’s)history. He was in on the creation of the Federal Reserve. Just like wells fargo, b of A and ING – I have added Chase to my ever growing list of banks who will never see my money.
I have acted as a whistle blower one time, long ago. I do not know if I would have the fortitude to do it again. I had to leave my job as a result and almost every person I considered a friend deserted me.
It was a great lesson in human nature. People who would privately complain about abuses taking place would immediately shut up if anyone in authority began talking to them. The abuses within the system became invisible.
Getting someone in a postion of authority to speak up is even more difficult. The higher one goes up the ladder, the more the person stands to lose. Very few people who are of the type of personality to reach the top in one of these organizations would be the type of person to risk such a loss.
What does a cascading economic crisis look like? Well, I think it goes a little something like this.
Stage 1) The sheeple catch wind of a major leak that the assets they are supposed to own and being held in the vaults of JP Morgan and the like, don’t exist. They hear a widespread rumor that JP Morgan had leveraged their gold and silver 100 pieces of paper to 1 ounce of metal at the very least. This causes a run by these sheep demanding physical delivery. The panic run begins.
Stage 2) In response, JP Morgan knowing it does not possess the physical assets, offer paper FRNs to their clients.
Stage 3) The result of Stage 2 is met with disdain as people become restless with the idea of trading one piece of paper for another. This creates a massive run up on gold and silver as brokers struggle to meet physical delivery demands.
Stage 4) The massive spiking in gold and silver prices of PHYSICAL METAL ONLY creates a separation between the paper price and the physical price. The physical prices then begin to rise out of reach.
Stage 5) The disconnect between paper and metal causes a panic dump on all paper assets in the PM market. This starts a cascade into other futures markets and commodities driving the demand for physical delivery and the dumping of even more paper.
Stage 6) Eventually the paper becomes completely worthless and all confidence in the market is all but lost. This panic now finally gets reported by the mainstream as there is no more ignoring it.
Stage 7) A run on everything. Grocery stores empty, banks holiday and the currencies of all the world begin a rapid decline as public confidence is lost in fiat paper. The real value of tangible items begins to come to reality.
Stage 8) With the currency collapsing commerce comes to a halt, trucks stop hauling, ships stop transporting and trains stop on the tracks. The jig is up.
The above is just one possible series of events. The fiat world we live in is very fragile right now. Any number of things or combination of confidence related things can cause this chain reaction. The dominoes are set up for the rally and ready to fall. All that is required is the right catalyst, such as the one described by this whistle blower. When people finally figure it out, it’s time to look the fuck out.
This is scenario may sound like madness, but look what a simple margin call did to 1929. This time, the shit is global.
I hope the train doesn’t stop while I’m stopped there. #1 & #2 has been on going for a long time. Thumbs up! I believe bonds will be the canary.
At Stage #3 Uncle Sam one way or the other (Executive Order or Fast Track through House and Senate) forbids the buying, selling or hoarding of gold, silver diamonds or whatever. It’s stated that “only the rich” benefit from that; rewards are given for turning in those not in compliance.
A price freeze is announced. The ignorant rejoice, “we have a leader for the little people, praise our leader, praise our leader”. Shortly after the shelves are bare. Now comes the underground economy and paying off authorities for looking the other way and protection becomes common place.
You’ve got a good point. However, if this happens in hours or just a few days, it may escape their grasp completely. Just because they act like a bunch of arrogant pricks that can predict the future and pass laws to head us off at the pass, doesn’t mean things cannot get out of their control too. If a scenario were to play out expeditiously, then I think there would be no time. If they had weeks to gear up for it, they could possibly stop it and we end up at the end of your underground economy scenario.
Who knows for sure. I’m betting on both sides of this coin though. Either way, these thieving liars can kiss my ass. I’m not playing their crooked game of 3-card Monte.
all i can do is sigh…sigh
There is very good evidence silver and gold markets are being manipulated to keep the small time short term buyers out. The most likely suspects are the megabilionaires like Soros and the longstanding private owners of the Fed, among others. By stepping in and causing volatility from time to time, overwhelming a relatively small trading market with fractions of their holdings, they drive the small investor out. The small guy reasonably wishes to avoid losing all their investments. This is impossible of course, as gold and silver are the last repository of monetary value.
LYou can bet that the manipulators are holding tight to their vast stores of precious metals as they know when the market will turn up. Because they control it.
The solution to this all is your mindset. Buy physical gold and silver for long term hold as as when the dollar collapses, the money metals will retain value. Don’t buy these metals for short term gain and you will never worry about market gyrations. It’s like buying a home. You pay off the mortgage and live in it. What do you care about its market price? It’s a place to live.
There’s a ceiling to everything, and that ceiling was probably reached in 2008, and they just raised it a little higher. Eventually though it just cannot continue and it seems like with all financial systems of the past, a “nice” war type economy is the only answer. People should be getting ready for the next large regional war in the Middle East that could, probably, become a third world war. Just look at history, how war was used to try to save economies.
Look at how a coventional war would benefit those in the financial world. War hides all sorts of misdoings and illegal garbage because everyone is focused on something that is much more important than the stock markets. Unfortunately a conventional war is more than likely to go nuclear and then it is game over.
Sites like this and many other fine sites are so valuable because they get people that want to get ready, more prepared. You read the debacle of the economy and you just want to go out and buy up more supplies because you know what is going to happen. Imagine buying a can of food now at $1, then after an economic collapse and that same can now cost $15 or more, if they even accept cash money.
Just took delivery of a “Years supply” of freeze dried food, 6 stinking cases of 6 cans each. 2 months ago I bought the same thing and got 9 cases.
I guess that it’s a “years supply” for a cat, or another small animal?
When I buy SHTF food, I sum up all calories in the entire package (HINT: if the site you’re considering buying from does not show the nutrients charts, forget about this site), then I calculate how much this bucket or whatever will last my family (8,000 calories per day), and if it’s several times less than what we usually spend on groceries, that’s a good price.
I agree freeze dried food is expensive. It also depends on what food is included.
Have you looked at the “Augason Farms” storable food available online at Sam’s Club? Take a look at the package deals that have free shipping.
KY Mom
Get a dehydrator. Put totally dry goods in zip lock baggies. Squeeze out all the air you can. Then put it in a Homer bucket or equivalent. I can tell you first hand that the food will last more than a year if it is dry and protected. I am eating what I dried August of 10. It works.
Dry veggies that are on sale. I dried a lot of onions and matores, broccoli etc. I don’t care much for the dried fruit. I guess I ain’t hungry enough. If you run that dehydrator for a month straight, you will be impressed with your stash of food.
I do the same thing with my dehydrator and sale veggies. I throw a handful in soups and spaghetti sauce – saves me a fortune in the winter when veggies are pricey. Bell peppers dehydrate nicely too, as do jalepenos.
This is one mess I’m glad i was too cheap to get involved with
Guiness and Bushmills for everybody!
Sixteen bankers on a dead mans chest, Yo, Ho, Ho, and a bottle of Captain Morgan.
as long as two of the 16 are jaime dimon and lloyd blankfein…. these two vile nitwits are not fit for society… dimon said the euro is one of the greatest inventions of mankind.,.EVER! and blankfein among other things supports homosexuality..
This will go on an on and on as long as we focus on the wrong thing MONEY !!! Let other people ruin their lives and karma When was the last time one of those traders took a long walk in the woods with his dog? Money will go away one day that day can’t come soon enough BACK TO NATURE I SAY! [ just an idea! ]
No JPMorgan, BOA or Goldman Sucks for me. I only deal with local gangsters. At least I know where they live.
Now, for the Really Important News Of The Day…
Actor/Activist and all-around A-word type person, George Clooney was arrested in DC yesterday. Clooney was cuffed and hauled off along with several other people while demonstrating outside the Sudanese embassy. Most of the protesters said they wanted to get the gov of Sudan to stop trampling the rights of its citizens. In a show of solidarity with the Sudanese, Washington decided to trample a few of its own. Clooney, however, was not actually part of the rights protest. He said he’d mistakenly gone to the wrong embassy. He meant to be a few block to the east, protesting, in his words “Something REALLY important and having to do with dolphins…or maybe whales…yeah, that’s it. The whales need me! I’m the only one who can save them!…” Clooney’s lawyer said he’d have a more in-depth, and hopefully, coherent, statement to make later.
Former presidential candidate John Edwards has been ordered to repay about a zillion dollars to the US election commission. The feds, who gave him matching funds, say he shouldn’t have kept the money once his campaign was ended. In a related story, 7 South carolina hairdressers are suing to force the return of his hair.
Speaking of disgraced politicians with famous hair, former Illinois governor Rod ‘The Chicago Blowdryer’ Blagojovich spent his first night in federal prison last night. Reporters from around the world were on hand this morning to try and get a photo of him. However, the prison warden, Sam ‘Failure To Communicate’ Krenshaw, decided to spare Blago the ultimate humiliation. Oh, hell bunk with Bubba and Tyrone. And he’ll clean the toilets. And he’ll be paid the same 12 cents an hour the others get. What he won’t do, is ever be photographed with morning hair. Said Krenshaw, “It would just be too much. Plus we don’t want the trouble and expense of putting him on suicide watch.”
And finally, the Obama magic appears to be back. Or is it? At a rally yesterday, a woman fainted as the prez was speaking. Initially it was attributed to the excitement of the event, or even the return of Obamas spellbinding charisma. As it turns out, the dems were taxing oxygen and the woman simply ran out of money…
Oh, the Places You’ll Go!
“You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself
Any direction you choose.
You’re on your own. And
you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who’ll decide where to go.”
“You’ll get mixed up,
of course, as you
already know.
You’ll get mixed up
with many strange birds
as you go.
So be sure when you step.
Step with care and great
tact and remember that…
…Life’s A Great
Balancing Act.”
“And will you succeed?
Yes! You will, indeed!
(98 and ¾ percent guaranteed.)
I am skeptical about this article being real; not much there for verification. However, real or not, I’m not sure it’s not too late to de-tox the financial markets that are leavened with these assets. It’s a musical chairs game and the music has stopped – who will be the last institution holding the notes? I have to believe that Russia, China, and UK are playing their part in placing these toxic assets with investors of lower ranked countries – bubble pops in the face of defenseless, impoverished nations – and their material and labor are the siezed collateral. Conspiracy theory or reality?
What is slowly dawning on all of us is that the banking system is one vast ‘skimming’ operation that has been in operation since the banks gained control of money. Let us be clear that the sole objective of their operation is the skimming off of value from the rest of us. The people that actually creates real value. The banks, especially, the investment banks add no value and the reality is that they destroy value real through various organisations (IMF, World Banks, etc) and mechanisms such as privatisations, leveraged buy outs, various bubbles, market manipulation, etc, to steal public assets and the ‘commons’. They have their own economic dogma in the idiot economics of the Chicago School and that clown Friedman – trickle down, supply side, markets are always operate effectively, etc. While they are doing this they are rewarding (stealing) themselves obscene salaries and commissions and effectively pissing on us all from on high. Ironic isn’t it that they reward themselves for stealing while in reality they destroy value.
They (the banks) are totally parasitic and it is ‘class’ above us all that are enriching themselves at our expense. How many decent companies have been destroyed by leveraged buyout that were enables by ‘vapour’ money created from thin air by these dangerous clowns. Not just in the sense of destroying value but now fermenting the potential collapse of society.
The real depth of the deceit is not fully visible to us as it is hidden in the shadow banking system and off balance sheet – this includes hundreds of Trillions of dollars of useless and meaningless derivatives along with trillion in debt through the collusion of the Federal Reserve and the banks. I would suggest that if all this was totted up for the US it would make Greece look positively financially prudent. The illusion of stability is starting to break down, cannot be hidden by the manipulated media anymore and eventually the fiat currency – the dollar will collapse.
Personally, I don’t think there will be an ‘orderly’ transition to a ‘new’ system. More like a profound and systemic collapse. Would not be too concerned about asteroids and other natural events as I think we are quite capable as a species of creating the circumstance for our eventual demise.
and yet ANOTHER example of the FRAUD
that is our financial system
have ANY doubts whatsoever about how very corrupt our system is ??
drop out
get out of debt
bank with credit unions or small regional banks
the big banks exist for one purpose
and that is to extract as much money from the populace as they can
legally or illegally
I don’t understand these things. That said, I suspect the Fed has pumped liquidity into the banks, which have in turn bought securities, thereby propping up the stock market, and federal debt, thereby helping to hold down interest rates on the national debt. The money used to do this did not result from productivity, but was created out of thin air. Inflation results. The fed cannot increase interest rates to combat inflation without weakening the banks, increasing the deficit, and reducing business activity so the government lies about the true rate of inflation. In my mind, there is clearly collusion between the banks, the trading houses, and the government. The biggest financial losses in history and no major prosecutions? Possibly because the biggest crooks are the ones writing the laws. All we can do about it is to buy real assets to provide for our families and avoid getting scammed in the markets. I don’t know how it ends, but I fear those in the know will pull out fast and hard if they sense trouble. Individual investors will be left holding the bag.
You understand very well.
Many people are investing according to practices from a time when Glass-Stegal was fully in effect. They look at the result without thinking how things got that way. They are going to loose their life savings. Yes sir those investment dollars are coming from somewhere and as the man said in Apollo 13, “I can add”.
Question: Stockton, CA wonders why their quality of life has gone down hill.
Answer: Liberals, Moon shadow, Unfunded pensions, Health Benefits, Ice Rink.
Guess who is going to pay AND who is going to get a un-stylish hair cut.
You almost forgot the great savior Arnold
Shwarzenegger. You remember him, he was going to show us how run California “like a business”.I remember when the right wing theives were talking about changing the Constitution to allow him to run for president. When will we ever learn?
SD Mule, what a good example of how the puffed up ego-maniacs operate. California – overspent and over-subscribed in pension and entitlement commitments, no GDP in the state, total consumer and service industries (not real revenue generators), and then Schwarzenegger begged the Feds for more capital to continue doing the same – a too big to fail state. Do the math; you can’t pay the interest on your debts – you’re bankrupt, Ca!!! (Gray Davis laughing in the background). And the US is just a bigger model of the same.
For reasons like this the government needs to control the internet. If the public presumes that the investors managing their money are crooks, working for crooks that get information from crooks they may choose to discontinue investing. At that point the system collapses. It is therefore vitally important that information that can damage the economy be contained for the good of the people.
Remember all of this is for your own good.
Fact or fiction my peeps, it makes NO difference and doesn’t tell US anything WE didn’t already know.
At best, there may be an investigation of sorts, someone will be identified as a scapegoat, that person will bend over and take the greenie weenie for the team, and life in BIG Banking will go on as usual.
No financial collapse no matter how much you may want it.
Be concerned about the Ring of Fire and what that means for US. In the scheme of things, this “whistle blower” has about as much effect as a mosquito on an elephants ass.
Keep prepping.
Your correct the animal is too damn big.
I think about how corruption is not within the system, it is the system; more and more people are realizing it. I then reflect on the 1960s poster that said, “What happened if they gave a war and nobody came”? Well at some point they will give an election and nobody will come.
The establishment needs the election process to pacify the masses into believing they have self government. The more people supporting their guy as opposed to your guy the better. A true yardstick measure of discontent is not a high voter turnout but rather an extremely low turn out. It’s “The People” informing their masters that we now realize that we do have have any political control.
I wondered what you were going to say.
Could “No Acquirer” become the norm on FDIC working weekends?
I don’t believe all these banks are doing good. The test they did doesn’t sound true to me. Where are they supposingly making money? Within 2 years they are passing a test? Houses still being foreclosed on and oh, they say, we are doing good. Take your money with you. Stock market is rigged. No way are they doing this good.
EE: The banks and corporations are faring well. The Banks borrow at very low rates from the FED and loan it to corporations at higher rates and make the spread.
Losses are mitigated by slowing marking to market those assets which are toxic, and weeding them out of the system.
It will take another four years for the banks to de-leverage. That’s Uncle Ben’s SHTF Plan and his estimate of how long it will take to work through it.
He thinks that will work if the shit doesn’t hit the fan and the creek don’t rise.
Everybody west of new York city knows Jamie dimon and jp Morgan hold mf global customer funds illegally.dimon should do the right thing for once and give the farmers their money back.
“We have the government we deserve”-John Quaid 1994
I on one hand WANT the banks to implode, so hopefully the corruption and big gubmint gets wiped out. But on the other hand, I believe we will be in a world of $hit, the people who are in power are going to lash out at us and our freedoms(MORE), and the unprepared sheople will lash out and make a bad situation worse. To quote a movie-“its all a big shit sandwich, and we are all gonna have to take a big bite” I know I’m pointing out the obvious, just sayin.
We “the people” created the system.. And “we” will at the very end Take it back from
The snakes that we’ve wrongly appointed in to public office.
Once you chop the head of a snake -“its does NOT have the ability” to bite you!!
The financial world and or physical world is not going to End.. There are still too many good people in the world.. And good always has prevailed over evil.
Stay thirsty my friends!!
I hear and read “it just cannot continue” or “kick the can down the road a little further” but here we are down the road and nothing has changed. Another whistleblower shouts and all I hear is silence.
Believe it or not there was a time when people had a moral code of ethics. People that would ruin a man’s pension for gain have no conscience. This is what happens when people answer to the gov instead of God.
This mistake so many make is this: they believe their will be a ‘surprise!!’ event that will catch the government off guard and the whole system will collapse. It doesn’t work like that.
The government has all the cards in the deck. Think about it: the alphabit soup agencies (CIA, NSA, DOD etc.), the Fed Bank, the endless other regulatory and financial entities, and they all serve to keep the system ticking over.
The government has immense powers in a financial crisis. It can impose currency and capital controls. It can confiscate metals and any other thing being used as a substitute store of wealth that rivals what the government is printing. It can arrest, lock-up or execute and disappear anyone who offers resistance. Society is too fractured along every line imaginable – race, ethnicity, income, education, professional status, city, neighbourhood – to offer mass resistance. Those days are gone.
All you can do as an individual is hedge your bets. Be creative and quick-thinking. Adapt to the times and build in resiliance. Leave the big picture stuff to events.
Yes, society is fractured, and that is why it will be chaos. Too many groups will be fighting for their piece of the pie, but there’s not enough for all. Don’t look back at the 30’s and think this collapse will be similar. We’re in uncharted waters this time.
The Whistle blower is absolutely correct, I had my life savings in the silver market w a 3 to 1 leveraging w JPM Chase, then in early May 2011 they shorted the mkt in Hong Kong while NY Stock exchange was closed, so silver went from 50 to 26, so when NY stock exchange reopened on Monday it created havoc with all invested in silver by causing a Cash Call, thus I lost everything, my brokerage claims there is a law suit going against JPM, for what they did was illegal, but who’s going to stand up to them, wont be our Government for sure.
FULL ORIGINAL COPY AS IT APPEARED – thanks to Operation #OTB getting up there before the censoring came down on this mind blowing Intel!
“From: Z A N
JPMorgan Chase
Comment No: 57019
Date: 3/14/2012
Comment Text:
Dear CFTC Staff,
Hello, I am a current JPMorgan Chase employee.
This is an open letter to all commissioners and regulators. I am emailing you today b/c I know of insider information that will be damning at best for JPMorgan Chase. I have decided to play the role of whistleblower b/c I no longer have faith and belief that what we are doing for society is bringing value to people. I am now under the opinion that we are actually putting hard working Americans unaware of what lays ahead at extreme market risk. This risk is unnecessary and will lead to wide-scale market collapse if not handled properly. With the release of Mr. Smith’s open letter to Goldman, I too would like to set the record straight for JPM as well. I have seen the disruptive behavior of superiors and no longer can say that I look up to employees at the ED/MD level here at JPM. Their smug exuberance and arrogance permeates the air just as pungently as rotting vegetables. They all know too well of the backdoor crony connections they share intimately with elected officials and with other institutions. It is apparent in everything they do, from the meager attempts to manipulate LIBOR, therefore controlling how almost all derivatives are priced to the inherit and fraudulent commodities manipulation. They too may have one day stood for something in the past in the client-employee relationship. Does anyone in today’s market really care about the protection of their client? From the ruthless and scandalous treatment of MF Global client asset funds to the excessive bonuses paid by companies with burgeoning liabilities. Yes, we at JPMorgan that are in the know are fearful of a cascading credit event being triggered in Greece as they have hidden derivatives in excess of $1 Trillion USD. We at JPMorgan own enough of these through counterparty risk and outright prop trading that our entire IB EDG space could be annihilated within a few short days. The last ten years has been market by inflexion point after inflexion point with the most notable coming in 2008 after the acquisition of Bear.
I wish to remain anonymous as of now as fear of termination mounts from what I am about to reveal. Robert Gottlieb is not my real name; however he is a trader that is involved in a lawsuit for manipulative trading while working with JPMorgan Chase. He was acquired during our Bear Stearns acquisition and is known to be the notorious person shorting in the silver future market from his trading space, along with Blythe Masters, his IB Global boss. However, with that said, we are manipulating the silver futures market and playing a smaller (but still massively manipulative) role in manipulating the gold futures market. We have a little over a 25% (give or take a percentage) position in the short market for silver futures and by your definition this denotes a larger position than for speculative purposes or for hedging and is beyond the line of manipulation.
On a side note, I do not work directly with accounts that would have been directly impacted by the MF Global fiasco but I have heard through other colleagues that we have involvement in the hiding of client assets from MF Global. This is another fraudulent effort on our part and constitutes theft. I urge you to forward that part of the investigation on to the respective authorities.
There is something else that you may find strange. During month-end December, we were all told by our managers that this was going to be a dismal year in terms of earnings and that we should not expect any bonuses or pay raises. Then come mid-late January it is made known that everyone received a pay raise and/or bonus, which is interesting b/c just a few weeks ago we were told that this was not likely and expected to be paid nothing in addition to base salary. January is right around the time we started increasing our short positions quite significantly again and this most recent crash in gold and silver during Bernanke’s speech on February 29th is of notable importance, as we along with 4 other major institutions, orchestrated the violent $100 drop in Gold and subsequent drops in silver.
As regulators of the free people of this country, I ask you to uphold the most important job in the world right now. That job is judge and overseer of all that is justice in the most sensitive of commodity markets. There are many middle-income people that invest in the physical assets of silver, gold, as well as mining stocks that are being financially impacted in a negative way b/c of our unscrupulous shorts in the precious metals commodity sector. If you read the COT with intent you will find that commercials (even though we have no business being in the commercial sector, which should be reserved for companies that truly produce the metal) are net short by a long shot in not only silver, but gold.
It is rather surprising that what should be well known liabilities on our balance sheet have not erupted into wider scale scrutinization. I call all honest and courageous JPMorgan employees to step up and fight the cronyism and wide-scale manipulation by reporting the truth. We are only helping reality come to light therefore allowing a real valuation of our banking industry which will give investors a chance to properly adjust without being totally wiped out. I will be contacting a lawyer shortly about this matter, as I believe no other whistleblower at JPMorgan has come forward yet. Our deepest secrets lie within the hands of honest employees and can be revealed through honest regulators that are willing to take a look inside one of America’s best kept secrets. Please do not allow this to turn into another Enron.
Kind Regards,
-The 1st Whistleblower of Many”