This article was originally published by Kurt Nimmo at Kurt Nimmo Blog.
How many Americans will be frightened by the necessity to buy food and feed their families?
Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House “coronavirus response coordinator,” said on Saturday all plebs must stay out of grocery stores. She didn’t offer an alternative. Instead, she repeated the hand washing and 6-foot “social distancing” mantra.
“This is the moment to not be going to the grocery store, not going to the pharmacy, but doing everything you can to keep your family and your friends safe and that means everybody doing the 6-feet distancing, washing their hands,” said the life-long bureaucrat.
I am reminded of President George H.W. Bush confronting a grocery store scanner on display at the National Grocers Association convention in D.C. in 1992. Bush probably hadn’t seen the inside a grocery store in decades and this new technology struck him as remarkable. He was bedazzled by that red scanner light, part of a mundane reality for millions of Americans.
I seriously doubt Ms. Birx does her own shopping. As a top-level flunky of the state and its preferred transnational corporate crony clients, Brix likely dispatches servants to do the shopping and cooking. She has more important tasks at hand, such as frightening the public into subservience with scary worst-case speculation minus hard data, pushing house arrest, and repeating ad nauseam the hand-wash-social-distance mantra.
Lineup outside Walmart when I had to grab groceries a little bit ago, still can’t believe this is the world we’re living in right now ? #COVID19
— CHELSEY⚡️ (@MarauderHP) April 5, 2020
Like Bush, this woman is seriously out of touch. How many Americans will now be frightened out of their wits by the necessity to buy food and feed their families? Does she believe all Americans have the ability and money to employ others (maybe adorned in hazmat suits) to buy food and deliver it—that is if the delivery services have not gone on strike for fear of the virus, an unknown quantity we are told blows in the wind, lays in wait on all surfaces and effuses invisibly from toilet bowls.
Birx’s insane suggestion—with the full weight of the state behind it—is naturally ignored by millions of Americans that have no choice but to queue up inside grocery stores and pharmacies, daring a virus they are propagandized into believing is everywhere, lethal as the Black Death.
The Centers for Disease Control, where Ms. Birx formerly worked, has told the nation all Americans must wear face masks, never mind you would be hard-pressed to actually find a medical mask (and if you did, be scorned for denying an N95 mask to “frontline” doctors and nurses). Instead, the CDC wants you to DIY masks out of cloth, or buy one online.
My doctor mom & sis share how to make DIY #facemasks. While NOT a medical mask, it's intended as a precautionary tool for the public when going out for essential tasks or isolating from others. Continue to stay in & social distance as your primary methods of containment. #covid19
— Janet Li (@janetnotjackson) March 23, 2020
According to Dr. Dena Grayson—praised by the globalist Aspen Institute for her work with big pharma—the DIY homemade mask craze may help spread the virus.
⚠️Please use CAUTION with DIY #masks. Simple cloth is NOT very effective. And people not used to wearing a #mask risk touching their face MORE, increasing the risk of being infected.?#coronavirus #COVID19— Dena Grayson, MD, PhD (@DrDenaGrayson) April 4, 2020
Like her counterpart Birx, Ms. Grayson—who is married to former Florida Democrat “representative” Alan Grayson—does not offer an alternative. Maybe she is simply too busy playing politics like everyone else in the swamp (she is, after all, a failed Democrat candidate).
Wow. What a difference between the #fact-based press conferences by @NYGovCuomo versus the propaganda-laden circus shows by @realDonaldTrump.#coronavirus #COVID19 #CoronavirusPandemic
— Dena Grayson, MD, PhD (@DrDenaGrayson) April 5, 2020
My guess is that most readers and viewers of WorldBeyondWar have read Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins, if not, the corona hoax is a perfect illustration of what economic hitmen do!
These individuals in America that are involved in this bullshit fake revolution are mentally incompetent, since they have decided to willingly destroy the economy of the country that they live in and depend on for their lives, their families lives and future generations survival.
All of the countries that this happens in are in a constant state of revolution and civil war. That is not peaceful at all!
Going from forever wars to forever civil wars and revolutions is not an environment that any American is equiped to survive in!
They are deluding themselves if they believe that they are capable! It is highly unpredictable and an enormous gamble, which in fact fails everytime, since it is based on bullshit! Then again, delusional thinking is the hallmark of Americanism!
Notice how the 2020 Census is at the exact same time Americans are locked down at home in this Martial Law lock down. Mark of the beast and tracking is coming to count everyone. If you are not compliant, they will not issue your government guaranteed payment wallet to sit idle.
First there was Communism, so we went to war against communism.
The there was Terrorism and we went to war with Terrorism. Then we found out is all a false flag hoax.
I predicted that space aliens were going to be the next Boogie man to go to war with, and ruled out a pandemic because it would take so long to spread. Now it seems where ever there is 5G Military grade microwave Internet connections is provoking and triggering body cell receptors to produce flu like symptoms. 5G was rolled out just weeks before the Pandemic began in Wuhan China. Another Bill Gates population reduction project. And he just happens to have the magic vaccine. India Kicked the Bill Gates and Belinda foundation out of India. They are a Fraud and killing people for kicks.
Well, the census has been in effect since the constitution was written and people can respond via website, phone, or mail prior to census worker in person, so I do not believe that that is part of the corona hoax.
5G is not safe. Wi-fi is not safe. The higher the G, the more unsafe it is. At 5G frequencies, water molecules begin to vibrate at the high end of the frequency range, which is definitely hazardous!
Bill Gates is a psychopathic terrorist that belongs in a federal pennitentiary for the rest of his life.
WHO President Tedros Adhanom received massive Bill and Melinda Gates donations in Ethiopia when he was finance minister and health minister. He is a doctor of philosophy and does not know a God damned thing about health.
Gates is also very active with the Chinese Communist Party and has offices in China working to develope vaccines. Bill Gates has no medical experience either.
My guess is that most readers of Shtfplan have read Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins, if not, the corona hoax is a perfect illustration of what economic hitmen do!
These individuals in America that are involved in this bullshit fake revolution are mentally incompetent, since they have decided to willingly destroy the economy of the country that they live in and depend on for their lives, their families lives and future generations survival.
All of the countries that this happens in are in a constant state of revolution and civil war. That is not peaceful at all!
Going from forever wars to forever civil wars and revolutions is not an environment that any American is equiped to survive in!
They are deluding themselves if they believe that they are capable! It is highly unpredictable and an enormous gamble, which in fact fails everytime, since it is based on bullshit! Then again, delusional thinking is the hallmark of Americanism!
Good stay home! I hate traffic and no TP. But hey, after 3 weeks looking I got me some TP! Stores are stocked (limits on a few things) and traffic is usual. My homemade hand sanitizer is awesome lol. Runnin my best bud everyday in the hills and life is normal. Got everything I need, good to go. If your late to the party it sucks to be you….
High 5 brother that showing people you got your nose in the wind and both feet on the ground.
Been dug in at the BOL here now for 5 years. Like a Wisconsin Badger. Off the Grid. Watch out now for rolling power outages and blackouts. You know, enough down time to f*ck up your freezer food. If you have a freezer full of meat dependent on grid electric. Go can at least half the meat with a pressure cooker, and freeze containers of water for ice blocks, in all the dead space of the freezer to help prolong food spoilage. Whats your plan for an extended power outage? I’m building a 4 bay rabbit hutch. 3 Does and a Buck. Meat baby, keep em breeding. A good post grid collapse food source and off grid money making hobby.
Remember we outnumber the Government a million to one. Never give up and never die on your knees, and never surrender your guns away. Make em work for it, defend your Constitutional rights. Keep a copy handy along with your State Constitution. You have a right to defend your property. Go take middle of the night patrol on your property armed and see what lurks in the night. Go learn your night vision by the moon light. What other noises do you hear? I see more city folks now up in our country rural area getting lost. or trying to rent housing up here in the Country. A wild card. Confront everyone and get your No Trespassing signs up ASAP..
That’s their first warning before you waste them after they refuse to leave. SSS No camping or squatting. Private property. Know your compound property boundary weak points. If all you got between you inside your house and the public street at 2 in the Morning, is a dead bolt in a thin door, you are in trouble.
maybe i misunderstand?
your handle on this site is Genius
you are on this web site as a regular
you have likely visited other links on shtfplan
. . . . and you didn’t have a standard SOP of keeping essentials like TP stocked?
what a world. I’m suprised.
The USA economy shutdown by a fearmongering media and power hungry control freak politicians. Americans who were once brave now follow orders as if they are remote control autotrons on drugs…….and a guy named Genius takes 3 weeks to locate TP to clean his bottom. Hope he had air freshener.
what a world.
Don’t be butthurt, just a joke Genius. Like this china virus hoax. I’m guilty too of being a not so great prepared soldier. “Getting ready is easy. Staying ready is very difficult.”
Did you ever think that Historically Brave Americans would allow liar media and criminal thief politicians to get away with shutting down America? Americans now Compliant as chicom comrads. Very dissappointing. Where are the heros?
Are china virus symptoms really result of the 5G weapon system rollout with 60mm waves?
Youtube Dana Ashlie is convincing.
you can go to the grocery store. they never said you cant. they reccommend you dont. if you need to go they want you to wear a mask and go by yourself. dont bring the kids. whats the problem. i drive around all day and see people walking their dogs working on their houses and cars. there is more to life than retail. police arent bothering people from what i can see. im sure if a crowd forms they will show up to break it up. they havent crossed the line. there is a difference between telling you what to do and recommending what you do.
Walmart was having us line up outside six feet apart, and only let in a limited number at a time. And we had to buy bags since no bags could be brought in.
Problem is government bureaucrats are being paid, even getting automatic step raises and other perks, while the tax paying sheep are being sheared.
Cut government salaries and watch how soon the tune changes to the virus isn’t so bad after all.
A million people die each year from hiv / aids and no one is quarantined or shut down. Maybe those should be locked up so they can’t have sex and spread the virus.
HIV/AIDS is a lie. Google Dr. Peter Duesberg.
When experts are morons, and are better at office politics and ass kissing, this is the result!
I’m getting pretty sick and tired of hearing people and hospitals blame the government for the fact that the hospitals do not have an adequate supply of ventilators, including one hospital without any ventilators at all, not that they are being used, but they never purchased any, ever! How could that qualify as a hospital?
Maybe if they bought less colonoscopy machines, they would have more ventilatiors. I have never met anyone that has had a lifesaving colonoscopy. That is the problem with central planners writing one size fits all in theory but not in practice. Obamacare was legalized medical fraud. The majority of hospitals are non profit, but raked in up to over $330 million at one hospital alone in profits. They can afford ventilators. If their sole goal is to just make as much money as possible, they should open cassinoes, and let someone wlse that cares about lives run the hospitals.
Hospitals answer to their board members, not to patients.
Before the Wuhan Clan was on the radar, hospitals and Big Pharma made $$BILLIONS on dialysis, STATINS, colonoscopies, lower limb amputations, heart surgeries, BP meds, bariatric surgeries, GERD drugs, ED treatments, HRT, antidepressants, antianxiety meds, insulin and other meds for Type 2 Diabesity.
It is extremely unfortunate, as well as extremely stupid for the parasites in the medical mafia to kill their hosts as a business model, which is the same business model that the governments, financial sector, and tech sector use for their business models, who now demand forever bailouts by the people whose lives they have destroyed.
The military and media have a business model of self- destruction, and refuse to change their business models of self destruction and also demand bail out money.
This is a hopeless situation.
When experts are morons, and are better at office politics and ass kissing, this is the result!
I’m getting pretty sick and tired of hearing people and hospitals blame the government for the fact that the hospitals do not have an adequate supply of ventilators, including one hospital without any ventilators at all, not that they are being used, but they never purchased any, ever! How could that qualify as a hospital?
Maybe if they bought less colonoscopy machines, they would have more ventilatiors. I have never met anyone that has had a lifesaving colonoscopy. That is the problem with central planners writing one size fits all in theory but not in practice. Obamacare was legalized medical fraud. The majority of hospitals are non profit, but raked in up to over $330 million at one hospital alone in profits. They can afford ventilators. If their sole goal is to just make as much money as possible, they should open cassinoes, and let someone else that cares about lives run the hospitals.
Mobile colonoscopy vans will soon be the rage in Greenwich Village, Austin, Tel Aviv, West Hollywood and San Fransicko!!
“Celebrities” will join in the new “medical” campaign to urge compliance–Ellen, Elton, Moby, Cher, Dr Oz, Don Lemon, Anderson Cooper, Shep Smith, Neil Patrick Harris, Petey Buttgieg, and the mean faced clipped haired female presidential candidate from mASS..
Right Vince! You can get colonoscopies, gynecological exams, mammograms, and prostate exams up the wazoo w/o meeting your deductible and w/o any co-pay, under Obamacare, but if you are in need of life saving treatment from an accident, virus, or bacterial infection, too damn bad! Thanks Obama!
Mark Sutton
Charles Koch
James Sensennbrenner
Guilty of cornering the toilette paper market in TP Partnership!
“Let them eat cake.”
Recently, what has always been referred to by politicians as well as the media as The National Guard, are being referred to as Citizen Soldiers for the first time, which just sounds extra creepy!
The overwhelming majority of the U.S. military are citizens.
Do we ever hear of citizen accountants, bankers, teachers, musicians, or actors?
I guess that they mocking the term citizen journalists. That really won’t earn the military any points in public opinion, since most citizens have opted to read citizen journalists over corporate propagandists.
Americans really aren’t going to cozy up to the idea that the military has declared war on citizens.
You’re wise to recognize how the language is being used, it just goes over the heads of most people and they don’t even come close to realizing their thinking is being manipulated by it.
Control the language, control the peoples discussion. Control the peoples discussion, control the peoples thinking. Control the peoples thinking, control the peoples behavior.
Words have meaning, words have power. Use them carefully and be aware of how they are being used on you.
Thanks Anonymous. Another coronavirus linguistics change has been in ventilators and respirators. When the hospitals were saying that they needed ventilators, at first I thought that they were referring to the ventilation system in the hospital rooms to prevent the circulation of the pathogens. I had always associated respirators with breathing and ventilators with air circulation in a buliding, car, or plane, even though the term hyperventilation exists for breathing.
Hyperventilating describes the handling of the corona hoax!
There are too meny people that are hyperventilating bullshit about coronavirus!
If you are white, practice social distancing and hand washing. Wear a mask if you have to come in close contact with people. Boost your immune system with vitamins. Lose weight and get fit. Run, push ups. Prep. Study.
If you are black or Muslim, being immune to coronavirus, please congregate in large numbers. Get back to work (get the jump on whitey!!), and travel. Why not get together with the bros and have a house party? Celebrate the old whiteys dying from ‘Boomer Remover’ and the world you will inherit and the big houses that will soon be empty.
You know what would be Karma Frank? you catching Corona of the AZZ, you see people like you are dinosaurs and are soon gonna be extinct but that’s why your so miserable cause you can’t stand the fact that one day this country is gonna be a country for ALL people not just a select group. It’s coming whether you like it or not.
Karma is when an Asian dude (Mr bat soup eater) causes a global pandemic, a black dude (the head of the WHO) says “chill man”, “it doesn’t transfer from person”, “let the flights of ch##ks keep coming”, and when a healthcare system failure set up by a black guy (Obama) has a catastrophic fail, killing thousands. Now thatsa Karma!!
With karma like that America will be all-white again in 20 years.
HIV/AIDS is a lie. Google Dr. Peter Duesberg.
The federal government is non-essential.
I read nationwide count of cv deaths include all deaths..pneumonia, heart attack, flu, diabetes, etc.
After the 2k scare, various agencies reminded people that keeping a few days of food & water on hand was prudent.
After the Katrina fiasco, FEMA revised that to 2-3 weeks.
As the world (of functional adults) has recently become aware of the weakness in our power grids, many have increased that time to a minimum of 2-3 months, with 6 months being more realistic.
So what are we to make of these deliberately stupid mow-rons who don’t have more than a few TV dinners on hand, but every member of their family has a new “device” in front of their face?
I say, DON’T interfere with natural evolution, just let these folks evolve out of the gene pool.
Thanks Anonymous. Another coronavirus linguistics change has been in ventilators and respirators. When the hospitals were saying that they needed ventilators, at first I thought that they were referring to the ventilation system in the hospital rooms to prevent the circulation of the pathogens. I had always associated respirators with breathing and ventilators with air circulation in a buliding, car, or plane, even though the term hyperventilation exists for breathing.
Hyperventilating describes the handling of the corona hoax!
There are too meny people that are hyperventilating bullshit about coronavirus!