This article was originally published by Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge.
ABC News has responded to the Veritas video, saying “at the time, not all of our reporting met our standards to air, but we have never stopped investigating the story. Ever since we’ve had a team on this investigation and substantial resources dedicated to it. That work has led to a two-hour documentary and a 6-part podcast that will air in the new year.”
Robach added in a statement “I was caught in a private moment of frustration,” and was “upset that an important interview I had conducted with Virginia Roberts didn’t air because we could not obtain sufficient corroborating evidence.” (Somehow the Miami Herald got the job done, however.)
O’Keefe suggests this is a ‘cover your ass, lawyer-speak response.’
It’s a good thing the news director for ABC wasn’t a friend or former employee of the Clintons or this statement would look like total horse shit. https://t.co/TY8RUddnaE
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) November 5, 2019
Others have noted that this seems to be a pattern for the MSM:
A new undercover video from Project Veritas reveals that ABC News knew of Jeffrey Epstein’s sex crimes, yet decided to ignore it according to undercover footage from Project Veritas.
Amy Robach, ‘Good Morning America’ Co-Host and Breaking News Anchor at ABC, explains how a witness came forward years ago with information pertaining to Epstein, but Disney-owned ABC News refused to air the material for years. Robach vents her anger in a “hot mic” moment with an off-camera producer, explaining that ABC quashed the story in it’s early stages. “I’ve had this interview with Virginia Roberts (Now Virginia Guiffre) [alleged Epstein victim]. We would not put it on the air. Um, first of all, I was told “Who’s Jeffrey Epstein. No one knows who that is. This is a stupid story.”
She continues, “The Palace found out that we had her whole allegations about Prince Andrew and threatened us a million different ways.” -Project Veritas
“…[T]here will come a day when we will realize Jeffrey Epstein was the most prolific pedophile this country has ever known,” said Attorney Brad Edwards.
According to Robach, “I had it all three years ago.”
This is far from the first time Epstein’s crimes have been covered up, minimized, or ignored.
Perhaps most famously, former US Secretary of Labor Alex Acosta negotiated a ‘sweetheart deal’ for Epstein in 2008 after he pleaded guilty to soliciting prostitution from a minor. The pedophile financier was able to ‘work’ outside of prison most days, during which time he reportedly continued to abuse girls.
Additionally, the Manhattan DA’s office headed by Cyrus Vance Jr. had ‘graphic and detailed evidence’ of Epstein’s crimes when a prosecutor argued for leniency during his 2011 sex offender registry hearing, according to an April report in the New York Post.
In advance of the hearing, then-deputy chief of Sex Crimes, Jennifer Gaffney, had been given a confidential state assessment that deemed Epstein to be highly dangerous and likely to keep preying on young girls, the DA’s office admitted in its own appellate brief eight months after the hearing.
Manhattan prosecutors were aware the state board had assigned Epstein a risk assessment of 130, a number that is “solidly above the 110 qualifying number for level three,” with “absolutely no basis for downward departure,” the brief notes.
Nevertheless, Gaffney argued that he should be labeled a level one offender, the least restrictive, which would keep him off the online database. –New York Post
While Acosta lost his job in the Trump administration over his actions in 2008, will anyone be held truly accountable for enabling Epstein’s decades-long pattern of abuse?
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This article was originally published by Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge. We are now firmly in the...
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Was ABC not aiding and abetting felony activity with their decision not to at least go to authorities with the evidence of these crimes?
Don’t let this story die . We all need to know the truth. PS any body know what happened to Vence Foster ?
DC Dave Martin is the preeminent scholar on the Clinton murder of Vince Foster.
They deleted my blog, so no links. He has a website, but its hard to navigate. Try the link on Foster at the top as a start.
Sometimes, servants are well kempt, flowery, and polite, to the nth degree, while ugly members of the royal court shart all over themselves and roll in the crapulence.
h ttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sumptuary_law
Maybe, high profile people really commit those crimes, from the most shocking conspiracy theories, and it’s all perfectly legal.
Maybe, when you level-up, you get completely different busops and rsvp’s in your junkmail.
Unfortunately it is a truism the more revolting the paedo story, the more likely the government will cover it up and memory hole it. The biggest paedo scandal epicentre is the U.K. Yet those stories disappear lightening quick.
Is it the large numbers of homosexuals the reason? They certainly have the most sketchy sex lives so maybe a lower bar??