Alec Baldwin recently said that we should overthrow the United States government. “In an orderly and formal way, and lawful way, we need to overthrow the government of the United States under Donald Trump,” Baldwin said Sunday night at a major fundraising dinner for New Hampshire’s Democratic Party.
Less than 24 hours after reprising his Emmy Award-winning parody of President Trump on “Saturday Night Live,” Alec Baldwin took aim at the president again, reported Fox News. Baldwin also said that his role as Trump on “SNL” wasn’t supposed to last as long as it has. “‘Just three shows,’ he said,” as Baldwin recalled a moment of his past when “SNL” producer Lorne Michaels tried to convince the actor to portray then-candidate Donald Trump. “‘Till the election,’ he said. ‘Then he’ll be gone,’ he said. ‘Three shows. It will be fun,’ he said.
But Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election resulted in an extension of Baldwin’s run on the late-night comedy show which has been extended and included this weekend’s opening sketch about Trump’s recent meeting with rapper Kanye West.
All of this was said moments before Baldwin insisted that through voting for Democrats, “we” should overthrow the government. He then attempted to rally the left-leaning mob of a crowd to vote in next month’s midterm elections, saying “this election and the one that follows in 2020 will be the most consequential elections since the election of FDR. It is time to overthrow the government of Donald Trump — not in a violent way or unlawful way — but it must be overthrown nonetheless.”
Baldwin’s almost 20-minute long speech ended with him saying, “Let’s make America great again by making Donald Trump a casino operator again,” he said. “Every day I wake up, I still am horrified,” Baldwin continued. “I feel like I’m in some dream that Trump is president of the United States. I almost can’t even say it.”
Baldwin has been a long time Democrat who champions for bigger and more freedom trampling government. Baldwin has long been a backer of Democratic candidates and causes and in 2000, he infamously declared that he’d move to Canada if then-Texas Governor George W. Bush won the presidential election. Though Bush did win, Baldwin didn’t move across the northern border.
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Here is the true Alec Baldwin:
wow! what a total fuckhead.
still butthurt they lost. this is fun.
Which one?
Alec Baldwin is a big pussy.
Another demon crap showing their true nature. Their motto is make America stupid, legalize all drugs thereby increasing all sort of mental conditions making people unfit to work even if the work is there.
yeah no kidding. they ban plastic straws for the environment but then turn around and hand out millions of plastic syringes to homeless drug addicts as a way to keep the homeless down, high and addicted in order to create the dependency class they need for the communism they seek to impose.
trickle up poverty is right out of rules for radicals.
Where are they, now?
From tweenage, private phone, to bare midriff, to model that likes to show off, alot.
The relationship dynamic changed, when she became an asset.
Be sure to add Alec Baldwins name to the indictment list before roundup time gets here.
No Alec, we need to put a round through your traitorous skull.
Americans (unfortunately ostensibly) died in battle for freedoms codified in the Bill Of Rights. Mr Baldwin was very smart clearly stating “In an orderly and formal way, and lawful way, we need to overthrow the government of the United States under Donald Trump,”. Key words, orderly and lawful. This is 100% protected by the First Amendment”.
I believe this statement is attributed to Voltaire. “Although I disagree with what you say I’ll fight to the death your right to say it”: It describes the heart, the essence, of the First Amendment. Picking and choosing when, to who and where the Bill Of Rights applies renders its wording and therefore intent moot. Condoning violence to stifle Free Speech is unAmerican.
You are right Kevin but he still deserves a bullet through his skull. If we ever get in a hot civil war the proper ways won’t matter until the dust clears.
He deserves to be ignored. His phraseology, while technically crafty in legal protection cements an approval in the fence sitting publics mind of support for ANTIFA. They’re burying themselves; cheer them on.
Kevin, my prediction is the Antifa will riot practically in most cities after the mid-terms. If we win, they’ll riot, it will be worse because they want to retaliate.
What the antifa represents is a spear tip, kind of like Hitler’s brownshirts. But where the tip goes, the shaft follows. The left has completely radicalized, gone Socialist-Marxist at a speed and rate most of us could never have predicted.
Hillary and Soros and all the other tired aging dinosaur Leftist have released the Hell-hounds of the baskervilles to try and save their Progressive religion before they crawl off and die.
This will not be resolved with words or peacefully. It’s nice to hope though.
Menzo, agreed about Baldwin AND all the other traitors.
Hitler had backing of a downtrodden poverty stricken humiliated population that came into being from the aftermath of WWI and the world wide depression. ANTIFA is a paid for fringe that is as grass roots as astro-turf. Hitler got control of the government: ANTIFA has no chance of that. In that regard they’re quite counterproductive. Blue collar democrats, the backbone of the party, who’s mathematical existence makes winning elections possible do not support these kooks. The more they riot the more political support they lose. John Doe, a former factory worker, is not rioting for the “rights” of a transgendered freak.
The German exceptional race created fascism against the backdrop of its exclusivity. The American exclusive nation has created its exclusivity on the basis of democracy.
SOP, nicely written.
Kevin2, once again some good points. But isn’t this the SAME Alec Baldwin who threatened to leave the US back in 2004 if Bush was re-elected and threatened to leave again in 2016 if Trump won? I think a number of other celebrities also threatened to leave if I remember correctly. Oh well, like you said it’s best to ignore him.
Hitler had backing of a downtrodden poverty stricken humiliated population that came into being from the aftermath of WWI and the world wide depression. ANTIFA is a paid for fringe that is as grass roots as astro-turf. Hitler got control of the government: ANTIFA has no chance of that. In that regard they’re quite counterproductive. Blue collar democrats, the backbone of the party, who’s mathematical existence makes winning elections possible do not support these kooks. The more they riot the more political support they lose. John Doe, a former factory worker, is not rioting for the “rights” of a transgendered freak.
The Deplorable Renegade
Actually its best to pump him up with the goal of his mouth overtaking judgement and to verbally support the antics of ANTIFA chaos. Every chance to cement the appearance, if not the reality, of the democrats in the public eye, on the bully pulpit, connecting with ANTIFA should be done.
Do unto them as they attempt to do unto you. Thou not need to put foot in democrat mouth. Prepare table for democrat to feast on boot.
“Thou not need to put foot in democrat mouth. Prepare table for democrat to feast on boot.”
No known democrat in existence has more capacity for this than Joe Biden. We should wish Joe well in his endeavors seeking the democrat party nomination.
Kevin2, LOL! The dems are the world’s experts in putting their feet into their mouths. And the dems turned their backs on their ‘blue collar’ base. Obama and Hillary, especially Hillary, made damn sure of that in 2008, 2012, and 2016. But I will be happy to prepare the table for the dems to have their “boot a la mode”, LOL!
Kevin2, BTW, Joe Biden IS the best they have at putting foot into mouth. He’s so good he could be an instructor on that, LOL.
Google the “45 Goals of Communism” My Peeps. The LEFT has been systematically undermining the US Constitution “In an orderly and formal way, and lawful way,” an attempt to “overthrow the government of the United States” for DECADES.
It is only NOW that Americans, awake & aware to the “creeping Socialism” presented by the LEFT, and who have repudiated that direction, that the LEFT has resorted to violence to try to achieve their goals, since those goals cannot be validated at the ballot box.
Google the 8 Point Plan of Saul Alinsky, Hillary’s hero & mentor and you will see how close the LEFT has come to ripping the Bill of Rights to shreds. 🙁
Hey Alec, “Just Dew it”….
A private conversation between parent and child should be respectfully kept private.
fat little piggy daughter?
How people talk is their business. If everybody was judged by everybody else, things would be in a fine mess. No, I don’t approve of his parental style. If she was my kid I’ld have some choice words for him. Yes, it is verbally abusive. But you don’t live with him. Some people call each other fat or pig or use profanity casually as if it were nothing. And in those families it is nothing. But out and mind your own business. At least he talks to his kid which is more than a lot of sperm donors.
If everybody was judged by everybody else, things would be in a fine mess.
Isn’t that the entire basis of the #meToo movement?
The opinions of actors are given too much importance.
OverThrow Alec Baldwin. ….but who cares? Alec who?
OverThrow Hollywood. … but who cares? Netflix.
OverThrow StarBucks. Already did that. Since the Starbucks chair said he would hire 10,000 muslims. Then he said that bums would be allowed to stay in thier locations, hang out, oogle women, and use thier restrooms.
Good for Starbucks “social warriors”. But my wife, daughter, are not allowed to spend MY MONEY at StarBucks. We are Americans. We support people that Love America. My women will not be subjected to bums.
Overthrow knee taking NFL. Already did that too. NOT ONE NFL pro game was seen in my house last year or this year. My children love it. We fish, play catch with baseball, shoot hoops. Thank you “knee takers” for making me a better father. No more couch potato watching overpaid spoiled self entitled man children that seem to engage in criminal activities as a past time off the field. Bad role models most of them
My children now play baseball and soccer.
Taylor Swift. All you had to do was sing. But since you want to politic. My money goes to Americans that love America. Not commies.
Alec could not keep his word and leave America as he publicly
announced, I do not find his blather very compelling.
I do agree we need to overthrow the government. We need to purge
every Liberal from any position of power, Government, schools, Military, et al.
That is treason. I as a right-winger will defend the right of any Lefty to speak their mind (what little there is of it), to protest (as long as they leave other people alone, who want no part of it) and to advocate for any cause they want. HOWEVER, the right to free speak does NOT give any the right to advocate the violent overthrow of the government that was duly and lawfully elected. To call for/ advocate the violent overthrow of the USA government is an act of treason and sedition. Baldwin is a bald face liar. He is playing word games (“it depends on what the definition of “is” is). Liberals do not respect the rule of law when it does not work in their favor. I hope I am wrong, but as it stands, it is a question of how soon and not if there is an all out shooting war (civil war).
Open comment to ALL entertainers and pro-sports: You all can go fuck yourselves! I don’t give a damn what you think. Period. I no longer go to the movies are in. Haven’t since end of 2015. I don’t rent or watch you online. I don’t even watch TV. To quote Number Six: “I will not make any deals with you. I have resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered! My life is my own.” If you need to do something to feel good about yourself, try masturbating.
Hollywood child abuse. A topic the Hollywood hive shuts their big mouths on.
alec “cokehead” baldwin is a sociopath cluster b mental case.
Anonymous, Yes I agree, he is. But so is Trump.
Make an appeal to natural law, in which you are prevented from doing something wholesome, instead of prevented from doing something loathsome.
Who’s Alec Baldwin?
Watching those loser teevee “phoney players” who live their
lying ways of filth and immorality…..but you are patronizing the
very thing you despise. Starve the beast and it will die.
Every person that verbally states they are politically active,
will never be invited into my livingroom in any form.
Bring back the communist purge! We need to throwover Alec Baldwin of Hollywood – from a cliff! At the very least he MUST be thrown in jail for sedition. Calling for the overthrow of our government is a clear and present danger to every one of us, our families, our children, all of society, from which Baldwin-the-anarchist must be removed for the rest of his sorry life. If our government won’t do it, I know some people who WILL!
And what “global community” is that, Baldlose? “Is that the one that wants to abolish our nation-states and impose a global government?”
In our case, each state was considered an independent nation, unto itself.
We criticize the UN, which is like a community of nations, sometimes with binding agreements.
But, the US is also like a community of nations.
We are becoming 1930s Germany with private armies fighting in the streets of Portland. Its time to wake up before damn fools lead us into civil war. A civil war would be fought in your front yard among your kids. Watch out that you get suvkered into being cannon fodder for demigods like Galdwin
REALLY—– no what we need is to you move the hell out of the USA. Your mouth and your attitude we don’t need. Your brothers are OK but you are on the bottom of the barrel.!!!!!!!
Comment section posts from Veterans is more insightful than the article. But good article too.
Who is Alec Baldwin??? Oh yea he used to be an actor.
We have 100 million gun owners and 300+ million guns that says you can’t!
where’s his wife beater t shirt ?
We need to overthrow Alec Baldwin …… Throw him over the Great Wall of China so he can live with his communist buddies.
F**k Alec Baldwin and the whore he rode in on.
The Wackos on the left. And the push for a Civil War. These people…have no idea, that if it becomes a shooting Civil war as how really bad it will become for them. What do they really know about war. Maybe some have had actual combat experience, but most have combat skills from interaction with video games and movies. In the real world…when your taken out from a distance by a skilled person. Hitting the reset button…will not renew your life. And cities offer no real protection simple tactics will destroy the cities. Cut off the water utility’s food supplies allow no one in or out and soon they will be fighting themselves until no one is left. And it will become important to cut the cancer all the way out. And Hollyweird people Media puppets dishonest elected political persons are the cancer. And it won’t be over, till it’s over…BE CAREFUL AS FOR WHAT YOU WISH FOR…As we outnumber you big time.