The ongoing bird flu outbreak has entered a “new phase.” The mainstream media has been panicked about the bird flu since the Trump administration instigated a pause on most external federal health agency communications, including the publication of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR).
According to a report by Axios, the MMWR is a venerable source of scientific reports on public health. Without any new human cases to report, the mainstream media seems content to lament the ruling class’s decisions instead.
There have been dozens of newly confirmed cases of avian influenza in wild birds and the first verified United States case of a new strain of the virus. Wild birds can be infected and show no signs of illness, allowing them to spread the virus to new areas and potentially expose domestic poultry.
These two things have shoved the bird flu “crisis” into a troubling new phase.
Egg Prices Continue To Rise As Rulers Cull Chickens Over Bird Flu Scare
Because of the increase in wild bird infections, the rulers are culling entire flocks of birds, causing financial hardships to the consumers. Officials in Pennsylvania and New York have also culled thousands of wild geese, in addition to whole commercial poultry flocks, after detecting cases of flu.
The CDC ADMITS: PCR Tests CANNOT Differentiate Between Coronaviruses!
As with COVID-19, the rulers seem to be making this as difficult as possible on human beings while cruelly culling entire flocks over one positive and unreliable polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test.
A new strain of avian flu called H5N9 was recently identified on a duck farm in California that had an outbreak of the more common H5N1 flu last fall. This new type of bird flu is a sign that two or more viruses could be infecting the same animal and swapping genetic material. That could mean that mutations could occur that make this more transmissible to human beings.
Ducks make good hosts for what scientists call “reassortment” because they aren’t severely sickened by many types of avian flu. Apparently, the solution is to cull all of the ducks. About 119,000 birds were euthanized in response.
The H5N9 strain originated in China and is itself a mix of several other strains. It isn’t thought to be more of a threat to humans than the H5N1 strain that’s widely circulating in U.S. poultry, cattle, and wild birds.
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