This article was originally published by Michael Snyder at The Economic Collapse Blog.
Whenever a tragic act of violence makes national headlines, the calls to give up more of our freedoms and liberties in exchange for the promise of increased security become deafening. But if we take another step toward becoming an authoritarian society every time something horrible happens, eventually we won’t have any of the basic liberties and freedoms that previous generations of Americans fought so hard to secure for us.
Unfortunately, voices like mine are becoming increasingly rare, and the American people seem to want a society that will shelter them from anything that could possibly go wrong. Of course, there has never been such a society in all of human history, and we won’t be able to create one either. No governmental system can eliminate the problem of evil, and bad things sometimes happen to good people. And without a doubt, the mass shootings that we witnessed over the weekend were absolutely horrific. In less than 24 hours, 29 American lives were lost between these two mass shootings, and this has greatly shaken the entire nation…
On Sunday, Americans woke up to news of a shooting rampage in an entertainment district in Dayton, Ohio, where a man wearing body armor shot and killed nine people, including his own sister. Hours earlier, a 21-year-old with a rifle entered a Walmart in El Paso and killed 20 people.
In a country that has become nearly numb to men with guns opening fire in schools, at concerts and in churches, the back-to-back bursts of gun violence in less than 24 hours were enough to leave the public stunned and shaken.
Sadly, these are not isolated incidents. As our society has become less moral, we have seen an escalation of violence all over the country.
According to USA Today, so far in 2019, there have been more mass shootings than days in the year…
As gunfire ripped through America in an unprecedented 24 hours, a bleak milestone in a nation pocked by gun violence was marked: There have been 251 mass shootings in 2019, according to the Gun Violence Archive.
A shooting spree early Sunday at an entertainment district in Dayton, Ohio – which left at least nine dead and more than two dozen injured – notched an even darker statistic: It occurred on the 216th day of the year, meaning there have been more mass shootings than days so far this year.
As I have been warning for years, the thin veneer of civilization that we all take for granted is steadily disappearing.
At one time, you could walk down the streets in most communities in America without worrying that someone would suddenly gun you down, but that is no longer a safe assumption.
And in some areas, things are getting really, really bad. Just check out what happened in Chicago over the weekend…
In Chicago at least three people have been killed and 37 more injured since Friday evening in shootings within city limits, including 22 people shot Sunday in less than four hours, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.
In particular, a mass shooting that took place near a children’s playground was particularly tragic…
As The Epoch Times’ Jack Phillips reports, at least seven people were shot and wounded on Aug. 4 as they gathered near a children’s playground on Chicago’s West Side. The people gathered at 1:20 a.m. as they stood in the park on the 2900 West Roosevelt Road when a person opened fire from a black Chevy Camaro, said Chicago Police.
So why didn’t this mass shooting get the same kind of coverage that the other mass shootings received?
Could it be that it is because it didn’t neatly fit the agenda that the mainstream media is trying to promote?
The city of Baltimore is another major American city where violence is completely and utterly out of control. In fact, there is only one nation on the entire planet that has a higher homicide rate than Baltimore…
Only one country in the world has a higher per capita homicide rate than the city of Baltimore.
According to WorldAtlas, the murder capital of the globe is Honduras — where there are 90.4 homicides per 100,000 people.
Baltimore, with 56 homicides per 100,000 people, edges out the number two spot ahead of Venezuela, where there are 53.7 homicides per 100,000 people.
As the violence across our country continues to escalate, the calls to restrict our 2nd Amendment rights are going to become overwhelming.
But taking away our 2nd Amendment rights is not going to solve the problem. Instead, it will just take the guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens.
The truth is that the El Paso shooter picked a gun-free zone for a reason. When they know that their targets will be sitting ducks, that just makes things even easier for the mass shooters.
And the bad guys will always find ways to get guns. Just look at the city of Chicago – they have some of the harshest gun laws in the entire nation, but they also lead the country in gun deaths.
Unfortunately, logic doesn’t tend to work with those that love authoritarianism. Whenever something happens, they want the government to do “something”, and that “something” almost always involves eroding our most basic rights.
I wish that it wasn’t true, but this is where our country is heading. Americans have been trained to believe that the government should take care of them from the cradle to the grave and should do all that it can to shield them from everything bad that can possibly happen in life.
Sadly, every time such a totalitarian “utopia” has been attempted throughout human history, it has always ended very badly, and that will be the case here as well.
Michael Snyder is the author of The Beginning Of The End; his first novel.
f you want to know what things in America are going to look like in a few years, you need to read this book. The Beginning of the End is a mystery/thriller set in the United States in the near future. It is a time of the unprecedented economic collapse, deep political corruption, accelerating social decay, out of control rioting in the cities and great natural disasters. In the midst of all of this chaos, a former CIA agent, a respected financial reporter and a blogger that takes his prepping to extremes all find themselves dropped into the middle of an ancient conflict between two shadowy international organizations.
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America has NOT been free since the False Flag 911 attack, that was a pretext for further escalation of Wars in the Mid East..
NY FireDept has confirmed that munitions were pre installed at the 911 sites of destruction. Innocent Americans were murdered so that defense corporations and rich politician pukes could profit from death, destruction and warfare.
The False Flag 911 Inside job was a pretext for the so called patriot act that disolved constitution protections foe Americans.
Lies and cover ups.
You have NO Freedom. Just illusion of freedom to keep you Compliant, Obedient, and Docile.
comments like this are censored. Imagine what would happen if billions of Americans were awakened to the fact that rabid Wolves are guarding the sheep.
That is why politicians want your guns. Wolves don’t like armed sheep.
America has NOT been free since the False Flag 911 attack, that was a pretext for further escalation of Wars in the Mid East..
NY FireDept has confirmed that munitions were pre installed at the 911 sites of destruction. Innocent Americans were murdered so that defense corporations and rich politician pukes could profit from death, destruction and warfare.
The False Flag 911 Inside job was a pretext for the so called patriot act that disolved constitution protections for Americans.
Lies and cover ups. Your Media, Politicians, and Government at work. Situation Normal–LIES.
You have NO Freedom. Just illusion of freedom to keep you Compliant, Obedient, and Docile.
Imagine what would happen if billions of Americans were awakened to the fact that rabid Wolves are guarding the sheep.
That is why politicians want your guns. Wolves don’t like armed sheep.
– – Comments like this are censored. Critical thinking is no longer allowed.
Thank you Michael Snyder for a great statement in support of the GOD-given rights spelled out in our BILL OF RIGHTS. The erosion of a free nation by ignorant leftists (some righties also) is appalling.
I’ve hit a few of the big ammo dealers in the last couple of days. Damn if it don’t look like Old Mother Hubbards cupboard on inventory. There’s still some cheap ass 55 grain crap but that’s about it.
LOTS of ammo online at AIM and locally in SW Ohio.
Wait for the bottom to fall out on our economy and see what happens. Innocent killings are BAD/SAD but I don’t think those who are hired to do them care much as they get their piece of bread and water. You only have a concept of who is in charge of this country, learned from your armchair Internet readings, but you have seen nothing yet as I believe they are just getting started.
America Is Not Going To Be A Free And Open Society Any Longer.
Then it is time for the Stets that what to be free and open to start their own NATION!!!!!
If the patriots/constitutionalists started their own nation, it would be attacked/sanctioned by the statist masses of the world. In fact they would probably be nuked.
Then we nuke the bastards back.
It’s not 1781; a nation needs an industrial base and the globalists are that industrial base. Starting from scratch is impossible unless the end goal is a substance nation. If a major state, I’ll use Texas due to its inherent advantages, secedes taking its infrastructure, including it’s very important nuclear weapons, then maybe it can be pulled off. I tend to believe that the cabal that is really in control of most of the world are very poor losers and like a spoiled child would, “break their toys” rather than share them. Gaining control politically through the existing system, in essence defanging the aforementioned cabal, would be the preferred and likely the only way. Regardless were rather short of Jeffersons, Monroes and Madisons.
I never though that I would see Texas conquered without a fight. The reconquista has happened.When will Mexico annex the southwest?
If guns are outlawed, I will not comply.
In fact I will go into the import business,
and my stock will consist of RPG’s, full auto
AKs and M4s.
I will flood the streets with all the bad stuff,
just like drug dealers do today with drugs.
Molon Labe.
Going to look at a couple CCW 380’s today just to add to the collection. I forgot mine fell into the large crack after the last earth quake.
Everything will be won or lost on the soapbox and at the ballot box. If it ever becomes necessary to go to the cartridge box you have already lost. The weapon is educating the masses, of which there is a fleeting window because access of information, via the Internet is still uncontrolled. This will not continue as its the Achilles heel, the weak link in the chains of control. Unfortunately the body politic are too insouciant, too busy out of either necessity or pleasure to spend the time thinking and questioning. The crash of 2008 grabbed their wallet and somewhat opened their eyes but the illusionary stage show has since been lulling them back.
Mr. rellik
Non compliance is a good idea.
But the rest of your dribble. . . . . .
Are you insane or drunk?
Go back to your video games.
There was a city library, at the top of my street, in my formative years, and book sales, at the public school. I read above my age level, making the teachers and librarians uncomfortable, and asking my family politically-incorrect questions, by the 2nd and 3rd grade.
Sunday school lessons and Aesop’s fables should have been enough, though. I can remember opening the dictionary, in a battle of definitions, before.
afaic, the reprobates and sickly, failing to thrive, far outnumber the healthy and sane.
Time and morale are vital resources, as much as materiel.
Give of yourself, accordingly.
Books are readily available at yard sales for almost nothing. At some point they’ll Orwell information thus controlling history and through it the present. I always loved books. Having stuttered terribly as a child, having one TV with three stations that Mom controlled to her liking, disliking all ball sports, books, specifically encyclopedias were my entertainment. When given lemons make lemonade. It served me well.
Every “mass shooting” staged (key word) since 2009 (key year) has been a false flag – with one aim.
We have lost our freedom. We lost control of the government. We lost our country. Soon they will round us up or kill us. They already have our replacements. Because we have white skin, we are not entitled to legitimate demographic self interest, like other people are.
Let’s get to the root of the problem…In our society, the low IQ citizens are multiplying like crazy, because the government finances their non-stop production of DNA damaged offspring. Violent parents produce violent children (lots of them). Meanwhile, the educated, properly raised people are having less and less children. Technically, our society is being over run by crooks, thieves, murderers and killers and they are the ones getting into government and policy making positions. The human race is on the downward side of the “bell curve” of intellectual capacity. As it goes, we have to hit the bottom before any correction will take place.