This report was originally published by Tyler Durden at
With each passing day and each new ICBM launch from a seemingly unhinged North Korean dictator, the fears of an attack on the U.S. mainland, though faint, increasingly weigh on the hearts and minds of Americans, particularly those in California. As The Guardian points out today, those fears have even prompted a group of California public health officials and emergency responders to gather for a strategy session with Hal Kempfer, a retired marine lieutenant colonel, to discuss which areas are the most likely targets and how citizens should respond to an attack.
Hal Kempfer, a noted international security expert, is getting a roomful of California public health officials and emergency responders to think about the unthinkable – a nuclear bomb exploding at the port of Long Beach, about four miles away.“A lot of people will be killed,” he said, “but a large percentage of the population will survive. They will be at risk and they will need help.”
“If you want to mess up southern California, if you want to mess up the west coast, if you want to mess up our country – where do you attack?” Kempfer asks. “If I’m sitting in North Korea and looking at possible targets, I’m going to be looking at Long Beach very closely.”
He talks about the port and downtown Long Beach being “toast” – no exaggeration, since the blast wave is likely to vaporize everything in its immediate path. But the city health department, the Long Beach airport and fire department might not be; they are all somewhat protected by a hilly area that is likely to halt the initial blast wave. And so the city can, tentatively, think about setting up a center of emergency operations.
Of course, the radioactive fallout created as the explosion gathers up tremendous quantities of dust and ocean water and spits them into the atmosphere would represent a secondary grave risk, especially in the first hours after an attack.
Not to mention the electromagnetic pulse that is likely to knock out electronic systems including phones and computers, the pile-ups expected on the freeways as drivers are blinded by the flash of the explosion, the rush for food, water and gasoline as millions of Angelenos attempt to drive out of the region, and the terror triggered by even the idea of a second, follow-up attack.
Meanwhile, lest you think this was all just a creative way for some public employees to skip work for a day, Ventura County, located just northwest of Los Angeles, has even taken the unusual step of prepping a 250-page plan on how to respond to the humanitarian crisis that would result from a nuclear attack in Los Angeles.
In fact, their efforts even include this truly bizarre public service announcement that instructs folks to shelter in place and cover windows with plastic.
Of course, as we pointed out back in August, while a global nuclear confrontation is generally viewed as a bad thing, for Ron Hubbard, President of Atlas Survival Shelters in Los Angeles, it has resulted in an economic windfall as a staggering number of Californians have suddenly turned into doomsday preppers.
Related: Senator Warns Of Imminent Nuke Attack On Seattle…But A Law Forbids Them From Preparing
There are still many honest folk in California I’ll guess. The illegals & weird folk seem to get much of the news reports. And the crooked leaders.
Watch the rats jump ship if the state gets a missile strike. and benefits stop.
Watch the overlooked honest folk rebuild again.
no honest folk left. they are all socialists. socialist are not honest because they take taxes by force and waste the money just like all criminals.
We are NOT all socialists Ghandi! The are ALOT of good people in Northern California. You obviously are speaking from your butthole. Many Northern Californians are just as sick of seeing our state run by the retards down south as everybody else in the United States is. I don’t want to move away from my home and all my family. Would you? Is there anyone left who pays attention to the truth anymore or are you all just spouting bullshit that you heard from other idiots? Look up the red counties in California if you want to see how ignorant and untrue your statement is. After you’re done doing that, I’ll gladly accept your apology as I assume you’re against the so Cal retards also.
Jimbob, if there’s any way all the GOOD people in Cali can leave then they should by any and all means necessary. Cali has several choices of being destroyed: earthquake, flooding, wildfires, and now a nuke from Porky or whoever. Cali is doomed no matter what.
and it aint just the PRICKtator that can nuke U.S…..we are constantly prodding the chinks and the rooskies too…..and the muslims, who DEFINITELY want U.S. DEAD……who ELSE is there?
The Fat Boy would be doing Red State America a huge favor by nuking California.
I just hope he holds off long enough for George Clooney to complete his move back to Beverly Hills.
California will not be destroyed by any of that or of fat boy’s nukes. It will end up destroyed from within by their own leaders. As soon as the feds cut off funding the huge debt california runs the state will collapse into bankruptcy and the EBT cards will go dead. Pandemonium.
Thanks…thats really comforting!!! EYE ROLL!
Gandhi = TROLL
NK will never attack US. Its all MSM bullshit in order to attack NK. They are being pushed to create an event – USS Liberty etc – the next ‘event’ will be blamed on Nk but created by the West (US, UK, Israel
Why would communist NK attack even more communist CA? I’m confused.
For Cali we can only hope that place is an armpit
Author Tyler Durden was the jack off that said Florida may not receive a single drop of Rain in Hurricane Irma. Well Jackass, most of Florida got about 12 to 16 inches of rain in 8 hours, including the FL Keys that got a wall of water 22 Ft high. That’s right jackass, your credibility is Zero with me. And now since we got so much rain, flooding begins this week from the Green Swamp down river. Reports say flooding will be similar to 1960 flooding. We are still 2+ weeks into the stress of preparing for the 110-130 MPH Winds, then the Hurricane, then after all the frigging clean up and tree debris and now get ready for the flooding. My body is beat up from every day sun up to sun down cleaning up and helping neighbors. I am using every bit of my Prepper skills to over come these problems from sand bags I put in place several years ago, water purification food storage, Ropes chains, tools chainsaws, trailers extra gas, and oils. These floods may wipe out my solar power if the water rises another 2 feet. Yeah that much water.
So Jackoff Tyler Durden, Stick your opinions up your ass, you zero.
CSS, glad to hear you survived. And I don’t blame you one bit for being so pissed off at Tyler Durden. He’s WORSE than Michael Snyder.
CSS. As if anyone wanted to hear your incessant, ignorant, stupid opinions. You are a legend in your own mind… not much else.
Turns out, no one knew where Irma was going. But you were too stupid to read the details. Hurricane forecasting is very imprecise. This site will be a LOT better when you go away
And your acerbic wit is a breath of fresh air?
All posts here are opinion. If you don’t like a certain poster, save yourself from such angst and don’t read it.
I’m not CSS’s bestie but I’ll defend his right to have an opinion same as he would for me.
As for hurricane prediction, do you spend time watching the various models? Do know the difference between GFS and UKMET or others? The best ones are only good out to about five days and even then there are last minute changes since the meteorological changes are dynamic in nature.
Do you know how to read a SLOSH chart? What about the MEOWS and MOMs?
What you see on TV or hear on the radio is the local guy’s best interpretation of the data. I research it myself same as any other product needed for survival.
CSS, Nice to see you and hear you are making progress. Hope the remaining storms of hurricane season leave Florida alone.
Nuclear music video. How Californian.
I suspect,for whatever reason,we are expecting to be hit first. I don’t know why,I think Trump wants us to be hit first so he can toast the NORKOS. I hate talking like a nutter,but these days,nothing surprises me.
southside, China has already stated that they will side with NK if the US fires first. I ask you would you want to go to war with our manufacturing base?
That’s the strategy put in place by that great tactician
William Jefferson Clinton./sarc off
Absorb a first strike then retaliate.<—– Real strategy
Remember the government has your best interest in mind and knows what's good for you even if you don't.
or we can always do it to our selves, aka 9/11 then blame it on whoever we want and then the “shock and awe” will commence.
09-15-2017 •, by Edward Morgan
John McCain was a ‘rat’ or ‘stoolie’ telling on other U.S. officers being held captive at the Hanoi Hilton prison. When McCain first went to congress, members of congress turned their backs on him and did not communicate with him because of this, and also how he disgraced the military and his fellow officers who were severely punished by the North Vietnam guards and commanders of the Communist prison by McCain ratting them out. I am also led to believe that McCain was referred to as ‘the canary’ by the other officers for telling or squealing on the others. If you search the internet you will find some of these articles about what McCain did to his fellow officers in captivity and the stories of the other brave officers who reported on McCain upon returning to the United States. He was also given special treatment by the communists while in prison, because his father was a 4 star Admiral. Donald Trump was and is CORRECT!
Navy Releases McCain’s Records
McCain was personally responsible for the deadliest fire in the history of the US Navy. That catastrophe, with 27 dead and over 100 wounded trumps McCain’s record as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam.
ht tp://
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
USS Forrestal, July 29, 1967 – The worst accident aboard a US Navy surface vessel since WWII
ht tp://
09-15-2017 • ht tp://, by Edward Morgan
John McCain was a ‘rat’ or ‘stoolie’ telling on other U.S. officers being held captive at the Hanoi Hilton prison. When McCain first went to congress, members of congress turned their backs on him and did not communicate with him because of this, and also how he disgraced the military and his fellow officers who were severely punished by the North Vietnam guards and commanders of the Communist prison by McCain ratting them out. I am also led to believe that McCain was referred to as ‘the canary’ by the other officers for telling or squealing on the others. If you search the internet you will find some of these articles about what McCain did to his fellow officers in captivity and the stories of the other brave officers who reported on McCain upon returning to the United States. He was also given special treatment by the communists while in prison, because his father was a 4 star Admiral. Donald Trump was and is CORRECT!
Navy Releases McCain’s Records
McCain was personally responsible for the deadliest fire in the history of the US Navy. That catastrophe, with 27 dead and over 100 wounded trumps McCain’s record as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam.
ht tp://
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
USS Forrestal, July 29, 1967 – The worst accident aboard a US Navy surface vessel since WWII
ht tp://
The Deep State will create another False Flag to outrage the US Citizens. You never see them hit the Government or the Banks, or the Rothchild’s house of Fraud do ya?
90% of the projected casualties from blast and fallout are wholly avoidable when the affected populations knew beforehand what to do and not do from the first instant of any surprise flash. Read ‘Physicians for Civil Defense’ proof of it and the how to’s by googling; goodnewsnuke
Thanks for that information. No one wants to think about it or promote the possibility of surviving a nuclear war but realistically it is something that must be explored and understood in this age of nuclear weapons proliferation. MAD was the strategy that prevented a nuclear conflagration but perhaps that strategy will no longer work when facing enemies like the NORKs and the Islamic Terrorists. Surviving the unthinkable seems unthinkable to many of us but it is something that we need to be thinking about and preparing for.
Louisiana Eagle
It is very scary thinking abt Nuke war. I can prepare for other things like economic collapse, snowstorms, famine, but N.war and EMP scares me the most as i am ill prepared for it. I don’t have boards to board up the windows, best i can do is use plastic trash bags…i just think it’s almost impossible to survive it. If it’s just radiation i read a couple wks inside should be ok, but how do you plant with the ground having rads? My friend said to lay out large plastic sheets over the land and after it’s all over to roll up the sheets and plant. And the well water? How do you get radiation out of THAT? So discouraging. An EMP wouldn’t be quite as bad. I do have a book. I think it’s called Nuclear War Survival Skills. Shows things i am not able to do…my cellar door, Bilco is wide open with gaps, the rad would come in. My cellar is small and wet and very damp. Not good to live in. Well, at least i am old and have lived 3/4 of my life. I should be thank
full for that.
Is that state still part of the US?
Now that you mention it I do think those snowflakes are on their own.
so far, so bad…..
This info is base on pass military reports of fallout testing. north korea has been aiming there so called test missiles at California over Japan, But it’s not California because of wind patterns across USA. Wind flow from California will push over across three states to west Texas then south to mexico. Pass reports have shown that 70%-75% of USA will survive the fallout aftermath, but If north korea hits Washington state the wind flow pattern will spread the fallout across 70%-75% of USA & CA, AZ, NM, West Texas will survive (Note that FL, & parts of GA,AL, SC may survive the fallout due to wind flow pattern pushes north from there area). But in a military tactical strategy they would use wind flow pattern to carry out the most effect of the aftermath. It’s been done in vietnam war using agent orange spread in the wind flow pattern.
Totaly agree! But what would survival rate be if it to take place in winter months after power grid collapse in parts of U.S.?
The problem with winter is the weight of water in the moisture, most of the fallout during winter will drop to the ground making it inhabitable in some ways. if you think about when you’re hungry, but the animal might have rabies or radiation exposure. The military used a method called charcoal you crush down to fine power after being in the fire pit mix with water drink till you vomit to clear yourself of the illness, but you still need to find an IV & basic meds to get better. As for power grid being down it can be 18 months up to 25 years depending how bad it gets. getting power up is possible for anyone who knows how to get power up on there own & there are many methods in books & youtube to survive.
Yeah winter would be the worst. I am in NY state. I have lots of wood piled up, but when it’s all gone after a war how do i get more? I am not able to chop wood. My neighbors would not help me., and anyway they don’t have hand tools. Best i can do is to give them some of the tobacco and coffee i saved and get a few frozen chickens, pork and beef from them. They have three freezers full of meat ! But otherwise are not preppers. I can gather lots of small sticks and that’s about it. I am not even using my wood hardly, saving it for when the sh*t hits, and i know it’s too light now and would burn fast. I can’t even afford to buy more wood to stock up. I actually freeze in the winter. Got a woodstove, but rarely use it. These feminists are INSANE saying a woman doesn’t need a man! A woman DOES need a man!!!
i feel better NOW…..thanks a lot for tellin’ that pricktator where to put it.
I think the NORKs know all of this already. Nothing really new. Wind patterns may be unpredictable and depends on the time of year as well. The jet stream is likely to take radiation all over the world. The NORKs may not have the luxury of waiting for a particularly ideal wind pattern. Shit happens! Be prepared! Even more reason to become attuned to nature, it’s seasons, and be ready for all seasons. The NW Redoubt is vulnerable but the winds will blow much of it away.
Louisiana Eagle
How is their leader “unhinged”? The US decimated their country during the Korean war, killing 1/3 of their population, and now they want to protect themselves from future attacks by the US. Is this wrong??!
I heard interview on TV recently in which this Korean guy said they are just waiting for their leader to give the word– (to attack us). The interviewer asked why they wanted war with us and the guy said that they DIDN’T want war with us. He said if there is war between the US and North Korea, a lot of citizens in both countries will die. However, he said the US government is a bully– they are so aggressive! He said.. kept saying how aggressive the US is and how they are a bully. He said the US has to stop being a bully to other countries.
bullies do what bullies want to do. kim jong “fatboy” un bullies his pleasure brigades too.
who attacked south korea first—–red commies
I agree. Trump is scaring me lately. The US gov is bullying them. Why taunt a psycho, Why is trump doing that? I’d say between the two, egging them on and bullying we’re going to end up in war most will not survive and those that do will be wishing they were dead.
I am sure you all know about the movie Threads about survival after a nuke war. Very depressing movie. I saw it many yrs ago. Had it on video, but lost it. Only parts are on Youtube. Need to see the whole movie….i wonder if Netflix has it? It is more depressing than The Road.
MOST of the world hates U.S. by now.
Especially on sites like this.
Don’t worry, they hate each other just as much.
This article seems really odd to me!! According to Paul Craig Roberts and the scientists he talked with, there is NO WAY to survive a modern day nuclear war. JUST AINT GONNA HAPPEN!!
For one thing, the nuclear bombs nowadays are 17,000 times MORE POWERFUL THAN WHAT WAS DROPPED ON HIROSHIMA!!! 17,000 MORE POWERFUL!! Just one of the several bombs attached to a Russian fighter jet would wipe out everything from Boston, Massachusetts to Atlanta, Georgia… JUST ONE OF THE SEVERAL BOMBS ON A RUSSIAN FIGHTER JET!!! Listen to the interview with Paul Craig Roberts on the Gregg Hunter show.. (old video).
We have our own on bombers in the air 24/7 so don’t panic about something you have zero control over.
That’s not including the subs with nukes that can retaliate.
And you can bet they are in a good position, my money is on NK being smoking before their missle even re enters
And the NK technology is not the very best. Their stuff is not precision at all–only enough for it to work…usually. How often do their missiles blow up on the launch pad and on and on.
Fear mongering nonsense.
Yeah, sadly true about not surviving a nuke war. Just the dirt,dust alone hitting the sky would block out the sun for years and nothing would grow and animals would die too. They would die just from drinking the water in ponds, streams, lakes, rivers…..
Well, just a minute here.
Doesn’t anybody here know that there are anti-missile interceptors based in California?
It has been reported that the recent collisions between U.S. Navy warships and commercial freighters were two ships, at least the Fitzgerald was, part of the anti-missile defense Grid.
If a missile hits the U.S. If North Korean launches one missile, or as much as 10, and one strikes it’s target, then it was allowed to happen.
I predicted that those collisions were more than likely caused by Affirmative Action, and sure enough, the Navy brass are now admitting that the Navy has ‘lowered their standards’ and are owning up to that as being the reason for all these bizarre ship accidents.
Being gutless and spineless cowards who are terrified of the Political Correctness KGB – the Navy brass didn’t expound upon their admission, however. Which, if I had been chosen as their spokesman, would have sounded something like this:
“Because of the current mentally insanity gripping our nation has assured us that all races & sexes & confused perverts are perfectly equal, perfectly capable, and perfectly interchangeable and that we should ignore the multiple decades of scientific data that documents radical IQ differences between various racial groups – the US Navy has been compelled to lower our formerly rigorous standards, because certain non-white minorities were unable to meet those standards and were, therefore, under represented in most of the highly technical Navy job classifications. As a consequence of this Cultural Marxist induced mental insanity that mandates a strictly enforced denial of racial differences, and which severely punishes any top ranked Navy brass who might dare to challenge it – we are forced to conclude that these tragic ship collisions and other related accidents that cost the lives of our Sailors will be likely to continue and probably increase, because they are now the New Normal for multi-cult Amerikwa.”
ANON> they are not 17,000 times more powerful. The average ICBM in the Russian or China arsenal is approx. 5 mega ton. Hiroshima was 15 kiloton. That’s 5000/15 = 334 times. A single bomb could NOT wipe out the Eastern seaboard.
Go to “”….pick the enemy warhead like Chinas dong-5, and a major US city. Then you’ll have the answer. Can we survive a nuclear exchange with Russia or China. The answer is yes, there would still be 10’s of millions of survivors. Question is: Do you really want to be one of the survivors in a post-apocalyptic world.!!!!!
I tried and couldn’t get it. Said page can’t be found…..?
Disintegrating pt 3 … Weekly News Wrap-Up 1.22.16 By Greg Hunter by Greg …
paul craig roberts – YouTube
by Greg Hunter. 26:27. Play next; … INTERVIEW: Paul Craig Roberts on Kissinger, … Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Everything is Disintegrating pt 3
Hopefully the hit Pelosi’s house first.
PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS INTERVIEW– “Belief US Can Win Nuclear War Makes it Likely”…
PCR says the US government believes they can win nuclear war with Russia because of our missile defense shields. However, he says that Steve Starr points out that even if we did manage to shoot down an incoming IBCM from Russia and even if every city in the US was spared, we would all still die– everyone of us. Because of a number of factors– the radiation, plus, there would be freezing weather EVERY DAY FOR 3 YEARS after a nuclear blast, preventing us from growing any food!
paul roberts needs to shut his stupid mouth. he was not a good politician and certainly sucks at science.
PCR says that REAL SCIENTISTS say that there would be freezing temperatures EVERY DAY FOR 3 YEARS following a nuclear blast– and that even if only 1% of the nuclear bombs in Russia’s/ the US’s arsenal is used, about 2 billion people would be killed!!! And if 50% of the nuclear bombs were used, then all life on earth would end.
they are liars
The Korean conflict (it never was a declared war) has, in reality, never ended. There was an armistice agreed to but, by definition, that is merely a pause in the fighting and not a resolution of the conflict.
So, Kim Jong has no idea when the round eyes will strike again. Who believes any agreement the Anglo-Zionist empire makes? Ask Hussein, ask Gaddafi, ask Sitting Bull…Paleface treaties are written in disappearing ink.
I think Kim Jong is a yellow supremacist…so you have that strike against him by the deep state, too.
“Of course, as we pointed out back in August, while a global nuclear confrontation is generally viewed as a bad thing’…
Ummmm…, no. Nuclear war is NOT a “bad thing”. Nuclear war is a CATROSPHIC EVENT– ARMEGEDDON… death and destruction, darkness over the whole earth event!!!!
I don’t understand. WHY are these idiots using nuclear bombs? Why can’t they just use big conventional bombs? They KNOW nukes will destroy the planet and yet they still want to use them? They have to be either INSANE or they WANT to kill off billions of people!
Still don’t believe this will ever happen. Calling America out for being aggressive bullies, at least somebody is saying it.
nukes will NOT be used. Why?
If North korea nukes USA, then USA would wipe North korea off the map.
Equally USA will not use first strike on north korea as fallout will hit china, russia, japan & Australia.
“If I’m sitting in North Korea and looking at possible targets, I’m going to be looking at Long Beach very closely.”
The port you want to destroy is the port of Los Angeles.
I lived and worked in the Wilmington district.
That is where the commerce(and ghetto) is.
I would go for Oahu
One shot
Pacific fleet/ Pearl
Barbers point
Kaneohe MCB
Mass civilian casualties
Potential disruption of facilities related to NORAD
I would place a nuke about 210 nautical miles west off San Francisco at a depth of 50 meters.
the tidal wave from that one then the fall out would a lot of damage but the mass hysteria from the event (or survivors tales) would cause irreparable mental damage to the USA as a country.
Speaking about Los Angeles i just read an article that there is an outbreak of Hepatitis A due to the homeless people pooping in the streets! San Diego too has a big outbreak. In Los Angeles they are hosing down the streets with bleach water! Said hep A is very contagious and is spread airborne!
PCR’s ‘nuclear winter’ scenario has been long discredited as another ban-the-bomb disarmament scare tactic, that only serves to discourage people looking into how they might could protect their families, erroneously thinking it’s all too futile to even try.
And, most military nukes today are not 17,000 times more powerful than Hiroshima. With better accuracy, most are in the 100kt to 500kt range, the worst of them having about a 2.5 mile radius of total, un-survivable, ground zero destruction.
And, nobody knows or can say how many or how close any nuke could fall, and any discouraging people from learning how they could survive them, making it all sound like it’ll always be futile to ever try, is like the father that won’t let his kids in his car wear their seat belts, cause he’s convinced himself that the only accident they could ever get into would be in going over a high cliff where they would not have done anybody any good.
The disarmament and ‘everybody is gonna die’ folks will have blood on their hands for every family they’d discouraged exploring how they might have had better protected themselves from nukes.
Bottom Line: Whether you think you could survive a nuke or think you can’t, you’ll probably be right! That’s cause those who think they can’t don’t try to learn how they could, and then they won’t.
you are right shane, nukes only fertilized the japs. now there are way too many japs
An interactive map showing the blast field on any city in the world by filling in the location etc.
Thats a pretty cool map,,,
I tried it in several different spots near our AO and if its true im even less worried than the minute amount i was concerned before,,,
Im nore concerned with fallout if it happens to kick up a big dust cloud and were having Kona winds, but even at that its a slim chance of anything substantial reaching us unless the mis calc the det zone.
So we see them both into massive modernization of their nuclear forces. We see developments of all kinds of new weapons systems, and now the Russian weapons systems are superior to ours. And we see the Chinese developing missile systems that neutralize aircraft carriers. Our aircraft carriers are now as obsolete as our battleships were in World War II.
So all of this means war. And there are no winners from nuclear war. You have to remember that the atomic bombs we dropped on Japan, these are minuscule compared to hydrogen bombs. A nuclear warhead today is something like 17,000 times more powerful than the atomic bombs we dropped on Japan. So it only takes a few of them and there is nobody left.
Anonymous, You’ve said your thing and pointed people to more, I’ve done the same. People here can dig in and figure out easy enough who is full of BS and isn’t.
Anonymous, Shane,
Attitude is everything! It doesn’t matter the circumstances, the people, the surroundings. I dare say the difference between surviving and not surviving has to do a lot with attitude. Preparation, training, motivation, resources all help, but attitude is everything! There is a difference between the two of you regarding attitude and as much as I appreciate what you say, I have chosen sides because of attitude.
Louisiana Eagle
So all of this means war. And there are no winners from nuclear war. You have to remember that the atomic bombs we dropped on Japan, these are minuscule compared to hydrogen bombs. A nuclear warhead today is something like 17,000 times more powerful than the atomic bombs we dropped on Japan. So it only takes a few of them and there is nobody left.
more lies, let me see your facts
Snippet from The Good News About Nuclear Destruction…
What possible ‘good news’ could there ever be about nuclear destruction coming to America, whether it is Dirty Bombs, Terrorist Nukes, or ICBM’s from afar?
In a word, they are all survivable for the vast majority of American families, IF they know what to do beforehand and have made even the most modest of preparations.
Tragically, though, most Americans today won’t give much credence to this good news, much less seek out such vital life-saving instruction, as they have been jaded by our culture’s pervasive myths of nuclear un-survivability.
Most people think that if nukes go off then everybody is going to die, or it’ll be so bad they’ll wish they had. That’s why you hear such absurd comments as; “If it happens, I hope I’m at ground zero and go quickly.”
This defeatist attitude was born as the disarmament movement ridiculed any competing alternatives to their ban-the-bomb agenda, like Civil Defense. The activists wanted all to think there was no surviving any nukes, disarmament was your only hope. The sound Civil Defense strategies of the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s have been derided as being largely ineffective, or at worst a cruel joke. Since the supposed end of the Cold War in the 80’s, most Americans saw neither a need to prepare, nor believed that preparation would do any good. Today, with growing prospects of nuclear terrorism, and nuclear saber rattling from rogue nations, we see emerging among the public either paralyzing fear or irrational denial. People can’t even begin to envision effective preparations for ever surviving a nuclear attack. They think it totally futile, bordering on lunacy, to even try.
Ironically, the disarmament activists legacy, regardless their noble intent, has rendered millions of Americans even more vulnerable to perishing from nukes in the future.
The biggest surprise for most Americans, from the first flash of a nuke being unleashed, is that they will still be here, though ill-equipped to survive for long, if they don’t know what to do, and not do, beforehand from that very first second of the initial flash onward.
Google GoodNewsNuke for the rest of it, and the how to’s, including fascinating examples of survivors of Hiroshima who later saved many in Nagasaki by teaching them what they’d learned from the Hiroshima bomb.
a panel of distinguished scientists to examine the effects of a limited …
Scientists warn of nuclear war’s dire effects – SFGate…/Scientists-warn-of-nuclear-war-s-dire-effects...
With India and Pakistan both holding arsenals of nuclear weapons, and the two nations locked in seemingly endless hostility over disputed Kashmir, a team of U.S …
“SCIENTISTS WARN OF NUCLEAR WAR’S DIRE EFFECTS”– check it out, look it up, wonder no more.
Signup Morning Report
With India and Pakistan both holding arsenals of nuclear weapons, and the two nations locked in seemingly endless hostility over disputed Kashmir, a team of U.S. experts warns that even a limited nuclear war between them could cause a near-global threat to the Earth’s atmosphere and the human life it protects.
An exchange of even small-scale atomic bomb attacks by the two nations, the experts say, would create a vast hole in the layer of ozone that fills the upper atmosphere and protects life below from damaging – even deadly – ultraviolet radiation.
The scientists, reporting Monday in the online edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, calculate that a nuclear war between the two countries involving about 50 relatively small nuclear warheads, each with the power of the Hiroshima bomb, would touch off violent chemical reactions in the stratosphere. Up to three-quarters of the ozone above the Earth’s far northern latitudes and up to 40 percent above nations in the mid-latitudes, where most of the world’s population lives, would be destroyed.
KJU could be taken out with a precision strike. No need to start a nuclear war.
scientists began to consider the effects of smoke and soot …
Bulletin 5 of the Atomic Scientists
Scientists IT IS 5 MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT ® Feature Self-assured destruction: The climate impacts of nuclear war … effects of a regional war would be con-
just more global warming lies
from LIVESCIENCE– 2014
Today, with the United States the only standing superpower, nuclear winter might seem a distant threat. Still, nuclear war remains a very real threat; for instance, between developing-world nuclear powers such as India and Pakistan.
To see what effects such a regional nuclear conflict might have on climate, scientists modeled a war between India and Pakistan involving 100 Hiroshima-level bombs, each packing the equivalent of 15,000 tons of TNT — just a small fraction of the world’s current nuclear arsenal. They simulated interactions within and between the atmosphere, ocean, land and sea ice components of the Earth’s climate system.
Scientists found the effects of such a war could be catastrophic.
“Most people would be surprised to know that even a very small regional nuclear war on the other side of the planet could disrupt global climate for at least a decade and wipe out the ozone layer for a decade,” study lead author Michael Mills, an atmospheric scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Colorado, told Live Science.
The researchers predicted the resulting firestorms would kick up about 5.5 million tons (5 million metric tons) of black carbon high into the atmosphere. This ash would absorb incoming solar heat, cooling the surface below.
The simulations hint that after such a war, global average surface temperatures would drop suddenly by about 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit (1.5 degrees Celsius), their lowest levels in more than 1,000 years. In some places, temperatures would get significantly colder — most of North America, Asia, Europe and the Middle East would experience winters that
“…just a small fraction of the world’s current nuclear arsenal. They simulated interactions within and between the atmosphere, ocean, land and sea ice components of the Earth’s climate system.
Scientists found the effects of such a war could be catastrophic.
“Most people would be surprised to know that even a very small regional nuclear war on the other side of the planet could disrupt global climate for at least a decade and wipe out the ozone layer for a decade,” study lead author Michael Mills, an atmospheric scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Colorado, told Live Science.
5 minutes til midnight– fox news– 2017: CHECK IT OUT
You both need to provide links to all thie
… this …
More click-bait hysteria-mongering…
NK can’t hit the Western US, let alone anything further inland. And there is still zero evidence they can put a nuke warhead in their missiles. Also zero evidence of EMP capability which requires six nukes carefully spaced at the right altitude over the entire US.
What you need to worry about is Trump starting a war with NK, then having to confront China which actually DOES have nukes (200 of them) that can reach US major cities.
For more refutation of Nuclear Winter, go read Nuclear War Survival Skills, down in the Myths & Facts section there. Easily googled if you don’t have a copy, which all should.
You both need to provide links to all this
Posts with links can be held up for many hours awaiting moderator approval, or I would have.
Then do as Ky Mom does, post a seperate sub-reply. Please
It will go thru, just takes time.
That’s the ticket, thanks!
You posted at 2:23, 2:53, 2:57, 2:58, 3:08, 3:09, 3:10, 3:12, 3:20, 3:27, 3:38, and 3:43….The screen can’t hold all of your commments.
Get a life. Make your point, and then shut the fuck up and allow others to decide.
All day long on your fucking point. Shut up, and move on to the next topic…your life doesn’t depend on this one. Get a life.
Fuck You,
Anonymous II
A-2 No, there are three posters here on shtf using Anonymous. I would know as I am 1 of the 3 posters here using Anonymous.
What’s the matter? Afraid of getting finger cramps having to scroll too much?
At least, they are not being told to “Duck and cover!”. It is the nuclear war SHTF scenario that I dread the most. Being unable to be sure where the missiles are aimed at, you can’t run to somewhere safer.
Actually, it’d be very good, and many would be saved, if all were taught again to ‘duck & cover’ immediately upon any surprise bright flash.
For a typical military sized nuke (100kt-500kt) there’s up to 15 times more people outside the ground zero area of total, un-survivable, destruction, but still at risk in blast zone further out.
The shock/blast wave will be delayed arriving there, after the flash, by 5-20 seconds. Delay is like lightening and thunder. When it arrives it’ll be like a 3 second tornado blast, more intense up close, less so farther away.
Without ‘duck & cover’ training, all your children at school, people at work, and everyone at home, will impulsively rush to the nearest windows to see what that bright flash was across town. Most will get there just in time to be shredded by that delayed, tornado strength, blast wave. They should have all ‘duck & covered’ instead.
Some who’d survived Nagasaki were instructed by survivors of Hiroshima that evacuated there who’d told them many had died needlessly by racing to nearest windows or outside to see what the bright flash was, just in time to be shredded by the delayed blast wave. No Nagasaki police died in initial blast from just such a warning beforehand.
Those documented stories, and much more, can be seen at ‘Physicians for Civil Defense’ article I’d written. Link to it is above in another of my posts, or google GOODNEWSNUKE
southside, China has already stated that they will side with NK if the US fires first. I ask you would you want to go to war with our manufacturing base?
if kalifornia was nuked, many dimokrat voters would be vaporized. Just saying.
This is a little out of my league, but if there are volcanoes about to erupt now… couldn’t those bomb vibrations rattle earth enough to trigger more explosions?
I know nothing about bombs. For all I know, it could knock the earth off it’s axis and everyone on earth would fall off the merry-go-round, and vaporize people like Kim, Alinsky, Hitlery, Soros, Hollyweird and all the other communist NWO satanists. /s ( I know…..I can dream can’t I? )
Completely wrong! China owns Long Beach and the deep port docks and the freight unloading infrastructure! Not to mention all of the Chinese nationals, politicos and military people in the vicinity! Come on! Put all of the factors into the equation! North Korea is China’s pawn on the global chessboard. China knows that if that dog-eating dipstick actually attacked us, that we would have no choice but to surgically remove him. Then the people waiting for that to happen would take power and then China would stand to lose their puppet-state. THAT’S when the SHTF. It’s Korean War II with the Chinese, along with a naval war with them, to boot.
North Korea’s target will either be military or a Capitalist standout type location with financial infrastructure. However, my personal money is on their satellite EMP sneak attack. But seriously, don’t hold your breath. Jung-Dim-Wit is just a yapping dog on a looonng leash.
If NK can “light up” a dozen Chinese and/or Russian cities +and+ somehow get China and Russia to believe that the US was responsible, then I’d worry, but only worry after NK actually pulls it off. I don’t worry about WWIII.
You should be DEAD WORRIED!
The nukes… that will be only the introduction to what will follow.
There is 100% complacency that the US will terminate the NK nuclear threat. That alone would/should scare the hell out of anyone still sane in the head.
100% complacency???? Did you read the postings here?
We’ve got confirmation bias, approval, denial, normalcy bias and a slew of other thought crimes happening.
Only thing I worry about is dying of old age and you should be, too.
You are 91, right?
Most here are still sane, Bobane. Although I’m not sure about ghandi. And a couple of those anonymous-es.
Oh, and instead of being cryptic as usual, why not tell us of those other things to follow after nukes. Skip the fallout and radiation and get right to the weapons.
moderation again, for that? 8:44 AM Eastern.
Listen to Efrain Rodriguez, rev. from Puerto Rico, if you want to know more.
He was shown/told the future many years ago.
He is not insane as some MSM writers want us to think.
What he was shown corresponds exactly to what some smart scholar-masons know.
Doubt if you’ll see this but Efrain R. is another religious fraud.
They already know the asteroid.
‘99942 Apophis’. It’s a 325m (1000ft) rock!
How do I know this?
It’s public domain and a lot of my free time doing research.
I have NO privileged access to info.
But you can certainly ignore this because it’s only my opinion/conclusion.
However, this will look like a walk in the park if compared to what will happen to CONUS.
Anyone who deliberately chooses to ignore DEAGEL.COM population forecast for the year 2025 will be part of the statistics, it will be a horrible way to die!
KJU is being used. He is happy to play the role of bullied victim. Setting a trap.
KJU is being used. He is happy to play the role of bullied victim. Setting a trap for Russia and China.
Seems atomic ,hydrogen,cobalt bombs are old school? Nutron bombs seem the only win win for the , I inherited a lot of money crowd? No blast no radiation . Pure depopulation. And they keep their real estate. Just a question of do they have enough neutrons to get the job done?
Picked up an improved gi duffle bag on fleabay. The guy selling it claimed it was used but it’s brand spanking new paid $31 shipped free what a deal. This thing blows away the old top loading bags though I have one of those and like it too. The improved bag has a beefy nylon ykk zipper that runs the length like a traditional gym duffle bag. Has 4 straps that buckle over the zipper so if zipper failed it would still function although I doubt the zipper will fail. It has handles so you can carry it like gym bag on side it has backpack straps for if you need hands free. You could fit your 18 inch length ar carbine inside. The bag drops quickly off the shoulders if you gotta dump it in a hurry. These are selling for $40 on fleabay they are worth more than that IMO. bring the top loading duffle folded up with a few contractor bags to line it with and you can use that to haul water or deer meat to your camp or foraged stuff sky’s the limit with these bags. There is no better bargain out there.
Seems 9 mm and 40 sw hollow points are not available? Not a good thing? Temporary or is the door shut? The poor foolish virgens. The greatest fear. Running out of bullets?
The North Korean leader is sampling to much of that countries export and is off his rockers!
Kim Jong-un’s drug kingdom: North Koreans using narcotics as … › News › Latest News Jan 14, 2017 – NORTH Korea’s drug business is so proficient that even the locals are getting hooked, an elite defector has revealed.
Another drug fuel leader was Hitler but he didn’t have nukes.
It is time that ALL politician are tested for drugs on a regular basis!
Never happen !!! China would be mad.
Never happen China would be mad.
LOL NK that little fat boy.
That little crack boy lead a nation full of crackheads.
Never will happen!!!
Kim Jong doesn’t need nukes. Just figure out how to shut down the EBT system, and Kalifornia will destroy itself.
Our true enemy resides at 1000 Colonial Farm Road in McLean near Langley Virginia. Scatter them to the wind then we will enjoy a peace dividend. Remember that it is your freedom you see evaporating in the heat waves rising from their data centers. Everything else is diversion…everything. You eliminate shadows by shining a light.
We’re doomed gonna get some body bags.
Too much invested in the fake war on terror for the perps to back off. No real response by the American people that is not ignored, sure people oppose the direction our country is moving but not enough to even make a purposeful scratch to make a difference. Increasing terrorist attacks provided by everybody knows who. The investigations of these incidents go nowhere. Orlando no further investigation, Boston no further investigation, what happened to the Tsarnaev brother who was not allowed to testify in his own defence? Also his friend in Orlando who knew too much and was murdered in his home by federal agents. Sandyhook? So false flag terror is the present and the future. These and other incidents are washed away by the msm awaiting more like events sure to come to ramp up the fear. Worldwide terror the obvious plan.
9-11 investigative panel just happened with speakers having handlers in case they veered off of acceptable discussion. Even after the New York Times and Time magazine wrote doubts calling the official account bogus. You mean people still believe 19 Arabs with boxcutters brought down the WTC? The passing of time will not allow the truth to be hidden from those who deny the obvious.
This hysteria will lead to a call for more military spending in the anti-missile defense system program.
But do they work?
Will be a bad day to find out there is a flaw in the program or if it was hacked.
Cold War repeat.
Most Americans don’t even know the Korean War happened but the North koreans, in some ways, are stuck in 1953. Mental time Warp(MTW). I know Mexicans resent the Mexican American War and the loss of what was once some of the best Mexican lands. This is distubing to think about because of so many Mexican immigrants. Justice for Mexico in out future?
Brian, didn’t the Mexicans take all that land from the Indian natives that originally lived there?
Those Mexicans are mostly a mixture of Yauki indian and Spanish. and are Messeginated with those who come up thru the panama zone. The Spanish invaded and killed the natives. converted them to cathloics. Now I actually admire those hard working little brown folks. They are smart one 100 pound worker can and if willing out work any 4 American of any race. I am going to encourage my grandsons to find Mexican wives. The white race is headed to extinction. So I would rather my Great grandchildren be Catholic and of north and south American decent than mudslime. My grandchildren aint pure white any way. My wife is 1/4 native American. She gets Chocktaw from her mother and Cherokee from her daddy. Also she had a lot of Welsh ancestors. So what if the predominate language in the USA becomes Spanish? We do not have any national language and I think that’s a good thing. We also don’t have a national Religion and I think that’s a very good thing.
North Korea will be vaporized, everything, if they were stupid enough to do it. The South could have a nuclear weapon inside of 2 years if they wanted one, as could Japan. We should not prevent it, on the contrary, we should assist it.
Then let the smart ass Chinese and Russians chew on that; a nuclear armed Japan and R.O.K., maybe even Taiwan too.
In the meantime, here at home, start digging in, everybody, everywhere, and stockpile emergency supplies and food, water, ammunition. Be prepared.
Wouldn’t the North Korean “engineers” have to come up with some guidance system beyond “that looks like it is pointed I the right direction”?
None other their launches appear to have made any corrections after leaving the ground. They always continue in the direction they are pointed. They would have as much success with a slingshot without some type of guidance and targeting controls.
Well, even if they manage to get a ICBM far enough over the US mainland, they can devastate us with an EMP. Doesn’t have to be to accurate…….
CA is obviously a lost cause already. Seriously, Why would North Korea nuke people just like them?? Wouldn’t they nuke a much more “conservative”, real American state like TX? Hell, I’m surprised Moon Unit governor Brown hasn’t invited Kim over for lunch or dinner to discuss a possible trade agreement, LOL…….
North Korea fear porn brought to you by the swamp. Time to kill the swamp. Worked with 9/11
How anybody can believe anything from D.C. Is beyond me. If Kim fatty fat could figure a way to take out CA just CA I would support him what a shithole.
Calif the Pacific and the entire west coast is slowly being Poisoned by the Melting Nukes in Japan. Anyone too stupid & pig headed to leave needs culling anyhow. Just like Florida and Houston ect. That will flood again. Pack up and leave. get at least someplace with 650 ft of elevation. away from lakes and rivers. And you never have to worry about flooding again. All we gotta do is pack up and leave south Korea tell Russia and China North and South Korea’s are now your responsibility.
Well, i am up at 1,557 ft above sea level and maybe 60 miles from Lake Erie. Hope i’m ok. Just got little streams and brooks around me. Lots of underground water, and rock underground, but am on a Fault line that goes from Buffalo NY to my area Batavia, NY. I read that underground rock is better than sand.
Nothing will ever happen. Not here and not in NK.
If California got hit by nuclear bombs, it wouldn’t;t be the most thing. They have the largest # of illegals, and they have a bunch of fruitcakes in California government, so….bah bye! C ya! Wouldn’t want to be ya!
Yeah, who cares about the Left Communists in California, but don’t we get a lot of our food from there? And from Mexico? Don’t we need those area’s for the food?
There ARE many good people in California! Don’t judge an entire state by the liberal freaks in the major cities and our mentally disturbed officials in government! Where I live in Central Calif. there are mostly ranchers and farmers, most of whom are Conservative, pro 2nd Amendment, God fearing, patriotic, hard working, honest people. We are however, overrun with illegals and now Brown is going to open the doors for even more to come since they intend on making our entire state a sanctuary for them. Many of us would leave the state if we could, and many already have, but it is just not an option for all of us for various reasons. So please don’t judge all Californians! There are a lot of good folks here.
Meanwhile, Californians are busy making up their new protest signs and songs. While protestors starting at 8 am will carry signs demanding THADD interceptors be installed. The protestors starting after lunch, at 1 pm, will be carrying signs about the pending secession from the US.
Sorry guys. You can’t have it both ways. Either you suck it up and stay in the union and act like civilized people and support the no sanctuary movement, or you leave and then defend yourself. Oh, buy the way, if you do secede, and if the little fat guy with a bad hair cut does launch and hit Long Beach, Hollywood (preferred target) and Sacramento, don’t ask for US tax dollars to fix your mess.