Antifa Set To Terrorize America: Objective Is To “Cause Civil Unrest And Initiate Rioting In Many Major American Cities”

by | Oct 31, 2017 | Headline News | 141 comments

Do you LOVE America?



    The organization known as Antifa has declared its intentions to cause civil unrest and initiate rioting in many major American cities on November 4, 2017.  Now, Antifa is supposed to stand for “Anti-Fascist,” concurrently denouncing “Capitalism.”  They are comprised of leftists, anarchists, Marxists, and communists.  They embrace a policy of “direct action,” loosely interpreted to refer to protests, vandalism and destruction of property, and physical assaults against individuals and groups.  Their declared objective is specifically to target the far-right (Conservative) and white supremacists (Whites).

    They have many groups that are sympathetic, such as University students and professors, the media, and the Marxist Oligarchy of this country who fund their operations indirectly or promulgate their activities with other forms of support.  Antifa is also intelligent enough to not have a central committee or an operating headquarters that could be arrested or targeted respectively.  They follow a very “fluidly dynamic” pattern of utilizing social media and cell phones to coordinate overall activities, while keeping individual tasks compartmentalized with insulation between their teams/units to prevent compromise of the movement.  Such very closely mirrors the activities of the Viet Cong organizational structure minus the hierarchy of a chain-of-command structure.

    It is the appearance of being “disorganized” that is the central tenet to their organizational structure: haphazard, akin to a barbarian horde, but with each individual being focused upon the stated objectives.  They accomplish their goals while outwardly appearing to be haphazard or ineffective. The reason: they are forming the “template,” or standard, and their test for its effectiveness will be November 4th.  Their protests and demonstrations have notably been waged against conservative groups and meetings.

    Antifa is another tool of the Marxists and Communists in power in the U.S., both politically (the Senate and House of Representatives, infested with communists and globalists) and economically (Oligarchs, CEO’s and large corporate segments of banking, business, and industry) with one objective:

    To destroy the United States from within, and enable an invasion from without.

    The politicos and oligarchs have found an army of fools (mostly among the “disenchanted” youth and students) and “front-line” leaders to carry out subversive attacks and civil unrest that can lead to anarchy and a real civil war with no discernable/identifiable battle lines.  It has happened before: with the Weather Underground, a collection of communist-leaning punks and protestors…the student riffraff that eventually became enriched and tenured professors…to influence a whole new generation of fledgling “progressive” communists.  For proof of this look no further than William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn: both “respected academicians and professors” who are looked at with halos of awe and reverence.

    Awe and reverence is held for the Weather Underground, who bombed the U.S. Capitol Building on March 1, 1971, they bombed the Pentagon on May 19, 1972, and they bombed the U.S. State Department Building on January 29, 1975. 

    Eventually most of them (especially the ringleaders, such as Ayers and Dohrn) were acquitted, placed on probation, or fined.  Many of them slipped through a crack provided by Jimmy Carter when he was in office that provided amnesty for draft-dodgers.  Most used this vehicle to escape any charges they would have faced as members of the Weather Underground.

    Know your enemy!  This Antifa is an enemy of the American people and the Constitution of the United States.  Here are some links:

    1. Ammo Land has an excellent piece overall that gives the “cast of characters” in Antifa, and spells out their objectives with photos and visual “treats,” at this link.
    2. Two-Part Series by Ammo Land’s John Crump. Here’s Part 1’s Title and link:  Antifa OSINT Profile : Violent Leftist Group – Part 1
    3. Here is Part Two by Crump: Antifa OSINT Profile : Radical Left Anarchist Group – Part 2

    As you can read within the articles, Antifa is smart, and they are aided and augmented by other groups.  Soros himself funds them: through the Tides Foundation that runs to the Alliance for Global Justice, and then filters down to Antifa. The events so far have not been nationwide, but November 4 may just change that.  There was an article entitled Antifa Planning Nationwide Riots on November 4, 2017, by Off Grid Survival that categorizes and reports some of their stated (upcoming) activities.  Here are two excerpts taken from two of the Antifa websites:

    “According to two ANTIFA-based websites, these lunatics think that inflicting terror throughout the country will put an end to the “Trump/Pence regime”.

    ANTIFA are planning a nationwide day of riots on November 4th, which they say will force President Trump out of office. reports:

    This Nightmare Must End: The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!

    Who should attend this conference? Students and youth, the faith community, representatives of organizations and people who are unaffiliated, artists and professionals, long-time activists and folks who have never protested before – everyone who wants to see the nightmare of the Trump/Pence Regime end and is willing to act together to accomplish this. We will start organizing now for: NOVEMBER 4, 2017

    Take To The Streets And Public Squares in cities and towns across the country continuing day after day and night after night—not stopping—until our DEMAND is met. reports:

    ON NOVEMBER 4, 2017:

    We will gather in the streets and public squares of cities and towns across this country, at first many thousands declaring that this whole regime is illegitimate and that we will not stop until our single demand is met: This Nightmare Must End: the Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!

    Our protest must grow day after day and night after night—thousands becoming hundreds of thousands, and then millions—determined to act to put a stop to the grave danger that the Trump/Pence Regime poses to the world by demanding that this whole regime be removed from power.”

    Will these guys mount an effective insurrection, or will it be “lip service” (in the manner of “Anonymous”) or fizzle out akin to the protests prior to the presidential elections?  The larger danger will surface if the country becomes embroiled in a struggle with civil rioting and uprisings and leave our attentions diverted from the possibility of a foreign attack.  What better time than in a moment of weakness fostered by confusion?  At any rate, we’ll know the answer to the question next weekend.  Let’s be prepared for the possibility that it can all go downhill.

    Related: There Will Be Blood: Left Prepares For War After Berkeley Beat Down: “Combat Training, Better Equipment, Guns…”

    Jeremiah Johnson is the Nom de plume of a retired Green Beret of the United States Army Special Forces (Airborne).  Mr. Johnson is also a Gunsmith, a Certified Master Herbalist, a Montana Master Food Preserver, and a graduate of the U.S. Army’s SERE school (Survival Evasion Resistance Escape).  He lives in a cabin in the mountains of Western Montana with his wife and three cats. You can follow Jeremiah’s regular writings at or contact him here.

    This article may be republished or excerpted with proper attribution to the author and a link to

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        • When people revolt back, they will figure out that Soros and Obama aren’t paying them enough

          • The American people will not revolt back. Americans are fat, lazy, obese, preoccupied, crazy, insane, cowards and losers, obsessed with their technology. They will go to their deaths like cattle, like the Jews did at Auschwitz. Their fate will not become plain to them until their IPhones are taken away from them, dropped onto a mountain of other IPhones, just before they are gassed to death.

            • Come to my place and you’ll see just how lazy I am. I’ll introduce you to one of my friends, Mr. Sig Sauer.

              • My friend is named Max Springfield

                • Mine is a .12 ga Mossburg 500, etc.

            • Blame-e
              Your mom has lunch ready. Go upstairs and eat your sandwich

            • the blame: Exactl, which is why moronic Europe is allowing unskilled mostly males-invaders to install sharia law and puts up with rapes, terrorism, child molestation and stealing while laws protect these scum. They hate the people supporting them with tax money and their goal is world conquest, and if we keep allowing them in here, we too will evolve into a third world hell hole, with rifle executions and some head chopping devices for infidels.

            • Blame-e, you’re talking about SHEEPLE. That WON’T be the case with the people here at this site.

            • Speak for your city dwelling friends. I would not count on others to go meekly.

          • I wonder if they have thought to wear bullet proof vests? Just thinking……

            • If they are wearing such vests, simply adjust your aim to park your rounds across the bridge of the nose…

              Aint NO body makes body armor for the face…end of story.

              Semper Fi

        • Mueller is too busy jacking with the Trumpster to give these guys any scrutiny.

        • Because the evil bastard soros can buy off a lot of scum politicians and they tell the police what to do. Ultimately it will be up to patriots and cops that are willing to break ranks to eliminate these commie fucks.

          • “Ultimately it will be up to patriots and cops that are willing to break ranks to eliminate these commie fucks.”

            Exactly when has that ever happened? Vegas is but one example of the fact that cops won’t say or do shit (even though they know they are helping cover up a crime). Just shut up and keep your job. Patriots won’t do shit because they don’t want to go to prison or be killed by the corrupt police. Unless you are going on a suicide mission nothing will happen.

          • Menzo: also retired and some active duty military and good ole rednecks.

            • True

        • Why? Because they are leftists, and leftists are the most righteous persons on Earth, thus they get a free pass. That, and they are tools of the owners, so it is hands off. Do you really believe for one minute, they could not be stopped?

          Also… If anyone to the right of obummer dares to physically lift a finger to oppose them, woe be unto them…And, make no mistake, the parasites are salivating over the prospect of initiating martial law.

          The fix is in. The United States is going down, one way or another. Just a matter of time.

        • The real question is why are not American citizens rising up and wiping this Hillary Clinton, Democrat, Soros funded filth from the face of the earth?

          • to busy watching overpaid black slaves play a game. stupid whites with to much $$$$ and time. we are fat and happy in our cocoon and if it isn’t in the mirror, it doesn’t matter. I wouldn’t put it past them to shoot themselves, just to get martial law instituted. then comes the little chip implanted.

      2. I only have this to say to these commie scum: If you have a death wish, that can be arranged. If you harm any good people out there, they will strike back in self-defense. If you try to harm me I will strike back in self-defense. If you pull a weapon on me then be ready to meet your maker. You will NOT be allowed to destroy this country. There’s 100,000,000 gun owners out here who will not allow our country to be destroyed.

        • When they start rioting, we shoot them all. Patriots don’t riot and tear up stuff and threaten people in mobs. These commies are easily identifiable no matter if they try to trick us by wearing patriotic attire. Simply kill them.

          • It is time to end these people.

            • Menzo, their actions will definitely give them away. Let them start their BS and they will meet their end.

          • Curious how ANTIFA never “protests’ at a NASCAR event. It would be easy to find plenty of “Nazis’ THERE.

        • It’ll be the cops and military whom you adore who’ll pull the guns on you and harm you. Unless, that is, you’re intent on defending yourself from any authoritarian action of theirs against yourself. That means being pulled over, stopped, questioned, visited, summoned, etc., by them–if you’re obeying the spirit, if not able to obey any dysfunctional letter, of basic laws of the peace. Their existence and ability to carry out those authoritarian actions, however, makes all those authoritarian actions imminent.

      3. Bunch of people mashed on the street in NY. Some guy shouting something about being thrown out of an ally-act bar.

        • Fucking muslim trash should also all be killed.

        • What the he’ll is an ally-act bar

          • Allahu Akbar, or for some of us, Allahu Snackbar.

            • Or in Hawaiian
              Mahu snackbar= queer muzzy dipshit

          • I think he’s saying aloha snackbar

        • He was saying “Aloha Snackbar!”


            • Hawaiian pork BBQ 🙂

        • Muslimes only abhor homosexuality if it’s practiced between two grown men. There’s probably very few muslime men over 20 who haven’t raped an ass.

      4. They are AL professional paid rioters, funded by the elite as a tool to disrupt the American way of life. If we are not carefull, America as we have known it will cease to exist. There are many powers at work trying to tear us apart. Make America white again.

        • Whites are the once who have truly made this god damned nation. Foreigners and blacks and muslims and faggots and he-she’s and all of the other liberal deviant scum are shit and have done nothing but ruined this once great land! I am white and damn proud of it. I am sick of this ridiculous attack on whites and white history, statues, tradition, etc, etc. Enough of this bullshit nonsense. My fellow white males, this is our time to make things right!!

          • You are right. Bring it on bitches.

          • ‘set to terrorize America’???? Funny, I don’t feel ‘terrorized one bit. In fact, if the antifa crowd and other low-lifes knew how I did feel, they’d be the ones terrorized. Flat-out crapping their drawers if only they knew what a fed-up American man like me is capable of doing to their ilk. I’ve not a thing in me that would prevent implementing the most cruel and brutal Native American …. methods. Hmmm, maybe start with the removal of their eyelids ….

          • Yeah, mention that to about 10 million fat, lazy White biologically male persons, who pay around $75 to purchase jerseys, so they can wear some (mostly non-White) man’s name on their backs, effectively making them little more than some retard ball-chaser’s bitch.

            We are at Stage 6, of the 8 stages of genocide. White Genocide, that is.

          • Amen Brother! I am white as well and sick to death of all the TRASH in this country!

          • Amen brother!

          • Might makes right? No. . .

            White makes right? Yes. . .

            • “Might is Right” by “Ragnar Redbeard” is a pretty good book, find it PDF.

      5. Ugh these little bitches aren’t gonna do shit. They’re just talkin smack eating pizza rolls in their mommas basements.

        • And you shorty are probably snackin’ with your girlfriend.

          • Hmmmm, maybe it’s time to watch Death Wish again. Gotta love Bronson 🙂

        • They’re going to terrorize each other’s anuses and scrotums. You couldn’t drag them away from the area near “their” college campus with a backhoe.

      6. “They are AL professional paid rioters, funded by the elite as a tool to disrupt the American way of life”

        Just that, they’re paid. Their ideology has limited appeal hence they buy protestors to augment the far too few kooks that support their agenda.

        • Kevin2: Motel and food expenses all paid, Soros elite pals pay for $150. Hoka Bondi 5 shoes or Brooks @ same price, clothing allowances and nice luggage sets for thier leaders of these thugs.

      7. The best thing that ANY patriot could do at this point, is to give them no ammunition. Don’t attend their protest points, don’t confront any of these dweebs. Let them descend into their own hell which will eventually destroy them from within. What will they do if they have no one confronting or attempting to stop them. If they want to go around throwing trashcans, setting fires and breaking windows…let them have at it. Make it pointless to protest!

        • Oldgoat

          Agree 100%. They want the forum. It takes, “Two To Tango”. Don’t dance with them.

          • Police should shoot to kill looters, road blockers, and vandals

            • Beware giving the police too much of a free hand.

              • Very true, Kevin! Whoever can “protect” you can then rule you. Self-government, and self-defense against those who don’t self-govern and against those who attempt to govern others, is the only legitimate option.

        • The most intelligent comment I’ve read.

          (of course it is the same thing I’ve been saying for quite a while, LOL)

      8. I don’t care. As long as it stays in the liberal hell hole cities ( Baltimore, detoilet, shitcongo.) I don’t care, they bring it on themselves . Bring it out here, lead flies.

        • Yep…Agree also.

          • Ya out west here (excluding the coast) you don’t see that shit. Only in the big cities do the naggers ever do anything and that is destroy their own neighborhoods (fine with me). They don’t dare venture out of their safe zone’s as most folks are well armed.

      9. It is all about the Islam. Look into any of this and you will find Muslims in key positions and Islamic funding behind it. They are invading, disrupting, undermining, killing. Go to any city in the West now and you will find most of the crime and violence has a connection to Muslims or Africans. Look at your city newspaper and see the stories of street murders, terrorism, sex trafficking etc.

        Even the housing crisis is related to this: they are coming in in such large numbers that they are stressing the availability of housing. We can solve many problems at once by deporting them: free up housing, lower rents, reduce street crime, reduce welfare rates, reduce terrorism.

        • Trump gets crucified in the media for advocating stopping the immigration of these people. While the liberal New Yorker gets the attention its difficult for me to believe that the average blue collar person there doesn’t agree with at least that part of his agenda. I just can’t see Sal, Guido and Louie in Brooklyn supportive of Mohammad. I know the Sal, Guido and Louie mindset as their clones are in South Philly.

        • Name a place where large numbers of Africans have settled where things actually IMPROVED.

        • Has nothing to do with Islam. Its all about the 3ews destroying America and our culture, because they are jealous. Soros is a 3ew. Chaos invented by the 3ew, paid for by the 3ew. Islam is just a front and people used as pawns displaced by the 3ew. 3ews are the evil cult.

          • “Has nothing to do with Islam.”

            This guy can’t wait to get to Allah and take a dozen infidels with him. He’s a loan wolf. If this was orchestrated he would have used a firearm to demonize their possession.

            This attack has everything to do with Islam.

            • CSS is correct. They are using these groups as pawns to achieve the goal. Otherwise they would all be deported and prosecuted.

              • Yes, all jewish, everythng else is orchestrated by (((them))).

                The conductor is the (((money hegemon))).

                How to destroy that- that is the question.

            • Kevin2: Anyone who doesn’t see Islam goal of world domination is an idiot like troll freak crack summ, these secular demonic Khazars from the lineage of Ashkenazi (E. Europe) may call themselves Jews but they are not, they are from a line of Turkish/E. Europe mixed blood lines from the 7th or 8th century (some were Jewish converts way back), now secular like Soros is. Sephardic Jews are Orthodox Jews. Most the elite are Khazars-Asheknazi linage.

      10. I’m not worried about them yet. They are only going to protest in liberal big cities. If they tried that in some small southern town, there would be guns and knives drawn on them.

        • speaking of some small southern town…

          A White Supremacist group tried to protest in Shelbyville and Murfreesboro TN this past weekend.

          The protest in Murfreesboro fizzled and you know what?????

          The most amazing thing happened.

          They ended up in my Small Town USA TN. The place was crawling with Supremacists and Police from adjoining towns and TN State Troopers.

          I know they came because it’s Nathan Bedford Forrest country.

          • mid-afternoon. Nov. 4th, 2017

            as far as I can tell, nothing is happening.

            I declare a “fizzle” for anitifa.

      11. Stand up to the punks.

      12. The left uses social media effectively to push their narrative and make it appear that they are larger in number (and more popular) than they really are – but like their MSM news ‘stories’ it is almost all fake like they are.

        Don’t get me wrong, we all know the basic rules:
        1. Never underestimate your opponent
        2. Avoid crowds
        3. Always be prepared

        Just realize we are entering colder weather – not exactly the optimum ‘rioting’ weather for the Ca Munity in most of our Hives.
        You cant blame a gray beard for hoping – all the same.

      13. If you reload . Try lubing cases with your favorite lube to size. And see that CLP . Rem lube and the others don’t compare to grease lube. A good test of chamber lube? Frabil ice fishing grease? Is ultra low temp grease the best? Have come to the conclusion that grease is better then oil? And have seen Mobil one grease dry out. – 60 to 500 degree grease the best? We need to find the ultra lube fast? Who can we trust?

      14. Seems 000 buck is one dollar per round . 00 buck is 30 cents per round . Why? With the new body armor it seems like 22 lr. Or buck shot? Or blind them with bird shot? Head shots or spray and pray? Seems center mass is over? Adjust accordingly?

        • .300 win mag with Barnes ttsx solids should do the trick on armour. #4 buckshot is the best imo for scatterguns.

          • Yep, would like to see a test. Semiauto Browning 300 win.mag?

      15. Guy in New York was a pretty stupid Moslem.
        He should have been able to kill hundreds.
        I guess we are lucky, we get all the stupids.
        But perhaps stupidity is a characteristic
        of Islam.
        I hope we get a smart Moslem that takes out our Congress,
        Democrat Bureaucracy, and Court. That will leave us
        with the Military to run the next elections.

        • Muslimes in general aren’t very bright. The average IQ in Pakistan is in the low 80s. They make it a point to inbreed. 70% of marriages in Pakistan are between first cousins. The rest of us figured out tens of thousands of years ago that inbreeding wasn’t a good idea.

          • That 80 IQ make perfect sheep for someone with a 130 IQ to lead them. You lose a few when they blow themselves up prematurely but you can get them to blow themselves up. Thats useful. You don’t want a thinking kamikaze.

      16. Seems during the last revolutionary war it wasn’t buck and bore. It was buck or bore? Watch any movie and decide what you would rather have. A rifle or buck shot? I bet 90% of the time you would rather have buckshot? Semiauto shotguns rule the night ? And that’s the only time you have against snipers? Unles you can pump really fast? And short stroking under pressure becomes a problem? Unless you are really good.

        • Don’t fear the night, fear what hunts at night…

      17. Read that the president,Vise president, and Secretary of State , told the Minot missels launchers. To launch when ordered . Not to waste time verify orders. So they all have witnessed direct orders from the highest command to launch immediately? Maybe politics? Or dept cancelling? Either way secure your preps?

      18. Even so lord come soon, We don’t care how bad it will be. Whatever it takes to depose Satan , Do it, We know we will suffer. Whatever it takes, our lamps are full.whatever it takes?

      19. Can’t wait to do my part. Whatever it may be. To die fighting evil? The apostles did. Tortured to death. Would rather die quick. But so be it.

      20. Is every unarmed American. A traitor? Seems like?If you are not ready to defend your country. What are you?

      21. An army travels on its stomach? Ammo without food is suicide? Adjust accordingly.

      22. Hoping to stop the inevitable? Seems like a lose lose scenario? We all know what’s coming . Even so lord come soon.bring it on?

      23. If the police, now “militarized”, and the other govt forces were to bring all the JHP, machine guns, armored vehicles etc they now have in their arsenals to bear down on these protestors, I would not expect to hear a peep.

        My question is whether there will be tacit “stand down” orders to allow these protests to initially get out of hand, justifying a more vigorous response in the form of a curfew or in the extreme, a temporary declaration of martial law- if only for a “test run.” In other words, will TPTB nip this in the bud, or let it burn for a while?

        Having said that, I am willing to bet this Nov 4 is all just a big nothingburger. We’ll see.

      24. To the 90% brown to the 8% white. We are out numbered. Will we go quietly into the night? I don’t think so.

        • What u talkin bout Willis,,,
          They is still the minority, even if they got every last one out there they would still be outnumbered and they will never get most of their kin to buy into that shit

      25. The idiots of antifa want civil war, a glorious struggle for the worker, ROTFLAO! They are biggest dreamers.

        Here is a sample of the level of degradation they’ll cause and experience.

        Getting shot. That is simple one, but you don’t get to chose where you get hit. A lot of arteries and veins in the arms and legs.

        Bystanders, folks who don’t want nothing to do with left or the right. You’ll take something from one of them or a few of them. You’ll cause something not to be delivered and someone who somebody loves will die. Welcome to real hate, because shooting you is just not enough. How do you feel about being skinned alive ????

        The battlefield PREVERT. They are not the good people. Not the good people who are putting up the antifa. This is fun subject. What do they do ? What don’t they do, and boys and girls you just have to be warm enough.

        Do you love dogs ? Because they are gonna love you.

        …………..and other things, etc.

      26. These thugs are the EXACT replica of Hitler’s brownshirts. Google who they were (socialists) and what they did.

        As you know, I am non-violent. But I don’t consider self defense when attacked violence. And if one of these kiddie kowards attacks me, they most assuredly will never attack anyone again.

        • Not “exact” at all.

          The Germans responded to an explicit declaration of war by (((them))) in 1933 AND to deadly revolutions disproportionately led by (((them))) in Germany (Bavarian Socialist Republic & the Berlin Spartacist revolt 1918-1919) and in several neighboring countries, revolutions that, in aggregate, killed MILLIONS.

          There are NO such parallels in the case of Antifa.

        • No, they are not “brownshirts”. The “nazi” comparison is a tired, over-used straw man. They are wanna-be bolsheviks, trying to copy the original red-terror crowd. And, they make no bones about their devotion to marxism. Conditioning has caused people to still compare them to “nazis”. Learn the truth.

      27. You all are going to shoot these ‘kids”? I guarantee you, when you look down your scope,and take aim, you will see the son or maybe the grandson of yours, a loved one or a friend. You are not going to shoot a fellow American. You are good men. Good men don’t shoot at unarmed idiots. They know our down fall.

        • You misunderstand, and underestimate the left, and their desires and goals. They will kill you, and laugh, and move on. Especially, if you are White.

        • Yea. Don’t shoot the stupid kid throwing the flaming trash can. Shoot the one standing on the balcony out of harm’s way with the radio who is directing the action. Twice. No, thrice: Two in the chest, one in the head.

      28. People should read Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky. Know your enemy and you will be able to fight them. Use their rules against them and you will win. The snowflakes will crumble and run like little girls. They will eventually eat their own. They have no courage against us.

      29. Here is a list of where the show is:

        Los Angeles
        New York City
        Omak (small town in Washington state)
        San Francisco

        I notice some other large cities are notably absent.

        • If the antifa are dumb enough to attempt rioting in Cincinnati, here is a foretaste of what they can expect in return. When this chimpout occurred in 2001, not only did the Cincinnati Police Department respond with force, but the sons of Appalachia that inhabit the nearby city of Norwood assembled as a “clan” and were ready to respond with citizen firepower if the chimps migrated northward from downtown Cincinnati.

      30. FIRST, my good people, please pay attention to language! Antifa is not anti-fascist, they ARE fascist, or more accurately, PRE-fascist.


        Because they hope that their behaviors that taunt and cause provocation and violence will unleash the United Nations soldiers, already stationed here, to enforce Martial Law, who also will soon thereafter engage in gun confiscation the resistance to which they will use to further justify their presence!

        See how this works?

        SECOND, if no one shows up to where they say they will be (please don’t go there because you will be playing right into their hands) then they cannot achieve their aim.

        Let’s hope our various Law Enforcement Agencies are on high alert and will ‘babysit’ these thugs posing as fake protesters. Notify your Senators and Congresspeople and ASK THEM BLUNTLY to tell you what steps THEY are taking to keep THEIR CONSTITUENTS (Americans) SAFE from these deluded and misguided people. And tell your friends and relatives who live in or near those areas not to go where they are, not to engage.

        Let me be clear: I support protest that is both nonviolent and effective. Properly done, nonviolent (truthful) protest is always effective because it raises consciousness and unmasks lies. The antifa group has the Constitutional right to protest but their means or ways of protest is repugnant, filled with confusion and lies. Moreover, their protest does not meet the criteria even for violent resistance, the kind the world waged, for example, against Adolph Hitler.

        You are NOT cowards for not showing up to their protests. To the contrary, you are demonstrating you are MORE intelligent than these Soros-backed, Soros-paid thugs. Re-read Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” for this and other tactics.

        Now, of course, if they march right up to your personal DOOR and ATTACK you and/or your property, well then the Castle Doctrine kicks in, right? So my point is let them take the fight to YOU! All this November 4th nonsense of theirs is designed to draw you OUT so you can fall right INTO their Constitution-destroying trap so that U.N. Troops become unleashed.

        From everything I have read by those who have come to this site, anyone who has ever posted here is way smarter than these people.

        For the record, although I agree our country has race issues, I don’t believe in “white surpremacy” because every human being is a child of God. God loves everyone equally, even if some other humans don’t, and God detests unrepented sinful behavior.

        Lastly, because we live in such perilous times both nationally and internationally, pray, prep, get right with God, forgive others, ask for forgiveness, obey the Ten Commandments, and pray some more because when you do you give God permission to unleash His great power to bring people to their senses as well as to the truth, among many other things!

        God bless you all.

        – the Lone Ranger

        • That’s why I posted the list. It was copied from their website. Yuck, I loathed going there but wanted to find out where they would be so I could stay away.

      31. HIPE, HIPE, HIPE,

        30,000 plus are going to start something ?

        I do not think so.

      32. I found out that they are going to be gunning for Police, Fire Fighters, and EMT’s.

        I have read that they are going to try, and find or they already know the people with guns, and they are going to raid their houses, and take their guns for use in the Civil Unrest/Civil war.

        I’m hoping it doesn’t happen on Nov 4th, but I’m going to be ready if it does. You should be also from what I have read and gotten from LEO’s info.

        I can tell you that if several cars pull into my yard they will face 2 Saiga 12Gs. one with a 12Rd. drum and the other with a 20Rd. drum. Backing that up there will be a 1100 tactical and two 870’s all loaded with 00 BUCK. Backing that up are several AR15’s and a couple of AK’s. Also loaded all the 380’s 9MM’s and 45’s. I have other little things ready for them if they come, or go after any of my L.E.O. Brothers or Sisters.

        Like I said before I hope nothing happens, but if it does I will be ready. It is easier to unload them that to load then in an emergency.

        Guy and Gals. Please watch your 6 starting Nov. 3Rd to Nov 10th. This might just be a false Flag. Don’t forget about the EMP test on the 4Th.

        These little Commie bastards want a fight they will get one.

        Aim Small Miss Small

        • Horseshit. The ANTIFA crowd isn’t going to go hunting cops. They know that if they venture outside their Berkely-esque areas, they’ll run headlong into reality. .001% of them would have the nerve (or stupidity) to try that.

          • DBC
            I didn’t write what they say they are going to do. I just reported it.

            • Sarge, I postponed a trip I had for this weekend just because of the EMP drill. I don’t need to get stranded anywhere outside my AO. Unfortunately I’ll be in the city this weekend. I’ve got it on good authority they’ll be acting up in my area. I spent 2 hours this evening checking and oiling my weapons and loading all magazines. Everything is good to go. I’m carrying my 9mm with extra mags and some extra boxes of ammo in the truck everywhere I go for the time being. I hope things DON’T become “interesting” but if they do I’m ready. I’m ready for COWBOYS AND LIBTURDS.

      33. Well, I’ll just say this. After this HUGE buildup to Nov 4th with all the attention Antifa is getting because of it, IF this “BIG” event they’ve planned on the 4th turns out to fizzle, GUESS WHAT. There done. NO ONE will believe or follow them anymore. So I guess we’ll have to wait until the “big” day, LOL. I really don’t think there’s much to worry about for 99% of Americans. But you probably don’t want to be in that 1% should these lazy, treasonous bastards decide to actually do something.

        • I wouldn’t bet on that. I know if I was pulling the strings I would let the 4th come and go and while everyone is congratulating themselves on it being a big nothing I would then attack on the 7th or 8th.
          That’s me though.

        • Liberty, I hope you’re right but I wouldn’t bet my life on it. IF they try something, their blood will be running in the streets.

      34. “Antifa Set to Terrorize America,” WTF?

        Antifa about to get they little snowflake commie college bitch tattooed nose-ringed asses kicked to the bloody curb with automatic weapons! Maximus! Maximus!

      35. I find it amusing that people’s response is to do nothing. “It’s what they want”. Is the common saying. Well sometimes people should get what they want. It is the do nothing America that has allowed all this to fester. I too will do nothing, mostly because I am physically unable.

        But given the deep state, vegas, antifa, obama, soros, etc. how long until the night of the long knives? With all these demonrat organizations and and the deep state alphebets, is it a stretch to think they could have all our info, addresses, and a list of those to take first?

        • I would also add that I would not be one to go first, as I will only fight in defense. It is for them to go first. I also think antifa is a big nothing burger. And this antifa gag site portrays them well.

          • “I would also add that I would not be one to go first, as I will only fight in defense.”…

            While admirable, that is why the situation is as it is. 100 years ago, the Americans who were around at the time, knew full well what was going on, and who was behind it. And, they did nothing.

            In the late 1920’s, when the Great Depression was ENGINEERED, the people knew full well what happened, and who was behind it. And, they did nothing.

            In this final phase of the destruction of not just the United States from within, but all of Western Civilization, most people know full well what is happening, and who is behind it. But, it is easier to look the other way. And, do nothing.

            Those few who do stand defiant, will be demonized, and mowed down without a thought, and the facade, the lies, the corruption, filth, decay, communism, etc, etc, will continue. Because most people will do nothing.

          • Apparently you haven’t heard that george soros is funding them, and ISIS is training with them, PLUS, they may be better armed than expected – A NOVEMBER 4 ANTIFA 2 REMEMBER
            *take out the parentheses

      36. It is time to take out the trash.

        They’ll all be there. Time to take action.

      37. Do not bring you shit to where I live because us good old boys
        civilian, and law enforcement will have something for ya.

      38. Antifa rose too far too fast to be a grassroots organic movement. Consider the one that was organic, Occupy, which was soon crushed by state violence with its leaders under threat of being sniped. That would have happened to Antifa already if it was for real.

        Antifa is a tool of the Deep State, the hard right (the elite never lean left), used to cause domestic unrest like ISIS is used abroad. It is the establishment controlling the opposition; they created Antifa to be the opposition.

        • You’ve got that right, Michael! They also appear to have created the sudden “upsurge” of “white supremacists” that “Antifa” claims to be battling. They use it all as an excuse to blame and then wipe out the memory of the Southern Resistance to the slavery of the states to their Union during the (First) War Between the States, along with also apparently instigating shooting massacres that they can use as their excuse for disarming the free people. They don’t want the free people to be able or even know to resist what they’ve got planned for them.

      39. Is anyone else REALLY excited for this?

        • I’m sporting wood!

      40. All I can say is if these numb nuts try any nonsense in rural Western Ky they will regret it. For all intents and purposes there are 2 Americas now,one rural mostly white,the other urban,a mishmash of ethnic and racial peoples. That America is toast,can’t be salvaged,mainly because it doesn’t want to be saved. The rural part might be salvageable provided a dramatic event occurs to and gets folks off there duff. I used to think the decent hard working section of the country would go the way of the boiled frog but I now believe the world is so unstable that the balloon might go up very rapidly. As to the guy who said these were kids and having them in your sights would remind you of your own children ,I say bullshit. My children are too busy working and raising families to be running around terrorizing and destroying other people’s property. If these folks do make it into rural America, my community and start their crap one of us is going to the boneyard.

        • Sitting here looking at the Pacific Ocean glad I went to college. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TRUMP AND HILLARY. They both are looking out for their class.

      41. your fukn leaders are the cause of this

      42. If these maggots act out, CRUSH them, The End.

        • If police let antifas do their thing, most likely police will be ready to attack anyone who opposes antifas.

          Everywhere the US military goes, they disarm people and support terrorists’ actions against people….as in Iraq & Afghanistan where US military causes massive suffering and death pretending to oppose terrorists.

        • If police let antifas do their thing, most likely police will be ready to attack anyone who opposes antifas.

          Everywhere the US military goes, they disarm people and support terrorists’ actions against people….as in Iraq & Afghanistan where US military causes massive suffering and death pretending to oppose terrorists.

      43. It’s no small wonder that Antifa operates using the lessons learned from Viet Cong. The VC wiped their butts with US intelligence services and if nothing else the CIADIANSAFBI have a long memory. The victims of the VC compartmentalized approach to insurgent warfare are now using the lessons learned to take down the American constitutional right. What ISIS is to the middle east, Antifa is to the US. A catalyst to overturn the established order in favor of some “deep-state” alphabet soup letter agency wet-dream. The only problem with the outcome of such an adventure is that like so many other intelligence organ wet-dreams the result will be nothing like they intended or any normal human can live with. Have a look at the EU for a preview of coming attractions.

      44. Maybe there should be no counter protesters and lots of police to arrest those who break the law. Why add fuel to the fire?

      45. There are no true anarchists among these buttercups.

        Anarchy doesn’t mean violence. It simply means no rulers.

        It doesn’t mean “no rules”.

        • I witnessed peaceful anarchy in Damascus, Syria that worked perfectly. At Bab Toomas (Thomas Gate) there is traffic circle, buses, taxis, trucks, people and very busy. A kid riding a bicycle with no hands entered the traffic and flowed right along with no problem. A funeral with walking mourners and horses walked into traffic circle with no problems. Everyone respected each other’s space & cooperated with each other with no official intervention whatsoever.

      46. There was an antifas event where the the governor & mayor told the police to assist antifas and arrange for the peaceful people to be harmed.
        If this is a pattern to be repeated across the US, then there is big trouble coming.
        The US backed the terrorists attacking Yugoslavia, Serbia, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Ukraine…..
        What is stopping them from doing it in the USA?

      47. They might be better armed than we think

        • Especially if equipped with government munitions like “ISIS” is equipped.

      48. This is going to end up a blood bath, in which they are going to be doing the vast majority of the dying.

      49. The police wont do a dammed thing, except arrest a few of the most egregious ‘protestors’. They will let them run wild in the streets, as they have done before. But this stand-down order will backfire on the ‘protestors’, as eventually the average Joe will turn off the football game, grab his baseball bat & chain, and show up at these rallies…..the little commie brats will get their asses handed to them by Joe and the bikers; all while the police watch the beatings, laughing to themselves in a stand-down observation stance. End of Anfida.!!!!!

      50. Calling some of them anarchists destroys this story’s credibility.

      51. Foreign invaders are all agents of the domestic government. Governments use the threat of each other’s invasion or attack to intimidate their masses to obey them. Dictators have done that since time immemorial. An invasion or foreign attack would be seen by intelligent people as the command for the people to charge the domestic government that already occupies their country and that rules over them as their enemy. A foreign invader is nothing but the domestic government’s mercenary to help the domestic government clamp down on its subjected people. Both are the enemies of the people.

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